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<br />I <br />83-00i1f)30 <br /> <br />(l) month prior to Its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium In order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act. as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as saId note of even date and this lIlstrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge /in /it.'U oj' a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (l/l2) of ooe.half (1/2) per cenlum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed withuut taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, If any, next due. plus the premiums that wiH next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property {all as ('srimalell bv Ehe MortgQKee} les.s aU sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />Humber (If months to dapse before one month pnor In the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments wH1 become Llelulqu-t'f1C SOdl sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums. taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two prccedmg ~ubsecrit)ns of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be atidt'd tu!-*'thcr. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month 1.'1 J: s.ingJe payment to be applied by the Mortgagee 10 the following items m the llrder set forth: <br /> <br />0) premlUH-i rh.arges under the ,,'OIHr;:H;'t of m'S.UHUlCc with rh~' Sel.'retary 1)1" H\) and Urban Development. <br />Of momhly (harge (in heu ,i! mllrtgagc lnrura"i'l~ premIUm!. as. the i.'-ase may 1)(': <br />IllJ ground lents. taxes.. a5S!.~).sm('nf<;. lif!.' :wd uther halard insurance premIUms: <br />flU) rnterest on the nore secur~J hcrt~by, :1Od <br />(IV) amortilJtwn (it the pnnClpal ,-If s,ald tH.H\.' <br />"\ny I,kfi(tency m the :H11Uunt '.It jny ~ud] J.ggrcgau: rnumhlv payment shalL unless mad~ good by the Mort~ <br />gagor pnor to the due date or' tht~ next \u\.-h i'"JS!1H,'ld, ..'"n<iUHHc- an l'vent uf default under this mortgage. The- <br />~to-rtgagec rnay \.-IJliC(.'l d "lJ.u ,jlJrge" nut !u <.::\.:.:ed I,],,, ...t:nts 14:1) fm l?a~h dollar (51) of each payment more <br />than fiftcocn (t 5) L;;';!'~ to arre:us It) Cdver the eXH~i expt'nse involved ill handling. delinquent payments. <br /> <br />,1, I hal if lhfl lMat of lht> paym~'nt.... madt-' h~ It", 'lortg-au:or undC'f ' j)r para.l!raph '1. fne<'(~ding ,...,hall (lx('(>ed <br />i,ht-., amount uf paym~"flL'" .H'lUa-H)- I'NU.i.> b~ tht'> \lortgil,i!t't. for ur-oul1d ft)nt.~. taxe~ and as~e~~lUent:s or in~urat1(,'e pre- <br />mium:-,~ U;oo. lhe t'a~~t> ma.\ hf>, .....uch t:XCCS!'J., if tnt. hMI1 I~ nlITt'flL J{ tht, optioHl)f the Mongagor. shaH be credited b) <br />dw \10r[~a,lll:>t. t.n "'ub~.t~ut-'"t Pll\ mt'lU.:"- u) bo_' mad.. In ilw \lurtgagor. lit. rt.fundNJ tn till' \tortgag,or. If, how(>\,er. the <br />monthly ~Hl~'nwnL":' made b~~ lhe \ton~<u~Uf under < III p-..uli~r;,lph :: pr('c{~hn!l ...hail not be sufficient to pH:' ground <br />wnt! tax('~ and ,L";"'('t"',;.;.mt.'nL- lif lU~u-r,uu't' prt.'milim"', .t~ ltH' Cl.;.(-' mll~ tw. \~h('n rlw ;' ""hall b(>(~ome du(-' and pal' <br />a.ble_ thf'o tht' \foTtgaunr ,,-hall p<t~ to the> \1ort~a~t't' ;lIl~ .HtlllUIH fH'('f'."'~ar: 10 maht' up !hp ddifiPtH.'Y. un or before <br />th(4 datA.> t\'hi"tt pi1~mpnl nf "'u(.h gmund n'nt~. ta't'-, J....:"~.....,.."ll'fH_.. ,'.f 111:",uram:I.' pn'miu",:-, ~hlllllw <luP. If at any <br />l!mt~ tlw \ton~lJ1lot ",hall tt~ndl'r tu lht> \1urqZ~ilt.'i'" In ;HTordaJ:ln' \\-llh ttlt" uro\I.-.;ll.Jn~ of th\' HOl(> ....:,,('ur~d hereb,. <br />full pa,"'mf'ot of Ih(~ t'OlH't. If!{h'htptjn~''''' rpprt>..,pnh,d lfwrt'h\, itw \~Ht?!'4l~:C' ....halL ill n~mpulin~ t1w umount of ~lJl'h <br />111debt~s,... cred.u w rhe ~h:('ount 01 dR' \ti:~nga~nr ,ill p,}ynH..'fH~ m;'kk under the pn".t,wo, of l{lj nt p.tra~raph :: <br />hNt'Of whil'h tht~ \lclrtJ!agN' h;l.-.'" not hN'Hmp ;~h!igah'd tn fl<l\- to till' ~'('Fl.'tan 01 lIou...:tn!!. and t 'rban lk,,'dopmt~nt <br />;mo an~ haJan<'." H"-I!llUOlntt In the fund..... :1f'nimulatNJ unliN the pm''''''',lOn..; of! i,j of p:ifa~raph ;! ht'n:"oL If tlwrp <br />'"haH bt';1 u('lauh und{'f' ~un IIf Lfw P"HI"lUI1:-;d nu:- murt:!';<ll!t' n':->ulllng i1l ,I puhlit, ~iih' of l-tw pfl>ml:-<t'~ {'on~r{'d <br />hen;.h~<. \)f If tilt' \1()rtgajLt'~. aUfUlfp",. till:' pruf)..'r-n odlN\\''''" ctltH" ,'iPfauic Ow \luft!-!u.gPt> :,-.ha.11 appl~, at tlH' timt~ uf <br />tht, UJmmt'rUprtH'nt 'II' ....Udl PffH.'t'1,duli!:". I.f a[ !hl' tim!' ,hp prHpt.rt~ \-. .;ttH'n\I~., an.lulrt.(l. Iht' halilIlt'p lh(,11 !'l'main. <br />IOJ! in tIlt' fund::-- an-umuiau'd volt.., t~! p;j,ra~raph ;~ prpn<tlm.u, .;.- .~ t'ff'dll ,t~.Hn-.t thl' ;~mIlUlll (II prinnpal lhpo <br />tt:"malnm~ unp.ud undN '-.ajd pnlt', .md -J-ull fJnljlt>th ,td!u-; ~un p~l\ mt"lll.- ~\ hit h ..:hall i);1\ t' h.,ton madt> undN i ,J i <br />\)f par~raph '!. <br />~ f1~~1 lh{.' \1(}rl~Jlt'lf 1A'111 fI,\\ .l:f'~Hild 'c-nt". t~,,-~~. ",,~("..m('nl" \-\~lcr 1.=1...... ,.nd \)lher !-,\nelnmt'fltal IH I1lunlt.:lpai <br />\"tw.r~c:,>. fine.." ,If nnpH\lthlO', f'il ,,,hh.h Pfjl'!'-IOll h,l...nol "t'("n !Haue !1crClnht'f()ft:, d!l\.t lf1 ~kLllljllht.tC'\d [~h." \1ong<lgel' rna\-' <br />p.;l\ the " .lad that (he .\-tt~ft1;A~..~ \;!>iH pwmpl!\- ..kl1'.-Cf rtlt' t1tlkl;t! t"..t'lpt", ~hclt:fl1r 10 th~ \1t\r1~a}lt:'(' <br />" fhe \hlflg~l1r ~jjj pa~ ,di t.~.\t'" ....tH\.,h H\..:!\ ht: h:\II;"J UP'IO Ihe \1onga~f.'e ... mlere'\l In "'~mi reltl Oldtt: ,md imprp\,C- <br />iHent~. ;10\1 "hlch JnJ\ he- k'\ Icd ,ll'<\'n inl' llltlrl~~ijott. ,.{ the ~kt->I ..e..ured heft"b" iPut llnl\ I\i Ihe t'\ll'nllhal -.U\:h j, Ilul pwhihil- <br />e-d ~\ I.i" and l)uh ;" 1m: c\!oJ! l~;d ~,h:h ....;if !l-(!f rl!:i~"" ,hI" j,>,m ll.,Ufh\O"J, bin !",duJmg 'ln~ Hl\:tl!H(' !;I'\, '\t;!It' \i( h.'Jeral. <br />llTtfW~(,O {In M\)fl~~e~. .lnJ \\ d! hit' the ,.In" t;~j 't-.\ I(lj:'{ ,h.h-\ lil~ "th h P.l\ l1lt'nt v.lIh tht' \h\!l,g~j~ce !' pnn \ Illj;1ti\\rl i.1f rhl" umkr- <br />t;I"I!1~, \If If the \ttlrtf;M~t"f b r1dHhllt'J h .ill" i.i\'\ no..\- \If h~fe,irlc'f [,'\hltn.!llll~l11 r~t\'lru[ tht' whpk III ,'to\' pl1rti\\O 01' Ihl: ,ifllft'- <br />'>.ud I.He". l'f UptHI th(" rl'lhkfln~ >,t .II" ..>'lHI de.; fn' l'f\.hIPHln~ lhc p.l\mt'1l1 P\. ihl;" .\hlll!t~i~llf Pf ~lf1\ "ul..'h t:I\\:.''\, \If If \th.:h b\~ <br />'if .dt'~rc'C' Ph''.-lt.k\ th;,\! .Hl\ .:Olnunl ..~, l'dlJ h the \hH!gi~i.\1' "h,lI; h~ ,,:,,'tlHc.J \ji\ lhe" nHlllgagt' Jd'f. Ihc 'h1rlga~ce- ,,!Ifj!l ha\c <br />!he ng:hf It\ ~i\'t' OHl('l\ J.l\\ \Hltkl\ !llllh.l"!l\ lht' p\\nef ','I [hi" nH\llg~t~C'd prt'nH....t.~, It'yUlfillJ;: lill;' p<i\m~:nt llf the nh1Ilga,jtc- <br />..tent 3f ..u~h f\\)f1.:C' ~ ~l\t:n, th~ "',ud Jef,l ..h~lH 1X"\-\,1-0/(' ..:t1C'. pa\.:lHe ~\nJ!!t.'\'lIhit;..!1 thl' \:.'-\ptr,iIIOO \\t "-<-lId nmel.... d.l\... <br />&. fhal \htJulJ he:' LlIt [(' pa~ ..d~" "um \,r io.t.~l;p ,ill! ;, ;)',l"l "~11 rtl1LtJcJ !>If IH ihl' \h'rt~~t~C'. then the \tllng;\llt~c. ;!l I" or. <br />Utm. may P:l'j lH rerfnfUl ihC' ..a me . JO\I ;l.ll ("f\CnJlfU!('" ",,', m..J... ....h;iH be .ll,iJl"'J tl\ the rriOt'lp.t1 :<-lun (P,\ lUg "Ill IhC' ,lbu\ t' [\ntl:', <br />"halt he \-et.'ure-d her.d"" ,mtl ...h~\H ~df lIlh"f~~l dt the u!t' ..~! !.,Inh Hl fflt' "tj<J nnlt;', untiJ p;uJ <br />':' fhal be herch~ iJ.""J~o~. tram.fer::. .tHO ":;;'h \l\'l:r k' !he \h}n~~gec, hI f,~ olpphfd 1O",~fJ th~ p'-l~mcnl oj the l'"lh: ;H1t! ,Ill <br />'oHm~ s.-c(ureJ hcreb)-' in ....~l...e uf ;i. Jef:ault HI the ped,'nnuHI..:< ~lf ;ifI)- ",[ the INnh and ......mJHioH:-. IIi tIll'... \-h.nll<igc df lhe- '~IIJ <br />not€', ;.iH the fc-nh, !('Ioenue<, .i110 m\,:,,-~mc !~, r.e Je6,,~'-J frnm tht: mortll'It;!t'd prtrni..-e-., JurlH!l...\H.:n !Hn~ ;1'> rht' !ll..\rt~aJ.!e indebted <br />ne:s~ ~tnt:11 refll,:un unpaId. and thr \1mtga!tct:' ...hal! hj\'(' f~\V.H'[ III dPfli.Hnl ,In\ .l.~Cltl nr ;-l..~t'nh ,1 m;I\' dt.:'H(" for lli\' purr"'''',' ,d <br />rCp.Alrina ~ rf(,"lI~" ~md vi n:-nun.,1l. the ..ante ,illJ (\.l-ih..\..t1n~ the ft'nh. fe\~nu.;:-. .1nJ Inl:olllt., ,!fltl If m;l\ 1':1\ "U1 jjf ..;uJ lll~ <br />cume~ aH e.lJ:-"Cn!tC.) uf ft"P3-iri", YltJ prC-mf~C~ :.1O(,j ne...:e~8df) ..:omnH~"lOn... and t'.\rcn"c~ HKurn::d in fentlng. and n\ilfl<iging tilt' <br />~11k anu \.)f (.ulie(tmg Jcnt"!~ theft'twm; !ht.' t--";1!alKt-' f-cm~nllnll-, if dn;. h' t't" .,;.ppiieJ hl\-\,ud the Ji....('har~t' nf \aid mort~age <br />Hldcht<<.ine~' <br />S- ThaJ he 'o'--tU "'('.('fl the Hnprl.h('menl'i. nv\>, t.'\t.'\Hng O! fJerc-idtcr t.'f~(tt:J ill) iht.' !nl)nga~t'd ptJ)f'(,rl\ l!'I"'HH..'d ;,' 01:1\ h: <br />r-equn-nl frtlm tl1t!e !>,.l mtle r-~ !he \tortg;:tgt;t" ~1f:d-tl1:"'! h)~\ h,,; tIre <Int.! olhel h;u~rth. ,..:;...u~ltll'''' ,m:.f \..','n[tn~cnctc.. in 'dH.:1l <br />~dllf)Unl~ i'.l-no fur !i-Ul.:h penod)- .-1' may t>< requir('~ P}' the M\,rt~agt:t" 'fno "'.-Ill r~l) pfl1m{lth.. \~ ht.'fl Jue. :\11\ rr~lJlIIHII-" ,'n "ih.h <br />1[t$Urd.,;C' rf-Q"i~on for pa)'ment 01 \\ohk.:n ha~ l1t):l t.ecn rna-J~ nerelnt\CfL'lfe. :\H lfl!>.Ufiint.:c ,hall he ;, .,rned In t l'lnr.1lHl:' .lp <br />pru.....ea tT)' the Mt.:~npgeft ",nu the tx.lhcit'~ ~tW !'e'i'1e\\a!' theltHt \Iliill t'<(. held h !he Murtga!ict ,~nti h;:l'.'" ,Hla<.:hcJ th'en,'ll! ll!~" <br />p.lS)uhk ';J.,;Ui$C-S m ra....Of t)f 3:1W in form 3cl't'p(abl-e h) the \fl)uJlagt.'c in e'ent .If !ll..., '\hln~i.lj;hir ~\III ~I\.t' HnmeJlalt' nl'lh.i: D\ <br />mail to- the ."hm.~. ...."ho m-ij:; makt" pnhlf pf .u",... If f'tnl matJe pf;Jmptl~' by \hirt,lt;~1.tzVf, .l\h.J t',l.dl lH'HfMlt..:C ..'\!fllp.Hl~ uHI' <br />-.::crne.d llJ. b<<-eby authonu-d and dlrt,:lrJ h) mttkc ra,~Ulent hH 'ou\.'h Ii.s", ~:hre...:II) h.llh( ~1Uft~liJl:C-C IO-.,h.'dd ~)t h.\ th'c ;\h.rt~; <br />Mld ,be \fmlp,j.-t(' jOltltl~, ;jnJ tnt mMH~UKe rn,)(('t'ioh, i.1t il.n\ parI ther('()f, m-a} he .i.PI'IIl:J h ttlt' \f,,}ng~l~C't' .-;1 11'1 ;,lPt!\lfT t'Jlnt"f <br />In the rNutt.KHh-.t the: jflil.kNed:Mn hine-b-) s'C'l.:mw or w the 1't..~lumhoo nr reran t,f lht rr..pcr!\. tl.alllJ:!l-t'd, In e\'elll pf fl)f\,~\.'k' <br />"",ute ~>l fM mott&aa. or ()fMr tnuuftr (it tiHc W lbe lTh..lft~Cl.i f!f(tpefty U1 t:~t)n~~Ul,hfll-ent cd Ihe Jiltit"Ne-dnt'''" "t>(Ul(,,;! hl,':d'\. <br />~i '1iht~ Ift)e..nd In.tern! v-f the MurfPfl--,.r to ~nd to any HhUlan(e pt._.b('ic'.'. lhen m L,r~l: ,h~dl j"a"~ hI the ptlr;.'ha,~~r t'! ~J;llll~'(' <br /><; 'rh.:tt :l.~ >lnd 1;\" ~t"-;;;ufity 101 the pa...-ment of the f\(I[(C dr....:tlht>t!. ~;rhj J.U ..\in;.. !i.) h'>..:nl1il" dtlt' l~lhii:>1 thr>., <br />mo-rt~, lh<<- M-('1f1#\\tK~ hcf'th) .ti..\qlu\. h? the MOt'IPj:t:,-e <ili pwhl', {t',>,erltl('",. L.\-&ltl(".... ft~ht'i ~!lltj h(,'lI.:Il!"- ,,~dtll!\i1 '1' !h...' <br />MortPf'{tt ufldt"r ;Ul} ;t!.W:iH nd >1M g-1t,~ !i:a,li,-e-,. PH ~;u\i f'lH.nlJ"-t"'!-. ~...i~h the ught h'> r':l.Ti\<;:: i,fHj 1'C'i,Ortt i\~r the ",JI'Ih: ;!lld ''i'Ph <br />t~ h.t ~.u-4lfwk-ht<<~1<~ a_~ ,.eH Nf,:;((' .H .,hcr U-(' in the i;.\Hkhu,Ul\ i)f ttH'!r lTh'ft)l;J.~(. ,~nd H1( Mdfl~~jl{'e 111;1\ d('m.Hh.i, '~lll' <br />h'il: JJ.M rt'~~}v(', illl} 1>-\fch P::t.~Hl('np, \4,hCll tl,!c: ;uHi p,-,y.ahit. but ~.h.aH !1nt ~ ft>:.ll.ilr~d '.'\ I,) ,j..', llu.. ,-1:'\...I~rHHt'ni h 1<\ k:Hwuh' <br />,;UW ~(Itft'( nufl..nd "'j'.><<J upnfi r-dCil~(" ,.f tb-,.,. nlofiilli,ll->Z <br /> <br />. {i _' ~', q:' ~ .,1 j \.1 (-:1 <br />