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<br />
<br />21','11t~
<br />
<br />
<br />83- 004624
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter descrihed, the undersigned,_Harold Green, Jr. and Delores A. Green ,
<br />, herehy covenant and agree to pay to The First National
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nehraska, or order, the principal sum of
<br />FORTY-SIX TROUS~ AND NO!lOO---------______________________________($ 46.00000 ),
<br />together with interest thereon at l4~ Fer cent per annum from the date hereof,
<br />such sum to he payable on-Eoyemher _~~. Interest shall be payable at maturity
<br />qr~mber 28, 1983
<br />'1
<br />The'q;iginal principal note in the amOunt of FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND AND NO!lOO----------__,
<br />($52:000.00 ) was executed and delivered by the undersigned under the date of
<br />--XPrTIll':- 1980 , to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, and ....as due and payabie on the 8th day of October, 1980 ,together
<br />with interest at.__17% ~_y.n cent pera~;num and s'ecured by Real Estate Mortgage
<br />to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded as Document
<br />1180-006454 & Ex!:. under Docs il8l-D05650;ln the Hortgage Records of Hall County, Nehraska.
<br />#81-002532; #80-006593; #82-000449;-#82-003761; #83-000864 and #83-002620.
<br />The undersigned agreeH to ,Jay such extended balance of principal of FORTY-SIX THOUSAND
<br />fu~ NO/I00 DOLL.\RS-----------(S 46,000.00), together with interest thereon at
<br />14~ ?er ~-=et;-t-p-~r-'ann~m~ s-uch-prin~ipa 1 :md interest to be payable in lawful
<br />money of the nnited States uf .America at The First National Bank or Grand Island,
<br />Grand Island, :ie-braska.
<br />
<br />All of the cOVt.,:uants and ;igreements in such origi,nal. note and the Real Estate Nortgage
<br />.above-described J orher than hert::~inbefore r.l.odi f ied, sh<J.l1 be and remain unchanged and
<br />in full force ant! effect during such extended period. If default be made in payment
<br />of any principal sum~ tlw entir-e principal Hum with interest thereon" shall become
<br />immediately due .:lnd ~';aY.1blt::~ ,it th(~ t:+lect ion :..)f Ul(.~ legal. holder thereof.
<br />
<br />in. further consider-3tlou uf s-u\.:ft ~~xtcnBion (If lime ot payment of such indebtedness,
<br />I hereby rO-tify -and ~:<...-::1f i rm ~iuch ::;}ortgage t'ec0rded as Document if80-006454
<br />in Real Estate NQrt ~afl.~ ~-t'.curds of Hall. ._ _ .' . ,(;O~~;-i:y-~--'-'- Neb-r-aska ~~~~:---;s
<br />th~ first mortgage 1 ier. upon the rc--;.T;~r-(~?e-rt~:-"rl-t:';-~r i bed th;r~dll~--a;urthe- who~ie-of
<br />
<br />~~e ~itl~ ~~~~~t0 ~~
<br />
<br />~;'dEed :-iY me.
<br />
<br />The undersigned eX~-('~l-te:i this Extension Agn:l:"menl -with reference to and on the faith
<br />and c.redit vf their pr("perty 1 -...'htch they no:,.; \.)-<"W-t) or h~l.ve an interest in or- herci:1fter
<br />tM)' acqui re j the expres:; i!~t cnt 1un be in.g t n -elL1 rgc ~tJld t 0 ~on tinue to charge any and
<br />all uf such property .....'ith :-,hc payment ~-d the in-(k'bt~dnest~~ the payment of which i.s
<br />herein extended.
<br />
<br />IN t..HTNESS \'i1!EREOF. the u:ldersi);,ned have hereunto ~.;~t thi..'ir hands this 29th day of
<br />;\UgUS!!-~~L__~__._.._._,__,_ .- ~ "'.-of /~1/------
<br />
<br />~;;~'~73':t llaroTaGreen-;-:rr:-
<br />-L1:.te~~~~::?2:-DeTores'r Green~-
<br />
<br />STATE OE' ._~IlRAS~_
<br />
<br />)ss.
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF__ .~_.__)
<br />
<br />On chis 29th da) uf August, 1983, "e[oce me, the ulluersigned a Notary Public.
<br />in and fOr"--r!ill .'-- County':'per;~';;;,fjy cau", Harold Green, Jr. and Delores A. Green
<br />-----.------."<lr80;.."l1y know<l to :"e to"i:;eth;; iderl-i:lcaGersouswhosc names
<br />are affixed to the -above-and foregoing i:::nen8ion Agreement as makers. and they
<br />a(;,kliov,ledaed said instrument and the execution ~hereof to be their voluntary act and
<br />deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br />
<br />IN TESTH10<<Y Ifflt:REOf, r hav.' hereunto affixed my h,md alld .Jfftdal seill ilt
<br />Gr~2:!l~~ Nebra.!k.~..,._,_. L'n th" day and "ear la~t :1hove written. .....-----......
<br />
<br />. 1 );'1 .,; <i,.J., ~~
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />. 11.i, 01 O\llld$
<br />