<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 004623
<br />
<br />Kenneth B. Knox and ~larilyn M. Knox, Husband and Wife, and Rex E. Carpenter
<br />and .Jonadyne Carpenter, Husband and Wife, whether one or llDre herein called the
<br />Mortgagor, and The Overland National Bank of C'rrand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />herein called the Mortgagee, hereby agree as follows:
<br />
<br />
<br />1. !.brtgagor has executed and delivered to Mortgagee a first real estate
<br />llDrtgage dated August 25, 1981, and recorded August 31, 1981, as dOCtllrent No.
<br />81-004437 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, in consideration
<br />of the Mortgagee's certain pranissory note in the arrount of $160,000.00, which is
<br />a valid subsisting obligation of the I-brtgagor and that payment of the ranainder
<br />of the principal and a....crued interest thereon ,,;ill be due according to the terms
<br />of the aforementioned first real estate m:Jrtgage, rrodified and payable in the following
<br />rmnner:
<br />
<br />A note dated August 25, 1981, on which a balance of $150,282.99
<br />ranains unpaid, will be repaid in rronthly installments.of ~,226.00
<br />CCflI1l?llcinff on The 2''ith day of ~cpternber, 1883, and continuing on
<br />the 25th day of each rronth until August 25, 1984, when the entire
<br />unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest will be fully due
<br />and payable.
<br />
<br />'!be intere.'t rate on the aforemem:ioned note shall be 13.5% fran
<br />August 25, 1983, to mawrity.
<br />
<br />2, All other Terms and conditions in the original first real estate
<br />llDrtgage dated August 25, 1981. shall nmain the SaIlE, and this IIodification
<br />and Extension AgreetlEnt is .m.de a pan n[the original first real estate rrortgage
<br />by reference and ,,'hall inure to all successors and assigns and their heirs.
<br />
<br />Dated this 25th clay of .\tIf,'USt.
<br />
<br />1983.
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<br />. ,;/ ~ '--f:.i '.. / /,
<br />BY_... ,I / .~' .~..:;
<br />'111crnas H. Fau..'>('b, Sr. Exec. Vice President
<br />
<br />SI'ATE OF ~4SKA )
<br />
<br />SS.
<br />
<br />COlNl"Y OF HALL
<br />
<br />
<br />Before '(e. a nota.ry
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<br />[lOd notarial seal on AUlQJSt:25-...~983,
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<br />S'f:A'l'E U{<' NmRASK.4)
<br />COlNl"Y OF HALL
<br />
<br />88.
<br />
<br />Before rre, a. notary public qualified Jor ;,-aid county. personally e<H!lI;1
<br />~ H. Fauscll. ~n to .'IE to be the identical person who "ign~'Cl the fOl~>going
<br />instJUl\E!llt and acIo:l<Nledged the exectuion thereof to be his voluntary act lUld de<c'Cl
<br />and the lIolunt~ act and deed as an oHicer of said~ration.
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