<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />6f Ha 11 County and State of
<br />EIGHT THOUSAND AND 110/100- - - -- - -
<br />lln hand paid. do hereby SELLand CONVEY unto
<br />I RICHARD E.. PITCHER & DIANA R. PITCHER, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />I of Ha 11 County. and State of Nebraska
<br />l'in.ated in Ha 11 County. and St&te of Nebraska
<br />
<br />i Lot Forty Eight (48), Wolfe Subdivision to the City of Grand Island,
<br />I "" ,,"'!y, '''''''0.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />,
<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004615
<br />
<br />
<br />$2Y,....-$ECONO RE"'L EST"'TE MORTGAGE-Tax Clause (Revised 1962)
<br />
<br />The HuffmAn Gt!'neraI Supply Hoase, Lincol>>. Nebi'.
<br />
<br />and Wife
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />I
<br />I The- int~ntwt\ heing fu ('CflVP:\" htCreby an at~')lutf' lith; ift f~ ~llnplt~ indudinr.: all the fi~hts nf home5t.ead and dower.
<br />1 mo~e~/~~~~~~~i~j ~S~?h~~~ ~~r;~;t:~~t,~;x;:::~~P~d~i~l~~i:~{{~:~>v~~':> i~~~~dr;:{n:i:~~:'sl,h:~:iU~}~~~,le!I,~~~~Is ~!~~:o u;:n ~~
<br />1 cx:preM. t'f,md.itkm that if the Mid mt>rtlZ~'1r nr mnrt1(li~,"jN. his. hN pr Hwir }wi~_ t'X('CUt...Jr.~. ~tdmini~trawrs or a.'i.'4ig:ns ..hall pay
<br />I (J-,r C8U.He- to b{. paid to the Wd mortg~t"(> tlf l1lf1rt;;U!;Pl5 and to hi}l.. her 01 thFtr heir':!, {-'X{'l:'utors., administrators or- us.':ri~tl$, the
<br />I.umof Eight Thousand and No/lOO- - - - -($8,000.00)- - - - - - - Dollars. pay.bleasM!uws. to-wit:
<br />1 To be amortized over a period of 15 years. payable in monthly installments of $98.61,
<br />with a balloon payment due an1 payable after 36 months.
<br />
<br />,At P";'L.,
<br />
<br />
<br />E-nw-n-.d ,,11\ mUIWlftcal inditx and flied IUf_ re(';..)td
<br />in W, &,g..t<>r "fo-l. ()ffier, of lillid County lh~
<br />
<br />
<br />; with in.t('f~t the-R"tl-n at. 12~ pc,- cent PN- ;Umam, pa)uble month ly ~-'Y, aet.-"ordin~ to the tellOt .find (>ffl~t DC the
<br />
<br />1 pr-omil'o!!~vry nn~ With in!er",,:s! ,~OUp'_>fl" :;1tta.dw"'1 nJ -wid 1\-IOr-tKIt.gHr~, }".'Hnn~ I'Vl'tl dah- with tht'"!>Oe p~'nt-1'i. and
<br />i MwiU pay aU t.Slrni, anu .-tny i"te~ Hn. m malurin-j!; Hlsttdl.nwnL-li ()I principii!. du-!." nn any prior mort~n~w find U<%W~'ffil~n.ts
<br />j levletl ul~' ~id tt"-aJ c..t,-ile ~nd a.U uUwr t..."l:H'~_ 1.>\'il"'5 .iu,ui ,l.~.'~W~ll.~ lt~vif'(.-l \.If:vn ~hj\"l ml)rtga~t' \..~f i~e not~. whlt'h this
<br />I mo~_t!' 1$ gt\"t~h to ~"UH'. t'*"fOft:' thi. ~anh' l'WIi.-~'ln1t~ d.~H1H"".wtH ant.1 kt"itP tht'- I)Ulldm~$ lltl NiJJd prt'mt;.;;t!"~ mtmr'-'~d for the sum
<br />
<br />i $ 8.000.00 k~, if an)'. p."typ.,hh' to s\wh tif':'1\t murt.ga)\~>('i\I or th.i$ murt~aj;(l""'. <If hoth. tht"n t}w-(#~ pre",_mts be void,
<br />! otht'..~,~ to be and r'f'flliU1l in fuft f1irn-'.
<br />
<br />1 IT IS FllHTHEH ."'GHEEn {I) Th~t ;f th~ :'.uJ mfJrtgngof tihaH fail tu !1ay SillCh laXI~ nnd SUd, intt~n''''f \IU. flf malurin~
<br />\ in:!itaUn\t!'n~ ,)f print:l..~L JUt; \.m -lUly P(luf mt.lr~i{~tfr and pro("u no. !<.uth lIlSUt'<UH.:t'" ttwo thL'i m(Jft~a~e-(' may pay !-Iudl hIXt.~ mul
<br />I ~h inoof't'!ilt on. or luatunty In.ldallm~hhJ ~,( prlucipal. uue on ~llCh pri~)t lJIHrtJ;a.tW and Hn-M.7lUt' "u,-h in:oluram-'t~. ~md tht' sum
<br />i 80 lIdvantf'd With u:\te-f~ .at nillc~ :~r ('1'nt ~httU bot- paid. bY!'iaid mi.1rtJ(;lt}:or. and thi~ nH.lrt~llgl! f<huH :Hand (l~ ~(~'u(ity for- the
<br />'I' lJaIJ.le'. (2) That ~ hlilur-t" .to l:lAY any of stud m{Hu~y. t>lthN p-tinC'~pal ;Jf il,tc~T(~t on thiS nr any ntht~r prior m('rt~tll;t'. wj~n the
<br />I .satlW beo:~ dUt:" or a fatluOf to I..-'(}mpl.-y wlth an)< oS t.he- foft:"f;:omg (lgl't't'-rrUm~. shall ('tW~ tJw whvle Iium of ffil)lWY herein
<br />; ieCUrM to ~ dUt'- and co1krtlbit' on t)-I)Cl:!' at tilt' t1ptiOO "."If Uw morlg-Ngee,
<br />1 IT IS FURTHK-U AGREED That $did mortgagee. pending f(lr~~hJ;;olurt. 1'\( this mortgage and aflcr d(>Cre~ <.Inti pt~nding
<br />! ~,theft'Oft t!l' a~ t~refl'OP1 an,d p"-~nding ute of p-reml$t"l5 ~nrlgag~, may flay SUill. taXt2'#- and maturing i!ltert~sl. (Jf mtuur.
<br />I Ull u_tAI~bi 0{ pritw....pal. rm pnOf mUl'tgagt'$.. pr:ocur-e such m:sunmc~ and ~ is-Unlli shall be add.t~ to tilt:' a1Dt)\lnl-. due on
<br />~ and upon c.~tlon of ule by th" court t)rdt'~ taken out- of p~"<k of ttaie; Of if tt~deenwd during stay, appeal
<br />I w sale. such ~ta <'*.}Uet..'i~ ~tte saIne? a~ ~h it were- a part of 5udJ dN'.fee. -
<br />
<br />
<br />~~f V"f~ .19f5:.
<br />!~<:~
<br />~~A~:~.'.. .~"",.d~..
<br />
<br />t! c ~......... \l. ootlNY<public <(U!l.lified for said cou.nty. personally ""'n~
<br />
<br />'i~~.fD.- .......h> the .....1.ic<U peftIOfI Of 1"''''''''' ..1>0 signed the
<br />.~ I ~......r.... be his, Nt<... tht>ir voluntary ad ~~
<br />
<br />11 I WU-",y lw>d aadaJ:ri<al ;; on. ":gii~
<br />:; Ii M1 ~ ........." , ... ." . H 2.
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