<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />004600
<br />
<br />Hollman and Felton & Wolf. Walton. He. 6846]
<br />
<br />.\LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Rosalie Killham formerly known as Rosalie
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />F. Frederick and Milford Killham, wife and husband, each in her and hi.. ,0'Nn
<br />righ t as spouse of the other
<br />
<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />It <>0n.i<lerAtiounf Fifty-Nine 'Ihousand Nine Hundred Dollars ,and no/100-------($59,900.00}
<br />
<br />rf'C.eivpd f'fom, grant.e-es. does ~rant, bargain, sell cotl'\'ey and l~onfirm unto James David Murray, Jr ~ ,
<br />
<br />and Donna Rozanne MUrray, as husband and wife
<br />
<br />tl'l ioint tenallt.i with right of sur\'i\"orship, l1nd- not- as tenant.-I( III (~ommon, the follo-wing deseribed real property in
<br />Hall ('ounty.
<br />
<br />
<br />,I.......:.. N~A~~~ENTARY
<br />AUG 3 1 1983
<br />:t "O)"Frf
<br />
<br />Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14),
<br />in Block Five (5), in the Original
<br />Town of Cai ro I Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />n rUH~ and to hold the <'tfJO"'" des-\'f'lb,..d prt>mist,'s tf\g'!.tht'r with alJ tenements, hpreditame-nts and appur~
<br />~ tN\a.UC~H therN.t) hd\JH~inil 11l)tn th",' i~T1!nh~(>s and to lhfH' iis..<\igns, or tn th~> lwirs Hnd U1i.8i~u!" of the survivor of
<br />! thf'ttl for~v('r,
<br />Aw.i ~tilut(}r !10M h-t'rt~hy \"'O\'f'!Hwt vnth t ~H~ ~r;t l~!l'I'~ .md with t ht'ir R~sign5 and with the lit.'irs and ass,igns
<br />of tht- ~urvjnlr of ihi"'ttl thAt ::rnHtur 1'.. !awfulh- ",'iM'd of ':'loud pr("mtstls: that t1H')' art?' frt"t' from eut'uutbrance
<br />
<br />except ('asement.s and r-estrict.ions of record
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />that grantor has ~()Qd rtllht a.nt! !~;.wfui ~uthof!ty to PHI\"') tht. !>oianH~; ami that l!rantQr warrants and will defend
<br />the tit!~ to SJU:ct pr1."milSl!s (jJA'8H"H4-1he lawful datlll1:' ~;f all pt~rs(Jns whoms.oever.
<br />It is. th~ HitentHHl (If aU par-tH'S !t<'TPtn that m th.' ,'Vt'ln of fIW d~'lllh OT l'lth~r of ihe ~Tlintt.(~S. the fntin~.
<br />ft't!' !o<i.mVh' title to tht- n.a! ..~tfit!~ ..hall Ye~t HI !h~ Sltrvivll},!! grtlutet".
<br />
<br />
<br />Dal.t:'d
<br />
<br />August 26
<br />
<br />l~J 83
<br />
<br />/-)
<br />. / .'
<br />//.r"',/,>/ /.,//;.::<
<br />,--""",..~~,.,,,,_.'--,,c....
<br />/ ','
<br />
<br />~C'~~~.
<br />
<br />_,..~__, " /, " ;., .:<' /> /;.J, "
<br />~ .:/ ...::.--~t'v....~''-L-<:''; . ""'-1~"'''' Oc-,..4 ,.n::.: ~. ''-C:, :
<br />
<br />~'T.rrF UF Nebrask,a )
<br />Hall I"',
<br />t ,~!HJt)! J
<br />
<br />,In thiJ
<br />
<br />;} 7 tit day
<br />
<br />August
<br />
<br />II) 83. fN'fonr
<br />
<br />Uh'?, tlu .m-da.HiJn{'J .] .\' (lidrv !JMbht_-. .fuly dHllmi.olvtlni llnti qltalifit.J jor
<br />
<br />
<br />'" ",id ,,'''nly. ptr;,,""ily "un.. RQ,salie KillhiUll.fOl':m<i'J::1Y knO'<<nlll1.
<br />i1,q;>",U~ ~ Fredl;l.:;i,<,;k a.nd I1Uf'nd Ki,Uhi!m, w;i,fe and hUs.b""d,,
<br />"'Ach. in lJ.~L "ndl:\j,lL"",,,ri9l1t .;1!? Sp';n,l"'~ of. th.e, other
<br />
<br />~-"'-~.-I
<br />..,.\..~
<br />
<br />t(; H/.t' kno-;.(,," 11.) bt:~ the idnuil"al raji~n vr pnsvn.s "i...'iwsf' l1iH-ne is (It 1WJ;1,t'S 4.lf<~
<br />
<br />affixfd to :ht [fJ'Yi'!}ai>>-g rnstrUHit'nt and nd-m..n....,li'dgcd tlu .'xfl'ulio_n thcr(oJ to be
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />
<br />!:is. Ju-r or int:--1r '["olunta,.y dd and dtcJ,
<br />
<br />t:<>ll8ty
<br />
<br />tVibUH m)1 hm'l-d ~nd S{J~Q'Jj;J;- J S'a-l ti.{' day n~l' ?(Jf ia-st ah..nJi' "i.:r. i'.ti.'H.
<br />/ / "" ' .."
<br />_,.,C_< , "_ _ _Nat~ln-' [I,tbJit
<br />
<br />Jf.v (.,,,,,,,is,,,,,, ""pir.," Ih,' /7r/;';"J ,.J' P :J~
<br />
<br />I
<br />fJa,
<br />.1
<br />
<br />8TA11'1 Oi",.
<br />
<br />~rN Oil Ilum.ri,,&l indu and filed for re.ord in Ihe U"ll!lJt.r of I~ om"" ()f l!d.id Cou.nty the
<br />, . .dt\y of, '. 19 _. at. .' .3' 'doek and. .., rninu.t"" At;,
<br />..lid ~04 ill Book.. .nC . .At "Age."
<br />
<br />. " '" . . . . . ' . .
<br />R;;g. of Ikeda
<br />
<br />H.r
<br />
<br />!l<:puly
<br />