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<br />52."- REA LEST ATE MORTGAGE=:~~,h,~~:,~~~U",,),~~:~~~tLQ~lHi~LH~~,:. and Felt.n & Wolt Walton, He, 68461
<br />H
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Thomas S. Nabi ty and Jeanne M. Nabi ty, It
<br />
<br />of Husband a~~l~ife, Cour.ty.andStateof tiebraska .in.....meralionofthesum:of !JL
<br />Three Hundred Fi fty Thousand and 001 100~- --:--~-----:-----------~------------"--"I>OIiIiARll.J~.I!.....,..,
<br />in hand paid. do heteby SELL and CONVEVunlo The. F, rst Natl ona 1 Bank of Grand ISla.nd , . . ... ". '. }...'..!'!..
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska .11'
<br />Hall County, State of NebraSka thofollowingd~p.-ileaBitWlted'Llll
<br />Ha 11 County. and State of NebraSka . t<>-W1t:1 .'
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<br />in
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<br />Lot Two (2), Medical Park Fourth Subdivision, 1n
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />the city
<br />
<br />Ii
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<br />"Ole- intrntion bPin~ to ('unvpy hf'Tf'hy un absofutf' tit!f' m fee $imple, including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TtJ HOLD the p.rffI1me~ abov~ de!iCriW, w.th ull the appurtenances t~.reunt(l be1onging~ unto the said
<br />mort~l'geet~) und t.o hlf;. hN or f,h..ir tWtI"t' /inti ,~~n~ {oTt"V..,r. prnvKlt'd alway!!. and these presents are upon the es.pres8
<br />condition th_bl if tht' _~ m01"tgagQ-rt ~J, hi-x. hN VT thC'IT heIrs, r.!({'IICU\Ol"S. administrators or assigns shall pay OJ;' caW18 to be
<br />paid to ~h-p. said rnort~u.gt"t'~$i. his. h~r .,t the1F l-wirs, I?xecutO:r1i, administratol1l or .wssjgM. the principal sum of S 350,000.00
<br />p-a,yabJe as fQUo~. to wic
<br />
<br />Princiole of $350.000.00 ,,]us ilccrued interest due and payable
<br />on Febru.lry 24. 1984,
<br />
<br />
<br />with iflt('f~l lti"'-'-coroUlg to tM hmQr nnd ~.nN.'t of th~ nl(Jr-tg<t~uu wrttten ~f(~;'fY nut~ be.Tin&: -t>"'-ti!'n datti with these p.re&enta
<br />and ~haU pay flU tax" <ind :j,~nUJ k\!Jt"<t :.i.p'un ~id t..'titl ~.!;ta.te. and aU (lUrer tEU*-, leviea and u~entM Jevi('d upon this
<br />murlPi~ l->f ~~ not-e whtt.:h IhJ,."- :m.'Jrt$:Ag4:" h gtve_-t\ !(, -!O!;~:urt". t",fok the- ~ bc('omea uehnquent. and kwp the bui..Jdinp on
<br />!!4-ld pft'nU~~ tn~l't-d tot Hu.> 'i<-Ult~ ,,[ :} 350 t 000,00 lfotW. if any. l.aynhltl' to th~ IJ.Illd mortgagee. then th-t!'&e pr~nta
<br />1\l bt> v.ott.i. utM~-i~ h) t'l<t" And f"t-"'JUl$.tn .n fut! turl~
<br />IT IS F'l:HTHEH AGHEEI} -i 1) That if th~ ~ud m(.lttl.~i)r ,.hail full h) pay lruch uu:es ot pr\.~';-\ife such ifUM,u.nctl, the
<br />!MUd tnurtgag~ I't\3Y pay "'U-dl l;tli.t';oo <un! pn.x'.He lJ,ut'h in~Uf1t.n~t'. and tbt:' .l,l;Uffi ..) oo'lanc<<l. with int.ertf-!At at 13.0 pet'
<br />{"t'-nt. :,;,hall ~ r&{~ki by ~'ud ll1Uft$:Il''tl-t. <ia.} tlu."!. nwrt-(4Jl't" !'>-.h.aH stand a.li k"l'unty for the iWiJne, (2) That a faitu~ to pay ouy
<br />vi ~Ki !ttVtl~Y. "Ithee pnn~.:$p.ltl U{ l.l1h.'rM~L Wht'fi th~ ;o.aro... ben>m-es du~, (If it !ailure tn cQtf1ply with ~ny uf th., lO",'Qmg
<br />a.&~ftb. shAU .:....1.l.. th. whu!(> 1>~Ul..1 ...i nW-Jwy h't'H'Ul ~~n..d to l'Oi'X'Uffif' due and ('uUectihle ut once at the uption of the
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<br />STATE OF ,.,. ,~p.':a~ka,.
<br />
<br />, County of
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<br />Ha 11
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<br />The fGnlpina in8t~'-~Wledged before me ' . ,l\ug\l~ t. 2~ .
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<br />lfy" p ThJ)J'lJ4$,.S"ttii;'t:J<\~J~ M, Nabi ty, HUSband and Wife.
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