<br />I
<br />
<br />,...S-Co.rpo...tlon Sut'VtVCW'Ship Warrant)' Deed
<br />
<br />II 0 4 59 4 Huffman and Fellon & Wolf, Walton, He, 68461
<br />
<br />
<br />DOWALL lIID!:lf BY THESE PUSElI'l'S. That
<br />
<br />
<br />i
<br />r I aeorporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of MINNESOTA
<br />
<br />
<br />I in eonsiderationo{ SEVEN THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND NO/IOO ($7,100.00) DOLLARS
<br />
<br />
<br />f received from grantee, does grant" bargain, sell, conv~v aud eonnrm unto
<br />I '...
<br />I LE ROY F. WHITING and BARBARA F. WHITING,Husband and Wife
<br />I
<br />I as jQint tenants with right of survivorship. and not as tena.nt~ in {~ommon. the following described real property in
<br />I Hall County. Nebraska
<br />I
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />.t.,-\-.,:".,,-,\ii;..U
<br />
<br />AUG ;ll 1983
<br />
<br />$f~ B~V:#e
<br />
<br />
<br />. T~) hav~ lUll,l to hold tJW .tho\"" de~eniH'~l lln'mi;-.,.s !o~t,tht'r with all tf'rwnwtlts, he-rNli-ramp.uts and uppur~
<br />! t1'~tUlnc\"l'i the:rt'to heloll$.!tttl{ ,mto tfW l.;rrtutt'.." alld to rnt"lr il:".o.qf!fb, t,r 10 illt' twirs and assif.{lls of th{' suryjvol' of
<br />i t.h~'m fori>\C;~r
<br />1 And' ~ranttlr ft,,'f ltdf ,11:11 t!"1 "'H\';"'S~lir:-- do.,.':" ht'r"llY ,'tl,"l'lU\n! \'nth l'il.. }!Ttll1h'f'i' and \nth tlwir n.ssigns aud
<br />! ~~'it-b the b~jrs and assi,!:n~ of tb. ..,_H.'VlvuI' .,1' thdJ:i !tun !!ralUoi' :'" L-rwfulh' ~I'is...d \.1' ~aid pnmlisl's. that they are
<br />; frt"e from ~'ncumbrane". except easements and restricti.ons of record
<br />
<br />! that ~rantof ha.~ goud ri~ht ",ud If\wfUI i~UU::(irl!:: !ol
<br />
<br />:(1\" ..,<<!Ii", iwd that !!ranlOf warrants. and will defend
<br />
<br />'. '.' '. - . , - -'-.. .. ,.
<br />i lne UUt' \0 SitIU pj:",(,"WI~~ n~R...H'H ql!' Ul.WIUI <TI:l.UH:S nt IHl p"!'''"f1~ '~-IHJUI::!>-ur~tCi
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<br />; it is: tilt" mt{'nUt!~1 1...1 ~H part!<':! lW!'f'tii !hut Hi tl;.- H-'-nt "f !fH" d{~ltth (If ,'itllt'r lil' thl' t!rante(>x. t.he t'ntire
<br />i f~{> "iimptr, title to till' n'al ......t."ih' "h,dJ ve",t in tb!< ~urYj\';ng t!n_l:lir{'~'
<br />l It wjtHf'S~ \\"l!l'ft>i.t. ttrn!lu1r ha." h~'tf'''ntH ,';-Oh.',j ;1... \',.q'(!!'ith' ~1'1l1 t.-) h,~ affixPil unJ. tiH>S~ pr~:iputs s-i~llt'~d
<br />: hy its Pn_'sldeut.
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<br />Da1~J
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<br />i\uqust 23,
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<br />I STflTE ,) r
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<br />.II. "tr-, .1 re~ent
<br />Al1gus . ...l9Jnbe~ me,
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<br />On
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<br />I personally came
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<br />(i~org~ r..
<br />
<br />Gos ko
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<br />Ihe underS!gned, a Hotmy PUbli~ j,~ emd ior &"1!:l'County
<br />.~.. President 01
<br />
<br />i PE!WO CoMpA/jY ,,(0 corporalicn)
<br />
<br />1 to me personally known to be the Pr-e~lldent and the idenhcol person whose name is affiXed to tho ahove ccnvey-
<br />I ~. and acknowledged the execution ~hE'reoi to be his voluntary act and deed 0$ such oHicer and the yoiuntary
<br />i act and dtted of said corporation and the! !!1e' COfI.X)-rate seal of the na~d corporation was thereto aihxed by its
<br />I '-~ .
<br />1 aut.w-nty. . _
<br />
<br />'It' :.1'[ II!!I=E'-~-' - I al M1nn~a'po 11 S in SG1d county fhe doy A~::;:,.,::::~writlen,
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<br />__ _ NOlary Public,
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<br />i 1'9....ty
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