<br />r
<br />
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />of Ha 11 County. and State of Nebraska ,in consideration of thnumof
<br />Seventy Thousand and 00/100---------------------------------------------------DOL~
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto The Fi rst National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />Grand Is land, Nebraska
<br />of Hall
<br />in Ha 11
<br />
<br />.~~..~..~.,~==.~.~~c.=_~".=.l H _I
<br />~.A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE~~~~h_~~X~I~,~~~.~":'~~_______._.__._._.___H~~~~~.nd felt.n & Wolf. Watt... Ne. 68461 II! I
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<br />I 1;
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<br />the following described premisea situated I 11
<br />~ to--wit: - ;,' H
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<br />II
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<br />
<br />
<br />Barbara F. Whiting and LeRoy F, Whiting.
<br />
<br />C'..ounty. Sta~ of
<br />County, and State of
<br />
<br />Neb ras ka
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />Th~ inwntlt\n brir;~ t., convt>y nnf'by ~m ab$oiuw ut.h~ in IN" S;J mple. including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AN D TO HOLD th" prn~~i.ses above d(~'ciht>d. with aU t.he appunennm..>es dwreuntn oolonging, unto the said
<br />mort.j(ag'H-{s) and. to hIS. ht.'r nr thel!" h"IrS and a.s..'";i~ns fun-'vt't_ providf"'(] uiway-s. and these presents are upon the e:r.press
<br />{'I:mdition that if Hw ~Hd morlgaltOrun. his, her or their heirs.. l'xt"'Cutors. administ.rators or 8Migntl shall payor cause to be
<br />paid tD the ~"\id mGn~aj;."p('('$L nlil. twr l1r tht'lf tWlrs. ('Xt."f.-'Utors. adminlStrutor~ or assigns. the principal sum of $ 70,000.00
<br />pavable as fnUaw.!, t.o WIt:
<br />
<br />Principle plllS accrued interest due and payable February 24, 1984.
<br />
<br />~!h !~e'~! 2:~rt!~ !~ !~ ~~.::- .:~ ;;--!!~ d t~ :':~~":'!~~!'~ '!'!n~!:~!! fJ~""~UiS50ry now bearirt# even daw with these pre&ents
<br />and shaH pay aU ta:tt"!$ elnd ~5.Sm-rnt!;i. 1\,\,It-ct ltphn utd <<'at (/>,;;,tal.(>. a.nd all other taXH. levit>:5 and it~ent8 le,,<ied upon this
<br />mOftJtil.#~ or tht.' m,tf' ""--inch thut mort~"j{i:' lOi. ~JVen It} ;,.f"ur~, t~{jfe th(' stlttle hecnmtos delinq-uent. and kct'!p the buildings on
<br />~Jd j)n"!n~ n~""'fi t"f tht' ;,;urn {~: ;$ 70.. 0-00 . 00 kl>&:!, I( any. payable to the said ntortgllllee. then the~ presents
<br />to hot> "'1ud, t.lthf'>r~'i~ to i1-t::' und r,,-f!hUn In 11.1H fl).n~
<br />IT IS FCRTHEH AGHEED t I j Thal if thf' ~ld rnortj,tagor ~ha11 lail to pay ~uch tuxt"lJ or procure such insurance, the
<br />$aid motlgllji;C't" tmty pay ;o.uch {a~e!i and pronlf.f' l!Ml~h Hl.M1rll.tll.:e-: ~nd tht' ~um ~) advanced. with interest at 13.00 per
<br />('t-~bt, $haU l)t' n~p.ftld by ....11ta u%Urt.g8gor. and dm~ l'tlnrt!(ap;:e ~ha11 stand l:U lWCUritv for th~ tilUDe. (2) That a failure io pay any
<br />oi JU:lid toonev, f.ttht't pnn<:'tpID \1l' i..Hrr-elt1. ....-twn tht.' sam,. Ltt-..co.mas nu(O, O,f 8. faltuN' to rompl)' with any of the foregoin<<
<br />i\g~nt$. !i;-hail ("aUk d'H' whujt' sum lit mUlW\' h~rem !\(~r-ed: tu t)t~(.'()me due and roUi!<'tible at once at the option of the
<br />
<br />mN't~~t!'t"
<br />S.snOO th..
<br />
<br />In pr~n<.t. uf
<br />
<br />/' ,/
<br />1983../'/,,,yr'7""
<br />i~:.:'.t~-,E::.;:1:ti~ifl:.:;..,
<br />Le~.,;; F,;}~~r~' ::~Uz~_'",#.
<br />Ba~baraF: Wh it i~-g
<br />
<br />29th day Hf AugllS t
<br />
<br />i
<br />..
<br />
<br />
<br />. . County of . . . . !:ia.l.1 .
<br />
<br />AV\lus.t .29. . .
<br />
<br />. 19 8.3 . .
<br />
<br />and Wi fe
<br />
<br />Signature <:L Pel'llOn Taking Acknowledgment
<br />
<br />t~otil.r:Y . PUt:; 1 i c, - .t~Y. .CQf1Jll.is,S, \on, .Expj r:es. 7.-2,84
<br />Tille
<br />
<br />.1'''
<br />
<br />Eniefiod "n numerical index and filed ior ...-.:<>rd
<br />in the R.gjater of Doodo Ollioo of Mid Caunty tlte
<br />
<br />.. ..dayof....
<br />
<br />19 ".. at."
<br />
<br />,o'clock and..
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<br />~, .mmu.tea
<br />
<br />,.M"
<br />
<br />of..
<br />
<br />R...,,,f~
<br />
<br />By.,.,
<br />
<br />.Deput,v
<br />