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<br />I <br />83- 004579 <br /> <br />A pIIrt of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (swtNEi) of Section 'lWn~... <br />~ (21),in ToI1iIlsh:i.pEleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixtb(6th) <br />Principal Jfer:idian,in Ball Cb.mty. Nebraska, DDre particularly describildasfol:l.Olvl;j: <br />~ing at a point on the center line of Pboenix Avenue Seven Iftmdred seven. IiIDd <br />Nine Tenths (700.9) Feet Westerly fran the Intersection of Lincoln A'iemle IiIDd <br />Pboenix Avenue (As shown by Plat of South Park, lbv Vacated), Which fX)int is at the <br />intersection of the center line of Phoenix Avenue and the West lille of the East HUf. <br />of tlle Southwest Quarter of the NortbelIlst Quarter (BiSWtNEI) of Said Section.1\Ilenty.- <br />Qle (21); Thence South along said West Line, which line -is - the center lille of the - <br />Cbunty :lb1d now called and used as South Adlms Street, a Distance of Fburltimdtecl (400) <br />Feet; Thence East at Right Angles to Last COUrse a ptstance of One Hundred Sl!htenty- <br />Nine (179) Feet: Thence North Parallel with Said West Line of the East Half of the <br />Sout!nlest ~er of the Northeast Quarter (EiSWtNEi) of Said Section 'I\w!nty-<lne (21), <br />A Distance of Two Hundred Fifty-fcnr and Eight Tenths (254.8) Feet to a Point; <br />Thence Northerly in a curved line, ooncave EF.stwardl}T of a Radius of Fwr Hllndred <br />Sixty-Eight and Twenty Eight Htmdredths (468.28) Feet, Tangent to the Last Described <br />Point, a Distance as Measured in the Arc of Said Curve of One Hundred 'JWent:V-Nine <br />and Twenty-Seven Hudnredths (129.27) Feet, The Long Olord of Said Curve being Qle <br />Hundred Twenty-Eight and Nine Tenths (128.9) Feet in length and Bearing Eastwardly <br />f:if:.1 the Last ~ribed 0Jurse. Produced Northerly, Seven Degrees, Fifty-three ~nutes <br />({ 53') to a fuint: 'Ibence Northwesterly in a Straight Line at an Interior Angle <br />as Measured 6rcm aforesaid Long Cl10rd of (be Hundred Farty-'Ihree ~, Fifty-nine <br />Minutes (143 59'), A Distance of (be Hundred Eight and Fifty-Five Hundredths (108.55) <br />Feet to the Center Line of Phoenix ,-\\'enue; 'Ibenc~:' Southwesterl,- along the center line <br />of R10enix Avenue a Distance of CXte Hundred Silny-Five (165) Feet to the Point of <br />Beginning. 1lus Tract of !.And Containing Seventy-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred 1'brt~' <br />(79,740) Square Feet. <br /> <br />A tract of land <X::q)nsing a part of Lot FOJ.r (4), on Islan4, in Sectioo <br />'!Weety (20), TcMnship 'fun (10), North, Range Nine (~) w$t of tbe 6th P,M., <br />Hall O::Junty. Nebraska and l!l:)n, part icularly described as fol lows: lef~ITinlt <br />to the Nort~t Comer of said Sectioo 20. thme", nl!l.lllng s..:1Utl:lerl~ OIl the <br />West l~ of SlUG Sectloo 2:), a d:istanoo of 1,964.:' feet. tht'n~ deflecting <br />jen 105 07' and ~nUlI' ,>onheasterly a d:i!>~arlGt' i'j 111.:J It>e!, t!lel1re <br />ooflecting nght 105 Q7' and running "Dlltherly a mstaJ}('L' of 435.2 le<>t. <br />thene>> defl~tinp: left 40 31' and running Southerly ~ dlst;mce OJ 6.5.8 ft'!E'l <br />t.o the actual point of beguul1n,,: tJlfmce cont1nUlng Souther]}' "Ion>: t~ last <br />described rourse a dlstanc<.' of 133.57 feet. then<<' d<>flt't't l.nh left 00' go' <br />and rulllllflg Easterly a dist ance of 76.65 feet: thenn; deflf:Ct lllg l!dt 29 51' <br />and runni.'lg Northeastell\- a dlstance of 109.3 feet. thence deflecting left 000 <br />and runni~ 1'<<:trthwesterl)' a dlstance of 154.0 feet, thetlCf' deflectlng left 000 <br />00' and SouthllreSterly a distanCE" of' 109.3 feet to the POint of begirming <br />and cattaininjl; 0.501 acres, rrn~' or less. <br /> <br />Norttlerly S!.>venty CXte F€'et (71') of lots ())e (1) and Two (2; m BlC>Ck One <br />Hundred 'hne (109) i'l Ra~lroad Additioo, City of Grand. Hall County. :'lebrrka. <br /> <br />Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10). in Block Eleven (11) iL C. Clark';,; AdditlOll !O <br />the City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..;~ <br /> <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />~ <br />