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<br />I <br /> <br />fOR US! IN THE STATI OF NnRASk'A TO Be RI!:COADI!D IN Al!Al.l'8fATIl! ft"CORDllI1\. <br />'~~It INSTALlMENT SAlES CONTRACT AND MORTGAGE SAl'''''~' . . 'ry'" 8 <br />iu:t.4P11OOUC1S,';c PACESE1TER PRODUCTS; INC" A..N.EB.....RAS. ....KA..CO.R.PORA,T.ION.. co."' . ... ...'..... ... './.0. <br />.\:-.~ GMESWlRJtR(Ii..;fJ... '.04'5.39 <br />- 9505 "I" meET <br />OMAHA. NEBRASKA 68127 2550'NOATH PIERS'-A " OfT!:' , 0 <br />FOI'I ME1lIOPOUTAN OMAHA SEFl\'IC€ CAlL 331-1)277 _ , GAA_NO tSLAND., NEBRASKA 68801 _ _ 3' c', :',.' ,:_ - ':" ..,:. ": <br /> <br />SoJOTo ~.ehl'(D I). .LJ.t!J4'/S"E 7<.C;fsclll1#,A/~ 0... Of Tlti, Co"_~?lj~3 . <br /> <br />"Ad""'," ?tJF- .r,..9Dfr'/7s:fONE';,F;f;'~ :J2;!~,s.." N&:' ZIP~T~N~-~:>I.c: <br />In this InStallment Sules-Cooottet !./ltrwords Y,_ me, and-my refc'r'ID the- 'Buyer:and Co-Buyer (if t~y) t>igning Ihi5-eOnttact.-Tlic::",~ '~nd'-1~i <br />we- and 05, ref'U 10 the Seller llnd may also mean, It bank -or other- financiAl inmirntion- if it btlys' tI'.~1 c,~'lJlnlCt. If it- does.' I "wilt mti::e--' mcntt"w <br />ii, Under_the Mortgage-Stahlles, I am also,known as the_"'MortgagOt," and,you'ue'rt'rerrcd-'u ~s'hie,A'~:ort~a.8'ec!'. l-ul1d~d - <br />"Buyer" signs below. thlll-taeh-will be re:iponsible- for all ~mises mDde- and-for, ,pay1~ the obligation(S) in fut~; you <br />S~~ra~:'i~eilie ~ltlJ':~I1~f 31~_n:~U:~IU;;g !'e~~i;lOitr b~yC o~lI~:!::~r Ct'.rporatioA. ou haye quoted me ,0 Cash Price <br />I now chooSe to buy, and' you li~n:e-- 10 seH, for the Total S,llle Price, set, fOM below, the product! JUid -strvices described- ,below."! u~n::e'-tO 'pay <br />~::,.:e t~f:~~~n~~ a\j ~c~h:a~~~~!ft~~se g~Y~ilit ;k~~~f lh:;f~lr~lt~W6~lrthr~~~~ i:::}a~~r:'I1: t~b~nn:~~~~t!:;~u~:h~~e~~o::i:'-' <br />by The Pact'5et:ltr- Corporation 10 year Limited Warrsllty. No exterior or hllerfof tTim, painting- or ~nlng, wlll- be provfdfd uitleu' spedfled-:ln <br />Ihls o~tract. 0 ~? b <br /> <br />C/~('~'Q <br />q4 <br /> <br /> <br />~';~.,' . 'ft;'~~~M~~f'F~ <br />~~~;:;.::::::;, ><-- - ~ <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ above ~erri~ g~o:s a\\d _ ~:n.'i~eJ arl~ 10 ?e fSUl11el!...)ld p,lrt~ t~~< the ;;~dresi;" f.~:g~ted abo~e, u'n~ the legal description <br />for 5UC~ "~d~Sj_iS: __",(\1 .;( /\ C'~"I I. /,-' ,t.. t ). )-; I~' ,'_ _ lit!' .,1 ~ J. 'C\ LIJ1-JA /__t-./. <br />()}t.t(;-,AA'iI\)-rl'Y-l\_nl~L/,,I.J()T"'j\()"t. 1 :~ :i,~j/ -: i: ..}'./1" r-'\ 'r ';t, <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Base cash ~rice $ ~t)I' tax (J(), pO + additional wOUTanlyk'~n;ice coverage Of). dO "" s ~ <br />To."alcashpriceS ~t'-JOOrOD CashflOtal)down~aymentS OOr 0 0 ""Unp3.idbalanceofS3"OOtP.C'~ <br />ITEMIZATION OF Tim AMOUNT FINANCED OF $ Ts'~';: c/ , - <br />$ 30 (J() , D (') AmOllnt credited (0 this contract (Same amount as the .'llnpaid BaIMee.") <br />S /)/?" r.?J() Amount paid en net balance from prior contr-Jet with us. <br />Amount(sj paid to Olhers on my behalf: $ (lOr iP 0 to insurance company for Propomy Damage insurance <br />~ /4/, .:r.s- to ins.urance company for Credit Life insurance .s ~OO topublicofticialsforfilingireeordingfees <br />S ;?l' 0 J (? tOin~urancecompan;forAccidemandH.:althinsuranee S 00. (;)0 tal,Specify) <br /> <br />._e.O <br /> <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amoun! <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed <br />RATE The Collar umount lhe The llmuunt of credit <br />The COS[ of my Creelil as ,credit will cost me. Il'rOVide~ t~ me or on <br />""";:&D % I~ /3;2} 7771 :;;~S~/ <br /> <br />Total Sale Price <br />! The.- tollll, CO~I of illY purcb:u;.e <br />! \)n crelht, mc\udlll.g mv <br />! {~OWnpll)'mclll of . <br />1 S (l C), t? 0 <br /> <br />! ~~~~~~ts <br />I The amount I will <br />h;jv~ I'i:lW afUr I <br />! ~:,~\~,:~f~~! pil}'ll1enb <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />., <br />, <br />i ~ -Yb;?O 4" 0 i <br /> <br />Myp:tyrnent SChedule will be' <br />1 Number <If r.y1lll:>'1ls , Amo<lnt <I' Paymctlb j v.'ilI:n Payments "'" Due: <br />I ht Pa,ment ' j Estimated to be 2 C? d<tYs lifter lhe date <br />, : $ 7 7 p' : of the C'-'llipletlOn Cenlficate. <br />, ': All ~ubsequt:nt lnslallmems on the SlUTle day ufi <br />; $ 77 ~,'" : each Ct)[Jsecuti\,(" ",(mill UflU] lhti.:! in r-:Jll. <br /> <br />I <br />II <br />"I <br />"ecurity; I am ~\Vlng a security intc~l in: <br />1 the goo..!s. scr'ilces ami propeny being pun:ho.sed, llnd I' II. <br />2_ illY rc~l eSlate and improvelilen~, llll:tuding my <br />ho~e. all at my "AddreH" designated awve. <br />FlUngtRtciitdtng fees ~tJ57. 00 I I <br /> <br />~:~;~ ;:~~!gt~ l~h::~mS5~OO :s~a:/~~e (~~,ln~: II <br />I!.' I~ l.:ss. I ! <br /> <br />II <br />:1 <br />t' <br />Ii <br />!I <br />II <br />II <br />'I <br /> <br />I ~ -'lc:.7C'.L/O <br /> <br />~'J <br />Jmiurilru:~ <br />Credit Me in~\Jf'"dU/..~ i!.fld credit disability iA$urarn:e an: U(lt required 10 oolain ;:redil, and will <br />no! be provided Ulllcs~ I sign lUld agree 10 pOl)' !he llddillonal L't.'St. <br />: T)1IC S;gnall"': <br />CredIt Life I! credit me <br />m~urilnce. <br /> <br />i Crulit Accident <br />& Health <br /> <br />Prtpll)!m~nt: If I payoff early. I WIll nllt hllVe to pJY <br />~. a P'}'o I1r.a I may bc er.utled to a refund of pan of <br />?Q-~~~. - lhe: luuJI>:c charge <br />~_~n..r"f~ ~ l:!~)~, <br />, OS /.:.Ie; . Lj..:;:,-i ~ . ~ I wlH _ revn:\\i plher portions of !.his ..O~lract <br />1 S'~""":t" - l:o.B~)-n 'lOr aJdmonaJ ll1tormi1llOl\ ..btlul null-pil}'n~tll, dela.u-h, <br />, ;n~lI~~~~i,~~~~~~c~~~~~ ~ U \O~. ~ ~~~;:;:l:~i~:-:~~: I~:l~ij~~:::.!he ~h(llUjeJ J~I(, <br />S /9/, /b:""~'" '''- <br /> <br />e mc<l.l\:i .1Jl emma.h:. <br /> <br />Propeny m~urancc i\ required, hU.1 I may Obuiill IhlS prllpf'rty lll\Ur;w.;e frOI1\ ~1l)'01~ <br />I W~II. If I obtain lll\~ l""Ul<In;;e through you. I WIll pay -S ~--12- <br /> <br />[;}t~~~1-~!i~~~:g~g~~~~~~~~:.~~,~:~.~~,~:n~(1~~ ~~~~:~~:~~~~',:~:~::;~~J~~;:;0::~~,::-~~~~I~~::rj,~~~;1, f:~,~~ <br />PREPA YM~:Nl': I nllI.) \'olull\lInly prepay ~ lUllUU!lt J owe you, III lull VI In p.:ort, III <Ill)' lUlie, II' Im.ll.c <l1'i..m..ll'rq,..)'UI<:UI, I Inn,( ~urHllm~ I" mOl..'; Ill) <br /> ICl!I,l(...r II.ymcll1~ <br />U!lulITl,lvepa.:d>tlI..!U<ll,lllbu....,:.i, <br />:~~~:::l1l~~I~~~~~~Ar~;;~~~;Jt~~ t.:\lom~~:~:~~l~=i ~~u~ C)~ ~~';~.~Ja~:' ~lo::C:~~WL~I~Cf:~..;~~~~..\1:~~t1~;::i :~~~':;i:~n~J :;1 imelc.l "n tInt ~"lUillll <br />COLLJo:cnON cos'rs: If I .till in Jeiault vf lhl~ ~'~U'.ll:t "lid )"<1-1,1 d::nli>ild lull fl'l)'lll(nl, I Ul\dc:{\l~'u.l Ih~l y,~ III:,Y ~,..J. it III :m .Uli,!!"') ;", ",Ilc,;m'll <br /> ill"'! enlvr.;ell1ellt <br />If yilo tin 'in, , lIg'~': 10 ('iiI)' )-''',1' rCll~"nilbfe a(h\OI~>,~' k'(~ ]Jlu, .lil) CO\III 'Q~Ii> ;Ill..! t:),p.:1I~ im:urrcJ by }O'l, IhJt ,,", n YOll "1<: ..lj"""J III ~"H<:CI <br /> ,1,1.-1, "UWllill> by b" <br />~~~,~~~~~~:~ ~~~!ty~':~tll-:~la~~ts ~:I~ t~I';~Yu~r ~'~6f,~:~:::J~'-'Silk/~~tr.~~~. my ,<::1,1 <:,l"l~ :'1I11 aull:.<: l.x:oI1cJ <II lllY ""Milo'." ~k"l!t'..I~l\ "I' d..: 10J-l llYn,,);, <br />REVERSE SIDE, I UNDERSTIND TH4T THE ADDITIONAl TERMS IRD PROVISIONS PRINTED ON !HE REVERSE SIDE Of THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE <br />! PART OF THIS IRSTAllllENT SALES CONTRICT AND T.AT I AM BOUND BY THEM IN THE SAME MANRER IS If THEY WERE PRINm ON T.E fRDUT Of TNIS <br />VERY INSTALLMENT SALES CDNTRACT. ROTlCE, PROYlSIDNS PRIRlED DR REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY OHlIGA, <br />TinN, NOTICE TO BUYER <br />1. I do not have: to s1J:u tbls conlract before I nlld II or If un~ of the !>~llCi$ 1l1U'nded r(\I" lhe ugrttd ttnu!> lu the "~1:~f\l tll Ih':ll ltytl.i1l1ble Illrurmllt!ull arc <br />~d:lI\ ;~ J ~ t~W:~.J l~o a a r%~ie oJ, t~~ ~~~~C:.t:ll~~c~~;.J t~~:r~l"l~. CI~~~p{7111l)~~)~b1. ff~~~:::lg~~II~~~S: ~;~i:r~~~~~:I;~ ~J~I:'~l ~;:'~"lIl1~~lI:~ <br />-SUUcltll.~oQ safe 21\d tbat thllo InstrumCllt is. not n<'i:;o!Jahht. S. it sJtllll nol bt.' It'ftul fur )'I)U to tlllt'r 1Il,- prclubes ulll",,,rlllly ur t'Olllillh '"l}' lll,,",~'h <br /> v( lht, <br />pt'ilce to rtpo-,:~ ~oolb pureha..l'd under thk'lK'l, <br />BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL <br />I MAY .CAIltEl TRIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRWR TO MIDNIGHT OF TRE THIRD BUSINESS "V AfTER tRE DAlE Of THIS TRANSACTiON. (I RAVE READ <br />Tll:,r: l(';r.tll"t!)~',I'l.nH'~ "'/lr'/'~ 1'1~ !!1"I1:T_TtI _t'U1P-f',- .......... ,...... ,., ,..,.." .n......." ~.. -""" _....- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />~ <br />