<br />and, without demar'ld. shall be Immediately due and payable by Trustor and shall
<br />bear Interest alttle maximum allowable legal rate: piovlded, however. that at the
<br />option ot Beneticiary or Trustee such sums may be added to \he principal balance
<br />of any indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear the same interest as such
<br />indebtedness and shan be payable ratably over Ihe remaining term thereof
<br />
<br />10. A..tgnmenl 0' Rents. BenefiCiary snail have the rlghl. power and authority
<br />during the contlnuance jof t!1is Trust Deed to collect the rents, issues and profits of
<br />the Property and 01 any personal property located thereon with or without takIng
<br />possession of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hereby absolutely and
<br />uncondlllonallY assigns aU such rents. issues and profits to Benetlciary.
<br />Beneficiary, however. hereby consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of
<br />such rents, Issues and proms as they accrue and become payable so long as
<br />Trustor IS nOI. at such limes, III delault wilh respect to payment of any
<br />indebtedness secured hereby or in the performance of any agreemenl hereunder
<br />Upon any suchdefauil, Beneficiary may al any time. ell her In person. by agenl, or by
<br />a receiver to be appointed by a coun. Without noHcs and WIthout regard to Ihe
<br />adequacy of any security lor the Indebtedness hereby secured, (el enter upon and
<br />take possession 01 the Properly or any par1lheraot, and In its own n8me sue for or
<br />otherwise collect SUCh rents, issues and profits. Including those past due and
<br />unpaid, and apply Ihe same, less costs and expenses of operellon and collecllon,
<br />Including reasonable altorney tees, upon any indebtedl1ess secured hereby, and In
<br />such order as Beneficiary may d9termlne: tb) perform such aCIS of repair or
<br />protection as may be necessary or proper 10 conserve the value of the Property; (cl
<br />lease Ihe same or any part thereof for such rental, term. and upon such conditions
<br />as its judgemenl may diclate_ Unless Trustor and BenefiCIary agree otherwise In
<br />.....rltlng, any application of 'ents. Issues or profits 10 any Indebtedness secured
<br />hereby shall not extend or postpone Ihe due date of the Ir"lstallmenl payments as
<br />provided in said promissory note or change the amounl of such inslaltmen1s The
<br />entering UPOn and laking possession 01 the Property, Ihe collection 01 such rents.
<br />Issues and profits, and the application thereat as aforesaid. shall not waive or cure
<br />any default or notice of default hereunder. or invalIdate any aCI done pursuant to
<br />such notice. Trustor also asslQns to BenefiCIary. as further secuflly fOr the
<br />perlormance of the obligations ;ecurer' hereby, all prepaid rents and all monies
<br />which may nave been or l'1ay herealler be depo~Hted With saId TruSlOr by any lessee
<br />01 the Property, to secure the payment 01 any rent, and upon defaull m Ihe
<br />performance 01 any 01 the prO\'ISIOnS hereat TruSlor agrees to deliver such rents
<br />and deposits to the BenefiCIary Deuvery ot wnllen nollce 01 !he Beneliclary's
<br />e:cercise of the fights granted he'em to any tenant OCcupjilng saId oremlses shall
<br />be sulflcientto reqUire said lenantlo pa.,. said rentta the BenefiCiary until further
<br />notice
<br />
<br />11. L.... P,..ml.... Wllhln 10 davs after demand, Trustor shall furnish to Trustee
<br />a schedule certified to be true, seltlng forth all leases ot space lr: 11'1e Trust
<br />Property 1hen in effect, :ncludlng, in each case. the name. of the tenants and
<br />occupanta. a descrtptlon of the space OCCUpied by such tsnant and occupant. the
<br />.ental payable for such space and sucn other :nformatlon and documents with
<br />respect to such leases and tenancies as the Trustee may 'eQuest
<br />
<br />Without tfle prior written consent 01 Trustee, Trustor shall not. directly or
<br />indirectly, with respect to any lease 01 space In Ine described premises. whelher
<br />such leaae IS now or herealler In exlslence, la) accept or perml1 any prepayment.
<br />discount or advance rent payable thereunder; (b) cancel or terminate Ihe same. or
<br />aCcept any cancellation, fermln8110n or surrender t/'lareol, O' permit any event fo
<br />occur whiCh wouldenlltle the lessee thereunder 10 terminate or cancel the same; (cJ
<br />amend or modify the same so as to reduce the term Ihereol, the remal payable
<br />thereunder. Of to change any renewal provisions Ihereln contained; (d) waive any
<br />default thereunder or breach thereof; (e) give any consent. .....aiver or approval
<br />thereunder or take any other action In connection therewith, or with a leS3ee
<br />lhereunder, which would have the effect 01 Impairing the value ollenor's Interest
<br />thereunder, on the Proper1y subject thereto. or of impairing the position or interest
<br />of Ihe Trustee or Benetlclary: or III selL asSign. pl50ge, mortgage o~ otherwise
<br />dispose 01, or encumDer, Its Interest In any SUCh lease or any rents, Issues or profits
<br />IQuing or arising thereunder
<br />
<br />12. CondemNtlon.11 tilte to any part 01 the Property SM!! be taken in condemnaUon
<br />proceedings, oy rignt of emmenl domam or slrellar action, 6r shaH be sold under
<br />threat 01 COndemnation, aU awards, damag8S and proceeds are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Beneficiary who shall apply such awards. damages and
<br />proceeds to the sums secured by the Trust Deed, with Ine eltcess.lf any, paid to the
<br />Trustor. Trustor will promptly. ana Wllh due dillgence, repair, aller and restore the
<br />remaining part 01 the Trust Property to ItS fOfmer conaltlon substantll'llly to the
<br />extent that the same may be teasible and so as 10 constitute a complete and usable
<br />unit.
<br />
<br />f3. FutuN AdlanceL Upon reQuest 01 TrutstOl, Benefic!ary. al Beneflclary's optIOn,
<br />prior to retCOnve)'ance oi me Property 10 Ihe TruSlor, may meke fUlure aOvanC85 10
<br />the Trustor. Such lulurs aovanc~s, with Inlsl8slthereon, shall b.e secured by IhlS
<br />Trust Deed when evidenced by promlSSOf}t noles stalmg fhat saId notes are
<br />secured hereby, provh39d thaI al '10 llrne shall the S&CUfM! pnnclpal, tuture
<br />advanc.&s, not includlOg sums advanced 10 protect ~he S&cllTlty. exceed one
<br />hundred porcenlll00%) ollhe onglOal pTlnclpal amounls so<:urad hereby
<br />
<br />14. FlemecHea Cumulative. All r~medles pHh'lded 10 IhlS Trusl Deed are dlsUnct and
<br />cumulaUve 10 iln~ Olher righl 01 remedy under thIS Trust Deed or aflOfded by iaw or
<br />equity, and may beeXf!lciseo concurre/Ulji. moependenlly or successhtaly.
<br />
<br />15. ~tton; R.~Iea; Sale. Upon delauit by lrustOI In the payment 01 any
<br />Indebtednea-s seCured tllueb)' or I" Ihe perlolfTlanCe of any agreemenl hereunder,
<br />BeMflclary may declare aU sums secu'ed hereby Immediately due and payable b~
<br />dellyW)' 10 Trustee of wrllten ceclaraUon 01 default. The Truslee shall hawe the
<br />power of aale of the Propert)' and if Benellclary oeslles the Property to be sold, It
<br />shall d.polllt with Truateelhls TruSl Deed and III promls!lOry notes and documenls
<br />IlYldanclng expenditures secur&d her&tly, and shall dallv.r to Trustee, a wrman
<br />notlee at delaull and election to ciluse the Ploperty 10 be sold, and the Trustee In
<br />tUIO ahall prepare a slmller Notice In the torm requITed by law, which shall be oul)'
<br />fII.o for record by Truslee
<br />
<br />(.) After Ihe lapse of sucn t;lne as mOly be required by law following the record.
<br />aUon of lIald notice 01 oelaull, and noUce 01 default and noUcs 01 sale havmg
<br />been given as teq"lred by Ill...... Trustee, without dem.and on Trustor. shall sell
<br />the Property on the vale and al the llme and place designalea In said notice of
<br />saie. at public auction 10 Ihe highest bidder, the purchase pllC6 payabie In
<br />laWful money of the United States at Ih6 lime 01 sale, The person conducUng
<br />the .saie m.y, lor any cause ns d8'Clms expe<118nt, postpone the sale from lime
<br />to time unUlll shall be compteteo and, In every such case, notice 01 pos-lpona-
<br />ment shall be given by public declaralion thereof by Such person at Ihe lime
<br />and place last appointed 10: Ihe saie; p,o'Olded. 1I the sale I:> postpone;;! lor
<br />longer than (11 day beyontl the day designated in the notice of sale, notice
<br />Ihereof shall be gl"en in the same manr"t9r U the original notice of sala.
<br />
<br />Tluslee shall execute and dell"9r 10 tl18 purchase! his Deed conveYing the
<br />Property sold, but wi!hout any covtmant or warranty, express, 01 Implied. The.
<br />rec!lals In the O$ed of any mattars or tacIS shall be conclusive ploof of the
<br />truthfulness tl:l8reof. Any person, IncludIng Benellcla!)", may purchase at the.
<br />aale,
<br />
<br />(b) When Tru$lee seils pUlsuaflllo the powers horaln, the lrustse shall ilpply the
<br />proceeds of 1M sate 10 payment ollhe costs and expenses of exercising the
<br />power of sale and of lhe sale, Including Ihe payment 01 the Trustetfs Fees
<br />8ctuall)' Incurred, not to e:ccaed ~ ___~___,,__ ___ '1. ollne s81e price, and then to
<br />the-Items In subparagraph (c) in Ihe order there sfated
<br />
<br />Ie) A.ftel paying Ihe Items specified In aubpillugraph lbllf Iha sale Is by Trustee, or
<br />the proper COUlt and other C09tS 01 foreciosure and salo lIthe sale Is pursuant
<br />to Judlcl.' rOfeClo,ure. Ihe proceeds 01 sale shall be applieJ in the order stated
<br />to the payment of:
<br />
<br />111 Cost 01 any evidence ot title procured In cot\l\itcUon wilh such :s",le ii/H] 01
<br />any revGnue !Jttlmps;
<br />
<br />(II) All sums then secur.w hSftlPy;
<br />
<br />{HI} The remalndm, If llny, It) Ihe ptlfSQn iflQal:~ flntltied th1;lr"h.'
<br />
<br />83'::'"
<br />
<br />o Qlllj.3,~lbllg.t1on. 01 Tru.t... la) The dulles and obligallons of.Trustee'l>,}
<br />shall be determined solely by the express provisions of the Trust Deed anr: Trustee
<br />shall not be liable except for the performance of such dulles and obligations as are
<br />speclflcally set forth herein, and no Implied covenants or obllgattons shall be
<br />Imposed upon Trustee; (b) No provIsion of fhls Trust D&ed .hall requIre Trust"' to
<br />expend or risk his own lunds. or otherwlae Incur any fInancial obligation In the
<br />performance Of any 01 Its duties hereunder, or in the exercIse oh'ny of-Its right or
<br />powers, If It shall have grOundS for bttfievlng that the repaym&nt of such funds or
<br />adequate Indemnlly against such risk or liability Is not flM:sonably anured to.lt; (0)
<br />Trustee may r:onsu/t with counsel of his own choosing and the advice of such
<br />counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protectIOn In the respect.ot
<br />any action taken or suffered by It hereunder In good faith and reliance thereon; (d)
<br />Trustee shall not be liable lor any action taken by hIm In good faith al1d
<br />believed by hIm to be authorized or within the discretion or rights 0' powers
<br />conferred upon If by this Trust Deed.
<br />
<br />17. Addlllon.' s.cul1ty Instrumenta. Trustor, at_Us expense, will execute and d$lfVer
<br />10 the Trustee, ,1romptly upon demand, SUCh secul1ty Instruments. as may be
<br />r&QUlred by Tr"I'~..t>, '0 form and substance aatlsfactory to Trustee, covering any of
<br />the Property cc,Meye,1 by this Trust Deed, which security Instruments shall be
<br />additional security lor Truslor's faithful perlOfmance of all of-the terma, cO'lenantl
<br />and conditions of this Trust Deed, lhe promissory notes HOOted hereby, and,~.ny
<br />olher security inslruments eltecuted In connection with this- transaotlolt:'- SuCh
<br />Instrum&ntt'l shall be recorded or filed, and rlHec()rded and raflled, at TrustOf'e
<br />expense.
<br />
<br />18. M~"'neoua.
<br />
<br />ja} In the event anyone or more of the provisIons contained In this Trust Deed or
<br />the promIssory note or any other seeurlty instrument given In connet:uon wlth-
<br />this Iransactlon shall for any reason be- held to be - Invalid, lIIegal- or
<br />unenforceable In any respect, such InvaUdlty, llIegatlty, or unenforoeablUty
<br />shall. at Ihe option of Beneficiary, not affect any other provltlton of this Trust
<br />Deed. but this Trust Deed shall be construed as If such Invalid, Illegal, or
<br />unenforceable proviSion had never been contained herein or therein.
<br />
<br />(bl ThIs Trust Deed shall be conslrued accOrdIng to 1he laws of the State of
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />(c) This Trusl Deed shall inure to and bind the heirs, legatees. devls-.
<br />administrators, executors. succassors and assigns of the parties hereto.
<br />
<br />Id) Trustor Shall pay ail taxes levied upon this Trust Deed or the debt secured
<br />hereby. together with any other taxes or assessments Which may be levted
<br />against the Trustee or Beneficiary or the legal holder of said promlsamy note
<br />on account of !he Indebtedness evidenced thereby.
<br />
<br />lei Whenever used herein. the singular number shall Include the plural, the
<br />Singular. the use ot any gender shall be applicable to all gendenl, and the term
<br />""Benetlciary" shall il1clude any payee of the indebtedness hereby secured or
<br />any transter thareof. whetner by operatlofl of law or otherwise.
<br />
<br />19. SUccauor Tru.... Benettciary may from Ume to time substitute a succuaor or
<br />successors to any Trustee named herein Of acting her.under to eXKule this Trust
<br />Deed. Upon sucn appointment and without conveyance to the sUt::ceasor Trustee,
<br />the latter shall be vested wUh aU tltte, powers. and dutjelll conferred upon any
<br />Trustee herein nameo or aCllng hereunder. Each such appointment and
<br />substitution shall be made by wril1en Instrument by BeneUclary, containing
<br />rllference to this Trusl Oeed and Us place of record, which wh.n recorded In the
<br />office 01 tne Reglstar of Deeds 01 the county or counlles In which said property 18
<br />situated shall be cO.,cluslve proof at praper appointment of the auccneor Truet...
<br />The foregOing power 01 substitutIon and the procedure th....fore shall not be
<br />eltcluslve 01 Ihe power ano procedura provided tor by law tOf'the substitution of .
<br />Trusteeo. Trustees In tl'le place ollhe Trustee.
<br />
<br />20_ ForbHranca by B....'Ic..ry or Trua... Not . W....... Any forebeatt.nce by
<br />Benellclary or Trustee In ellerclslng any rtght or remedy hereunder, or otherwise
<br />a!lorded Dy appllcab!e illW, snail not be a waiver of or preclude Ihe elterclse of any
<br />right Of remedy hereunder- LIkeWise, the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee 01 any
<br />detauit at Trustor uMer thIS Trust Deed shall not be deemed to be a walYer of any
<br />other or similar defaults subsequently occurring.
<br />
<br />21_ Tndtor Not R-...ct. Extension of the time for payment or modification or
<br />amortization of the sums secured by this Trust Deed granted by Benenc!ary to any
<br />!!ucces.aor in Interest ot TruSlOt shail not coer.11!! to release, In any manner, the
<br />;Iability 01 the original Truslor or Trustor's SUCC1tSSOI in Interest. Beneficiary shall
<br />rIOt be f&Qulreo 10 commence ploceedlngs against such succesaor or refuse to
<br />e:ctend time for paymenl or otherwise modlt'f amortization ot the sums secured by
<br />:hls Trust Deed by reason;)1 any demand made by the origInal Trustor snd Trustor's
<br />SucceSSOIS In mtalest
<br />
<br />22, o.t.wL H thele Sil.U De Ii dolaull under 11'1115 O$ed 01 Trust or undet an)' prior
<br />mort~git, the BenefU::18f) may cure SuCh default, 8-nd the amounts advanced by,
<br />and other costs and ellpttllses of the benellclary In curing such oe'ault. with
<br />Interest at Hle det"ull rate contained In the Nota s&curBd hereby from the time of
<br />th& advances 0' payments shall be added to the Indebtedness secured by this Trust
<br />D4J8d and mal' DI!I collected neleunoer at any lime after the lime of such advanC4lS
<br />or pa)'ment$ and shall 1)& daemed to be $9Cur90 hctfeby.
<br />
<br />23. OptIon to ForeclQH. Upon the occurance ot any default hereunder, Beneficiary
<br />shall hawe the option 10 foreclose 1~ls Trust Deed In the manner provlded by law for
<br />lne IOleclosure 01 m0l1gllges an real plOperty.
<br />
<br />24, 1ruator'. R~". AbQnt O.f.uIL Unlll any defaull In the payment 01
<br />Indebtedness hereby secu'ed or unW the breach 01 any co".nant hereIn conlalned,
<br />th& Tlustor, Its successors and assigns, shall POSH-1li8 and enjoy the property, and
<br />recei..-e the rents and protlts therehom. Upon payment of all sums securad by this
<br />Trust Deed, Senellclary shall request Truslee to reconvey tha property and shall
<br />surrendel IhlS TrUSI Deed ana all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this
<br />fr\Jst Deed 10 Trustee. TruSI&6 shill! reconve)' the property .....Ithout warranty and
<br />"'Unout charge 10 th~ pursons legaily enUIl&d Iherelo. The Grantee 111 any
<br />reconveyanCtl may be des.crl~ as .'the PEI'SOn or persons entitled therelo," and
<br />Ihe recitals therem 01 an)' mailers Of facts shall 00 conclusl..-e proof of the
<br />IrUlhfulness thereoi, Such person or persons Shall pay all costs of recordlng,lf any.
<br />
<br />2S~ Acc.t.raUon in the E.,enl QI Tran.I.'.111 tha evenl :he 11IIe 10 said real estate js
<br />tlanstertea. (\1 cQntracleo 10 be fraf\s!erred, trom tha underSlgn6d lor any reason or
<br />by an) melhoa whatsOl:lyer,!he entire pnnclpal sum and accrued Interest shall lill
<br />onco becoma dlie and payable at the lliection of the Beneficiary. Failure to exerCIse
<br />this option oocause of tfanstel 01 title as abo..-e stated in one instance shall nol
<br />constilute a waiyel 0' tne right to allercise the same in the event of any subsequent
<br />transitu
<br />
<br />28. Thla dMd of tr\.latla/unlo, 10 one dated
<br />
<br />e:o:eculfl\:l by TrUltOI to
<br />
<br />Trl.lateo,
<br />
<br />MlCurlng III prlnClpai note lor
<br />
<br />Dollale and UleCl fOI r&Cord wltlllhe Reg!ater of Deeds and IdenUlle(j as follows
<br />