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<br /> <br />Date_!eb '~9~~1 <br /> <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF_ <br /> <br />HALL <br /> <br />This i,s to eertify th~tthere is pending in the County Court of <br />Nebraska,;a Plai;eedin~:entitled: <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OLROBERT C, ?OSENCRANTS, Decea.;sed <br /> <br />HALL <br /> <br />No, <br /> <br />38-34 <br /> <br />Doc, <br /> <br />38 <br /> <br />Page 34 <br /> <br />which is a proceeding involving <br /> <br />FORlVlAL PROBATE <br />(probate of will, adminisJration of islate, ddtrmination of heirs. deltrminmion <br /> <br />of inhuitana lax. guardianship. or consrFl'alonhip <br /> <br />. in which proceeding Ihe fallowing described real <br /> <br />estate is in/J()lved, to-wit: <br /> <br />Lot Three (3), Block Two (~), in Capital Heights Subdivision, being <br />a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE}\SW;O <br />of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West <br />of the 6th !).n. tn Hall l~ounty, nebras!(a <br /> <br /> <br />:'iicharJ. E. ",\'eavcl' <br /> <br />County Judge uf said cuunty <br /> <br />By_ <br /> <br />rI 0'iJL <br />7~'l-n .il-' ~ <br />7::ter k oj the County Court <br /> <br />&dfon 2.J-.~.'j!~. "JIt !lUll procuding in the counly court irwoh'ing {I) the probate 0/ wills undalhe {In,wisiOlis of Chapta 3D, orlich: <br />2. (2) tflr a.dminijttuticJIl of (Slates under/he pf(wis.ions of Chap((F 30. articlt. 3. (3) tbe deft/winatioll !.~r heirs undu tht pro{lis;of!s of <br />Chopler 30, article 17. (4) the ddumination of inhaUWII.:t: lax undu [he pro1'iSiOfl$ oj Chtlptn 77. tulicle 20, (5) fjutlrditwship.'f <br />undtt 1m provi&ioffS oj Chapter 38, artidt 1, 2, 3. or.t. or (6) {'onst'fl!(Jtorshil':; unda fhe IJ1Q{li.\iQl1s of Chap/a 38. mlid/' 9. wheu: <br />rtal estate it any part oj tht t:J.$sds of lht c$tafr Qf pro('('(ding, {!it c/)Ilnlll judge b,jore whom the pto('("fdiHfJ is I'flIJjllsJ shull i$su~ (1 <br />c.ulijkfJ.ft which s.halt bt filt.d with Iht r~gi'&lt.f u/ d.:rd$ vi t!i( County in :ddc/t ale {fal is/ate is tocafed within ten duys GJ';cr lht <br />dt!J<ript~'()n oJ t~ utll rsla(e is Ji./t,d in the pfvcuJinr;....._. <br /> <br /> <br />