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<br />83- 004529
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<br />'to
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<br />
<br />THIS AGREEMENT entered into between KUESTER LAKEf INC. ,1JESS{YR,ia~d'
<br />
<br />l1ARILYNJ. JEFFRIES .. .... ... . . ... ". ..",<>'
<br />~~~XQOO{~X*K~ (as sole owner)(strik~'9I1t.\,
<br />portion not applicable) whether one or more, LESSEE, .... .'.... ................... .............
<br />Lot 2, having a lake front footage of 52 f~ti,
<br />1. Descript ion of Leased Premises: situated on the East side of the East portt()!l' !fl,
<br />of Kuester Lake, and being on a part of the w,swt, of Section 13, TllN, R9, West of the 6thP~~;, t\:'.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, together with a tract bounded on the North by the conmon road and such
<br />tract being a parallelogram abutting the West side of said lot 2) and having 'd~i1sions,-;-of:--_-44_:." ", ,:_ __~~~~~~
<br />Feet for its 'Northerly and Southerly sides and a dimension of 70 Feet for its Easterlyand~l';terlJ'f.
<br />sides. Such tract is as shown on a Survey dated March 8, 1983 and done by' Lyle W. Da"is,l~nd, .
<br />2. Term of Lease: Surveyor, and a copy of which Survey is heretoaa~tach.ed...an.d'in.'.....-...;'
<br />. corpora e Ov reterence"
<br />~ years, commencl.ng AlI~lIst: 1, 1983 .. an 'ernnnatLng,
<br />J1I1y 11, 2018
<br />
<br />3. QQ~ion to Extend Term:
<br />Lessee has the option to extend the term of this Lease for an
<br />additional 35 years by giving Lessor notice thereoff in writingf
<br />by June 1, 2018
<br />
<br />4.
<br />
<br />Right to
<br />Lessee
<br />(a)
<br />(b)
<br />
<br />(c)
<br />
<br />Assignment or Lease:
<br />has the r~ght to assign this Lease provided:
<br />Lessee has complied with all terms of this Lease,
<br />Lessee transfers to the new owner all interest and
<br />ownership of the Lessee in the common stock of
<br />Kuester Lake, Inc.
<br />The new Lessee agrees, in writing, to abide by the
<br />terms of the Lease so assigned, any new Lease for
<br />these premises, and to abide by the Agreement ent-
<br />ered into by this Lessee with Kuester Lake, Jnc. on
<br />or about November 4, 1971., the terl1lfl of \~hit'h :1T!'
<br />incoL-porated herein bv refel"'IICf'.
<br />The new Lessee shall be enli,J"d 1'0 a IlP\~ 1.e:'lse I'"
<br />it 35-year term. The !"nll Ill'll' hf' longer if ""l1sented
<br />La by the Lessor.
<br />Any subleasing must hav!' the !.,'ss,)t"s ilt'I" "",,l
<br />The Lessee has the ilhs<lJllt" right to COlI<lIII,,",II.'
<br />assign this Lease to allY mOl-l}_;.1t:f~l:' t'(lr the pili PII[H\
<br />of furnishing such morlgi1gP!' .1dditI<111:d "",.",-;1)"
<br />
<br />(<1)
<br />
<br />(e)
<br />(f)
<br />
<br />5. ReIlL:
<br />--:file Lessee shall pay to 1."SS01', as anllll;! I rt'I1I, 1':I"'.lI>i!' II' '.1
<br />vance and on or before July first (,ilch Y":lr, ~'", h "'Ill ,'l.'; 'II" ,.,.
<br />annually determined by till' 1.f'S511\' 1111<1"1 Ill.. ["ii,,,,,,,,. 1"'"11,1
<br />The annual rent shall hl' :111 ,,,,,,,",1, "d' i, \'.." .
<br />eqllHl to the result 1)1' divI1iI1l,\', Il", llli:ll II'llH
<br />bf'r of residential 11""'1'" ':1."1<11,,101.,, 1,,/ 'II"
<br />lhDt year's anticlp'::ilt'd lIpt l\lld,~"l llf'j'd:~ (11 tll'
<br />Lessor.
<br />Tlte cOlllputation of the alllllwl n'lll "11:1 Ii j;,. 01'>1,," !', II"" 'I
<br />hilt sh:lll be uniform among .1111,,,:::,,<, .<;10("1,11,,1.1"1:: ,'I i". I
<br />!.ake, Inc. In any event, the;lIl1ll1al "!'lll "I' [lie I."".'," ",II
<br />IH~t exceed One Hundred Dollarfl (SIOO.liU) IInlesfl a lI\<ljOlll)"
<br />01 a 11 lessee-stockholders of KlIester Lake, rllc. (one voly 1'0('
<br />each share), present and votillg at n sjH'ci:il meeting (,l1ller!
<br />ior that purpose, shall appr<lVP Iii.. ';III1If'.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />6. Access:
<br />-;rheT,ensee shall have access frolll th,> ],,".',,'rI pr"IlIis.": "",,, ,,,.
<br />Lessor I s roads and shall 111.'10 illlvf' tile r I,l~h[ t.o nfl'~ 1111'
<br />for boating, swimming, and l"lshing. Tilesl' access ,.igh!s ",.
<br />("){111110(\ wl.th the other leaseholderfl at Kuester LA!<P,
<br />
<br />I"., 1'1' i or Lenses:
<br />--'-'i'i;"lsLeasereplaces and supersedes any ]Hior Le;!:,,' II>' "'f' "'11'"
<br />lses which the Lessee or his predecessors in titl" may 1..1\/ ",1.1.
<br />