<br />
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE. made this 26th day of _&!R~_____ ,
<br />
<br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska. as mortgagor S. and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island; a corporati6n
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at .orand tsland,--Ndimka~--as_
<br />mortgagee;
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor S . for and in consideration of lhe sum of EIGHT THOUSAND FORTY;;'ONE
<br />
<br />0011 ARS ANO NOI100 ------------------------------..-....;..:;.... n.iuir,rs(s_8'.04LOO
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged"do
<br />
<br />by these presents mortgag,'c-and ~;-a1r;irtruti~o s~d ~ort,8ag,ee;_ ~~_s, ~CCessorS and -assigrt$i
<br />
<br />forever. all the following described real estate, situated in the County of
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />
<br />H(Jl1
<br />
<br />
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning. lighting. and plumbing E'quipment and fixtures, including screens. awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors. and window shades or blinds. used on or in connection with said propeny. whether the same are now located on sajd property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments Bnd appurtenance! thereunto be.
<br />
<br />longing. or in anywise appertaining. forever. and warrant the title to the same. Said mof{t8gor S_._. hereby covenant with said
<br />
<br />.mortgagee that _t he -.Y---- __ _a.r~e__._ . at the tlt'livel')' hereof. the lawful owner S. of the premises above conveyed and described.
<br />
<br />~......a.r.e.._._ '" _ seiz-.~ of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance thE-rein, free and dear of aU encumbrances. and th8t.~_'bteY-_ will
<br />warrant and defend tbe title thereto forever against the claims and demands o-f all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and this Ulstrument is .xecuted and delivered '" secure the payment o( the sum oi -EIGH-'La__,
<br />_IHOUSANIlEORIY.,.QNLD.OLLARS../lliILNO/lQQ _..,.____.,.__.,-_.,..u Dolla...iL l4Q4LOO_ I.
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and advances as may be du~ and payable to .said mortgap;ee under the- terms and conditions
<br />
<br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and securt'd hereby. e-xe<:uted b}' said mortj{agor -S.- to said mortgagee. payable as expres~d
<br />in said note. and to secure the performance of all the terms and conditions containt.'d therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />
<br />It is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advancE".8 made to said mortgagor ".S~
<br />
<br />by said mortgagee. and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated which said morlKBgors. or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee. nowever evidenced. whether by note. book act'ount or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal representativa!';l. successors and assigns, until ail amounts set.."Ured hereunder. including futun.
<br />advances. are paid in fuil with interest.
<br />
<br />The mortgagor -S- hereby assign __._~ to said mortgagee aU rents and income anslng at any and aU times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize se.id mortgagee or- its agent, at its option, upon default. to take charge of said property and collect all rents and in('om~
<br />therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest. principal. insurance preuliums. tax.es. assessments. repairs or improvc.Ilwnl....
<br />ne<:esaary tokMpsaid property in tenantablerondition. or to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereliy secured. This
<br />A,!nt assignment sball continue in force unt.U the unpaid. balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shaH in no manm'r
<br />prevent or retani said mo~ in the eollect-ion of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />
<br />Tht 'faihire of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time- sball nol be construed as u waiver of its right to assert, the
<br />same at any la~ time, and to insist upon and enforce strict compliance with aU tht; lerms and provbions of said note and of thi$ mortgagt~,
<br />
<br />If said m~r S shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder. and under t.he term~ and pn.wisi<HlS
<br />of. said,.note hereby 5ef;ured. including future advances, and any extensions or renewals th(;:Jwf in accordance with the te-nl:lS and provisions
<br />
<br />thenlof. ami if aaid m~ _~ shall comply with all the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, then these prr'sen~' shall be "oid,
<br />otl>el'wjso to~ inNJ1 forca and effal;t. ~ aaid mortgsgee shall be entitled '" the possession of aU of Bllid property. and may. at its oplion.
<br />~tbe w!u!Ie of &!lid ooteand all iIIdeb~ represented thereby to he immediately due and payahle. and may fo".'d""e this Il"'rtga.ge
<br />Of taklt,. BIll .,ther leial action to protect ~. right. Appnlisement waived,
<br />
<br />
<br />This: ~~ ahalJ be, binding. upon 8lld shall enure. to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators. sUt.-'"Ce8sor,s and aSslbrt\S of lhe-
<br />nllJpoctlve '~iel! h....to.
<br />
<br />'WriLtn2I:'NESS WHEREOF. said IvIortgagors..
<br />
<br />-~~1AuJ~'L~~'~ ...
<br />
<br />,. hs .IJ4- hereunto set ...tneir- hand ;>_. ... lhe day and year firsl "bo\'('
<br />} ,
<br />~ ., ~ ./
<br />7, / ;"/ "
<br />L-/4~~:(__'.-1f-t...~/
<br />