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<br />r <br /> <br />83':'" lJ 0 4514 <br /> <br />Loan No. m..,~~Q.?~:!:~.?.... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I.INCOI.N <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br /> <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS. <br /> <br />This Rider is made this ,.....:??.......m.... day of ............~~9E~~m..m'...wo'.., 19m~}, and is incorporated <br />into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Bor- <br /> <br />rower's Note to .............................,........................m........m...........................''..........................,........' <br />,g,;:~.!:..~,~.~.!:E~.~...?~:':',~,~!j!'!...~,~<i.,..~,?~.!l..~,~.~9.~J:.~,!=,~~!!..!?,;...~~~.~.?J~"...':':.,!JE.~.!='!:c!m~'!:~E,~.~,..~!?,~P.9.E~.t:.!.9.!!... <br />(the "Lender") of the same date (the "Note") and covering the 8ropert described in tbe Securi1?( IDstru- <br />ment and located at ..~,~.~.?:..~~,~,!=...~!:~E~!:!'!!..,..~~~,J?c~,...~.~.~E~!'!.~,,~,?..,9.Lm....' <br />Property Address <br /> <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bor- <br />rower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" oL...,J.9.~,;?,?.Q.., % <br />Interest rate changes may occur on the 1st day of .............m................P.~5;~!!\h~LL" 19...!?,~.. and on the <br />1st day of ............'..'m'..m......~.!:~g.........., 19.~'?m and on the 1st day of ,....'.....m............l.l!P.-~....'m....' 19..,a;.. <br />and on the 1st day of ....m......'mmm.........9.~E!;.~!!\R!LJ;" 19,J??.. and on those dates of those months in every <br />year thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date". <br /> <br />Changes in principal and interest payments to adjust amortization of the loan to correspond with <br />interest rate changes shall be made on the 1st day of .........................m..___~~PJ,e,lI!!:1~,L.., 19Jt~L and on that <br />date every ....::-==..... year(s) thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest payment may <br />change will be called a "Payment Change Date". <br />Changes in the interest rate are governed by changes in an interest rate index called the "Index". <br />Check box(es) to indicate Index. <br />(1) 0 "Contract Interest Rate, Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, National Average for all <br />Major Types of Lenders" published by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. <br />(2) I!J .MJ~~!;~)?l~..~~.t.~. .~!?~.~,.:::,.~o.!!,t:,J:1J,Y....~,Y.~E~&~mY.~~J~..2.I)...Q.~!?,~..)):~,~,~,l!EL.__..........,.......... <br />See ur~.t:1:~,~,.,?:~J':I.~,t:~~L~,O'..~...<::,O'!!!'!,~,':':~!:...!!l,~,t:~!:,~,~,y...!?,LLy.~~.LP.!!!;>J.:!-.~h~g."RL,t;.h~"..F~.<J,~E~1",~!lf!~x.y.!l,J~g,a rd . <br /> <br />Check box(es) to indicate limits. <br /> <br />(1) 0 If this box is checked, there v.ill be no maximum limit on changes in the interest rate up or <br />down. The Preliminary Rate referred t<l in the Note, will be the new interest rate. <br />(2) 0 If this box is checked, the interest rate that I pay shall not increase more than "....".m...."" <br />percentage points on anY Rate Change Date. <br />(3) 0 If this box is checked, the interest rate that I pay shall not decrease more than .........un.,,"" <br />percentage points on any Rate Change Date. <br />(4) lKJ If this box is checked, the interest rate that I pay shall never be more than ...Lk95Q..., % <br />during the period I have my loan, <br />(5) !KI If this box is checked, the interest rate that I pay shall never be less than ",9....950.,....% <br />during the period I have my loan. <br />(6) 0 If this box is checked, the principal and interest payment that I pay shall not increase more <br />than '."__mm',""" percent on any Payment Change Date. <br />(7) 0 If this box is checked, the principal and interest payment that I pay shall not decrease more <br />than ..""..m..",.... percent on any Payment Change Date. <br />The monthly payment amounts will also change on Payment Change Dates as provided in the Note. <br />Because payment changes may occur less often than interest rate changes and/or may be subject to certain <br />limitations described in the Note, the monthly payments may be insufficient at times to pay accruing <br />interest. In such case, unpaid interest is added to the principal balance of the Note and itself will accrue <br />interest thereafter. <br /> <br />F<mn 84a <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />