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<br /> <br /> <br />1:;'1'A'l'l!: 01" N.I<~IH(A::;h A, County of ....... ................... <br />Filed for record aud entered in Numerical Judex on <br /> <br />................................................................ at ................ 0 'clock ................ 1>1., <br />and recorded in. Mortgage l(eeord ........................, Page ...................... <br /> <br />83=-- 004496 <br /> <br />...:..h...........h........................................ <br />County Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />............................'................................ <br />Deputy County Clerk or <br />Deputy Register of Deeds <br /> <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br /> <br />Robert L. Johnson, a single person <br /> <br />I IlI'l"l'ill ('ailed the mortgagor whether .onfl or Uloret <br /> <br />in consideration of <br /> <br />Seven thousand three hundred three and 25/100 Dollars ($7303.25) <br /> <br />received from mortgagee, does mortgage to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a Municipal Corporation, the following described real estate, to-wit: <br /> <br />Lot 3, Block 18, Original Town, Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />And the mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortgagee and with .mortgagee's heirs and <br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully seised of said premises, that they arc free from encumbrance, that <br />mortgagor has good right and lawful anthority to convey the same, and that mortgagor warrants lllld <br />will defend the title to said I'rcmise~ against the lawfnl daill's of all persons whomsoever. <br />'l'his mortgage is given to secure the pay IIH'nt of I he promissory note of this date made by <br />mortg"gor for '1; 7,303.25 payable, in accordance \vith said note. <br /> <br />Mortgag,"' shall p"y all tax"" lllld assessments l,'vied "1'01 said relll property and all other taxes <br />levied 011 this mortgage or th,' Ilote which this mortgage is givell to seCIll'(' before the same become delin- <br />quent alld shaH maintain fire) windstorm aud cxtend\~d t:o\"l~raKC immrnncc ,,-ith a nlortgage clause on <br />I he hllildillg:; Oil ,,/lid premi:;"s ill the :;!lm llf '1; 20,000 If 1II0rtgagor fails to I'ay such taxes <br />and aSs.\~~HH'Jlt:-; Ol" prot.'ul'C ::Hldl iusul'alln... lHorl-l-!:ag-l'l' HWY pay stich tuxes nnt! purchu::iC such insurullcc <br />and tht, alHdtllll so advanced with interest at 11 ill(' pt'reput per annUlIl Hhall he sccure~l by this mortgage. <br />In {"aSe of default in the paym~llt of Ihe prilll.-'ipal SUIH or au)' iu.stallment t.hereof or of any int.erest <br />thert"on wilen the same shall bt'eOlUt' dl1\' or in l'U:rt' of the llou~paymcut of auy taxes or aSSe::iSUlcuts or of <br />the failure to lIIailltain insurauce as h"l',~ill provided, llIortgag,'e may at the opt.ion of mortgagl-e, with- <br />out notice, at any time during the continuance of :;ueh defanlt Or breach. declart' the whole dcbt secured <br />by this Illortgage to be imllledillt.<-ly <lu,' lllHl payable and Illay foreclose this mortgage. <br />In the event of default in tlll' performaIH'" of /lny of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or <br />the note !secured by it, the mortgagel' shall he ,-ntitled 10 illlllledilltl' posst'ssion of the property above de- <br />scribcll and nil the rents, reVCIlIH~ and inc.ouw lh~ri\'ed tlH.'l'pfrolU duriHg SHeil time as the mortgCl,ge in- <br />debtedness remains unpaid shall be applied by the Illort/{llgec t.o the payment of the note and all other <br />:;UIllS sel:ured hereby afta ,Ic,lllctiuu of any neces:;ar)' eost:; of <:olleetiOlL <br /> <br />Dated <br /> <br />August 22, <br /> <br />1983 <br /> <br />............~.....U.......h...............................n.............................. <br /> <br />~ I/W~U~ <br /> <br />~......................p.,.........................,....."........ <br /> <br />8TA1'1'; OIi' NIWltASKA. ('Ollllty of <br /> <br />..".l!.~.!7.!7. <br /> <br />Before IllC. a notary puhlic qualified fOl' :.mitl ('OUlIt)', per.:wnally ('alilt' <br /> <br />~,-,c.o(. ~'~n~ ~ .4-<.~J ~/ <br /> <br />kl,lowll to me to be the identical person or persous who Siglled the <br />fore$'oing instrument and llcknowledged the execution thereof to be his, <br />her or theirvolllntary lletand deed. <br /> <br />4"'~.~. <br /> <br />WitneS/; illY haIldand notarial seal On ~?J.'f.,f::f:.,..f;.?i? <br /> <br />~~..c;?..E4.~~;:~1;/~:::/ <br /> <br />~il~'3 <br />.................. <br /> <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />My cOlllmissiou expires <br /> <br />................. 19 <br /> <br />1"01'111 fl.2 <br /> <br />approved by Nehrusku Stah' Bar ASl'H)t'li-il jnu <br /> <br />V.twn 6, WQlt c..... .l,.ln~n, N~Lr, <br />