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<br />ij! j <br /> <br /> <br /><J <br />3 <br />ill.' <br />~.,~(i <br />"'0 "l'l, . <br />),! ~ '\ <br />~ <?-,' r(\ <br />~ ~ ~\j <br />~ \"",~ <br /> <br /> <br />\0 <br />~ <br />~ <br />.0. <br />"Z <br /> <br />Excerpts Frem Internal R.nnue Code <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay <br />the same after demand, the amount (including any interest, <br />additional amount, addrtion to tax, or assessable penalty, <br />together \"Iith-- any 'costs' that may accrue in addition thereto) <br />shallbf>aJiOl\ iltfa.....wtlle Untte<l Slates UpOl1 all property <br />and rigl}ts io,property. Whether real or personal. belongmg-t-o' <br />such person_ <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless another date.ts specificaliy fIxed by law, tile lien 1m: <br />posed by section 632"fshall arts-e al the time lhe assessment <br />is made and srf3.lI continue until the liability for the amount so <br />assessed (or a judgment against loe taxpayer arising oul 01 <br />such liability) is satisfied or becomes unenlorceable by reason <br />of lapse of tllTle, <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority <br /> <br />Against Certain Persons. <br /> <br />(a) Pardlasm. Heldel'$ Of Security Interest!, <br />Mechanic's Lieners. And Judgment Lien <br />Creditors.-The-lien imposed by section 6321 snat! not tie <br />valid as againsl any purcnaser, oolder ot a security mUKesl <br />mechanic's lienor. or judgment Hen creditor ufltll notice <br />th6ieof which meets the reqUIrements of subsectiOn \ fJ has <br />been filed by the Secretary. <br /> <br />(bi PtolIlClien For Certain Inleresls E_ Theugh <br />Notice FHed.-E.ven though notICe 01 a hefllmposed by sec- <br />tion 6321 has been !lied:, -such lien shaH not be valta- <br />II) Place For Filing Nelice: Ferm.- <br />(t) Place Fer Filing. -The no!:lce relerre<CI :0 in sub- <br />section ta) shaH De fHed- <br />(A} Under Stale Laws.- <br />Ii} Real Property.-ln the t.ase 01 ,eal pioperty, m one <br />office within the State (or the coonty. or utilel gO\iemmeo. <br />tal subdiVision), as designated by tile ia~s of such State. <br />in whi-ch the property SUbject 10 the lien is situated: aoo <br />(ii) Personal Property.-In the case ( propal- <br />ty, whethef tangible or Intangible, In one oftiGe within the <br />Stale. {Of the county, or otller gwerrunootal subWvlSion), <br />as designated by the laws of sucii State, in whiell the pro- <br />perty subJect to the hen IS situated: or <br />tai WKh Clerk 01 Dislricl COlIr1. -In lhe Ollic. 01 lhe <br />clerk oflhe United Slales dislricl COUr11er lhe judicial dlstricl <br />i.which Ille property subje<:llo lion IS silualed, whenever.lhe <br />SIaIt has not by law designated 0.. ollie. which m..lS the <br />requirements of subparagraph (Ai: Of <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />:!l <br />& <br /> <br />~ <br />;;; <br /> <br />o <br />i" <br />* <br /> <br />~" <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />:II <br />.. <br />.. <br />.. <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />? <br /> <br />... <br />.. <br />'< <br />!a. <br /> <br />(C) Wfth Recorder Of Deeds Of The District of <br />Cofumbia,-lo the office- of the Recorder of Deeds of the <br />District ot COlumbia. if tile property subject to the lien is <br />situated in the District of Cotumbia. <br />(2) Situs Of Property Subject To lien,-For purposes <br />01 paragraphs (1) and (4). property shall be deemed to be <br />situated- <br />(A) Real Property.-lo the case of reai property, at its <br />physical localkm; or <br />(8) Personal PfOperty,-!n the case of personal <br />property, wnethar tangible or Intangible, at the resldem::.e of <br />the taxPayer at the time the notice ot fien is filed <br />r:O.f purposes of, ~ragraP!l (2)(B), tile residem:e _of 3 <br />corporation or partriership shall be deeIned to be the place at <br />which the_principal execuiive office 01 the bus-mess IS IDeated, <br />ana the resiaence of a taxpayer whose reSltlence is wlthom: <br />the Uniteo Slates s.hall De deemed to be me [llstrict QI <br />Columbia <br /> <br />(-3} Form --fhe torm ana content oi tne notlce reterreo <br />to 111 subsection (al sheil ~.{' DrescnDeO by the SecretaI\' <br />Such !whce snail be valid notwlthstandmg any mher proVISIon <br />oi law regarding the !Qrm ~r content 01 a nOl!ce (11 lien <br /> <br />(Q) RetiUng 01 Natice,-For ourpose [,~ tr!1S :::ecltOn- <br /> <br />11 General Rulo.-Uf::ess '10t1C;; J~ _ien 1$ <br />!'e\l[e(j m the manner p,es~:noed Fl oai<lgraph ounng 1!1t> <br />reQUlre-j reliling f)aflQC, $;Jci1 not1C~ 01 hen lit' treate<i .15 <br />flied Oil the date ,)n which it IS !iIeO HI"! accordance wllO <br />suosectlOn l!H alter the eX~)jfatton 01 suen rBilfmg pened <br />\2; Place for FiUng.-A notlCe 0: hen rellil'Ci <br />cuting too reqUire(! rsWlng ptl:.Kx1 snail be effecU'o'S' only- <br />(~l if sueh nohce 01 uen is rehied mine ortlce In ......ruc!l tilE.' <br />odor !1otite 01 lien WdS Illed, <5.00 <br />ia) In any casu in wtll(.fl 9-0 (lJys cr mOle j)!lUl 10 me <br />oale o! a relllmg ot oot1(6 01 lam \'f subparagraph tAt <br />the Secletar)' f6CiI\'t1d written InlQlInaliOf1 [10 the malln~1 <br />pres(;ntled in reguJauons ISSueQ by the Secretafy) Conc,tHO. <br />1119 d chan~ mlhe 13-xp.ayers resKienctl, Il a nQtiCe 01 sucl1 <br />iien IS alSO flied li'\ Jccorctance With subs~ctl-on (11 l(l Inll <br />State m whlcn sucn H:s.oern;e is locateo. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />n <br />~ <br />o <br />- <br />.... <br />I>> <br />>< <br />r- <br />iD <br />=' <br /> <br />Fnfered as Document No. <br /> <br />() , <br />D/ <br />t ' <br /> <br />83- 1,1'''11 <br /> <br />Grantor A <br />Gra ntee J!-.L, ~ <br />Numerica~ <br /> <br />~:::r~"- <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />AUI il A"tl" <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />z <br />~. <br /> <br />c: <br />~ <br />t;'. <br />a,:' <br />(I) <br />_. <br />Ill.' <br />e; <br />lII' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(2,. '.' ..,{Jf~. /J' '. <br />~.~ <br />~~n~ <br /> <br />(3) Required Rellllng Period.-In Ih. cas. 01 any <br />notice -of lien, the term "required -reflUng period~' means.- <br />(A) lhe _year peri<xl ending 30 days after Ih. <br />expiration at 6 years after the date of the assessment 01 the <br />lax. and <br />(6\ the one-year period ending with the expiration of 6 <br />years after the octose- of the-. preceding, required -reflt/ng <br />period for such notite of -Hen-_ <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lienOr Dis- <br /> <br />charge Of Property, <br /> <br />(al Release 01 Lien..-Subject to SUC~ regwations <br />as the Secretary may prescribe-. the SecretarY ShaH issue a- <br />certificate of release of any lien Imposed WIth respect !O any <br />mternal revenue tax 1101 later wan 30 days after the day on <br />wtuch- <br />'ijliabiiity Satisfied or Unenforce-able, - The Secretary <br />~iflas 1hat toe liability for the amount assessed. together with <br />ail H11erest In resoect Inereot, has been fully sallslled Of nas <br />become (eQaliy unenlorceaole: or <br />,2) Bono AccePted. -1here IS lurmsned to the <br />Secreta!)' and accepted by hml a bond that IS cono'!iane-d <br />,lpon U,6 o-ayrrnmt of the amounl assessed, together with a11 <br />:nterest H1 respect thereof. within the lime presCflbed by law <br />,mctUc!lfig any extensIOn of such tHnel. a.nd ttlat IS In aceor- <br />.Jlr,ce ""nth such reQuirements relating to terms. conditions, <br />ana jorm o! the tona and sureties thereon, as mav be <br />sperilleo 0'1' such regulations. <br /> <br />Sec, 6103. Confidentiality and dis' <br /> <br />closure of returns and <br /> <br />return information. <br /> <br />(k) Disclesure of Certain Returns and <br />Return !nl1lrmal1Dn FDr Tax Administration <br />Purpeses.- <br /> <br />(2) DlsclOs;ura o! amount Qf oul5tdndlllg i!en_ --11 a <br />nolice ot Hen has been hIed pllIsuant to seellon 6323(1). the <br />dOlOufll (If lr~ ou{stanomg oOhgalton securea by SuCh lien may <br />tle disclosed 10 any person wllO furnishes satlSlacto-ry written <br />tt',!jClenCe lhal ne has a rignt m the property subject to such <br />',en or intends 10 obtaIn a ngnt In such property <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />~ <br />