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<br />;~-~,~~" :,,:d} <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />. ( <br />.~.~.~i <br />'0 :t\j '-.\. <br />'_--..\ .. i ~ <br />r' "'-i. '1\ <br />~ -'.., \.\ <br />~ ~ ~.\J <br />.~ C0 ~ <br />\, <br /> <br />~ <br />, <br />~"'~ <br />C'\) <br />~':~ <br /> <br />Excerpts From lnl8mal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />If any person liable 10 pay any tax neglects or retuses ~ pay <br />the same after demand, the amount, (including any interest. <br />addltlonal- amount, addition to tax, or assessable penaity, <br />together with any costs that may accrue in addition theretO) <br />shall be a_uen Ul_1avqt of:tl1e Uniled States upon all property <br />and rights to proPerty,- whether real or personal, belonging to <br />such person. <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless another date is specifically fixed by law, the lien im. <br />rtosed by section 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment <br />is made:a~ shall continue un~il the liability for the ~t so <br />~aSsfssed lor a judgment agalllst the taxpayer ansing.out ot <br />s..cti tiabWtW'is satislied or becomes unen10rceable by.reason <br />',at ,-"I time. <br /> <br />c$ec:.6323. Validity and Priority <br /> <br />Against Certain Persons. <br /> <br />(a, Purchasers, Holders 01 Security In\8lests. <br />Mechenic's L1enors, And Judgment Lien <br />Creditors.-The Uen imposed by section 6321 shaH nol be <br />valid as against any purchaser, holder 01 a seculity mterest. <br />mechanic's henor, or judgment Hen creditor unlii nOHce <br />thereof which meets tne requirements of subset:liOn 1,I}tlaS <br />been lilod by the Secretary <br /> <br />(b) Protattion for Certain In\8lesls Evon Though <br />Notice Filtd.-Even lhOugl1 not!Ce 01 a hen Imposed by sec' <br />Hon 6321 t>.as Deen 1:\00, such Hen shalt not be 'ialW- <br />(I) Plata For fHing NoIIte: Form.- <br />(1) ?face For Filing. - The notICe relerreO 10 In Sub, <br />Sl;lclion 1a) shaH be flled- <br />lA) Under State L1ws.- <br />Ii} Real Property,-ln the case of real property, !n one <br />oltlce within the State {or lhe cOllnty. or other govemrnen. <br />lal sUOOlvish1nl. as designated oy the iaws of such State, <br />III which the property subject to the lien is siluated; and <br />~ ~(~) Pe!~i Property.-In the case of personal proper" <br />ty, whether tangible or intangible. in one uthce within the <br />S~te (Of the ,CQUmy, or other gotiefnmenlal SUbdivision), <br />as desigf\dted by the laws of such Stale. in whICh the plO' <br />party subject to the lien is situated; or <br />iB) Wllh CierK Of District Court.-In Il~ office 01 the <br />cieri( 01 U16 UnrtOO States distrtct COlIrt tor the judicial district <br />in WhICh the property subfect to lien is situated. whenever the <br />StaIB has not by law ~ted one oHice which meets the <br />requirements of subparagraph (A); or <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />3 . " 4 49 0 <br /> <br />Grantor. .AI <br />Z Grantee -r: <br />2. Numerica~ <br />f 1_2-3_4- <br />1'iI..'tt' 'Nr~~~ fi <br />;-""~TY tf -:~;~t ') -' <br />I>> <br />)uGl5 AIi 10 09' <br />m <br />=' <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />:!l <br />&: <br /> <br />:7. <br />in' <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> ... <br />(') . <br />CD !!l. <br />;l- <br />i 1 <br />:D <br />:l <br />i Co <br />~ .. <br />~ '< <br />2. <br /> <br />(0) wnh Recorder 01 Oeeds Of The District of <br />Columbia. -In the office 01 the. flecorder of Deeds of the <br />District of Columbia. if the property subject to the lien is <br />situated In the District 01 Columbia. <br />(2} Situs Of Property Subject To Lien -For purposes <br />of paragraphs III and (4), property shall be deemed to be <br />situatad- <br />(A) Real Propefty.-In the case ot reai property, at its <br />physicallocation;-or <br />(S) Personal Property.-ln the case of personal <br />property, whether tangible or intangible. at the resldenCfl o! <br />the taxpayer at the lime tne notice ot hen is fHed <br />For purposes ot paragraph (2)(8), the reSIdence 01 a <br />corporation or partnersnip stl-a!l De deemeo 10 De the place at <br />whk;h the principa:l executive o"ftlGe of the business 15 Jocate<!. <br />arid the residence 01 a taxpav~r whose residence is wlthoof <br />the United States shaH be dee-med to be in the Distlictr'()l <br />Columbia. <br /> <br />(3) Form:- The form aoo conlent c; tt,e netic.a reterred <br />10 'm subsection - (al shall be prescnbed O'f the' Secretary <br />SUCh notIce shall be'valid notwithstanamg ,]n~ ottJer provision <br />of taw regarolOg the torm or content o~ a notice of hen <br /> <br />H;J) RefiHng Of Not-ice.-F'Jf DiJfp,...~e 0; Hl1S sec!ton~ <br /> <br />General Rule.-uniess '1(1l1ce (;1 :Ien '0: <br />reWed the manner piescnueo lD pa!dgrapn 12 ,! Ctl(j(lg me <br />required reliling perIOd. such nOllce of hen sha1i be tr6alea as <br />fjled on the date on wnlCh II !s fired (~n 3CCOf02nce Wilt': <br />subsectIOn (fj) alter Hre eXpHJtlQO of SUCr! re!llIng penOO <br />(2) Place For Filin:9.-A notIce ,}f ';€n refrieG <br />o-unng the required refiHng perIOd shall be effective only- <br />(AliI such oola:e of heft 15 rellied if] the Q!t:ce m wrUCh the <br />pnor notice 0: !ten was !;,ed. aGO <br />(6) In any case 1ft wfHCl1 90 CdyS ()T !f1Ole prior to !i'fi! <br />dale o! a rehliog ot nvtlC€ of hen unatr subparagraph (AI. <br />the Secretary le(elVed wnt1&fl lf1tOfmatlOn iHl the manner <br />prtl!>cnbed 10 regUlatIOns ISSUed oy too Secretary) concern- <br />ing a change ill th& ta:(po;Iyer-s r8sldence, it a notice 01 suer! <br />lieu is also hIed In accl'rOallce with 5.tlbSeC1I0f1 (n lP. tN~ <br />Stale in which SUCh fesiUenC8 15 loc.lfed. <br /> <br />'-'-,':.- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Enter <br /> <br />(...-. <br />L <br />/"~ <br /> <br />as Document No. <br />. .r>f~~'_." <br /> <br />):/ <br />.\ <br /> <br /> <br />< <br />!If <br /> <br />c: <br />=. <br />;' <br />Q, <br />.0. <br />t;. <br />;:- <br />.. <br /> <br />, ,~r~-;~":,~~~ <br /> <br />llt~f 1\,*l'1~ <br /> <br />(3) Required ReltllnllP8riod.-ln 1he case ,f any <br />Gullee 01 lien, the term "required -refifjng. period~' means- <br />(A) the one-year period ending _ 30 days after, the <br />(:"(piratloll of 6 years after the date of the assesSment 01 the <br />lilll:.2nd <br />8) the oOf~"year period ending with the expiration of 6 <br />years after the close of_ the preceding ,required refiling <br />periOd for such notice of !len. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325,. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br /> <br />charge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a~ Release Of liBn.-Subject to such regulations <br />as the Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary shall issue a <br />certificale of releasa.:01 any; lien imposed with respect 10 any <br />internal revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />which- <br />(1) liabitlty Satisfied ,or Unenforceable. - The Secretary <br />fiMS lhat tM llabillty.tor me.,amount assessed. together wlth <br />ail mterest in respect t~f, has been tully salis'lied Of has <br />oecome legal!y unentorceable; or <br />t 2) Bond Acceoted. - T!lere IS furnrstled to the' <br />Secretary and accePted ny fI!m a OQna that IS conditioned <br />iJoon the payment oi tM amount assessed, together with ail <br />'nterest in resoect thereof. wlthin lhe tm1e plescnbed by taw <br />\tflCiuoing any extension oj such lime}, and that is m accor- <br />Ganee with sucn reqUIrements relating to terms, eOl1diUOllS. <br />;ana to;m of the oond and sureties thereon, as may be <br />specl1ied by SuCh regulallOns. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br /> <br />closure of returns and <br /> <br />return information. <br /> <br />(k) Dlsciosure 01 Certain Returns and <br />Return Inlormalion For Tax Adminlstralion <br />Purposos.- <br /> <br />! 2 ) Dlsch::sure of amount. at outsla.ndmg lien _ - Ii a <br />oollte 01 Ueo has been tilea pursuant 10 seel~n 6323(1), the <br />amount of trla_outstandmg oohgatlQl1 S6ClIt-ed bY SUCh lien may <br />be dlsclUseo 10 any pefson whQ furnishes saiist-aClOry written <br />eV1Qenct! thaI he has iJ light in tile plQp6rty sUbJect 10 sucn <br />lIen Of lnh;loas 10 Clolam Ii n9m In such property <br /> <br />\'.. <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />-1 <br />