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<br />. ,- 83- 004473 <br />.now au ~tn bp tltbtit ~r:t5ent5, Thol. WheffiU. in an action in the Dislricl Cowl of the <br />_~~~'~~"""hhhjudicial District of the SIo.k of NtbrtU1I4. wUhin andfor the County of......hhh.hhh,...H..~,~.!.,..h"h.h,..,_h...hhh. wherein <br />In 1 ~'?'~h,~!t:,~!~l!.h,~~,'!'Pll.?J..L,.I_~.!'~""~9.!p.<>,!.~.!;.1.<>'~"'h'_"h"hh"""""'h"""""h"""""".,h".'hh____...._.p14inliff,... and <br />_P.onaJ..;L~.......~,~y~!':!U!!l!!.h~n!!r.~A.hh~.~.!!y~!".~.LJ:mJ!.~,!!B!L!!.t'!!Ly..H'~"hh"'_"""""""''''''''''h'''''''''''hdefendant.!l, <br />at o..C:h....:l!Il.?.~!Y....!!l'~h""'h'h"'" Term. A. D: 19..~t of .said co~..J,I!J!!!!l!lh..tfQ!,:~g!!B~L~,I!Ip.!!!!1Y.LJn~Lhh'" <br />did obIo,in IJ decreefinding that there is duefr0/7L~Sm~t~LJ~.....J~'~!!!Y~'!"'~'h!!!!l,!L.~Jld.n~~L"'L,W.\1~Y~r.~. <br />lo_h._,.h,....}~!.~?~...~!,t:.8!8.~h,.c:9.~p,Ily..L,.I.ll~,.h.hh h.hhh'............h'h.'.'..' .h . ...h....'hh..........'.,.'.,.....h_... .., <br />of ..!l.!!l~h.Th<?\!!l,~,I!.~LTh,,~.~...~~.I!.~tr~!L.Qn~,..!!!!l!!h.~~Ll9.Q. ..J.~~,.J!n...,~!3.) ,h..........h.dolldr.. <br /> <br />and """Is of suit taxed at... ........h..hhh,. ....h..hh....,hh...h .... hhhm..,h'nh h hn h . "'h"hdol",,,. and. whenas, it was then and there <br />furlhu ordered in the .aid action that in default of the payment of the Slun 30 found due by the .aid.J:)g.!l!!l!L1.!'...~~!!!y.~!:~...!!!I).,~Lh..... <br />_,....~H.g.~,!t(LJ"....!!~/!,Y~.t:.lL...h......h...'h....., hhh..h_..hh.,. h.....that. h........'hg.h,!!!J.~.~'..l'!lJ!J:lIi.!)~,lIhh......h'......h <br />Sheriff of .aid County OJ.'h m....'.......,...,..,.!l.!tll.... h.........',"...h "'h' .Iwuld cause the lands and tenements hereinafter de.cribed w be <br /> <br />odllCl'tised and sotd according to law w pay the same, and. whereas. default having been mode therein, the saidhh...h. <br />Charles F. Fairbanks <br /> <br />, . h h ..." Sheriff of said county, under and by virtue of the said decree and <br /> <br />the order of.ale to him duly directed, did on the.....h'..' '...hh........m2~hJJL '.......'.. tUzy oj. mh'hJyJ.,7%h ......hhhh...hhA. D. 19JI3. <br /> <br />at the'h~,()~~~},()~~L .~ of the County Cawt lIou.\e in thehh"'C.i.t~" 'hh4h"hh.GrancL.Is.1and.''''hh <br /> <br />in.said County Ol"'h Hall h .,n., hhhhhh . . having}irst given due and legal noIiu of the time and place of said sale <br />... .' Grand Island Dail Independent. . <br />by publtcatwn once m each u~ek for four ,<r;l1CreSS1N' U'et'k.<< lTl the ......m........u.......u_.........nn.Y..._.n.m.... a newspaper prwted and In general <br /> <br />circulation in.said County of""... "mu.....u,.uuuuJ:!all "''''hh_'...u, sell said premises at public auction tL'h...m}.Il.~.ll~t:l <br /> <br />"J~Q!':!-A!!g~u,~,QI))P.!!!~Y"mJ!l,~,L, UhhmmUhUhU"""" . , jor lhe sum ofNin.e.ur.b.o:ullandu.~:l.1x.Jj:undre.dhfift.y <br /> <br />",.!~.u!!!1~L~~L1.Q(L.'uL~9,',!?,??JI)X ,,,u,,,,u,uu...,dollar.. which sale was aflCMl'ard at the, m,r~m~ hb,L.Term of said courl, <br /> <br />A, D" 19uJU examined and confirmed and the saidhm uhuh.Charles,uF_uF.airbanks,., '''U'hU,mas such Sheriff. ordered <br /> <br />to corwey the said premise. infee .imple to tile said...,Jn,land.,Mor:t&aglL.Cmnpany,."lnc...,.,u . u, 'uu ,U,'m"m,u'" hU .mhuh....u <br /> <br />JlobJ ~btrtfOrt, i, the saiduh" u"Uu'u," Charles F. Fairbanksmu. Sheriff of the County of <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />......".umm_______..u_..._ . .m...h.a.f aforuaid. in consideration of the premu~s and by virtue of the p(JU)ers ~$kd in me by law and the <br />decree of said cowt, do hereby Give, Grant and Corwey io the saitLIIlJ!l.!l!:! J~IQ,~:J:g~g!L!;;Q~lly,uh~'~,<;,Lu uuuu U. hUUUuuuu, <br /> <br />mmu...JI&. and au~ the premi:ra so as afore$aid sold, io wit: <br /> <br />(' <br />.. :f\i>'6~"'" ',mhu...m . ,'.mmm.m <br />hs~~~~~l"C.~'u~uuu ... U......I.NEBRP.~A:,c~tXENTAR't. <br />uAUGu23u1983 . <br />u .1/.... U <br />Uh ... 'Iif~rfu:~~~~" <br /> <br />.tDiih ~ appurkna.T'UZlt. <br />Co "abt ani) to "01l) tbe ~ame unto the saUl.. InJall,c1u !1clJ:~g,!!g~"~.,,II!Pu~~y.Llnl:., <br /> <br />..........__.._'__'''_nu...m......h'....h....h.U.. ''''..unou_,_. .......nm._..n"'h'''''UUh'>>lJ. and auignr, and to them and their usc and behoof forever. <br />. ,_ .In Ctstimonp WtJerrof. I hav., us such Sheriff, hereunto set my harui this....u.. 5 th . ., of <br />A. \1$.U. ~t. .... A D 19 83~~ - " ..r" <br />-..,-..,..,....".. u. ..,.., .... .?-- 2: <br /> <br />.. ....... ... .~' ...c~ ' . ':":::::z <br />Eueuled and <ktivered in the pruence of Sheriff of..,.......... Ha 11 m.COunty. Nebra.ska, <br />R.L. WillilllllS <br /> <br />..Ju, <br /> <br />in andl'" said county, personully appeared the .oid,... <br />!.!tl!h.~l"@'!!"~~'~n__'"""",.."""'"'.'''''''''''''''''...,..,_._ShuifJ <J! .aid Countr, <br />10 "'" porsonally know" to be the UieniicaJ. pelon Wu> .igned the foregoing u..i1'um;mi 01 grcnlm', arui <br />M achJqwltdged the """" 10 be his voltuUary <u:t and deed, ... sueh sheriff. for the _s and p~poses <br />~in.etjorlh. <br />_(InUIt."'1 hand and oJ/Ulial ...u the tUzy and year <lhove wril/w, <br />.................... <br />L__ <br />-..-.. <br /> <br />"--"-'--/;;~:;T..ot';-";7:r~TZt,. .. ~~. <br />~:u.l./(,Lh. <br />