<br />
<br />
<br />1..J)lt~()P.T1tt1STI
<br />
<br />83~ 0044'70
<br />
<br />..'..,',.,.".<""'s' ..... 25th d.a.''J'o.f' Milv ,
<br />..., .SDl!.EI>OPTRVCfi$m~....l$............"..,.,...."""", ., .........t......::"',..;.
<br />. ,", . ..t' ,< RObert Ii. Johrison, a s1.ngle 'person ..,. . . . .. . . ..,
<br />:~::;:::~::~~~~~.:.~~:.:~~~.~~~~.:...~~~.::~:~r~~1~~t~:~i.~~1~~{i5:
<br />__~~'.MOR"~ tf~ ~,Lift_1D, .1fibraalta', . q .}?Qqy.,1:ld).,i.'t.i'P'.',/<....
<br />
<br />.q~J(~.... ....... .......... .... .........:....... .. .,............ . .C)tt~'~.i
<br />mst'di.i~ttlel~of .. t:be..,.S~1;e'.~~ NfttlraSka, . .. . . . '" ........... n. ".' . '.'" .., '. ,..:..
<br />wftbie:.aitilmsiSGOld'S?aJ,:r~.r.~.~,. .~1!l:1;'f:~9~. ... ..... ,................ ..........:.... ....~...
<br />'... ... '.io:ii.j.o~'.~~~~t-!. ~;i?~.l.~" .~. .~??9?............,.. (~'''IAIllfet.''); . .. '
<br />.. ................... .... .... - - - " - - .- - - .
<br />
<br />
<br />SOltltowmt. inconsidetltiott.oftheUKSebtedJtess, hftein.. recited.'andtnetrust. hen:in~;l~f~;
<br />and~ to T~; in trust. with'~ of sale. the followiugdacribedpropenylOClUedintlte'Co~of'
<br />
<br />. .,. . . .. . ... . . !i~. .1. . . . . . .. . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . " . State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Let Three (3), IHoek Eighteen (18), Original Town, now City of Grand >Islimd ,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />which hl!$tI1ollddressof ..... . . .HL ~!l~::..&.t.~ . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. '" . . . . . ~~~~1~. .I.~~~~~. . . . . . .. .
<br />lsa.ll lCotyl
<br />Nebr~ . . . . . . . . . . , ?~~~!-. , . . . . . . . . . (herein "Property Addn:$s");
<br />II..CldtI
<br />
<br />CfQ:Q1ifH1;ll with ~I tlJe.. i~ts now or herell.fter erected on the property. and aU easelDents. rights.
<br />~1l!l4 ~~,(",bjec:t boweverto the. rights aJII1 allthoritiesgiven herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />~. ~. of wbj(;b ~~ he~~ to be and remain a ~ of thepropeny covered by this Deed of TrU$t; and all (Jf
<br />the,J~ t~ with ~.. property (or the leuebold estate if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold) an,l'
<br />~er reiJ=m=du>as the "Property";
<br />Tq~\JR!\ill>~thcrePllymentofthc.indebtednessevidencedbyBorrower'snotedated..,.,........... ,
<br />.' '.. ,.~y"~,5.,. .l..~a.~..,."......, _extemioasandrenew~Slhereo{(herein "Note"),intheprincipalsum.of
<br />U.s.~'t~Q99rQ9. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . , . . with interest thereon. providing for. monthly installmeplS 'i9~Jlfcipal and
<br />i~,~if11,t~.~..oftbeinde~edness. ifnotsooner paid. due and payable on. . . . . . .~~~ . . ~ . , . . , . . , . . . . :
<br />~~.ofall.qthers~ with interesl t~. a4vam:ed in accordanc:e herewith to protect the sc:curity of this
<br />~of'Tt~'lYlclthll,perfortl\,llRceofthe_CIl.aIlts and ~ents of Bon'ower herein contained.
<br />fil9r,!:"'!l:.rcO\'~tbat ~ is lawfulIy seised. of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right 10 grant and
<br />~~~~.~. ap4. tbattlJe Property is lU1eJ1Cumbeted.. except for encumbrances of record. Borrower covenants
<br />~~~sall4windctend..geneWly th1:title.to.thC Property against aU claims and demand$. sllbject..to.
<br />$~~of~,
<br />. '1J~~g~C()\(~Ni1~ ~~and Lender c?"enantand agree as follows:
<br />'~.~_.~,~l ~, ~.'.. ~wer shal.l Ptl)lllpt1y pay when due the principal and inte~t
<br />. ...~cll~ecl1~~,~proddedintheNote,
<br />, St,t,~.toa~cll<blt Jawor a written wah'erby Lender. Borrower shall pay to
<br />o(~J14l a~in~tare payabitu!1derilieNQte. untiHhe Note is paid
<br />too~:t~~ot'they~arIY~aiJd~~tI.tS(illc1uding ,",'Ond9minium an~
<br />ifa~}\\'~~may~ptiQtjlY.ovi:rlh~~of Trust. anq grolln<lrents on
<br />.~fib:o't'y~tYP(\!mi\lm il\$t1I1mellts forhUjlrdlnslll;U1ce. plus or:e.twtlfth o.fyell,tly.
<br />i~ItI"~.itan}', all..~.~~o~IYesMtl!.I1;dlnitiany and !Tom time to riil'Hl by
<br />{Ibillian<l~<>:t1I;l~e.t$~I1bli'restn..:~t: ~6wer \hall not be obligated to make
<br />I"Jot~ene"'fthl!I~~~makessw;bpIiYment~ !O lhe holder of a prior mllrtiflgenr
<br />I\~tjtllt~allimder'.. .
<br />