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<br />." <br />Q <br />3 <br />'I' <br />I f <br />~CiCk.'. ,. ~lk, ".. ~ <br />~.'..""~N <br />\:. "'\)~ <br />"-, . \..T. . A.' <br />~ > ~ f\ <br />~(-:' ~~~. !\ ~AL;\". <br />,j \f.", IV ur <br />, ' ~ "'-, <br />J~ ~ ~ <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />~, r~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />Excel1llS From InlemaI R.Vlnue Cilde <br />Sec. 6321. Uen For Taxes. <br />If any persoo liable 10 pay any tax neglects or fIlfuses to pay <br />the same af1er demand. the amount (inclutUng any interest. <br />additional amount, addition to tax, or assessable penalty. <br />logether wiUt any C<lSts that may accrue In aadltion I_to) <br />sllaU bu.lien in.lavorof the Unrted StatTls upon aU property <br />and,pioperty, whether real or personal. belongingto <br />such person. <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless another date is specifically fixed by law, the lien im- <br />posed by section 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment <br />-is ~ and $hall continue untillhe. liability for the 8.'JlOUflt 51) <br />,'Msessea (ora judgment against the taxpayer ariSfng!?Ot of <br />',Socii liilbili1Ylis sat~fied or bacomes unenlurceable bYff,asvn <br />of ~of time. <br /> <br />Sec. '6323. Validity and Priority <br /> <br />Against Certain Persons, <br /> <br />(a) Pun:haaen. Heide" Ot Securily Intereata. <br />Mechanic's Lienors, And Judgment lien <br />Creditors. -Tho iie. imposed by section 6321 shall not be <br />valid as against any purChaser, holder of a security interest, <br />mechanic's lienor. or judgment lien c.reditor until notICe <br />thereof which meets t!le requirements of subsection (1) nas <br />beon filed by the S"",.tary, <br /> <br />(h) Prolecllon For Certain In/emts E.... Though <br />NGttce-Ftted.-E\'en though notICe of a lien imposed by sec- <br />tion 6321 has been f:led, such Hen shaH not be valid-. <br />il) PIece For Filing Notice: Form.- <br />(1) Ptace For Filing. -The notice ralened to in sun- <br />section fa) shatl be med- <br />(A) UJ1der Stat. laws.- <br />(i) Real Property.-In the case 01 real Property, in one <br />office within the State (or lhe county. or other golJemmen- <br />tal sutxiiviSiOn). as designated by the laws 01 sucn State. <br />In wtucll ~he property Stlbfect to the 1i8fj is. situa1ec1~ and <br />(iil Personal Property. -In the cas. 01 personal proper' <br />'ty, Whether tangible Of iotangibl8. in one office within lhe <br />St3;!e (or .the county. Of Olller governmental subdivision), <br />as destgtlilted by the laws oj such State, In wruch the pI(t- <br />pertv subject to the lien is situated; Of <br />is) Nnh Chnk 01 D!strtct Court. -In the office 01 the <br />clerk 01 lilE! Umted Slams dlstrtct court lor the judk:ial district <br />I. _h the property SUIljeCI to lien is situateD. __ the <br />Slal1lllas llOll>y law designateD one _ which _ the <br />requlremonls 01 subparagraph (Al; or <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'0 <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br /> ;g <br /> & <br /> - <br /> ':r <br /> ii <br /> Z <br /> 0 <br /> - <br /> n <br /> :!t <br />~ g. <br />CD-'- <br /> .... <br /> I>> <br /> )( <br /> r- <br />!!t i" <br />1 ::s <br />... <br />.. <br />"" <br />g, <br /> <br />t <br />:D <br />.. <br />.. <br />! <br />;; <br />is- <br /> <br />(C) With Recorder 01 Deeds OIlhe District of <br />C<>lumbia,-I. tfie _ of tfie Recorder of Deeds of the <br />District of Columbia, If the property subj.ct 10 1he Ii.. is <br />situated In the Oisflict of Columbia. <br />(2) Sitos Of Property Subject To Uen. -For purposes <br />of paragrapM (1) and (4), property shaH be deemed to be <br />situated- <br />(A) Real Property_,-In the case 01 real oroperty. at its <br />pttysicallocation; or <br />tB} ,Personal Property.-ln the case of personal <br />property. whether tangible or intangible. at the residence of <br />the taxpayer at the time the notlte ot Hen is tiled <br />For purposes at paragraph (2)(8). the resklence of a <br />corporation or partnership shail be deemed to De the place at <br />which the printtpaj executi\.-e ottice of the business is iocatet1. <br />and the residence of a taxpayer whose reslaence--ts-withotit - <br />the- United States, shalt be deeme<l to De m the DiStrict of <br />Columbia <br /> <br />; 31 Form. - The form and content ot the notice referreo <br />10 m subsection \a) shall be presctleea by lhe Secreta!). <br />SuCh notice shan be valid notwithstandrnQ an\' other provlSl0n <br />of law regarding the form {if ccntent of a notICe o~ ~lei1 <br /> <br />191 R8tiHng Of Notice.-FOI' ;:urpose Qt lhlS sectlon- <br /> <br />(1) Ganlral Rute.-U!lJess notice of !h~fl (5- <br />fetiie(j lfl the manner pr6scnOeO in Darauraon (2) ounnQ me <br />requireo ratthng perIOd, SUCl1 notice of hen shall De Ireat~ as <br />tiled on the date on wl'uch l! :s Hied \ 1I1 accOldance with <br />subsectton {t)) after the eXplratlOO of such reMmg ~nod. <br />(2) Place For FiUng.-A notIce 01 hen reWed <br />during the reqwed period ShaH he etttttrve only- <br />(A) It such notice ct hen IS retlietj in the O!fICtl in Whl{;h tne <br />prior notiCe 01 lien was filed. ano <br />(B) In any ca~ in wIllen 90 oays (:1 mGl6 pflor 10 tne <br />dale ol a fetlilng 1.11 MlICt'< of lIen ulldel ~ubpari9fapn tAl. <br />lhe Secretaf) f~h'tld Wllneo ml0frnal:0fj 1m l/'Ie mannel <br />pres.crtbet1 In regulallOns iSSUW 0)' the. SewHary) concern- <br />mg a change In the ta\paye(s reside-n\:e if a notICe aJ such <br />lien is alSo filed H1 accordance With SUbse<:IIOO {f} to me <br />State in which such residence is located. <br /> <br />----~ <br />',;,- ''>',..... <br />'\-"~ .... <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Q() <br />I /",,- <br /> <br />'\':J <br />n- <br />~ i;:'t, - <br />m ~. <br />.;,,~., <br />~) <br /> <br />= <br /> <br /> <br />CD <br /> <br /><1J ..." <br />0. ~4 <br />~~ <br /> <br />"'< . <br />'"~ 11 <br />~~ ~. <br />~9''-"t~'' <br />ft.i, <br />!ill' <br />"",I <br /> <br />c: <br />~ <br />CD <br />Q,.. <br />U) <br />....;;' <br />~- <br />CD <br />110' <br /> <br />:::- <br />c::: <br />C") <br /> <br />ro..) <br />'" <br /> <br />i ~F,..r:.,.. <br />~ <br />iJ) <br />r <br />.... <br /> <br />:l> <br />::x <br /> <br />.z: <br /> <br />. '-:zq;~ <br />_ I t; Co) ~_ <br /> <br />~~w~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(3) Requlred BiliUng Pllriod.-In the cas. 01 \"Y <br />~otlLe 01 Usn. the term "f~qf.llred reining penQd" mean~- <br />{A} the one-year period ending 30 (jays- after the <br />~).:piration of 6 years-after the date 01 the assessment-of the <br />lax. and <br />'B) the one-year period ending with the expiration 016 <br />years after the close_. of the _preceding required reUting <br />perIOd tar such notice of lien. <br /> <br />Sec, 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br /> <br />charge Of Property. <br /> <br />Z <br />5>~ <br /> <br />(3) Release Of lien.-Subiect to such regulatiOns <br />3S the Secretary may prescribe. the. Secretary shall issue a <br />~ll!:ate of release at _any lien imposed with respect to any <br />internal revenue ~x flut later 1han 30 days after the day on <br />which- <br />, ! 1) liability SaUsfled or UnenforceaOle. -The Secretary <br />Mds that th6 liability for the amount assessed, logelher wlfn <br />.aU interest in respect Ihereof. has been fully satisfied or has <br />oecome legally unentmceaOle. or <br />i2) Bona Ac:ceptecL- There IS turmsned to lhe <br />Secretary and accepteo by hIm a bono that IS condItIOned <br />upon ti1e payment of ltle ari'rount assessed. together wllh aU <br />:nterest !il respect thefe<ll, within the lime prescnoed by law <br />;!nCiUQlflg any extension of such lime), ano that is In accor- <br />aanee witll such reqUirements relating 10 terms. centlillOns. <br />al10 10m of the bond and sureties thereon. as may be <br />spe<:iiiea by SuCh regulations <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br /> <br />closure of returns and <br /> <br />return information. <br /> <br />(kl OlsclosulI 01 Certain Returns and <br />Return Information For Tax AdminIstration <br />Purposes.- <br /> <br />l2i DisclOSure 01 amount of ou.tstanding hen.-If a <br />IlQttce 01 lien has been tiltd,pursttant 10 secIton 6323(1), the <br />amount of the outstanding o~g.alion seClJ{~ by slich hen lllay <br />btt disctoseo to any person 'who- furnishes salislaclory wrll1e-n <br />e"-liJern:e that he M5 a ngllt lf1 me property subleel to suel} <br />hen Of intends 10 Obtain a right in such property <br /> <br />----'.-.""" <br />~.. <br /> <br />~'.'.-~ <br />, ,;;;~, <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />-.J <br />