<br />(Open-End: To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />
<br />KNOWALLMENBVTHESEPRESENTS:Thal Michael E. Fattig and Mai T. Fattig ,ilindividuals,
<br />jointly and severally, residing '" Hal 1--- County. Nebraska -- , and il a c~rpo;;;;;on or olher business enllty, wilh lis
<br />pilnclpal place 01 business in C<lunty, , (hereinafter relerredlo as "Mortgagor' 'j in conskl<'ra.
<br />hen 01 all Mortgagor's Indebtedness, liabilities, and obligations to Cornmerc~al Nat~onal BanK & Trust Co.
<br />
<br />01 Hall COunty, State 01 Nebraska ("Mortgagee' 'j now ex.stmg or hereafler Incurred and olher valuable conSlderat.on Tn hand paid
<br />dGeS hetebysell and conV<!jl unlo Mortgagee Ihe 100Iowing described premises Sllualed in "Hall" ,.. " __'_ County and Slale 01 Nebraska
<br />to,wlt:
<br />
<br />83-')04407
<br />
<br />Lot #32, Castle Estates Subdivison, Phase I, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />together with dll of tbe nght litle. aOCl interest of the Mortgagor In said property now owned or hereafter )COu([€~ and all bUlldmgs. improvemenTS, and fixtures of any type
<br />now or hereafter p~ced 0(1 saId rea! DrOperty and all easements. nghlS. appurtenances, rents. rovalfles o'l and gas fights and profits. water. water rights. and water stock.
<br />and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the foregOIng described property. all oj willen J11c!udinq reri,l.;t:'(:"tel'Jts and additions thereto. shall be deemed 10 be and remain
<br />part of the property covered by this Mortgage. All 01 the foregoing property shall oe cOHeCflvely heremaHe! referred 10 as fhe Prermses
<br />.. August 18 1983 Thirty seven
<br />th~~ss~~ge~~ave~~ilu8H~::'~I~.':f~r:2::.~!.:~~~!?...:':,:::;,-,::-==-::~::-,:,-~~ -'. -.-,.- - . -OOO'~ otre onnClpdf 3urn of --~-~'-~~-----'--'~
<br />____~_.____._ ____.__ _'__.""_ ~___,_,'__"__'._,__ ._._____.___._,_____..__._ __ _ _. _. _ _ _.. __ Doli,;r:;! ;r?:,. _.. _,~__ ,} a<1d u1teresllhereon aCCOlr1m9 to Ihe terms of
<br />satd note and any and all extens~ons, renewals. modihcatlOflS. or sutJSlftuhons f!1eretl~ and each and e'>.'€(y debt haOi!ily and obligation 01 every type and description which the
<br />Mortgagor may now Of al any lime tlereatter owe 10 the MOfigagee. whether sucn deot. 11.1b1hty or oiJhgaliOn '":\JW eXlS!S or IS or may be (jlrect or mdlrec!, due Of to become
<br />due, absolute or cOil1ingent, primary or secondary. flQUldaled or unhQuH1aled or jOlOt severa! or JO!nt aM selle/al al! such debts IlaOllitles and obligatIOns aU collectively
<br />Oerematter relened 10- as ' ObligaliOns
<br />
<br />The total pflnClpal amount eXChJSlYe of interest 01 ttle-{)bhgahons Incluomg any luture Oebts J.d\'ances. liJblhheS or Obllga!JOns, not inCludmg however any sums ad.
<br />
<br />\ranced for !he protectIOn of the PremIses or the Mongagee's mleresr It!erelO shall:'lor exceed 1he sum Of _ __'r}:..!.!!:.y~~~~en _ thousand and nO/lOO-:
<br />
<br />--------------------------=_=-=-=-=== DeBars 1$_~,2:"!..Q.QQ.:_QQ_..___ L provlo8(j. however thaI nothlOg contamed herein shall constitute
<br />a commitment 10 make aUQltmnal or tuttlfe loans or advances in any amount
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor hereo~ warrants thai IllS fee owner of the mortgaged real property !tw 11 win de!ena me hUe agamst aU clalman!s whomsoever ilnO it relinQUishes all
<br />nghts of homestead m sala Premises and covenants ano agrees With the Mortgagee as IOllows
<br />1 To pay woen aue aU taxes. hens, ludgments, or assessments: which may be ;dwfutl'f d~SesSe-o 3t;<1ll'V:,! The P,emlses ano the rentai crarges upor. af'l~ leases assigned
<br />as aCloltlOnal secunly for tnlS Mortgage
<br />2 10 Iflsure anc keep !nsure<! lhe Premises anc other Improvements now on or ....tllcn mav tlereatle' tl~ placed on saId Prem1ses W me SJilSfactlOl1 oi tf1e Mortgagee
<br />Any polley eVldencmg suet! Insurance shalt be endorSe(! WIth a mortgagoo lOss payable clause. approve{'! 0.,. anc In ia\lCf Of Mortgagee -311Q de~:wsltel1 With me Mortgagee and
<br />With any lOSS thereun(J6f to be payable to Mortgagee At ttle aptian of the Mortgagee sums so receIved b\' VOflgagee- or Mortgagor mal; be useo 10 pay for reconslrucltQn ot
<br />the OestfOYeo PremIses. or. !I not SO appl'ec1 may dt the oPtion of tMft Mortgagee. De applied in oaymenl 0: an.. 0t>llgal1ons ~;Hi)fe(j or tlofllJ!ureO, seCured by thIS Mortgage
<br />3 TO Keep aU bUlldmgs occup~ aM 10 gOOd reoalf and to refrain from ftle commlsSJon o! any aCI'" (!! re-l'1')"a~ demOlltlQn, Of Impairment ollhe PremIses, not to cut or
<br />remove. or permit to be cut or remove<S. dn)' wOOd 01 timber from saiC real property. arl0 nol to commIt o~ ~"t::m:l .'!.l;y Wds!e Of Impa!rment of lhe value at the secunty: to contln.
<br />uously praCllce approved methods of farming on saKi PremISes. fo {}feve"t !fOSiOO and !he spreau of :'lC'KIOUS Jr.O damagmg weeds. and to preserve 1M !er11t1ty of Ihe soil
<br />4. That aU money a'ld awards payable as damages or comoenSdhon tOf the !dlong o! titre 10 or p(n;....e~~;wf) ct vt lor aam..jge 10 any p{)rHOfl 01 the PremIses by reason of
<br />any con<Semnat1On. emlnenl domal!L change of grace. or other proceediOg Shall, at the optlOfl 01 toe MOff1)dyee_ be- patel 10 the MOflgagee. aM Sucr. moneys ana awards are
<br />t1ereby assigned to Moogagee. and ludgment thettlOf' shaH be erHerftO If! favor ot Mortgagee. 3M ~nen p,:ud' snail be uSe\!, at tIs optIOn towarU lhe paVmenl ot Joe ObligaliOns
<br />secured nereby In suc:1'i Qrder Of manner as Mortgagee may Clestre or derermlfle Qf sha/! oe useo l!! rls oplron lor Pdyment o! la~es assessmenls. fepa!rS or olher Items for the
<br />payment 01 which thiS MOftga-ge 1$ given as secunty _ whether the same be then due i)i nOI. "no lfl sucf'J order or mar1fler as Mmtgagee may deter;nlfle dnd any amount not so
<br />used snallOt: releasee ny the Mortgagee !o tne Mortgagor SueD 3Pchcation Of fBtedSt'! stl-dJi not CUr! or waive any <!etault or IOfeciosufe proceedlf1gs In Ine event Mortgagee
<br />oeems I! oecessary 10 appear or answer 10 condemnal!on aclsoo !leafing Qf proceedmg NlOf1g.agor sn~ pay aU ~l expenses ,n connectIOn lt1erewllh, InCluding bu1 not lim.
<br />ited 10 attorney) fees ano court costs. arld unt!1 so paul. suet! expenses. Wlttl interesi at the fate of __~~.:.g_,,_ pefcenl snali be aGded to lne ObHqallOns secured flefeoy to
<br />such manner or ofder as Mortgagee- may aeslTe or d~ermlOe !'lavmg Ihe oeneht 01 tne lien crealed nereby as a (W1 hereot .snd 01 !ts pnOflly
<br />5 That In lhe evenl MOftgago> tails 10 pay when due any taxes rental C!1drge5 upon dny leases asslgnea dS dOatllond! secuilty !or inl:) MOr1g.1ge. hens, judgments, Of
<br />assessments iawfuHy assessed .lgamsl me Prerruses or fa,is 10 mamtain InSurdnce as l1efelnoefOfe pro'o.,ae<l ...ortgagee indy make suc!~ payment or provide such Insurance,
<br />and toe amount{Sl paid ther-elor shali become a part Of lroe OOl~hons. secured hereby Otie aM P<lyaole lmmedidleiy dl1Q snail oedl mitrest Jj the rale 01 ).?_=_Q.__ percent
<br />per annum from ana at lhe time the Morlgagee makes Such paymtlnl
<br />6 Thai In the eYe1lt MortgaQOl defaut1s In lhe payment at any of Ihe Oi>bgalions or 0' any Inleres.1 tMreon. at tile lime when the S4me SI)Jjj be dU8. or wllh respect 10 any
<br />covenant Of condthon hef8G!, then, .lllhe ophon 01 Mortgagee, the enlfte ObhgatiOflS StKurel1 hereoy Shall lorthwlln Decome due and payab~e .iMIne- Mor1gagee may Hil-
<br />medialety foreclose Bus Mortgage Of pursue any other available: leg.Jl remedy In the evenl of any actlOll Dy MOflgagee lo@nlOlte colieclion 01 any of lne OOhgations secured
<br />hefeby, the Mortgagor agrees thai any eJlpense InCluding wlltlout hml~hon attorneys' lees aM coslS locuifltd in C-Of\netllOn therewith or mcurre:11 to procure or extend an
<br />abSlract oll.tie snail, when Itlcurred or paid by Morlgogee, beCome a part 01 the Ob'lQiltlons st.,."", hereby and sha" be palo by MOrl9agor logether wllh all at the taxable
<br />costs 01 such action.
<br />7. Tnat '" the event any .ctlOlllS "'ought 10 foreclose th,s Mortllill" lor all or any pa,1 01 Ihe Obllgal"",S securea her.oy. Ihe MOftgagee shall he entllled to Immediate
<br />possessiOn 01 the mortgaged prellUSts, aruJ Ihe court. or a J-Udoe tbefeot ir, vatittOO, may appomt and tne MOftg.agor hereby consents IQ Ine appointment of a receiver to take
<br />posS85SlOfl at said Prerruses t-o cOlaect ana f8C8l~e rents and prohts ariS1~ th8fetrom, and from any moneys so coliected. 10 pa~' laxes prOVIde Insurance. make needed reo
<br />paus to improvements. upon the PrttT'.ises, and make any other expendJtuIes. authonled by the court, and appiy an)' sum rerr.aHllOg Mlee the payment of SuCh 3u1hoflled ex
<br />pend"ores upon lne Obligations
<br />8. Tnat failure Of cJeiay Of Mortgagee to eli.ertJS8 any ot ils nghts or {)fIVlleges or to 1051$.1 uwn slrlCI performance 01 dny COvendniS or .igreemenls of MOflgagor contain-
<br />ed in thts Mortgage shalt never be cOt'!stluec:t as a waiver of any requirement or obllgition of Mortgagor or ngtll or remedy of MOf1QaijOO cQnlamedro Of oased upon any of the
<br />tarms, prOVisrons, agreements or covenants .lllli. MlII1gage or any fulure delaulls
<br />9. Tllat in case at delawt tn the payment of an1 of the Obtigitions Of In case of paymenl hy Mortgagee ot any hen. judgment. 13). insurance, cast, or expense, said
<br />Mongaoee shall have the privilege. without Qocfaring the whole indebledness due and payable, to loreclose on accouni of such speclI,c defaull for such Obllgal'oos as are '"
<br />dolaufland suclllOfllClosure proceed~ may he had and the Iancl described here.. may be sold. sul>i8tt 10 lhe unpaid Ohligatlons hereby securea, ana this Mortgage shat!
<br />ClIIIUnue as a Ilen tor any unpaid balance oIlhe Obligations.
<br />
<br />10. Morlgagol assigns and detivtllto Illll MlII1gagee all ngIIl, 1II1o. .nIOfest, and aemand in ana 10 renlS ana pr.,Ms 01 .he PI"M.S ana does aSSIgn 10 Mortgagee 'II
<br />Iea~ 01 \he Premises now or hereal1er _, wrinen or oral, and _ empower Mortgagee 10 collecland receipl for all fenlS Morlg.gOI "lfects aU tenants 10 pay rent due or
<br />to be/;qme due to Mortgagee, Tile lerm oIlltis asslgntnenlls untlltlle ObligaIiOns are fully paid This assignment shall not hecorne Opel alive unless delault is made in lho
<br />CMlliftls, letmJ. and COndltlQns of any 01 \he OblIgatIOns or this Mortllill"
<br />11.. II any part 01 tile Promises if8trll1tlerred or SOld "'thout the pnor wotton consonl 01 the Mortgall"ll. lhe Obligation, In.ly " lhe opllOn 01 tOe MOfl~aue. be declarorl
<br />:In\nlediaIety due allll pay_ afl(ltltis MOf\Oige may he Ioreclosed as set torth in paragrapns 6 and 7 Of thIS MOftuaQl'
<br />None
<br />
<br />12 fllal lite PreInl$e$are tree and clUr of alt.... and encumbrance. whatsoeve.. e.copt ,
<br />
<br />
<br />1'3., fl) the ht'!t Morlgagol. shaP, wlthOut tne priOr woiten con.sent Of Mor1gaglJe. mortgage or otherWIse enc:uw-MI we Premi~HJS O! perrrHt ihe PlemlMS to be tll1
<br />.~ ~ urMy taljio:n, th..r~ may, at ~'s optiOn. declare all Oblt~Utlns- to be fmmmhalely due: aM WYiWl-e ana Ifl \\J;:h evert thiS Mortgagt! may be Ion:;
<br />~.. ~ .fIl!tlIllt par~ 6 and 701 this Mortgage
<br />'); 14 '. Tbft jf,ilty~. htrtot $-Doutd be hekS vt\tOforc6lbit Of "'"Ole'- then $\lCh pnW'$,ofl sl1a11 bt C!oomed s.ep~HO;e lH)!11 the iCfTI,1iflltHJ Pfovl'smn\ and s-1)aH 1$1 (10 w-ay
<br />" a!loeI tne ~ of1l!ls M~
<br />CN601*'1"l1'}ot
<br />