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<br />r <br /> <br />0824361-2 <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 83- I) 0 4387 <br /> <br />'lHIS AI:lJUS'!ABIE RA1E RIIER is made this 18th day of August 1983 , and is <br />:incorporated into and shall be deaned to aoend and supplement the Mxt:gage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to <br />Secure J:ebt (the "Security Instnment") of the same date given by the undersigl1ed (the "BoI'IOlOel"") to <br />secure Borrower's Adjustable Pa)'lll!llt mte to Coomercial Federal Savings and Loan Association (the <br />'UnIer") of the sane date (the "Note") and covering the property described in the Security Instnment <br />and located at; <br /> <br />3540 Graham Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />(Property Address" <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />EVERY 5 YEARS. IF THE INTEREST RATE INCREASES, THE BORROWER'S MONTHLY <br />PAYMENTS WILL BE HIGHER. IF THE INTEREST RATE DECREASES, THE BORROWER'S <br />MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE LOWER. <br /> <br />AIDITI<N\L aM:lIi\NrS. In addition to the covenants and agree:nents made in the Security Instrunent, <br />BorrO!oier a1d Lenier further COIIenlIIlt and agree as foUDIOS: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYME~'T C~%o <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of . %. Section 4 of the Note provide for changes <br />:In the interest rate a1d the montbl y fS)'IlI!llts, as foUDIOS; <br /> <br />"4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(A) Change Dates <br />The rate of interest I will pay may change on the first day of October 1, 1988 , and on <br />that day every 60th nr:xtt:h thereafter. Each date on t.hich my rate of interest could change is cal.1ed a <br />"Change Date." <br /> <br />(B) The Index <br />~ with the first Olange Date, my interest: rate will be based on an Indelt. The "Indelt" is <br />the weekly average yield on lliited States Treasury securities adjusted to a CllDIltant naturity of 5 <br />)'I!al"S, as made ava:l.lable by the Federal Reserve BoaJ:rl. The most recently available Indelt f:lgure as of <br />the date 45 days 1:efore each ~ !late is called the "C1Irrent Index." <br />If the lixiex is m looger available, the Note Holder will ctDose a new index is based upcn <br />cauparable infoIlllation. The Note !blder will give me mtice of this choice. <br /> <br />(C) Calculation of Changes 1.900 <br />Before each ~~te, the !bte !blder will calculate my new rate of interest by ~ <br />pereentage points (' %) to the Current Index. The sun will be my new interest rate until the next <br />~ Dite. - <br />The No!:!! !bIder will then determine the anomt of the !lD1thly pa)'lll!llt that \oltlUld be sufficient to <br />repay the mpaid frlnclpe.1 l:alaIJce of 1JI'f lOElIl I an expected to owe 00 the ~ Date in full on the <br />IIllIturity da!:!! at 1JI'f new rate of interest L'1 substantially equal payments. The result of this <br />calculation will be the flaW aJIOlnt of 1JI'f !lD1thly pa)'lll!llt. <br /> <br />(D) Effective Date of Changes <br />~ new rate of interest will becaue effective on each Change Dlte. I will pay the new amount of <br />my llIXltbly pa)'lll!llt each nr:xtt:h ~ 00 the first llIXlthly pa)'lll!llt date after the 0Iange Dite ootil <br />the aIlOWt of my IIUlthly payment changes again. <br /> <br />(E) Notice of Changes <br />The Note !bIder will mail or deliver to me a notice of arrj changes in the atDJUDt of my moothly <br />pa)'lll!llt before the effective date of any~. The mtice will include information required by law <br />to be given me and also the title and tele~ nllllber of a person;.tv:> will atlSIol& any question I may <br />haw r~ titi mtiee:' <br /> <br />B. CHARGES;LIENS <br />lhiform (hVEllllnt 4 of the Security Instruaent is aIllllded to read as foUO\o6: <br /> <br />4. 0i!\RGES; LIENS. Borrower shall pay all taxes, "~'ie~""""'~". and other chatges, fims and impositions <br />attributable to the Property Iohich may attain a priority over this Security InsttulBlt, and leaseroId <br />pa)'llllilDt8 or ground rents, if arrj, in the llliIIlDer provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if mt paid in <br />such lllam&, by Borrower making pa)'lll!llt, Ioilen due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall <br />prallptly furnillh to U!nder all mtices of awunts due under this paragraIh, and in the event Borrower <br />shall 1llIlke payment directly, Borrower shall pt'Ullptly furtlish to Lenler receipts ~ such <br />pa)llllel1ts. Borrower shall praoptly d.ischa.rge any lien wtUch has priority over the Security Instrunent <br />provide:!, that Borrmer shall mt be required to discharge arrj su:h lien so lcxlg as BoI'IOlOel"; (a) shall <br />agree in Iotiting to the payment of the obligatioo secured by such lien in a llW1lleX acceptable to <br />leOOer; (b) shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend against enforcanent: of such lien in, <br />l~ prtlC'-.lingl' Wili:h in the opinioo of Lenler operate to prevent the enforceDent of the lien or <br />forfeiture of the Property or arrj part thereof; or (c) shall secure fron the tclder of soch lien an <br />agreement :In a fom satisfactory to tender subordinating such lien to this Security Instrunent. <br /> <br />If I.eaier deteIllll.Des that all or any part of the Property is subject to a lien wtUch my attain a <br />priority over Security Instrullimt. Lender shall send Borrower mtiee identifying su::h lien. BotTO\oer <br />shall !llI.tUfy such lien or take one or ilXlre of the actions set forth above within ten days of the <br />gi~ of ootice. <br /> <br />C. ~OTlCE <br /> <br />lhifQJ:jll <hveDlJrlt 14 of the Security Instnment is _xIed to read as ioll<:Wl: <br /> <br />14, Ibtice. Except for any notice requirEd urder applicable law to he given in another OW1Iler. (3) any <br />mtice to Ibrrowe:r ~ for in the Security Instrunent shall he given by delivering it or by <br />lllII~ it by first c.lass mil addressed to Bo~ at the Propc"Tty ,'<!dress or at such ,lddress as <br />BottCfli/!!r 1llIlY des~te by ootice to la1der 118 providEd herein, arrl (b) un)' notice to Lender sl\!lll be <br /> <br />AOJUSTAllLe RATE RIDE!!. <br /> <br />~) YEAR TRl:ASURY INDEX - l.~~f~ F.iwdty (~>Ju i:ap; :'hhitfic<,.l '"LBJ <br />