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<br />I <br /> <br />83- 004374 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and 1.ender covenant and agree as (ollows: <br />I. of Principal and Inl..est. Borrower shall promplly pay when due Ihe principal of and interesl nn Ihe <br />indehtedness evidenced hy the Note. prepayment and late charges as Ilrovidcd In the Note. and the pnm:lpal of ;lnd mlcrcst <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trtlsl. <br />2. Fu..... for Tan" and Insura""e. Suhjeel to applicahle law or 10 a wrillen waiver by !.ender. Borrower sball pay <br />10 Lender 011 the d..y nwnlhly inst.lllmcnt... of pnm.:ipal and mlen:...1 ;.rc payahle tlllller the NOle, unrll th~ Note '~ paltJ III 1111.1. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to onc-lwcHth of the yearly taxes and asscs\mcnts WhU."!l may allam priority. over thiS <br />Deed or Trust, and ground rents on the Properly, if any. plus nnc.!wclfrh of yearly premIUm IOstallm~nts for .h~~ard Insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installmenls fur mortgage insurance. if .,,,y. all as reasonably estimated mltlally and from <br />time 10 time by lender on the basis of assessmeDls and hills and reasonable esllmales thereoL <br />The Funds shall be held in an instilution the deposits or :tccounts of whlcn are msured or guaranteed hy :t Federal or <br />Slate agency (including Lender if lender is such an institution). Lemler shall apply Ihe Funds 10 pay said laxes. assessmcnts. <br />msurance premiums and ground renls, Lender may not charge for so holding and applymg tbe Funds. analYZIng saId account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessmenls and hills. unless Lender pays Borrower mlcrest on Ihe Funds and ap,,"cable law <br />permits I.ender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree 10 wrltmg at the time of excclIllon of thiS <br />Deed of TruSl lhat inlerest on the Funds shall be paid 10 Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or appllcahle law <br />requires such interest to b:c paid. l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any intcees! or carnin~s on the Fund'\. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, Without charge, an annual accountmg of the Funds .:;,howmg credits and Jehus to Ihc Funds and the <br />pmpose for wbich each debit 10 Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securily for tbe sums secored <br />by this Deed of Trust, . <br />If Ihe amount of Ibe Funds held by Lender. 'ogelher wllh the fulllre monthly installments of Funds payahle prior to <br />Ihe duc dales of taxel<;. a',scssmcnt~. insurance premium~ and ground rents, shall exceed the amount reqUired to pay said taxes. <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rcnb ;J'~ Ihe)' 1;t11 due. 'ouch C\i..'CS" sh~ll! he. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installment" of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held hy l.ender ~hall not be sufficient 10 pay (a~c'i. as"ic...'mcnl.... in"urance premIUms and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Horrower shall pay to Lender any amount nc..:cssary to male up the deficiency within 30 days from the d~Jte notice is mailed <br />by Lender 10 Borrower requesting payment Ibereof <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by IhlS Oeed of Trust. Lender shall promplly rdund 10 Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof Ibe Propcnv " ,old or the ProperlY IS o,herwlse acquired by Lender, Lender <br />~hall apply. no later than immediately prIOr to the ...ale \11 Ihe Property or ito,; acqui'lllon hy Lender. any Funds held hy <br />I coder at the tune of application as a. credit against the '1lIH'. ,c\.:urcd hy thiS Deed of Trust. <br />J. Application of Payments. Unless applicahle Ltw provlde\ otherwise. all paymenl" received by Lender under the <br />NOle and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be apphed by lender firsl 10 paymen' of amollnts payable 10 Lender hy Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to inlcrc:S1 payahle on fh~ Note, then 10 the prmclpal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Chaf"Krs; (..wns. Borrower shall pay all I~\c',- ..I"sc~smt:nt' ,mJ other charges. fines and lmposltions allribul<lblc 10 <br />the Propeny which may allain a pnomy over IhlS Deed of Trusl. and leasehold paymenls or ground rents. if any. in Ibe <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof ~)r. it Olll p.tid in slIch manner. by Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />10 the payee thereof. Borrower ~hatl promp11y hlrl1l\h III I cuder ..II nOlu:c, of anlount\ dill' under this paragraph. and in the <br />event 80rruwer shall make paymenl dirc('tly. Dorruwl.'r \hall promptl)' fnfnl,h In I (,'nder receipts evlt.tcm:lIlg stich payments. <br />K(lrn"'lWer shall promptly discharge any hen v.hlch h..l!<. priOri!\, nV\.'f thl" l>Ced HI I (u!\l; PZ(h-ldcd, th,lt Hnrulwcr \h~11I fUll tx. <br />reqUired to dlM":harge ~lOy 1Io1Jl..'h lien "it) Itlf1g a.. ,hall d~rt:c III \.HlIlt1!! to the p;J}'ntcOl 01 the llhhgatHlo sc..:urcd h~ <br />.,.ul:h lien to a manner 3\,,'ceptable (0 Lender. or ,hail 111 ~t~Otll.llih ..:oule'l "th.b lien hy. or dt'fend cnfon..cmcnt of Mll.:h hen In <br />legAl Phlt.'ccdtng, ",,'hlch operate to prcvent the t'llf(lf\"'cmCO! lIf tht.' lint Of lodciwrc ot the Property or any pan thereof. <br />S. Hazard losuralKt. Horrower ,halt ~('ep Ihe lmpfl.J\Tnlt-nh now C\I'IIO~ or hcrc.l.lltcr I,,~rccted nn the f)roperty IIlslIrcd <br />agatO\t loss by fire. hazards mcluded ....tthm the term '-",tended ~llVl..'rdgc'-, anu 'ul.:h uther hazaH.I\ as I cndcr may requlIl' <br />;,\nd In such amounts and lor such penod, a~ I cnder may reqUIre: pH)'fl(tc~L Ihat l.ender ,hall not reqUire that the amount 01 <br />such ~ov-erage c....ccC'd that amQunt t)f (."o,:eragc le4Ulr\'~d I,~ pa) the sum, M:...urc-d b), thl' Det..'d of Trusl <br />"(he in~lI(ann:: C.1rner pro\'ldlf1R Ihl. W'W;.lfh..l' ...hall Ix- \.-ht1..c-1l hy H-t,lrIOWCr SUhiCi.:t to approval hy I provl(.Jcd. <br />that such approval shaH 001 he unrea~onahly ":,thhdd All premiums on lIl~uram:c policies shall he pauJ in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 he<eof ur, It nut paId 10 ,u"h manner. 0; Borrower makmg payment. when due. d.reclly 10 the <br />insurance: carrier, <br />All In~UfafK'C polle....." and ":new..I,, thCh'HI "h.lH hi..' ill Itlf m ;.." i..'cplaolc h. I coder ami ,hall mdudc a standard mortgage <br />dause in favor of and in form to t emJ':f I cnOcf ,h..lll h.n-e the ught 10 hold the pohcles and rencwOlIs thcrcoL <br />dnd Borrower ihall promptly iurOli-h w Lender .111 rene",-..I notKC'" and aU rC(elpl!t. of paid premIUms. In the ('!"en( of lo...s.. <br />8tUf014er :\haU giVe' prompt noci~e l(llh( Hl'' ;..HHCI .md I t.'mk-f I.cfhkr Ind)" make f)nx)f of los.\ II nol m~l(lc pr(lmpUy <br />by Borrower. <br />Unles\ Lender and Bocrower utherwlse agr~c In ~nlll\g, lH,\ul.UH:\.' pHk.:'el.--d) ,h.dl tx: apphcd to rc~toralion or re-palr Hf <br />chC" Property damaged, pro~...kd s.uch re\tofatll11t ~JI {ep,ur 1'\ l:u'fi1Jnu".tll)' !c,j"'joh: .lnd lhe -.ccllrilY uf thiS Deed HI' CI HISI 1'- <br />Hot thcreh~' IInp.lICeJ. If ~u\..'h n:itoraln.)O Uf I<,palr \, {1l111..'\'-'lIh\ It;-a~lhk UI Ii (he 'loCUHHy uj' thl' Deed uf I'rtl\l would <br />he Impaired, the Iflsuram:e proceeds "i.hall bt: appiit:d It) the Mllll' ~ef..:urt'd by thiS Dt.'ed \)f Tru'it. wllh the C'H.:C\', If any, paid <br />tn liorrowcr. If the Properl)' i$ abanJo!\<:J hv Bonuwcf. dl It JkHH.t\o\cr t.ul_, 10 Ic~pund 10 L('ndcr IA,ilhln 30 day' "rom lht' <br />dale nO-II\.:e lS rnai)cJ by Lender to Bonu't\-cr that Ihl' Ws,Urdn....t.' ...:.a.rflcr t1tlef\ to ~culc a l-lautl for lO.\wam:c hcnefi..... l..:ndcr <br />I\. authollzt,,'d 1(ll:t\H<<t and ~lpply the HlS.ur..1lh,:C Phk:l'l'l.h >It 1 ('m..Icr\ opliun t:llhcr t\) 1(",lOratlon or rCJ}air of the- Prupcrt) <br />\u hl th~' sum" ........lo.:ull.:d hy th" Dcc~1 ot I (U" <br />Unless Lender and 8ofl'l.)wer othel\o\-'I~ oJgh:C Hl '''dum;:. .In~ ~lhJl appl'\.".HIUI1 \,,1 IH~)i,.l'C-US tu prllH:lpJI ,hdll not c\tcntJ <br />t)f po"tJ'l.ln~ the Jue dale H( the Ilkmthly llhtallmcnh rdc:neJ It) III pM.a.graph!lt I ~mu 2 hcrct.l-I or (,;hangc Ihe ant-ounl 01 <br />~w:h IIl30t..llmcnh. If unuer paragraph IS hch.'ul lht.' P'ropcfl~ I.. ''':'-Iulled h~ 1 ender, all fight. tHIe and Il1tcre~1 01 8orrower <br />In and to any insurance' P()hCICS. and 111 and 10 the pft.l\:'-'"'ed~ (hen..'ol rc\ultlng Ir\,J1ll darn..lgc to the Property prtor 10 Ihe ~alc <br />or aC'lul~ltion \haH pa~ to Lender It) the ""Ien; \.)1 the ~um~ ~curcJ by thi", Oc","d of fruM lmmelhatcly pru,)f lu ~uch sale 01 <br />acquisition, <br />6. Presenallou lIJId Atalalewo"". of Pro!",r.,; l.._hulds; Condominiums; Plannrd lJnil Devrlupmenb, Bono",er <br />..h..1I kc-.:p th\.' f>wpc({) III glXl...l rq).llr .lnd ...h.dl 111..'1 \".'\ltHI1HI v.,l'lll.' III fli..'inlll IInp.lIllHl'1l1 .H lkll.'llOLJti.Hl 01 Int.. PH)pt..~flY <br />.lnt..l shall compJ) with the pro\'l~ion';) ut .m) lea~c if thl:<l Deed pf 'I ru:,t I"l- on oJ lca~.:hold. It (hi) Ottd of Tru~t i~ on a unit in a <br />..:ondominium or ~i planned unti development. Rorl\\"'-cf" sh.tll pccf(lrm ..Ii 01 Horrowcr\ ohligallolh under the declaration <br />oc ~ovcoants "-'reallng or govermng the ";(lJhJuIUIOlum \lr pl;.inncfl unit development. the h,'.laws and rcgulalu.1il\ \It the <br />('~:m~minium or planned UOIt development. Jnd ....on!.lltuent do\:.umenh. If a u.lOuomtnium~ or planned umt dc\ch1pmcnl <br />ruler I). ex,c,,-,uleu by 8orfllw~r and re\:on1c~j t(~gelher v.lIh th~\. f)C-L:'U ,)1 1 rU":lL the ;,;ovcnan1s and agrccmcnt_\ \)1' \ut..:h flder <br />)h...1I be lOcurporatcu Jilin and shalt amend .anu ~upptcment the- ("U\'l'n",nh .IIlJ ,-lgrcclHcnb or thiS Dct.:d \11 Tnhi. .l~ ;( the rloc!" <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. Pro1<<:tion of Le:ackr's SNurity_ If BOffiJ\\-Cr lad~ (0 p~rtorm the ..:ovcnants and agrcemcnh \.':llntaHlcu in lhl' <br />Deed ~f Trust, or ~[ ~ny action ,or proccet.l!ng r~. t..:ommcfh':cu v.-hl..~h materially afTt.'-Ct~ Lender\. interest III Ihe Prupen). <br />mcludlOg~ but not hmlted to. enunent domam. ln~ol\'enc}. ~udt:: cnlor~crncnt. Of arrangcmcnh or procct.:Jing:-. In\'ol\ lug ;1 <br />bankrupt or decedent. I~n Lender at tendcc'~ llpHon, upon notlt..:C t(\ Borrower, ma} make such appearant.:c,\, dl\htll\t.' 'ltlh <br />iums and take such achon as is ne,cs."ary h.\ protect l.cndc(.~ Intcrc~1. im...Juulllg. hut not luniled tll. th,hllT'l.'l\H:nl 01 <br />reaw.":"lbte attorn~:y'~ fees and entry upon the Prope-rt) In make rcpair~, If Lender rt:4uircd: rHortg..gc Ill~ur.m.;,;c ;1\ ..1 <br />~o~c,huon ,?f makmg thot Joan 1i~ured by thiS. ~cd of '~rusl, Bor.fI')w\'~f \hal1 pay the premiums required It) maintillll '\w.:h <br />msurance m effect untIl su-ch umc as the requlTement lor ~uch Im.UraOl.:c lcrminalC!\ in ~H:,o,.dan'c With HOff'lI.."':(\ ,illd <br />Lender's- writ.tell a8r\~cment or applicable law Borrower ~h..H pa) lhe amount of all nlOrtgagc insuran(C' prclnium~ ill the <br />lTlanner provl<kd under paraaraph 2 hereof. <br />. Any amounts dilbursed hy Lender pursu~nl. 10 thiS paragraph 7. with mtcrcs.t thereon. ,".In hCJ.;UIllC .HJdlllOn.d <br />tIWebti."t1ncs,s ('If Burrower 5eC-ured ~y thl\ tle.:u ul 1 '-U!!II, ljtllc~'\ Borro~cr dl1J I crn.h:r ;lgrcc t{l other [crill:) ll( paYlncnl, 'ul.:h <br />~mounls shall be payable upon nohce Iwm I.ender '" Borrower '''que,llng !l'l)'lllent Ihereof. and vhall beal illle""1 Imlll the <br />dale ~f diSbursement allhe rale payable from tmle to ,time <'Il ,'ulSlanding principal under Ihe No!e ,,"k.. paymenl of inlnevl <br />al su~h. rate would be, contrary 10 api'llcable law.. ".l whKh evenl '"ch amounts shall bear mleres! al the hlghe'l """ <br />perln.M.tblc under applicable law, NothlOg eonlalned III th" pa.agraph 7 shall <<'quire Lende!' 10 incur any e'pense or lake <br />any ac!lon hereunder. <br /> <br />...~ 11IIpt-C-t10D: ,tender may m~k~ or,<:Husclo be ma~(' rea!.(~nolhle (,"nlri~':.lIpi.1n and tn\pechon'\ of th~ Pruperty. pro\-IJI,..d <br />that Lc~der .shall gl\'t Borrower no-h('c ('nor to .my \Ul;h 1O:'!opt"(IIOn 'lpcl.:-IfYlOg rca~onabfc (;lU:\c fheretol rdaleu h'l'I.... <br />onler,,*t In the ProPerlv. <br />