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<br />lJNWORM ('OVliNANTS. Borrower and I cnJcr \.:uycnanl ano agree as follows: <br />I. Payment of Principal and Intuest. Borrower shall promptly pa.y when due Ihe principal o.f and interest .on Ihe <br />,..dehtedness evidenced hy the Note. prepayment and laIc charges as prov,ded '" the Note. and the pnne'pal of and mlercst <br />on any Future Advances secured by chis Deed of Trust. <br />%. Fulllls for Tans ...d Insu......,.,. SubjecI to applicahle law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower ~hall pay <br />10 Lender on Ihe day monthly installmenls of prinCIpal and inleresl arc payable under the Note, un"lth~ Note I~ paId 10 fuB. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelflh of Ihe yearly laxes and assessments wh,ch may allalO priority. over thl< <br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one-Iwelfth of yearly prem,um IOslallments for .hazard msurance. <br />plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premiu,,:, installmcnts for mortllage insurance. if any..." as reasonably eSllmated Inlt,ally and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basIS of assessmenls and bIlls and reasonablc esllmate'. thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounls of whIch are ,"sured or guaran!eed hy a Federal or <br />slale ;tgency (including Lcnder if Lender is ",ch ;tn instilullon), Lender shall apply the Funds I,! pay said taxes. I,,;sessmcnts. <br />msurance premiums and ground renls. Lender may nol charge for so holdmg and applymg Ihe Funds. analyzlOg saId accounl <br />or verifying and compiling said assessmenls and hills. unles> Lender pays Borrower m~eresl on Ihe Funds and aPl'lIcable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower ~lnd l.ender may agree 10 wrltmg at the '.'mc of exccutlC?" of thIS <br />Deed of Trusl Ihal inlere<l on Ihe Funds shall be paId 10 Borrower. and unless sllch agreement IS made or applicable law <br />requires such interest 10 be paid. Lender shall mH be reqUired to pay Borrower allY mterest or carnm~s on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to fJorrowcr, without charge, an annual accounlmg of the Funds \howlng credits and dchlts to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Fund. was made. The Funds arc pledged a.s additional security .for the sums secured <br />ny fhis need of Trust. <br />If Ihe amollnt of the Funds held by Lender. logelher w,lh Ihe fulure monthly inslallmenls of Funds payahle prior I" <br />the duc dares of taxes, a,sessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall c.xcccd the amount reqUired to pay said taxes, <br />asse.'ismcnts, insurance premiums and ground rents ;Pi lhcy lall Jue. s.uch C\CCS~ ,hall he, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited w Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lcnder shaH not be sufficient to pay taxes, aSSC"i\menrs, in'iurance premiums and ground rents as. they f.all due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficiency Within 30 days from the dale notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereoL <br />Upon paymenl in fult of all sums secured hy thiS Deed of Trll,a, I.ender shall promptly rdund to Borrower any FlIJlli" <br />held hy Lender. If under paragraph I R hereof rhe Property 1\ ...old tif the Propert}' IS othcrwl"ic aC4uirctl by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply. no laler Ihan immediately prior 10 Ihe sale ol Ihc Properly or its acquiSlllon by Lender. any Funds held hy <br />Lender at Ihe lime of applicalion as a credil againsl.he <ums secured by IhlS DCed of Trust. <br />3.. Application of Payments.. Unles..'\ applicable 1<1\\ pnwldc'i otherwls.e, all payments received by Lender under the <br />NOle and paragraphs I and 2 hereol shall he applied by lender fir<l 10 payment of amounls payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. Ihen to inlerest payable on the NOle. ,hen 10 Ihe prlnc'pal of the NOle. and Ihen 10 inlerest and <br />princ'pal on any Fulure Advances. <br />4. Ch.~es; Liens. Borrower shall pay all t;J\C'i, ;1\SC\Smenls ,uut (ilher (:hargcs, tincs and impositions alfrihutablc W <br />Ihe Property which may attain a priOrity over thl\ Deed uf Trusl. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if nol paid ill such manner. by Borrower maklOg payment. when due. directly <br />10 the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnISh 10 lender all nOllces uf amounlS due under this paragraph, and in the <br />evelll Borrower shall make paymenl directly. Borrower shall promptly furnISh 10 Lender receipls evidenclOg such paymenls. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whIch has pnorllY over IhlS Deed 01 Trust: prOVIded. Ihat 1I0rrower shall nol he <br />required to discharge any such lien !>o long 3S Borrower 'ihall agree Ifl writing 10 the- paymenl of the obhgatitlll secured by <br />'\uch hen In a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall III good Lulh COni est slIl.:h lien by, or defend enforcemenl of sllch lien m. <br />legal proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement \If the lien or forfcilUrc uf the Property Of any pan Ihereof. <br />s. Hazard lasu....Ct'. Borrower !\hallleep the Improvements now c\.lslIng or hereaher erected on the Properly insured <br />againsl loss by fire. hazards included wilhin ,he term .'c'-tcndcJ t.:uvcragc", and \ueh (llhcr hazards as Lender may rc-qlllrl' <br />,and In SHl'h amUunls ~Hld (or sw.:h pcnod!'l ~I\ I cnder may 'C4UHC; pr-ovll.Jcu, loat I.cndcr ...hall nul reqUIre thai Ihe amount pI <br />such l:overagc CXl.:CCU that amount of L'ovcragc rC4~lIred Itl p"'" !he \um\ '\.'l..:urcd hy ttm. Decd 01 Trust <br />The insurulll:c carner prOViding the in'Uf<Hl<.:C ...hall he t.h{l'l.'n fly Horrowcr SuhlCl..:l to approval hy I,coder. prOVided. <br />thai such approval shall nOI he unreasonahly w,thheld All premlUn" on ""urancc policies sball he paid in .he manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, It nOI pallj lfl ~w.:h lUanner, b)' 8orrower making payment. when due. l.Iircctly 10 the <br />insurance carrier. <br />AU insurance policies and renewab (here-ol shall he III tmm a~..:c-ptablc h) Lem,icr and \hall Illdudc a standard morlgag\.' <br />clause in favor of and in form ,1C(cplaoJc 10 I t'nc.JcI I.~r!lk:r ..hall ha\-c the fight to hold the rolit:ics and renew",l... thercof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all rcnc,,"dl nolu.:c~ and aU receipts of palJ premIUms. In the eVent of 1t.}!Ir.~. <br />Borrower shall give prompt nOlice 10 the msurarKC \':arrn~r anJ l.ender. l.enJer may make proof of loss It nol mude promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower I..itherWfSC agrce In \>ofltmg, IO,utaIKC Phl\:Ct:US ..hall be applied tn resloralion or repan of <br />lhe Pr()perty damaged, provided such rc~ll..)r...llun \.Jr rep.ur I" e~tinl..lmll..;lll) Jc.t~lbJc ,Ind Ihe set:urity ul. thiS Decd tit Trusl I.. <br />not thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair f\ nol c,,;oo\il1w..:ally h..a\lolc \)r II 1he 'ct..:lIf1ty IJf .hi~ Decd of .1 rH~( would <br />be Impaired, the in~lIrancc proceeds shall be apphed to the \Unh 3CUHCd by this D...~cd of Trus.t. wllh lhe C\CC\S, It any, panl <br />(0 Honilwcr. If Ihe ProJX'n)' is abanJlllu..'d hy BtHIO'HI'Cl, Of Jf U\Hftl\\Cr Luis (0 1t.'~PI)I}(j In Lender within :10 lL.I)'" from ,hl' <br />dale HoIK\.' I' mailclt hy I.ender to 80rl"l)\\cr Ihat Ihe III~Ut~Hh..'l.' ...~lflH..'r \lllch to ~culc .j lor HlMHan..:c hClIelir..., I ellllcf <br />i\ authorized to l.'oUcct and apply Ihe insur~Hlt:'" PID\,h .It l.cnder's. uplion I.~llhcr lu rcslorallOn or fepalr of the Propcny <br />or to the sums .set.:urcd by Ihls Decd of Tr\l~t. <br />Unless Lender :md Borrower olherwise .agree III \\ rllUlg. .my :"lh.,.h applh.:allon proceeds to pnncipal shall nUl C)(ICno <br />or po.slpone the duc date of (,he monthly 1O~I.lllnu:nb rckrrcJ 1\) III paragraphs I and ~ hereof or change .he amount oj <br />~uch JIlstallmenh. If under paragraph IS hercllt rhe rropcrt} I~ ..h:t4U1red h) I.ender, ~dl nght. title and in'er~",t 01 Borrower <br />in and 10 an}' insurance policies and III and In the pr\)\.,.ced~ therel)1 re~uhll1g I rom damage 10 the Prupert)' prll..lf II,) the \<ile <br />or acqUisitIOn shall pass 10 Lenuer to the extent I..)f the ~ums ~c~urcd by Ihis Dec..J uf Trust IInmcdlatcly pril)r lO ~lIch s.lIe 01 <br />acquisition, <br />6. P,esenation and Maiatenao<:e of Pro~rty: Lu",hulds; Condominiums; Planned lJnit ()e.elopOlenls. lIot,o"el <br />..h~11I keep Ihe Pn.lpcrty Ifl g')~Ht rer.ur ,\no ..lull 1h.i1 ..\)(Hllllt ".1"'11.: \If pl..'IIHlI IInp.IIlItli.'UI \11 l.kICfll\f<llion of lhc Propcrl) <br />,lOd shall compJy with Ihe provisions (" an} lease If thiS Deco lIe Trll~t 1'1 ()l1 a leasehold, If thi~ DccJ of Tru:o.t l~ DO a tlnll In.1 <br />l'OndOOlinium Of ;1 planncd unit development. Borni\\-cl ..h,dl f'\:rJorm ,III 01 Borrowcr.... ohllgalj(H1\ unde. th,,' Jcd:lr':IIHIII <br />.or I'O\',lIts i,'rc..tllf1g govcrmng Ihe I..~t.)IlJI..lmllllum \lr pl.mlle\-I UIItI oc\clopmcnt, the hy-Ia",~ ,md rcgul~lllllll'" ;II rhl.' <br />t.:'!lnd~mlmum or planned umt de...'clopmclIl, ;.Ind i,'OnShlucnt Jocumcn:...: . If a ~lindominilJm Of planned 1lI111 dc\dt)pmclIl <br />noer IS- ~xc~uteU hy ~orrowcr and rc\:'orucJ logclher Yw Ilh rhl~ Dt.-cd P: 1 rll~l, the l..'ovcn.wts and agrccmcnh III slh:h rld...'r <br />shaH be Incorporated Inlo and shall amend ~md )upplcmem the l'll\'e-flanh OJnJ agrcclIlent~ of thiS Deed 01 Tru~t ;1\ If the ruler <br />were a part hereof. <br />''0 Protection ,~f I..t'Dde(s S<<:uril)'. If, Bornl\\.cr fads to pt:,rfnrm the covenants and agrcc.mcnt:-. ulnt.ameo in ,hi, <br />~eed ~f Trust~ or ~l ~ny acllon .or procl.~eJ~Il,g y.. "':OIlHllclh.:eu whll.:h mataJaliy .dfcd~ LCfll..Icr\ IOlcrc!lr.t III the ProJX~rt), <br />mcludmg, hut nol II00ued to. eminent domam, ln~l..)l\'cnc!, t.:ooe cnll.uccmcnt. ('r afr~lI1gc01cnh or prul:ecdlflg~ .lf1Vt1h lUg .l <br />bankrupt or decedent. tht:n Lender at Lender's option, upon I1t'llICC 10 Borrower, may make slIch appcar.In\.'c~, dl\hl1r~l..' ..u,,--h <br />sums and take suc~ a.clion as. is necessary tu pfotCi."t LcnJcr\ InlCrC~,I, incllH.1l1lg, hUI nut limited In, lh~hurwmcnl 1)1 <br />rc..s{').H.ahlc alt()rn~}' ~ fcc~ unu entfY upon the rflll'lCr~)" hl m;lkc- fep.llh-, If I.enon ft..q,Ulf...'J IIwngagr- 1I1'ULIIl"-l' 01\ ;1 <br />~OndthOn <?f makmg l~e loan s~curcd hy thiS ~c:u llf 1~1 U\t, Horrowcr sh.dl pay lhe pn..'llHUm~ rc~uirl.'d h) llI.unlall1 ~ul.:h <br />Insurance m effect until such lime as the re4ulremcnt tor ...ueh In\uran(.:1.' tcrminalc\ In ;'ll.:-l..'urd.lHcc with Borwwcr":-. .tIlt! <br />Lender's written agreement. or appli~able I..w. Borrower ~h~ill pay Ihe ;,1I11ount l'l-I .ill 1l10rlg,tgc III~UfalH:C plCI1lItHll\ III ttll' <br />Olanner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />, Any amounts di$bursed by Lender pursuant to thj~ paragraph 7, WIth inlCI'CM thcfClln, ",hall hCl.olllc adullllHl.d <br />~nucb.c~n~s ~f ~o.rrowcr secured ~~ I~t!o need of Tru~l, l )nlcl.~ B..)rru~cr .uH111.'nucr Jgrc~ h) olher tC'fm~ ~,r paYlllelll, ..lIch <br />urnounts,.shaU hc. Pilyable upon nolu.:c trom LC~HjCI h) !:k)J"o\H'f' rC4Ul..'~llI1g pa)'IlIClll thereof, ;lnd ~h;lll hear interest lwm thl.' <br />dale of dlSbul'$Cment at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding prJm:ipal under the Noll.: unfcss payment \,If InfC-rC!.d <br />at. su~h. rale woultl be.. contrary to, ap~llcablc: I~w< i',' w~I\,:h l'vcot 'Hfl.."h amounts shall hear Iflh::rc-sJ at the highc:)1 rate <br />perml".'ble under appl1cable law. NOlhlOg con tamed In Iho> pa,agraph 7 shall lequire Lender 10 incur any expense or lake <br />any acllon hereunder. <br /> <br />h' t lupect:t.D:, Lender may m~~~ oryausc to ~c o:a~c cf~tri.c\ upon anJ lIl'ipcdllJn5 of' tnt: Propcft,', phl\ iJnl <br />~ at n,der'l.s~hal gt\e Borrower n01H.-:C pnor ltl an} ~lJch lO;spc~lIon ~pcclfymg reasonable (;JlbC therefor relaled to I.cnd('r"s <br />Interllll In h... ProDenv. . <br /> <br />B3- 004349 <br />