<br />
<br />83-
<br />
<br />004331
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE. made this_,,___J5th ,__ day of ______1ill.g~~_"_____,. 19 83_. by and betwoon
<br />
<br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S . and Home Federal Savings and Loan A..odat!on of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal oftit-e and place of business at Grand., ISland, Nebraska,- as
<br />mortgagee;
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor ~____, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN THOUSAND TEN. DOLLARS
<br />
<br />AND NOIlOD ---------------------------------------- Dollars(S' 1O;010~OO ),
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _~ by these presents mortgage:and: Warrant 'unto _$aid 'fI1drtl,a~~,~ itS_ ~ucCtisors and assigns,
<br />
<br />forever. all the folloWing described real estat~. situated in the County of __~-Hall______
<br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Together With aU Mating, l:Uf cQnditiomng. hghtin~. and piumbmg equIpment Rnd flxtures. mciudmJ.:: .s('~ns. Hwnings. stonn wmdows Hnd
<br />doors. and ...-indow shades or bhnds. used on or In connectIon With ~aid property. 110 ht>ther the sanw art' now located on ~mid property or hcreafu'r
<br />plared thereon,
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLl> THE SAME. together WIth ait und ~mt(Ujar th... (-.'nenlt"nts. ht>rf;'{htanlfmls anti appurt{"nanc~ thereunt.o lw
<br />
<br />longing, or In an.vwi8e 8.ppert~lmng. lorever. and wart1lnl lht:' title t..' t.he ~mt> Si.Hd nhJr~agor S ht'ft'U)' nWt-nanl \\Ilh Sillil
<br />
<br />mortitaa<<' t.hat t he.1 are , at th~ d~h..t!'t} hen,'IuL th~ iawlul HWt\t"r 5 t.t" the pn>ffii-Se5 ab-ovt. conveyi::'t.i ant! dt~scrlbt'd,
<br />
<br />and._ _,M~ ~ of . good and inde{easilil~ e~.te of mhenlan~:~ therem, !r~ tlnO dt:'8f of ali t"n(~umbranf..~~, ~nd that. the y will
<br />warrant and defend the- uUe thereto fontvet 4t.gainsl,. th\.. daun~ and denusnd~ ui till pt.'rwn~ '" h(Jtn~WVN
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWA\'S. and ,h"'"nsU'umen, '" "J""'ul~,,I.nJ dellv..reJ '0 '''':UT\> ,h.. pa}""'lIl ul,h" sum lOt TEN THOUSANl}
<br />
<br />IEtLOOLl.ARS AtIDM1/1OQ,--------u-------------------lluU.",. 10.010.00 ,
<br />with interest. tht'Coon. together \iIt'ith such charges dnd. ddl.'aflt't.'-li A~ ml:l~ tx~ Jut' GnJ p.ti)- .l:\blt.> ~I Stud mHI1.~aKtt" Ul\dt:'f the It'rlU,s dud nmdil ion...
<br />
<br />'of the prottUssory now of even dale herewith and St',uf~i ht'h~;hy. t'~t"C'ut..."tl h,\' slud murtg,agof _ S to ,"!iUJ mHrt~tlg~, Pliyahltt as i'xpfe~st~d
<br />in said not..e, ADd to ~ the perl~ of all tot! terms anti (,Qndiuon~ ~:on\-&moo tr.t"rem. Tht" Lt'rm.!t uf mild noh' aro hl.roby iJU'orpUnlled
<br />......... by thia mt""""",.
<br />
<br />It is the-intAmUon and agnMDlllllu, of the pa.rt...u!s!w~ that thtS: nWflgu.ge shall a!.~ st'cure an) tULUr~ u.dvance5 made lo l'ouitj mort~agur S
<br />
<br />by Mid -moI1.gagee. and an)' and all U:ldebtednt:\S.S .n a.ddluun lit Ilw duwunt ab..AIt.' ~htt.t:d Whld. saul mH.tKti.gl)r~. or any of them. may OWi.' lu
<br />said ~~ howe-vec evide-nced. whether by now, 0.(0),:. ac('u\int or uthd"'L1*, ThJS mortgttge shaH ft'ulain m full (or('(' and t'fft'1.'t twtwt,,'n
<br />tbe p~ hereto and their heirs. pec>>O-nAl represenl..atl"'~. "ui::ct:~~-s. and Ilsslgt1s, until all amounts. M"'CUred hil'f'CUnlkr, tndudlOg futlJH'
<br />a<lvan..... ..... paul in ful: with in....-.
<br />
<br />The ~ ___.5:__ hereb-.y assign to .scud mC-rtgage.e aU rents and Income a.nsutg at an)' and aU !.tmes from s-aid properlY and
<br />hereby auUw-ciu 5&id mortgagti(! Ql' its agent.. III itS nptum. upon default. to lain.' ".-harKl' of said property and {~oUOCl all rt'nl~ and In('OIlW
<br />therefrom and apPly [he s.axne to the plI)'ment of I1llerwt, pnnclpal. lOSUrMnct: prtmUJm~. la)U.l~, ast:l.essmenL,;;, rt.'palr~ ut imprun:lnt:nt.'>
<br />neces.u.ry to kMp-Wd property -in tella.Qtable cond1tion. i.l( t.o other char~ Of' payme-nls prQ\'lded for oo.rein or 10 t.he note hervby M,1(,:urt>d, Th~~
<br />rent. ~t.:shall continue. in f~ uoul t.N: u.np.i:I.ld balauce of said not\' 1.; fully pald. The taki.ng of posscS:iwn hl~fj-'.undc~ :-;haU In no manOH
<br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection of !Said .sums. by foredosure ur oth(~'ist-
<br />
<br />The feiliue .of the rnort.ga&ee to as:sert any of its rights h~under at an)' time shall not. h.. construed as ti waiver of iu. nghl W a~ert Lh~
<br />same It MY later time. and to insist upon and enfor(:c ~tnct eomphanct: With aU the tt;'l'ffib nnd provisions of S-aHJ note ~nd of thl.':> mortgllgt:
<br />
<br />U &&,td.~or S shall eause to be pajd to said mortgagte the t"ntll't' amount doc It he-reundN, and undl~r tht: h-ntl!;i. an.d pfn\'l-Slun~
<br />of Hid note hereby ~~ lncJucUrc future advances, and any extensions Of renewals thel't~f \fi l:ln:urdan{'[' Yo H.h t~ t('fflh'. and pn~H"IOfb
<br />
<br />~~ -N'K\ if Mkl ~.S--- .&ball comply with all tlw provISions (}I sa.td ~ and 01 t.hi.'t nu,>>1.g6~\', {,h".t\ ti\4.;.~ pr~t'nc,:-; :;>hall hu VOlt!.
<br />ot.twrw~.~ ~ lo.NU fOrce a.od effct. and 3&id ~ s-haU be e-ntith.'"i to the P',)s~':S:-lit)n ('If all ol 8-aid IfhJpt'.rty, Dud m,I\)', at its opt HHl,
<br />~.\IM ~ of ~ DOte- &Ad .aD ~s repretten~ thereby \.0 bt- io:unediawl) du(: Ilnd pay .blt", lint! may fOl'\."('l();M~ tht:-> m(\n+:~~'
<br />.... ~. .If)' ~ 1oc.J octioA to pl'Otlott ita ri&h'. Ap~nt ..!lived
<br />
<br />'tWs. n'I(Jft.. $hall be bindlD& upon and shall enure t.o the bel:lil;t!\t n.r lhi! hein., t-'Xh'tW..H5, admuust.rat.on.. SI1(~('e,~~L" and b~sii.'1l:<- of t ht,
<br />~ive'~ b......
<br />
<br />/..-~t
<br />/ wriUeIl. J
<br />I .,
<br />\",'
<br />
<br />
<br />S
<br />
<br />have ''''It!un',, ,",'I the.iL,
<br />
<br />hand S
<br />
<br />(fit' da,y nnd year' fin,( dh.n.~'
<br />
<br />-')
<br />\ It::}/; ,y> . / i.;::h"" I'"
<br />''lR'ENOA'' K~ TH6MPSON ,~,-I'; <r'"".(.'JJ.L
<br />
<br />~~~~~~'~~""""~~'!;t,t...._
<br />