<br />I
<br />
<br />Tbe grantor Inland Mortsaae Co., Inc. 83--n 0 4 297
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />..
<br />
<br />a corporation organized and existing under and by v irtue of the laws (}f the State of Nebr.slta.
<br />
<br />in consideration of Forty Flye Thousand and no/loo'. Dollars ($45,000.00)
<br />
<br />received from grantee, doe~~ grant, bargain, seU, con vey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />llonald S. and Cheryl K. B.eese
<br />
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, find not as tenants in common, thp f"llrnvi"" d~scrih'ldreal
<br />
<br />property in ..........~!!................................................. County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />The Southerly Twenty S__ (27.0) Feet of Lot Two (2) and the !foTth Half (lfs)
<br />of Lot Three (3). Block One (1). Second Addition to Cairo, Hall COimty. Nebr..Ita..
<br />
<br />
<br />AUG 1 5 1983
<br />$ #~y~
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the uboyp di!&'Ti.hnl premises t.i)f.{t,ther \\"ith an tenelnents, hereditaments and
<br />appurtenances thereto bdullgilll!' unto th" grantees and to their assigns. or to the heirs and ll!l8igna of the
<br />survivor of them forever.
<br />And grautor fM itself ami it. suce..""ol"S does ;,.,....1.y ,'m'cn"nt with the grante'>s and with tileir
<br />assigns and with the heirs and liSSigns of the survivor ..I' !h~lli that grantor is lawfully seised of said
<br />{J1't'luiseg; Lljat th..y are f""" frf.lID encumbi'allce
<br />
<br />that grail tor has good right and lawful ilUthor.t). tu <,o"vey the same; "nd that grantor warrants and
<br />will defend the title to said ['remi"". against th.. t"Willl rh.ims of all p"rsvns whmusoever.
<br />It ie the intention (>f all parties hereto that ill th" e\'''nt of the death vf either vf the grantees,
<br />the entire fee ..imple title to the real est"t.. .hall "e&t HI th,. ,,,rdvilll{ granh'e.
<br />In wltn_ whereof, grantor has lH'l"<'llUt'l ell used JIS ""I'll"rate "..al to be affix"d and these presents
<br />8igned by ilt; l'rellidt'llt.
<br />
<br />,,~....
<br />~ \':....... 4~..::
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<br />;:;.' ';"tc.-DI:Ill',$' t li',;,
<br />~: ~ ~J '.t ;;-"": T\ E -~.,~ c_- ;
<br />, S~A~ :C'::
<br />""c:?~~r1:J~i
<br />
<br />MIa_I: 5
<br />
<br />19 83
<br />
<br />IIll~'~{7:,~,'~Cf'.'~'~';J:l~'~'~""''':''''''''''''''''''''''''''
<br />\ ,'. ."/ ;/ /
<br />By .It.-/''/'~,,J..,j:(L~,::-:::;:Ul....l ........ President
<br />
<br />STATE OF ....ItH...~..,......,............... ......... COllnty of .Ball....................
<br />
<br />Wore JIt!l. a now)' p~lblie qualified for said evunty. personally came
<br />
<br />W. G .,~ Jr.
<br />
<br />President of
<br />
<br />
<br />Wital_ WI.Y band ..ud notarial _I an .... . '''''''-'7 19..j,~~...
<br />. j./" //, ~~, l
<br />\".,'.. . ..... L.lli-:::e;~N"!an' Pllbl,.,.
<br />
<br />M.. ""'Ill"".I"" AU"",'" ~,y /~. '1".I".p
<br />
<br />
<br />. a corpontion,
<br />foregoing inlltrument, Slid acknow.
<br />fficer and t.he ""lunta!:')' ad and
<br />I by its authorit)..
<br />
<br />~ .lfoI:ca... c..
<br />....n ~.'.~.. to be the [>~ut and identieal
<br />1~ the~~Oil t~ereofw be bY. volunta
<br />'ii~(lt _ e~tinn And that itf eorporat
<br />