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<br />83-004296
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<br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />, (7)' To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances. and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />agliIinst the pro. perry, including all charge. and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock pertaining
<br />r<> or reasonably neassary to the use of the rea! property de8Cri~ed above, and all taxes and assessments levied upo~ t~is
<br />mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or agamst any legal holder hereof or of the note or of SOld m-
<br />..debtedue.. under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deli""r to the Government without demand receipts evidencing such
<br />payments.
<br />'(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at
<br />its request. to deliver suehpolicies to the Government,
<br />(9) To maintain. improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property
<br />dn a good and husbandthf!blike manner: comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans
<br />a. the Government from time to time may prescribe: and not to abandon the property. or cause or permit waste. lessening or
<br />impairment of t.he se"uritl covered h:reby, or. without the written consent o~ the Govern~ent, cut, remove, or lease any
<br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, co. ,or other mmetals except as may be necessary for ordmary domestic purposes.
<br />(10) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(11) To P'Y or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incide.nta! to the protection of the lien
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br />mentary agret~f<>re'or afterde~ault), including but no! limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />t?~ prop~ty.~c. o. .' o. . .;t. c.W. .~..>.pus.'.-:;' n......and .oth,- 1nstruments, attorneys! tees~ trustees) fees, court costs, and expenses of adver~
<br />usmg. sellmg tnd~ . ..PJ'operty_ ;
<br />(12) N~~ prope;:Ty'nor any portion thereof or interes: therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />encumbered voluntarily or otherwise. wirhout the written consent ot rhe Government. The Government shall have the sole
<br />and exclusive rights as mortgagee hereunder, including but nor limited to the power to grant consents, partial releases, suh-
<br />ordinations, and satisfaction. and no insured holder shall have any rights, title or interest in or to the lien or any benefits
<br />hereof.
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<br />(13) At.all reason.bl,e times the Government .lnd its agents may inspect the property to a.scertain whether the CQV-
<br />eru:nu and agreements contained herein or in ;my supplementary agreement are being perfonned.
<br />(14) The Government may (a) extend or defer rhe ma.turity of. and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />evidenced by the note or .any indebtedness to the Government secured by this instrument, (b) release any/arty who is
<br />liable under the note or fot the debt ftOm liability to the Governmenr, tcJ relea.., portions of the property an subordinate
<br />its lien, ~nd (d) waive any otht:r of its fights under rhis Instrument. Any .and all this can and will be done without affecting
<br />the lien or the priorit}" of this instrument or Borrower's or any other party's liability to the Government for payment of the
<br />note or debt secured hv this instrument un Ie.. the Government ..ys otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbearance by
<br />the Govemment~wheth'er once or often-in exercising any right or remedy under this instrument. or otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such tight or remedy. .
<br />
<br />(15) If at any time it .ball appear to the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain a loan from. production
<br />credit a.ssociation, iil Federal Lmd b;ank. or other responsible cuoperative or private credit source, .It reasonable rates and terms
<br />for lo.ns for similar purposel and periods of time, Borrower wilL upon [hf' (;ovcrnment's request, apply for and accept such
<br />loa.n in sufficienr ~m()unt to pOly tht" nutl" .and 4ny in~b[~dncs5- St.~cureJ hereby a.nd to pay for any stoC-k. necessary to be
<br />purchased in a coopt'utive i~nding agency in connectIon With such low.
<br />
<br />(16} Default hereunder sh~U cunstlttHc default unda .m)" other real estate, or under any personal property or other.
<br />S<"CUrtty instrument hdJ or insured by th~ t;overnmenc <Iud executed ur J.uumeJ by Borrower. and default under any 1uch
<br />other security inslrun<<:-nt shall con.stitute defauit hereunder,
<br />
<br />(17) SHOULD DEF AUL T ~XCUf tn the pcrturmance or discharge of .lay ohllg:iltion in this inscrument or secured by
<br />thi$ instrument. or sh-o-ul.d the p;;lrt1e~ llatncd _s B-o-rnywl..'1' die or be declMcd don incompetent~ I.)f' should anyone \}f the parties
<br />named -3.5 Bon-ower bt: declared .;l banknllH, or iUt insolvent Df m<tkc: .ill .ssignnlent {Of the benefit of creditors. the Govern.
<br />m~nt..at its option, with or without notice, molY:"',; ded;ue the ~tHire .mount unpaid under the note a.nd any indebted.nes.s
<br />to the Government hereb} ~-cured immediately dUe" .lnJ pay.bit", ,hi for the :.lccount of Borrower incur and pay reasonable
<br />expenses. for rep-air or maiutenauc:,c of and_ ule pOSJies,swn of. O~f_te or rent the property. (c) upon application by it and
<br />production of this mJtn.inlenr:, WIthout other cVldeoce .ina without nQtk~ of hearing. of said application, have a receiver
<br />appointed for the property. wuh the u$u..u pOWers \,)f re('Cl\'Cf.!i m like ~.l.se~. ~dj foreclose tita instrument as provided herein
<br />or hy law~ <ilnd (~j enfOlct' Uiy a,oJ.\iI other r4thts ..ind ft.'medics. pr~wiJed herein o-r by present or future law.
<br />
<br />(18) The proce~ds of forcciosure ....~ .hall be Applied in the followulg order to the p..yment of: i..J COsts Olld exp~nses
<br />incident to enfordng Of complying with the- provisions, herclJ;L {h) an)' prior liens required b)"law Qr. compete-nt court to be
<br />SO paid. (cJ the debt evidenced hy the note and all mJebtedne... tv the Gove.nmenr secured heteby, (d) inferior liens of
<br />record required by law or a competent court to be so paid. i<, at the Government's option. any other indebtedness of Bor.
<br />rower owing to Of iuwtcd b)' {he GO\lCrnfUelu, .nJ \(i 4fl)' u.u.n4,;c to Borrower. At foreclosure or other sale of all or an)'
<br />pan of the property, the Government and it. agents may bid anJ pwch...., as a stungL'> and may pay the Government's share
<br />of the purchue price by crediting such amount on .Ull dcbh of Borrowa' owing to Of insured by the Government, in the
<br />order pretcribed above. .
<br />
<br />(19) Borrower agrees that the Govermnent willnvt be bound by any present or future State law, (a) providing for
<br />valuation, appl1lisal, homesteaJ or exemption of the property. (b) prohibiting lllatntenance of an action for a deficiency
<br />judgment Ot limiting tbe amO\,Ult thereo! or the time within which such acrion must be brought. (c) pre..ribing any other
<br />statute of limitations. (d) allowing any right of redemption or po.......ion following any foreclosure sale, or (e) limiting the
<br />conditions which the Government m...y by rellulatioll impose, including the interest tate it may chatge, as a condition of
<br />approving a transfer of rhe property to a new Borrower. Borrower expressly waives the benefit of any such State laws,
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