<br />83-004292
<br />
<br />(j) month prior 10 Its due dale the aOrlual mortgage ,"surance premium in order 10 provide such holder
<br />with funds 10 pay such ptemium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Houtlng Act. as amended, and applicable Rcp.ulatitm, thereunder; or
<br />
<br />(lJ) If and so IOIif as said note of ~ven dale and this mstnunent are held bYlh~Secrelary of Housmgand
<br />Utban Development_ a mOnlhly dral'j:!e .(in lieu' at (J mortgage i1lsurance premium; which sl1alllie in an
<br />amountet)ual 10 one. twelfth (1112) of one-half (1121 per centum of Iheaverage out'standing'bahmce
<br />due nn the nole C()mputcd without taking into- aCCl.)unt delinquencies or prepaynlents;
<br />.(b) ASutn equal to the ground rents. If any, next due, plus the plemiums tbat will next become due and payable on
<br />policfeS ,jf fir!' and other h~ard insurance covering the 111ongaj;ied propert)' _ plus taxes.nd assessments n"xtdue
<br />orlth" mortgaged property fall as i.'Slimal,'rt br the M"rlgag"I'; less "Ii >ums already paid therefor dIvided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one rnonth pHor tn t.i;c datt; wht'n such ground rents, premiunls. taxes and
<br />am5&.'l1eIllS will become delinquent. such sums \!> .,., held by' Mortgagee mtrustlo pay said ground rents,pre"
<br />miunl$, taxes .and special llS$essments; and
<br />(e) All pay_ntsmentionedin the t..,o preceding subsec!ilmS of this'l'a"lgraph .nd an paymentno be made under
<br />the nott ~curcd herehy' shaH bt' added together. and HH~ ,;l~~e!t..Ht' amnun1 th("feo( iinaH be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />"adl moMh in a sinl!le payment tD he appHed hv th" M"ftga~"e 10 the inl!nwmg Hems in the order set forth:
<br />
<br />Q} prr:m'j,tiID cha~ge-s under -the -COl1tr:u't nf insw"m..:." \\11th til:.(' ~eue-tary ,A Housmg.and U;ban- Deveiopment,
<br />~)f monthly i:,:hargc- (in iieu ~}.r nklrtgage lH5:UfF,lnl'f? !-'!rf'nuun-tj, ;tS the ,:--aSl~ may he;,
<br />{U) ground lents. faXes. a$-~;'ismt.'n{$, fhe- and other halAin.:! lfl;su-ra!lC't~ premIums:
<br />(HI) mlerc.st 00 the nOle ""cured herehy; aml
<br />(IV) amOf!ll.atiim 01 theprinclpa! or >aid "ole
<br />Any d.e-fkte'Hej' lfi the aITtOU-n1 ~H~ any :}tl~h ,igg~'~~gate :liunWl) ~,;1}n:cnt ~f1J.H, unless made good by the Moit.
<br />pgor prior tel the due date of Hw Ot.~x! such pa\'nH~fll _.(;ll\:Uwrc:m (vem of dt~!auh tinder this mortg;ig~. The
<br />Mort~ may \.~otlecf a ulafe charge" nut t,) c-xn:'cd f.-\lH (t"rHS (4~") fi.1f -each doHar (S t) of each payment more
<br />than nfte-r-n ~ IS i (b\''!; in Jrre_<in 10 CO\'e't tht" \~~ Xll~~ CXPt'1~~;l;.' In\', 'll.!';';~ in handHn;r Jdmquent payments.
<br />
<br />_.> fhat If dw' t-o-tul nf th~' jHt!-fnf'nt::"- m:uk 'r\ !lH-> \lonJ::;j~!llf- uu(h." q{ puragraph :!. JH"f'('f>'ding- shaH exceed
<br />th~ amoun1 of paYl'nNltF> ;lc!-uaHy madf> by tfw \fnrt,Q'3-~N?- [c.r ;,tfound n"ut-<;. t;,\\H~ and a~&~s..,nlent8 o.r in~uran-(:e pre~
<br />nuum8. ll}t thp (';i..":;f" ma\' ~w, :-O:Udl eX{'e~:;;'. if the loan !,,> (Uff{.'nL ,H the ,}ptinn of fhe ~fo"gagor, shan be er<.."'Ciitcd 1>).
<br />thf" 't()rtg.ag:tH~ on ~ub~-p'qtu:-'nt p-a)omcnl~ to tw madt" h~ :dH' '~Jurtgaf?uL uf lpfunded to IJH~ \turt-gagoL If.. how{'\'{~r.. t.he
<br />~mthly pn~-m-.(~nt~- m-aJe b--y the \k.">(t~~l~-o-r Hndef nr p.-1fa~Li!..h 'p-n:'l.\:d!ll~ "had thH !1-C' ..;:uffi<.:ient to pay- ground
<br />root.. UlI,i':' and L.'i~t~6~mf-nb Of In~uran~:4: p:N"mtt,lm~. a." th~~ t'il:"<-f' f!la\ !1~~, "..twn 1-fw "-am(' -:haH b('('om~ tJu..- and pay-
<br />alll.., the" I..... ~lllllj((ll: ,;/Jall "ay'" ill.. \l<trt~i1IH'" !tin amOltnl,,,,,"-"-lIrv 10 "wk., lip Ih.. defidtmt'y. on or before
<br />tllt' daie when !","nlt'llt of "II<'I> llfOund ....'"1... tax.',. ""'''-'''Ifl''nl.. nr in"..mn.',- prt'mium" ,'hall \)(' du('. If at any
<br />t-i"l tb~ \kn1il~lT ","aU u~dt'f to thp \lortf3~Pf', d1 :~t{'tlf{hlnn. \-uti, t~H' pn)\ i~!on~ or tht- noh.' Be{~urvd he~by~
<br />full I'avftll'llt of th.., ....tir~ ,ndl'btl'<ln,"- "'p,,,",'nl<'II th,'r..I", thl' ',lort).(.J.",,1' -noli, i 11 "olllputing thl' lllIIuunl of such
<br />Iftdt!h!('(im.'l';;. "redtt to rlu: .u:cnun! de tit" MOfl>Wtl>f .il1 f41ymt'111S made ull.ier lht' pl'OHSlOlIS of I (Ii of paragraph 2
<br />hl'l'f!t)f whidl [h" \Iorlgag..(' ha.- l\OIU.-"UM" lIbHi4aleo 10 f,a, 10 !lit' ""..n'lar) of 1l0U"lflg ~d {'rban Development
<br />anti an~- balan('(' rt'm3in.H1f!n tilt. fund-.,,: _!.l.TlHHul,'Hpd lJruh'f fh\~ prn\I~!tin","_ of oi pa.nU!fuph :.! Iwtt"of. If iht\ff'
<br />shaH ~- a dtofauh undf~f i1n~ 'if jh-l:~ p-rU\-I",l,/JW- uf th!- It"Jn.;:~...ti!:t' p....ultwj.! Hl ,( puhlH' ;o.,ah' uf iht' pn-ml~iJ~ t'ovored
<br />here-by. nr- if mv \-lortR3-~"" :\t"qut"-~ tht:. prOpt.ft\ ptht:'r~i,,,,,' .,d~~'r d-pL-HJH, ih" \ll)rlg~~{..t' ~aH appl~, at th('O timt> of
<br />lht.~ t'tlmm't;mn-.-fbt-nt (If" '"'-tH:h fJf(H.(..~dw;.~..., Ii' ~H (I'li!;-' imw ntl" prnpt'H\ I.... :l!!lH\\J-,(' ;U:tIUift.tI. thp halan"t~ (two remain~
<br />i"~ ill lh.:. furn1:-o an'Ufnulatf't.t untit_~f oi para!!t~-tfi-h '_~ iH-"t t'dHl~. ~1:"' , ,-r,'dH .~~aiU~t tnt' .Hlwunl of r.rindpaJ then
<br />rttMalntfl;! unpa-l-d und(>f "";J.Ju fF)-lt,. .t.'1-tl ",h4H jJwfwrh ,Il:jpj...~ .:fH. I-',i.\fl'l'!>!-'" -.\rllt h -hail ha\p bt.*t.-"H mad", Undt'f [<lJ
<br />of l'af"J>;r;~lh :?
<br />~ fh"t! th( \tol1~a~~lf ,..di ;',1\ {.'J'-'-hn.J '"fil'-, '.:nl.;'-" p,.,>:,,,,mt:;',h. '."-.uk! r~th'" ~\fhi dhel ~LH,-elnfHent"ll Ill' lnlJllKlpa:l
<br />...~h~tfge", flHt:'. ill lihp..Pdth_lH"-, {~H ""hich f'H'\hit,-q h~t"> nl!\ [;en' m,Hic nt*;:;:m~eiof~. ,tnJ H! Jefau!llhereiJf the Mt-'rt!!<--Jgcc- may
<br />n-dV I,he ....~tmc. .mu lhJl !fh~ \4nfi},';d~,;j v. lH N,_'mpfi"l- th.>jj\1:_1 ,fl;;' Aft,-- I,~; fe. {"(Ph !ht'ield t;.\ the \1t..~ngagee-
<br />, "' fhc \-t-on~d_~,-\;f \\tll r;'i~ -,ill r~l!\.It"" "hh.h I'o<'l~ (~- iL':'-H:.<;j ~,pt\l' tlH: \-it)fir>:,t-~r-l"~ Intt'~c-",lln ~.;_tld real t'\l~ttc anu Hnprove-
<br />m(;nt~, .H1<\l ,!~'-rH-i,:h Hld\ nt.' k\-h.'J \!p~'n d;!~ f!h!lig.,~\: I" ;,~~' ,-', ; ",:",illt"..J ht;'i<.'b\ (~tH ..ol} ;:~1 the- \.,teHl thaI "IlH.:h i~ iW{ prohibit-
<br />ed 0.\ t&\\ ~l.Ih.l '<.'Hl!\- 1\\ 111\: (\teni th.'!! ...th.ti v.tii fh" :n,~!>.(' ;:~j" i,~.ln U-"UfjPU"l_ '''ui t'\~'fHJmg .mj- HKtHne t,t\, Stalt: tl1 Federal,
<br />lf1ifh)~e~ \H\ ;\-i-tHi~~tJ;ee. dlhJ \\ 111 hie lht: .,ril..-j'H : t,.''- t<if\i 'l'itt\..ln~ .,tH_n ~'"d-" Hh.: nl \\ i1h the \1flflg~!tee, I ,'pon .. H,11atwn t)i ltU'\ under-
<br />laking, t'lf 11' th( \i(;n~gl\..lr I' 1_\tl1hihH-t:J. b-I,. .dl\ (.t\\- H~lv,. "l ht"i't'.dtc- ,\.I"'!W~ h-...>m p~Hms. the v.h(,lc; t~: .in; pnjtwn of the afore.
<br />"-lId Htx,cC';, n{ Ui\t,lfl !he re-Bd(,lIoii: t!' ,tft\ ,:,,,on tit:(l'(.'L: pl.'tHr'liW~ the p.i\ mellt h~ the ~h.n~dgU! \-,f all} -.,w.:h !a\e_"" Pi" if \uch l..llA'
<br />I,)f -de-\:rt:'t' ~)h)'o-'J~C" th4t ,ln~ ,\rJ'h,IUlH so p<<h_i h~ th( MOH!{~!~l{ -SchAH be (,le,-h1ed ,-~n the nhJl1gugc debt. the \hnljt.;igec ....haH have
<br />the rl~ht h) ~...c HHld} Jd} ~ I.\flU-en Ih,-lH(t' hl lhe l"'o\H('j '.'; i'~lt' !~\\H i~.;~l'.J !lu,:ml'-t". ffqulnug. tht.' p,iyr.ncnt t!C rhe Hhii'tgU~-e
<br />debt. If 'iu\.'"h tloll(t'- n(' ~l\Cfi, IlK: ...,uJ d~ht ,hd.H t,~l..lmh: Ju.;.:. f'oi,l),lbk ...oJ i.;vH(:~u{lk ~l the c.\plf::itilln l1f ~iWj ninel.\<' dij;,
<br />6_ Th1.lt .Jwuid h.: f...il h,ll1-J)- ~~ny '!Urn ,\1' keep .~n~ (.\.(.-nu,,,; rr,)\idc-d f~'i in thi... \h~rtgfJetc t1'l<h the ~h,'rt~dgCC, it! it--. tiP'
<br />tton, m~)- f'\a) ~,t p<"l"h:'Hrn ttlt: ,~m(". .d.nJ i.-d! t" \P'CrhjHw~" '-.p ;'HdJt.' ;-,hrii! b-t.' .J.JJl~J i.t' tIlt" prio".'ip.tl 'lum (.~ intf l.m the ':1b..iVe note,
<br />:Jw.H be S--c-~ urt'd n(.;:feI:>, . anu :-.haH t-car interest ~t the f.lite '>,(:L ({.If[ft m ttK !tau! not;.:. untd PdUJ
<br />.." Th.i:ll 11< heiCb-',- ..i_'\'.aga\, a~tn~fer,. and .....:t... <'.;;:-r hi lhe \hHi.JI;C.!-~e<;;. t{, t~t' ~tpphtd to'A'...rd the, rd~-mcnt d lhe th.llt:" and all
<br />'lHth '~,'>i.:Hh~J here b). m .(..t:\( \)t ;.-!, Jdaldr m [he pcd,,-l,;n.Hh.._l.' ,-1 JIH ,,( Ita:- i,,'rn;-.. cHid" ,)nJuh_m" pf ihi.. \tprtga,g.e ,If the ).~lld
<br />note. uU t~ r('t'H'!:., fe\.'-cnue-~ and m~om-c to bt: d.:n'q;J fr..1I:; Ih~ mdng4.g~.j t~J~ml"C' dunog ",-u...h (unC;J,,- (he: m~Jrtgagc indehted.
<br />ne:J,l\ sb-aU-rematltunp.aid; and thi: Mun~ag"'t.: .,h,lH hd'd..: P"'>"t', tu .q~p')ln! ~-Hi: .tg.:nt ,q .ip:nh It m;~~ ..It~".tfe f,}[ th~ purp\').c uf
<br />T-f:,.Jiingsaid pfemtse~ >>l'ki o-f re.nlmg [M-~am~ -lnJ .,:t>HedH1g Ihe ft'flh. tC;.t:nu("~ .H'H.i lnd\iHC, ~!.nJ It ma, ph! \lul <if .;aid in.
<br />~"{J~\ :Ut c,Xptft$e-s d-f rePEt-idng saW prealj~~s- ;jot! ftet:c~~f} ":--lHnmJs-"i.ion~ .HHl ~\.r.c;H,(\ in.;urrcd in renting and managing the
<br />",me \Uld of ",>l~~Ullg reOl.lo the,dlOm; tn., ""Ianc.: f~!l1"lflina., If an.. lt1l>t: .!,ph.:u Inward Ihe dis~haf!(e of saId mOftg~
<br />IndettWdne."
<br />g, :~I\At:hc will k-eep tht.' impro\,em('Rl"\ nt:n,~' e_!\_i~.tmg t~r hereuJkr er~ch:d (Hl the mort~ajted riopert~', Insured -a~ fn3.Y he
<br />reqUiTed h:..:H11 time- TO time h~ th<' \-h.'!Hgji~eC ,}g,~m;o,! l;:",'L';, r-~ nit:: Jtll,l dthef !ldl~~rJ.'\.. ,,:a")('i-alH<:'> ,mJ L-t)Otin~enl:H:) in ~ud\
<br />~t)tUUs and ft\t' ,.-~uc.h peri(\Q~ a,\ may be reqttirt:d ~~' the \hH-tg;lget: "H1J \<oil! r~.~:, pf'-Hnp!l~ ' v",hen Jue, ~lU) prCmiUflL\ \)11 stJJ..:h
<br />u~urance fM'o\-is<<>>t for ,payment of whkn he~ nt~~ N:en ~Dde h-~femf.e(()rc" -\u irt~l.lLU1i... t: ~ n.-d! !'l-(,' ,:~lffR'd III ,",nmp~WH..'\ -.1p-
<br />P,'~pv~~p!, ltlc: ~l~~iJ~_f~_ap\1t~_nt.!h,;k~ ,uhi refte\l..~lh th~re{Jf ,,"bail b~ held b~ tOt \!vt;gilgCI.' dl~ hd\( ;lHn(hf~! Ihcfct~) It\~~
<br />~ya:htt ,,-:t~.~ in faq_\f \-'\f and _in form_ a~-i.:('p!~bk hl the \1\J~tiAg(:C In ('\(:.'H! (11' ".1\"- \ion~J.f.."'\1' v.-di ~l\'C nnrneotate nl,.lhi,.~r b~
<br />fWlil ill' tilt Mrn.t~.:, ",11.. may makt Pfl"'( of '0\\ if rim ffi"de pf<>ffiptly hy MOflj(llli"" Jflll ~ach In"UrafK'c comp'll} con.
<br />t":tt~"$ htteh}"'-}mthdrized and -dirc;';H:\! t\.l Hl~ke p.!\ ;n~nt f\..!' ..ud, Ii.lS~ dire~.tJy to the MiJrlgagec in-stead ~~l h' the M'art)la~)r
<br />a--noJ t~ M~~t~t l{)jn,!l,):-' .4n_d t~ rn~-Ur~H\(~,Phh:('{~\,h, 01, I!H} r~n thereof. Hlol) h: i~pr!l\;J b} ~hc _M{}ri~g~~ ;'1i Ih ,)pt.to,n either
<br />IO.mt fc,iul.cOOt'tQf 11\It,l\fl;Ibl@we~, heret.,}. ,tofU!ed", '" lhe rt~"nllion ,>t tel''''' ,'1 lite pr"pertv .J.nld!ied. In even! ,If (..'''0',1..,
<br />~~t_t-c -t)f-,-dll~, ~ dtO!Mf--4Jansftf of ,fitlt- H,l- tilt- -<n-vttg:ageu r:H'-i,)-pern in i:"\tmpH,-hment-t.'tr the Intkbtt,~dn1.~:'<'~ .:.c.:ur<:d ht:febv,
<br />an dIAL t!lk an.4 ihHtrl."'St (,1f dl(" \h~H~~>.~j !f1 ttil:d W ,H1~ irHlunHKt' tn(!1 It} f(/1:"''''' 'lhJH iM''''~ i,\ fh~ ptH\:h<t,~t'f \'( grallfn:-
<br />q.- 'Ot.t't~ a'li iMJ.ihJi-(.fH,d ~-..nd \.:-\'~natcral ~e\.:ut~t:v f>.H the plty.n~t'nl the fH.H:e "h:"<d\heJ, M1d i1H ,,:>um,:,- J.:;.l (';~","om\.~ JUt' lH\dc-t rhi:--
<br />fndti~~~_, toM M~'~f.;_~o(~r here-t:> j~,h!gn~ tp rhc M\jrl~Ig-t~' ,iU flf(}fil'-~ (e\~'~~~ tt}~\it~~~~_~;ght.. ,~t~{~ ~cndlt.~ <1(l,JUiHg hl th(
<br />~tpgt1( l.!ndr-1' ~H'l ~n-d aH {H! ;mJ s\t1" tea-'H"S N'i ....;;HiJ pf-cmh-('S, ",-4th-1,h(' n-.tiht)~J"r:tC'e'~'t.t'" ~nd r,:'..:efpt tV'f the ,am-\" O-I'\-d apph
<br />t:hetn f.(,i- ~~id tr<<ht<t.dnt':\,-;; ;i.'i; 'Adf t<f,-}(;: ~,'\. ~hcr rle-filHI! Hl th.e (:\,m{j-itt-tftl"- of lhi~ J,hr M~>rf~~get'" rHtl\' i.h,:-m;Hh.l_ '>Ht;
<br />f(}t< ;a_i~J fe-{:,.....tt -An} ...~th..:t~ \to ht't1 dtH: MHJ p!l-:)able ~ hi-n ;,~,H fili,H fx: fhh J\:\~-r:tH"r-n-1 i" h) t('rmilhit('
<br />~ ~C("-l'\lt !'tuH ;,'m4 ',;-(?l!ii "f lhh m-{"_l;rt~,
<br />
<br />l-i"uD-{j'2'4JM '~1 }Ui
<br />