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<br />UNIJ'OI(M CovENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows: <br />I. ~ of J'rItIdtMIllIIIf llIffl'ellt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe principal of and inleresl on the <br />indebledness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in Ihe Note. and Ihe principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances lICCured by Ihis Deed of T msl. <br />2. ..... for T_ ... 1_. Subject to applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shan pay <br />10 Lender on the day monthly inslallments of principal and inlerest are payable under Ihe Nole. unlil the Nole is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein ''Funds'') equal to one-twelfth of Ihe yearly laxes and a"",,,ssments which may allain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premium inslallmenls for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inslallmenls for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonahly estimated inillally and from <br />lime to lime by Lender on lhe basis of a_menls and bills and reasonable estimales Ihereo!. <br />The Fund!! shall be held in an institution Ihe deposits or account, of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale ageney (ineludi~ Lender if Lender is sueh an institulion), Lender shall apply Ihe Funds 10 pay said laxes. as<cs<mcnl'. <br />insurance premiums and ground renl.. Lender may nol charge for so holding and applying the Fllnd.. analYZing said accounl <br />or verifying and eomp/linll said _men Is and bills. unl"", Lender pays Bo.-rower interest on Ihe Funds and applicahle law <br />pennils Lender 10 malte such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at Ihe lime of ncculion of Ihi, <br />Deed of TruSllhat inteteSl on the Fund!! shall he paid to Borrower, and unles' such agreemenl is made or applicahle law <br />requires such inten!Slto be paid. Lender shall nol be required 10 pay Borrower any Interest or earnings on the Fund,. I,ender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charxe, an annllal accounting of the Funds showing credils and debil' to Ihe Fund, and Ihe <br />purpose for which each debit 10 lhe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional securily for the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />If lhe amount of the Funds held by Lender. t"ll"ther wilh Ihe fulure monlhly inslallments of Funds payahle pnor 10 <br />lhe due dalell of lUes, a_nts. insurance premiums and ground rent,. ,hall exceed lhe amounl reqUIred 10 pay said laxes. <br />assessments, inlUflInce premiums and ground renlS as Ihey fall due. such excess shall be. al Borrower'. option, either <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monlhly inSlallmenl' of Funds. If the .mounl of the Fund, <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient 10 pay tues. 8lL..",sment.. tnsurance premiums and gronnd renlS as Ihey fall due. <br />Borrowet' shall pay to Lender any amotint necessary 10 make up lhe defic,ency wllhin 30 day. from the date notice is mailed <br />by Under 10 Borrower requesting payment theteof. <br />Upon paymenl in full of all sulm secured by this Deed of Tru't. Lender .hall promplly refund 10 Borrower any Fund, <br />held by Lender. if under par..,raph 18 hereof the Property" ,old or lhe Property IS olhNwt<e acquired I>y lender. l,ender <br />.hall apply. no lat.... than immeclialely pnor 10 lhe ,ale of Ihe Property or tis acquiS!lton I>y Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lenda' .1 the time of application.. a credil apinstlhe .um. secured by IbIS OCed of Trust. <br />J. ""..,..... oi....,..... Unless applicable law proVIde, othcrwlSe. all payments receIVed hy Lender under Ihe <br />Note and par..,raphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied I>y lender fi",. tn pavment of .mounl< payable 10 Lender hy Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then 10 inlerest payable on Ihe NOle. then to the prmclpal of lhe Note. and then 10 inleresl and <br />principal on any Future Advancea. <br />.. CIoIqea; LIeM. Borrower shall pay all tax",', ''i5CUmen'' and olher charges. fines and Impo.lIions amibulable 10 <br />lhe Property which may a1tain a prioMly over Ihis Deed of Trusl. .nd leasthold paymenls or ground renlS. if any, in the <br />mumer provided unda' paragraph 2 hereof or. if not paid in such manner. by Borrower making p.yment. when due. directly <br />to the s:.;:..:.,henof. 8om:lwer shall promptly furnish 10 Lender all nOIlCes of amounts due under this paragraph. and in Ihe <br />eveot r .ball make payment dil'C(:t1y, Borrower .h.1I promplly furnISh to Lender receIptS evidcncmg such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly disc:ha~ any lien which has pnority Mer IhlS Deed of Tru.l; prov.ded. that Bnrrower ,h.1I not he <br />,",lured 10 dbcharJe .ny such hen so lonl! as Borrower ,hall .1Ife<: tn "'''lIng 10 thc paymen. of Ihe obheat.on .ccured hv <br />\uch Hrn in a m.n.... acceptable to Lender. or ,hall to good faith contt'" fiiH1..'h !ten hy, pr ddend cnfon.'cment uf sm:h lien tn. <br />1e&.ll~~1i which opentc to prevent the enforcement -of the: Ilcn or fnrfcHul"c (If the Property ('f any rarl I,hereof. <br />. I-..n:. Borrower ~hall keep the ul1provcm('nts now C'\f,;ung: or hert':ther er<<t~d on the Prflperly Insured <br />..aiM! loa by lire. huanis included ..ithln lhe lenn "e,lended ""'CTaIl'''. and ",ch other hazards as I ender may requlrc <br />and tn such _nlll. and for such perrods .. lender ",oy reqUIre; p",.,ucd. Ihal Lender _h.1I nol reqUIre Ihal Ihe amounl "f <br />such cowraac exceed that amounl 01 co""r.l!" reqUIred 10 P'Y Ihe .um' ",cured b)' Ih" Deed of Tnost <br />1"he insurance carrier provtdi:"I the- iMuran<:c "hall ht' dl~O fly Borrower :mh11X1 hl appnwal l:-ty I.cndt"r; prOVided. <br />lllat sueh apfIIOYal shall not be unreasonably w,thheld All prem..."" on ,n'UlatlCe policies .hall be pa,d in lhe manner <br />provided UDder parapapb 2 heteof or, tf nol pat<! m such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due. directly 10 the <br />i_ c:arrier. <br />All insurance policies and renewals the"",1 shall be III form a,'ccpl.bIe 10 Lender and sh.1I ,"elude a ...ndard monllage <br />e1a"",, in f.vor of and in foml as;cept.bIe 10 Lender Lender ,hall ha.e lhe nghl 10 hold the polie",. and renewals thereof. <br />and Borro_ ohalI promptly furnISh 10 Lender all renewal not",e, .nd all reeelp" 01 paId l" In Ihe e.enl of 10... <br />BorfOWCf' shall,ive prompI notice- to the 'flSluance l:arUf:r iukll ~nder. Lender mil)' ma~e proof of IO\~ ,r not made promptly <br />by 80rr0wec. <br />UnIas Lende< and Borrower olherwise ..ree in ..nt'.... "..",",,,,,e proc-SO ,h.1I he .pploed 10 restoratK," or repa" of <br />the Property damaaed. provided such rcslorallon Of re""II " c",""'''''k:.lly le.,,,ble .nd lbe ",cIIT"y of Ih" Deed 01 'I "'S1 " <br />not lhereby impainld. If such restoraloon or rep.ur IS nO\ economically leaStble '" If lhe "",uroly olthi, o"ed of lr",1 would <br />he ,mpaned, lhe<! proc-SO shall be applied 10 the .um, oeeured hy Ih.. Deed of Trust. w'lh Ihe ",ce". If any. paul <br />to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by ilorrower. or ,j hor",w-cr faol, IU r",pond 10 Lender wilh,n 30 days fmm Ihe <br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower lhal the ./UUranee c.mer oIlers 10 ..,ule a claim t<'r .nsur.nee henefils. Lemler <br />is authori:aed to coIlecl and apply the insura""" proc-SO .1 Lender's opllOn e'lber 10 resloratlOn or rep." of lhe Propeny <br />or 10 lbe sums _ured by IhlS Deed of TNll. <br />U"'- Lender and Borrower otherwise .,ree '" Wflllft', an) soch apphe.llon 01 pr""eeds to principal shall nul extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monlhly im.lallments referred Il' to paragraplu. I and Z her~...,f or change Ihe amounl of <br />sl.lCh installmenla. If un<lcr par.....pb III hereof lhe Propel I) " .cqulled 1-) I ender, all "ght, lille and inlere,1 of Borrower <br />In .nd 10 .ny insurance poIieies and in and 10 the proe-SO lhereof fe> lrom damage to lhe Properly proor 10 Ihe sale <br />or as;quisition shall pass to Lender 10 the extent ollhe sumo ,"""ured by Ih" Deed of 1'r",t immediately proor 10 such .ale or <br />acquWtioD. . <br />" ~........ ~ of Ptoptrty; u_ltooWa; <:..........."'u.-; Ptaouoed lJ"it Dcnlopmeoh. Borruwer <br />dl~U keep the Property In ,oou n:paJr and shall nol ("omnUl \Ld;:-'tc permit lmp.unncnt nr l.klcJ'toralHlfl tlf the Property <br />and shall comply with tbe provisions 01 any lease if this Deed "I 1 ruM IS on a lea>ehold. If Ihi. Deed of Trusl " on a unil in a <br />condominium or . planned unil development. Borrower .h.>1I redo.." all "f Borrower'. uhligal,,'n, Ululcr the "cel;"ali,,,. <br />or cove....nt. crealina or IOverning lhe condonunium or planned "OIl de'elopmenl, Ihe hy,Iaws and reglllallO"s ..f Ih,' <br />condominium or plaoned un.l development. and comlilucnl documenh. If a cundominium llr planned lIf"ut dcve10pmcnl <br />rider is eltl!CUted by Borrollo'er and recorded logether ...,Ih th" Deed ,)f TroISI. lhe cO'enant. and agrcemenl, of ",ch nde, <br />shall be im:orporated inlo and shall amend and supplemenl the ccwenan" and agreemenl. of IhlS Decd 01 Tn." ;IS .f the rodcr <br />we.... a part hereof. <br />7. ....... of LetIder'. Security. If Borrower r.,l. 10 perform the covenants and .lIreemenls ",nlamed in Ihi, <br />Deed of Trust. or it any action or proceed in, is commenced malen.lly affecls Lender'. :nleresl In Ihe I''''rerl).. <br />inchKlina. but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency. code enforcemenl. '" arrangement. "r procecdmg\ mv,>lviog a <br />bantrupt or decedent. lhen Lender al Lender's option. upon notice 10 Borrower. may make such appearance,. ,1I,hurse ,uc'h <br />SUint and taite SllCh action as is necessary to protect Lender', inlerest, ,"eluding. hut not limiled 10. d"m.rsclllCllt 01 <br />re8$OIlable allorney's fees and entry upon the Property 10 make repairs. If Lender reqUIred mortgage .n'Ulance a, " <br />COllditl.Otl of mUinathe loan secured by this Deed of, Borrower ,hall pay Ihe premiulIl' required to malHl;un \tIch <br />inaul'l\lQfl in dJed. lID'" Wl:h lime as the requiremenl for such .n.uran,e lerminates in ac('()rdance wilh 8o"o"'er\ "",l <br />f.4!nde.T.'S written aJfCC. ment or applicable law. Borrower shall pay Ihe a"'ount 01 all In.uranrt r:('miums i" ,hc <br />mmner provided unde.r paraaraph 2 hereof. <br />AllY amotlIItt disbursed by lender punuanl to lhis paragraph 7. with mlerest thereon. ,hall be<:omc add'I"'''''! <br />i~ of IJorTower secured by' thilt Deed of T.....t. Unles. Borrower .nd I.ender .,ree to other lern" ,'f paymenl. ,uch <br />aRlQllltls shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesling paymenl lhereof, and ,hat! hear intereSf ''''"' the <br />dal' of dlatiul1llmlCllt at !he rale payable from time to lime on oUlSlanding principal under lhe Nole unless p.ymenl 01 iOlere" <br />&t IItlI:h rale would he 1:01111'81)' to applicable law. in which e,'enl mch amounts .hall he.r intereS! .1 lhe hillhc" rate <br />~ under ....lcable lllW. Nothing contained in Ibis paragraph 7 sh.n require Lender to incur any espense Of lake <br />an)' klIon bemJtldtr. <br />.. ....,........, Lmder may make or (;Ill'" to be made reasonable entnes "IX,n aM inspeetoo", l1f rhe ""'rerty. rr,wi,kd <br />Iltal Lcnde:r shalt Pe 8orrower notice prior to any such i"opecl''''' specify;n, reasonable Cau'. rhe",l", r<laled 1(' I .nder', <br />intrtett 11l11le 1'fcDtatv. , <br /> <br />83- <br /> <br />U04287 <br />