<br />~
<br />
<br />83~J04281
<br />
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay, or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be s€'Cured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness,
<br />7. Upon request of the MOI'tgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's n!quest; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsel\llere authorized hereunder, Said note or l1ot,'s shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advanee evidenced thereby were iucluded in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear intk'rest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal il1d€bt~ness and shall b(! payable in approximately equal monthly pa,mwnts for such period as may
<br />be agre<>d upon by OH' Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the lllatnrit~.. the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so advanced shaH 1)(, due and payable thirty (aO) days anl'r demand by the Mortgagee, In no
<br />event shall the maturity f'xt('nd beyond thf' ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />
<br />8, He hereby assigns, transfers llnd sets OWl' to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sumSs(,<;un'd hereby in ease of II default in the performllnee of any of th" terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, reWllues and inwml' to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shail remain unpaid ; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of !'t,nting the same and col-
<br />lecting the rents, rew'nues and income, and it may payout of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br />expenses incurred in rl,nting and managing the same and of coHeeting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if any. to be applil'd toward Hw disdlarge of said mortgage indebtedness,
<br />
<br />9, He will t'ontinllously maintain hazard insurance, of SUdl type or types and amounts as Mortgagee
<br />may [rom time to time n,(!!lil'e, on the improw,ments now or hereafter on said premises and except when
<br />lla~'ment for all such plT!lllUmS has then:tof()f'e been made under IU) of paragraph 2 hereof, will pay
<br />promptly when due IIny premiums therefor. Fpon d.'fault thereof. Mortgagee may pay the same, All
<br />lllsurance shaH be carried ill companies approved by the ;\[nrtgagee and tht' p"lil'ies and rl'newals thereof
<br />shall be held by the ;\!orlg:aget' aud have attached thereto Inss payable dauses in 1':1\'01' of and in form
<br />acteptablt, to the ;\lortgaw'(', In .'vent of loss Mortgagor wdl jl.'iw lInml'<;mte llOtH''' !)\' mall to the Mort-
<br />gag>'e, who may make proof of loss If not made promptly by MortgaJ.:or. and each lll"UratICe company ('on.
<br />l~l'rned is herehy ;tut.hot"tzt.,'d Hnd dir-eeted to [flak.' tlaynH'nt for such loss dn't'4..'tly 10 the :\rort~aget! instead
<br />of to tht~ :.!twtgagul' and t ht: ~tortgaR(~e jointly, and the n~s.ur.ant.'p pro('t'(>ds. ,It' ;tny part thereoC
<br />nUl)' b{> appiieti by the MnrtR'a~t"t.. at. it.s optHHt f.'it}1(~f' t~) the n.'{hl(~tlon or tht' Jlldt.:,ht~'d'lt'$$ i)(~rpby ~pcured
<br /><..lr to th\.. l't.~tonttHtl1 Oi" I ('paIr Hf the proJxorty darnagl"'1.L In t:vent of forcejnsu!'l.' c,( this HlOrtgagt:. or other
<br />tn-tusft~t' of title to the Plt>rl){'agt'd proflt.>rty HI f'~tjHguishn\pnt ,d. the IIHkbtt'dllt'~':-;' ~tll'"Hrt'd hi.-'reby. all
<br />right; title aud inh:'yp,:-,t !If Uk .\Jorlgagot' iH auti lo any insurance }JoJi~'h'~ th~_'il HI !'()!'l.-(' ~hall pass to t.he
<br />JH.tn:hasel' or g!'Rlitec.
<br />
<br />10. As uduitiOHut ~H.id t.-.Al.al.!l'al :"t:',~unty ("I' tiH' pa) UH."l1t 1.'1 tht;. 1,;.Ilt.' dl'.:'+( !.;:_h: d, :t:ld nn SHIUS to iJe(~Onle
<br />dt-h_~ under this nlf,)rtg:a~f,,'. dh' ~lt)rtgagor ht'reh~T ~-l~~gHS. to th". ~lnrtRag-t,'-t. ail k'as~' i'(iHtI~{'S, profits, n'vt.'~
<br />nUt'S, royaJtlf~g~ rights, ,;Hid oth(>r l~'nellts i-KtTUiUg too the )!C\l.lgilglJi' tnh_kr any iind all oj! and gas !('aSt~S
<br />now, 0-1' dudng tnt" 11ft', of thts: !ntJrt){agt"~ I.Xt~'o;;uh'd OB said pn'fill."-:-t:-'"S. \\ ith }ht' rig-ht to rt'ct'lv(l Hnd r('('eipt
<br />for th,,_' 3,fUH-e aud apljl;. tht'IH t.; $.rud lln.if.'bh'Juf:"&'" as \\ elt b-cftt!'!, .a..,s Hih'r d,_'fault in tht' rOildiUnu.s of this
<br />nlt.l.rtgagt.:"_. and the )'1~.H"tg~g\_"t' l1lay ddn~tlhi~ ~\k h)J' dHtl rt'-q}\tOr at(\- ::-'Ut'h p.a,\Hl~'l1tS \\h\:'H dth: anti pay-
<br />db.le, but .:'-hall Ih~t he d-"'iU~it.\t S{j lp do' This .a.s::;igHtnt~a!. i;-; t-I) t(>rlUHlalt and ht'\;OHh:" HuH and void upon
<br />release of this IlHJ_rtg-tlg:e_
<br />
<br />11. Ih~ shall not. t'unUlul .if pertuit \\,u.slt.; i\tnl shall nUiinl.;;lIh th~ pruJJ(.-rt) III a" goJ\lii l.'illldition as at
<br />pn.-seut. r\.'a.sonal;h2' \\cut and h'ar \"x\-'\'rh..'il. l 'S)(IH .Ut)' t':UiUh: to ;jU IllaiHt.,;-un. :,\'lortgi.l,K\'e, at it.., optioH~
<br />IHaS cau&:: t"t.'aSl.HH-l.Ld\:, lTtaUl.tt'Hh.lh.'t.} \\ urk toO t}4;~ J.lt'rfHl'llh.d al tht' l'(}~t o{ ';\hwigag'or. An) alHount.s paid
<br />th~rl~f{)r u.}' Aiurt.gaB\'''\': sludl l)t'ar iHtt~n.',l'i,t ut th~' r"tt-t:~ l-In}\. hied ft)r ill tlh' pnnuI.l;..d inddJleJnt\$s. shall
<br />tlwnmpull iW<:<Hlk' a part or tll" indehtedness ~"l'ure,l by tillS mstrUnl"llt, ralably and on a parity with all
<br />othl'r indebtc,llll'&l ~\'lun,d hen:by. and shall bp I'a,"abll' thh'ty no) days aft"I' ,k-mafHL
<br />
<br />12~ If the pn.:'lni6t...s~ Pi' auy fit:\!'t tht~n'I,)f. be U.llHit:uull'tl uH\lt'l' the PO\\'t.T (If t-1Ul1h-ul dOluain, or
<br />a{;quin_~d for a Vu.bik- U'st\ the (h.1nlagt~ a\-\.anJcd, the pr-0t..:eed$ fur tht.' taklng:.of. or the ("(JIl.s;d('ration [or
<br />such acquisiti"Ul, to tilt: t'xttHt of the full iunouul of the r"'fil(i,iniug ullpaid illdcLtt'drH:',')~ S~:cUi"ed by lhts
<br />llwrt.aag;~. or h.e-ruby assigned to the ~1t.)t.tg~g{'(~. an\.i shaH be paHl fo)"thv.'lth t(t ...;;\id ~lortg-agl.'e. to UP
<br />applit1tl on aCtC\Jllllt of the hi",t matunng illstal!nwnts of such indebt,,'une.s.s,
<br />
<br />13. If the .liortg[tgur fails to Inake any payrnents when due, 01' to ('nnfnnn to .and cOlnply v;ilh any
<br />of the conditions (}r agn.-'('ments contal!lt>d in thi:; tnortgagt~, 01" the nutc,s ~\ h~('h it s~(:un"'.s. th(~n the
<br />enUre. prul\.~ipld SUln aud aCt:ru\lod inh;l\>st shall at ow.:e hc('.tJme dtH.' and p;J,j:abh', at the e1t'\~tiun of the
<br />Mtlrlgagee; !lnd thi", llHHtg;<ll'" may thl'reup')!1 j)(' foredos('d immediatdJ" for thl~ whole 01" thl' inddJted-
<br />nell-s h.ereby S(.'cuned. '"duding' ti\., "ost l'f ('xh-nding till' abstract of titl" {}'um tli(, dah; of tillS 1ll0lt-
<br />gage to the:tbne ue e~Hnlnenchlg ~uch suit, a reasnnablt, altOl'tw::/s (pef awl any S:UlIS paid by tilt, \'t'ti,~raus
<br />Ad;ninillLration (In Hc(:(llll\t of Ule guul'lIntJ' o\' llil;uranc<: of Ill" ind,'bt<.,dlh"" ~h'ltn'd lId,'l,v, all of which
<br />gha!j be included in the dt'(;H;() of ror4>c}osure, .
<br />
<br />14, Jftlw ind$~ltJI1M l!eCu:reti hen!by be glUU'anh't'd lll' insUn'd \lnder Till(' :l8, L'llit.'d Stntes Cnd.,,,
<br />lIuc,b 'l'iU(\'IlUd lWgu13tiOf\S:ii>$ut.'f! thereund.;r and in ,'fIert ,ml.he dat.: ht')'cof ,..hIll! gUY';!'!\ till' rights, duli"s
<br />l\ftd: U.nilitii!$nfth~ Pfl),"ti>,lll h(U'<;LO, and any pr,wiiliOllS of this o!' other illstlTlllwnts n,e;;uted III ('omwctil>!l
<br />wHh$8.ld In&btednellS which a~ lncou..iiltent with illIitl TlU" or ReglJlllti(lt1~ an' her..hy !wH'nded tn
<br />'':{lnftltm theftit,),
<br />
<br />Tilll 'IDii'llUUWi hen.lll COl\tl!.ill<Mi shall hind, Lind tit!!' benefit>! and adv;wtagi'5 ,hllli 'mH'" hI, t h..
<br />