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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83--004263 <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this_HLt!1___'_________ day of ____ltl!9JlSJ:_ . 19 __83. by and between <br />-BQ!3JRT ~ OBSTA~lL~f1!l!;Ll._~BSr, HUSBA~IL!\Ji[L!'!!EL__________________,__~ <br /> <br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska. as mortgagor ~__. and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at- Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mortgagee; <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: Thai said mortgagor S, iorand in consideralion of the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED <br />FORTY-SEVEN flail ARS AND NOIlOO --_---------------------- Dollars,S 8~547 .00 ), <br /> <br />the receipt ofwhicn is hereby acknowledged. do~~_ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mOr$agec. its successors and assigns, <br /> <br />forever, aU the following described real estate. situated in the County of <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> <br />..HalL <br /> <br />LOT NINE (9) OF "FARMINGTON SUBDIVISION," A SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON PART OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE\SW\) OF SECTION TWENTY-ONE (21), <br />TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9), WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Together with aU heat~. air conditioning. hght~. and plumbin~ equipment and fixture~, Uldudmg serums. awnings. ~t.orm wmdows and <br />doors. and window shades or blinds. used on or In connection with said propeny, whether the same are now located on stud property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br /> <br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. lO~""'et.hcr with all and SlOl{Uiar th~ ltmement$.. heredttamenLs and appurtcmlnccs tht'rf;'unto b~\~ <br /> <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining. forever. :md warrant the tItle to the ~ame_ Said mor~--ugot S itl'f'l"by t'iwenant with said <br /> <br />mon.gagee that t hey__ -ar-e--- . at the d~h\'ery hertlOf. the lawful own't"r S of the premises a.bovt' conveyffi and des('ribcd. <br /> <br />~~i!.re__ seiz.ed of ft good and indefe&3ible of mhentanil't' (herem. tn"t! and dt'lU l.t aU t'rn.:umbram'es, unti t.hUl__t.he,t_ will <br />warrant and defend the tiUe theretO forever ag81llst the daims and demands of aU person~ whumSl-~vt'r <br /> <br />PROVIDED ALW A YS. and this instrument lS CXt.1CUl~ and delivered to Se1:ure lht." payment or tht. of EIGHT. THOUSAND.~ <br />.fUE..JiilliDRED_F.oRTY-SEYHLDQLLARS ANDHNOilOOu-------- Ilolla",. 8.54Z.00 , <br /> <br />wit..h interest tb~n. together with such chsfK~ and uti\i8.1H.:t!'l nut)' ho{' oUt' ami ptlYl1blt' to sald mortfi{agt!t:' umi~r the terms and conditions <br /> <br />of the prom.i88ory note of even date herewith and ~ur....1 her~hy. ('x.t'Il:"ut.eO h) ~auj nwrt~ugor S to sUlll mortWigl::'t:'. jHtyublt. U~ CXprt'SM~ <br />in said flUte. BAd tQ secure the pertonnanctf of all the Wmu. u.nJ conditions com81OW lht.~rt:u1. The t<t'fms 0'. S81d note are hereby incurponit-t:'d <br />harein by this ref....DCe. <br /> <br />It is the intention and agreement of the plll'tle>S her~ that thiS mortgl:lKe shlll1 also st..'CUft' Imy tutur~ advBuo:S made to said mort~8gor. s.., <br /> <br />by S4lid mortgagee. ami any and aU indebwdne:$s in addluon to the amount aboH' slat.ed \lo'lud, said m(Jrt~attQr:;" or any l1f tht'm. may owe tu <br />said mortgagee. howev~r evidenced. wh<<h9r by not~. buok account or otherwUtt'. Ttus rnortga;c~ shall n-main 111 full foret. and t'n~.t lWLWW!\ <br />the parties. hereto and their h~. personal represenlatl'-'es. sueo:t'!ssors and as~igns. until all amounts secured hereunder. mduding futun' <br />advances. ~ paid in fun i.nt.erest. <br /> <br />The mortgagor _~_. hereby assign. to saW mo:tgagoo ail rents and mCOffit: arlSlng at aH.y and aU ume:. from $Clld prHpt~rl.v llnd <br />hereby authoriu said mortgagee or its agent.. at It:,; OpllOU. upon default, to take (hargto of .said prope-l'ty and colloct all rt'nl.s and UKunw <br />therefrom and apply the .same to the payment- of mterest, principal. insursfi(..'t: pn:miums, t.l;I.XCS, aSstls.smenLs. r~~pairs or improvemenl-:. <br />~ to keep said pmpert.y in teaaDtal>>e condition. or to other charges or paynlfW.t.s provided for herein or in tJ:w note hereby :secured. Thl:-> <br /> assignuumt. sh4Ul continue in force the unpaid balanc-e of sl1ld noL..;. i,:, fully paid. The takmg of po,s::le.!*iion hen..'\Uldt.'r shall 10 Ill) mafllWI <br />prevent or retard said .mortgagee in the collection of said sums by fDreclosure or other",,"'~, <br /> <br />The failU-l~ of the m~agee to assert any of its rights hereunder at an}' time shall not be consuul'd as a waiVer of its right to assert lh(~ <br />same- at any time. and to insist upon and enfolce Sln('t n)mphanc~ with aU ~e t~'mlS and proVISions of saId noLt.~ ~nd of this mQct~agc. <br /> <br />If said_~ S shall cause to be- paid to said mortgagee the entire amouut duc it he-re-und"f. and under the leou." uad pro\"lSltHl:-> <br />of said note hereby secunKi~ including future iidvance.s. and any ex.tenslOllS or renewals then.>()f m au.-urdanc~ WIth the t.t'rm~ ;)nJ proVl~lOn~ <br /> <br />thereof,. &ad if said mort&a&Oc $--.-, shall ciYllply with ail the provisions of said note and of tills murt-gage. t-ht'n these p~~~hLt. .shaH lw \'{lld. <br />,fW)-fcm:e u:wittlhc:t. and said mortgagee: shaH be entitled to ttw possclj~ion or all ur Miid propt:rL}', and may. ul itl'l vptlOII. <br />~ the: w;bQ&e of DOte aad aU ~ reprnt!ented thereby to be immediat-t'ly dUt~ and}"able. Rnd tna)' rortx:h"~ LhUl mut1.g~l" <br />or ~ aJI1 ~_ lsgal .ction t.o proI.atl its right. Apprsi$ement waived. <br /> <br />This ~e: stw.ij 00 ~ upon and shall enure too the beneJil of t.h~ heirs. e.ll.ecutor~. administrtl.t\.lr~, ~Ut:CttSSl;Jf-i kind a-5S1;{1\.~ (If dlt' <br />ive.Pl!11J<!s heretO, <br /> <br /> <br />h. Vf!; <br /> <br />he.r-eul.ll-O tiN <br /> <br />t~ir . "ond S <br />t.~i-"'lA-' ,- " '_ _>-'-': <br />/~NJt('l<:;<'11Bst . <br /> <br /> <br />~mJ y{,'at ;}hti\ l- <br /> <br />" .1'- <br />~-~- <br /> <br />WI: 1 11I:U~fllll': ~~"'~"~1':1-'~.:',;,,~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~~ <br />