<br />
<br />83......l) 04262
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this_fittL~_.__,_,~_ day of __-August.
<br />
<br />_ . 19 B3 . by and between
<br />
<br />
<br />of Hrll1 County. Nebraska, as mortgagor -5.....__. and Home federal Savings and loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska. as
<br />mortgagee;
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Tba. said mortgagor -S----, for and in consideration of tbe sum o~ ~~.EQ..~AM)...T.wp"ef HIINDRED
<br />FIFTY-THREE DOLLARS AND NO/IOO ________=:~=====~_=:-l~~~~~~:~~~~.~ .
<br />
<br />l,
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do~_~___ by these presents mortgage cuio..;~'~,':;~~j;:"'jiti~rs and assigns,
<br />
<br />forever. aU the following described real estate, situated in the County of
<br />and State of Nebraska. lowwit:
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />
<br />Together WIth all heating. an l:ondillOmng. hghllDJ{. and plumbUl~ ~-lU1pment and hxlUrt'~. tndudin~ ~cn~ns. i.twninp, st.orm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or tn l'onnection WIl-h said property. whtc>tht'f tht' ~8mt' ilre nuw iocat.t!d on said pro~rty or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />
<br />TO HA V E AND TO HOLD THE SAME. togt.'tnN With riU and StnKuillC tnp tenements, ht'rt'tiiluments and appurtenances thereunto tW-
<br />
<br />longing, or in anywUie uppel"Ulinmg. forever. and ~arr8.nl the- ntle w the ,saID\'. :'tud morgu~or.S lwrd)y covenant with said
<br />
<br />mortgagee that t hey" are . at the Jdr\'t:'"ry herooL th~ i.awiui OWnt'f S uf tot" prt'UH~~ ubovt:' eonvey~ and desl:ribed.
<br />
<br />~_. ._._ar.e_ ~ed of a good and indefeasibJe ~~U:lle oi :nher.iUlJlo! tht>tew. tret" ano dt'llf ()1 aU l'ncurnbnlflce~, ami lhal_ tht..y win
<br />warrant and deSend tbe title thereto for~\o'er agllUlSl the dlluns and demaoot' of an Pt"CM.Il,S W hom~"'t'r
<br />
<br />.'ROVIDED ALWAYS, and th" instrument IS ex",'ut~ and dehven>d k. ""'u.... ,he payment of the sum uf THIRTEEfL.Tl:lOUSANQ,
<br />~1llRE.LHUNQRElt FIETY ~ THREL DULlARS AND_NODOO -- -- -- !)"U." \$U.353~OO I
<br />~t.h interest lhe-ceun. together' wlt.b such eharg.e& and thj\'(m\.~:l <.\::. mtl) bt- dut" u.nd pd:)'able to ~ald murtl(sget' Undt"f dw tt.'nn~ and condition:-;.
<br />
<br />of the promis.sory note of even date hereWith and ">e(urM:.i h~J'tfhy. u.ocuwd by :o.ltlU m'JnJ(u~()r S tn s<.l.id mt..irtgClg~, payabJ~' a~ t~l\pr't's:-it.'(l
<br />in said note. and to secure the perfomumce of aU the terms (uu! comhuons nmlaUloo tht.rcUl. The t~nns of $Iud note an: lu~reoy incorporult!d
<br />b8lein by thia ....forooce.
<br />
<br />It i.s the int.ent.ion and ~tor the partle:!:i hereto t.hat. tins mOftgtlge shaH also s~ure any future ad.vances made tu s.ltid morLl(agor. s-
<br />
<br />by said mortgagee. and any and all indebtedness U\ uddioon to t.hf' amuunt abo...'\.' ~U\ted Whldj s~ild murtg-ugOfS. Of an} of tht!m, muy UWt' to
<br />said mOftgagetl. ho.....e...er evidenced. whether by not~, book an.,'ounl- ut otherwlSe. ThIS mortgage shaH r~mam in full fncct~ anu dft!Ct hctwt'lCll
<br />the varties hereto and their httirs. personal rupresent.a.tivc.s. .successors and asslWl~. until aU amounts st.'Curod hecl:under. IIldudm~ fUlun.'
<br />adv o.nces~ are. paid .n full with interest.
<br />
<br />The mortgagor _~<_.. hereby assign to said mortgag~ aU renr.s and 10(,:otne ansing at any and aU tlmf'~ fcom 8aid property und
<br />hereby duthoriz.e said mort.ga.gee or its agent. at its opuon. upon default, to take chugto of said propert.y and coih.'Ct all n'nt~ nnd inconw
<br />therefrom and apply th.e same to the pa.y.ltlent of inwrest, principal. insunmce premiums, taxeS, usscs...'\ment..s, mpain, ur impru\'\:'J1lt'llts
<br />~ to k.-eep said property In tenantable condition. or to Ot.htlf charges or pa)'menl~ pro\'ided for hereul tJr Ul tb~ no1.e hereby secun..--d, Thih
<br />rant assignment shall continue in force until the Lm.pwd balance uf :said note 1S full)' paid, The Laking of possc~tiiun hereundt>c shall in no munlH'f
<br />prevent Of retard said mot't&:qee in the collectlOn of ::>aid sums by foreclosure Of' utben\'lSt.
<br />
<br />The failure of t.he mortgagee to assert aD)' of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiv~~ of its right to a~"mrt ttw
<br />same at an}" later time.tt.nd to iMiat upon and enfarc(-' $trin compliance with aU t.he t(.rn~ and prOVlSHH1S of saHJ now ;;loa oj lhl:-' mortg(i~l'
<br />
<br />if said 1I1OltIagorS shall cause t.o be paid to said mQrtgagee the (;!ut1.l'e amount- due it- hercutll..h~r, !.inJ UU..h.'f the t.Ic'rm", and JlnJ\'1,..inns
<br />of said, note hereby secured, including fu.ture advance:;, and any extensions or renewals th~.tcor in accordance with the tt'T1lLS and Incvi1Huns
<br />
<br />~ff and ifaaid,~~. -5-.., shaU comply withal! tlw provisions of sald nott> and of th.i.s. mortguge, thtm the~ pn~:;ent..." ::ihaH tW;' VOid,
<br />~iae~~infuUfort:eaud.effec;t~ ~sa.idmort.gagee.shalJ ootmtitled to the p08S(.'-ssion of aU of said property. Hod may. at its opt.lOn,
<br />~ t.bt w~ of 8eid oot.e aod all i~, represented thereby to be immediateiy duc and pk)'a,uk>. nnd may (Of\:<:kk'W thi.\'i rndrt~at-:('
<br />or taI!e any ~ lagal action to protect it.a right. Apl'r.u.em.nt waived.
<br />
<br />Tbh. nlO,~ sb.U iMt bittdiD:& upon and shall enure It) the htln~nt or ..he heirs, eXe<;ul.ors, adminuH.nu.-of<S. :H.H'"('(>t\5(Jp; and_llsfoOih"fi... \Jllht'
<br />......P"Ctive 'j>llI'liu hereto.
<br />
<br />IN WlplE..'iS WH!:REOI'.pid Mu<tgagorS
<br />.....tte. " >J:.':P I) (-, ) ./.J.-J'/
<br />
<br />l~~i:l:~O(~~/~<-<e;
<br />
<br />ha Ve~,,, hereunto set
<br />
<br />toe.i.r. hand S th~~ day and )-!;;"-ttr fin:-l ut1n\.;
<br />,. . - ~-'\
<br />, /r i .' i i
<br />Hrt"~llr:i~dti7\c~~L
<br />
<br />
<br />(
<br />...e.,.
<br />
<br />(
<br />
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<br />