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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />This form is used in connection <br />with mortgages insured under the <br />on~ to four~f8mny provlst(ms. of <br />(he National Housing Act. <br /> <br />83-- 004258 <br /> <br />THlSMORTGAGli. mll<k'lIlidu~uted this 10th day of August .A.D. <br />19 83.byan<lbetweenGlenn J:i:, Wilson, Jr. and Constance S. Wilson, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />of the Coontyof <br />the Mortgagor, aild <br /> <br />Hall , and Slale of Nebraska. patty of the first pari. hereinafter called <br />Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />a corporation Ol'pnil.ed and existing ulider the laws of <br />plItty of lhe ~{}nd part. hereinafter called lhe Mortgagee. <br /> <br />WITNESSEtH: 'l'batthe ",,<<I MortJl3l!:{)f, for and in considernlk'n of the sulU of Forty Five Thousand Four <br />llUndred t'1fty and No/lOOtha ----------------- D<>llarq$ 45,450.00 1. paid by the MOrl- <br />lIlI{IeO^. the receipt "r whkh is h<< acknowled~, has Granted and Sold and by these presents docs ~ar- <br />gain, :Sell, Coovey 'iOO C"ufirm I.lnl<1 the Mol'tg<l,gce, !I, "lcce"ors ,md a'Slgns, fure"er, Ihe followmg-descnbed <br />real tslale. sitllal<!il in lhe Cuunly of Hall ,aod State <br />of Nebraska, 10 wil: <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />Suite No. T..enty Two (22), "e" Windsor <br />Square CondOl1liniUlll Property Regime in <br />Unit. Three (3). wt Two (2), Block Eight <br />(8), Replat, Gardens, an <br />Addition to the city of Grand Island, <br />~~ll Count.y, ~ebrasFA. <br /> <br />t'it the- St~ti1 ji"m~t~ M('n&~ilo, .;._nntifl1n-C~ ff1. .l!l <br />rnrfH ,.Y.f\:-(,~ <br /> <br />.idi;;-'I ih;t:On..hH~ {() GQ\'e.rn. <br /> <br />ro HAVE -\NO 'lo. urn H l~ pr("Hih('-.. .~!"-':'-',,- ~}(''o:\:nt,-J_ \\ith all lfl(' ~'vP'Uflth{U),-'-(''' 'lht"lctitlto ht,'hl1lgintt and indudillg <br />~U he~Uflg. piuro-htf'l!taW !t~tH~ it\.lut~"\ >lAd CqWptHt'fll fh)'~ til' h~rc4ttC! 4Um.;-h<eJ h" .-~( \H-e~ m ~nilO:ci,:HHn \o\:ltl1 '\.aid ftal t"'\hHe <br />unlu lbe: M..)r~e, ,md ~~l a,S1 ~U\'-CC"'ll..t}f\. ;a,ntJ a'\'!;,l';:fi'!t. f~}ft''-i'f Th'! Mnf!1t<'-tf;\!i rt."pft:~nh h.'t" .1I.'uJ ,,'H' cn.H~h wuh. the MOflf!:~" <br />g<<. ~ ihr. MOf~!;f h4,- ~t.w nghi: ht "'-t::.U ;tnd 'i:~_~hc~ ~ rrcm!~~, that H!e} ~fe hec frum .cfi\;UmNan\.:.c:; oind that. the <br />\letl..,! "'~l \\--4ff~nl aW..t .Jefenil the "-~me .:l;~thi if PC i.i~ (wi ," ;.ihn.... ,.!t 411 pCi '~H!:,,- '" htJ(H~\.~,",\:1 , i.~Il\1 ih-c ~tij.i MOrf.gttjt.1f' h-e-fc~ <br />~~ rchnqul~h~, AU fil-hb- "..If h't.<<lli(''~"L :.J.nJ.ii: ntetlt<t. ,-'.liiCi Iii ;,-~)i,. ~It in -:liUlt) . .-m~i ~dl othef l..'tHlhngcrn inl(!ff~h of 'lhe <br />\tUfttt~it-(W' in <f1.W t,.1 {he ,,*~H-(..,h..~..:.'rrNt,~ f'!t"~n-l~'\.. lh<- ir;{("n{~"n t~H'l.F k ;" ,101.-;:.... hCfdn ,J.ii dt"\""l!UlC uHe, in teE ...impk, indut.i~ <br />tntl..U f~bb \)f hiYm"~te..J, :u'ki t\lhcr ll~t... .,JuJ H'f~f('..h~" ~~!l.'fC....\lJ <br /> <br />f'ROVIDfJ) Ai VIi A YS. an'" thc~ rtt'''-'t,''':nh ~~rt:" \<:t.Uh:tl ,HlJ ddJ'>CH'\1 UP()fi ,he f(}Ut\~ m[t ,-'\)Ilo~hlJo-n~. to ,""it, <br /> <br />rbe: Ml.lft~\.j,! ~~,H;(":::-' f;,\ pa; h~ Iftc: \hlt'lg.""tt('~ ..}.{ tH\l-(l th< pf~n~tr~i~. ~.UHj: ll~_. For ty Five Thousand Four <br />Humh:ed Fifty llnd So; lUOth!; ------------------ IJ<.;~lf,i) 45,450.00 <br /> <br />'knh jntet~%l t!~n d4lt ilt Hlt at~ 0t Thirteen .and One-Half p'C! .",cnhUH \ 13.. 5 ) pel .Jnnum..m <br />the unp;tid balan.:x ullUl P'iid, The ,aIJ ""'''-'Ip.l ,,,1<1 mlrr.,t ,h,\il i", l'",.thk "llhe "Ilia "I Superior Mortgage, rnc. <br /> <br />m Grand Island ~ebrat>k.a "I.: ,,,cn nther 1'1""< ii' Ih.: nuld<r "f <br />IIll:;000t_,~I~in"'lilj">l,in'r",mhf,in't;;!lmcnb"f Five Hundred Twenty and 59/l00ths ------- <br />----------:---------------- 1J"ikn.S 520.59 ' n.lIl\mCll"lfl~ nn th< tlcsl d", "~I <br />~tober . l~ 83, .uhi ~m Ill< fir...! J;i.) .A ~:l..:h rrh'tfjtl1 Iher~dHr{ unlil th< pfm\:.lp,al {Hh.1 in <br />lr..>:rtst are tWI),' ~~ e~..:e-pl !~l the flnaJ p.a.t'm-eDi of p-ufKipdl iInd inh:'fe:"L it' no! ...u-una raid, ...hail he dnc .w\,.i <br />li'i'y1.hici.lJl tbe nr.l .1<., "f SeptllGoor, 2013 ,<II "",ucolin!! \Cl the lenm of" (<Itain ,"Ut"i" <br />'UtI ll\.'k <1f <'tndl>1" herC'lI>lIh<\<,';;UlcJ 1:>) tn.: ",IJ \.flflj:aj;'JL <br /> <br />Tb( M~-(tt in l:!llk! n\\.u(. fult; bJ i\hHb:t iho( se.:uni1l~f thi\t MUHg~e. <tgJt:t:~. <br /> <br />I 'rtw.~ he: "Ai<< ra)' Hw i~,tle'~~, a'i h(-reinlxf,ff~ ph.hwe-d.. Prj\!ltcgc j~, te-;>,-C'.t'q.'d to pa}' th.: Jd.{ in \\'h\Jle, fl{' In .in <br />~!!U)ltiit~ tQ-tmc t"r .nK."<<: m;(mthh' -ra)'mcnh un t~ pri,tk:ipaj that i.ife nc)\l due t)O {he n~Hc. ~}n ilK flt')t d:n iJf .un I1\\Hlth <br />rr-k1t t~, ~urit-y: Av..'~. ,hoW-('\-"Cf, ll'Mlt \\riU,," t)t,~UIo.-e 'i.Jf aO lmentH.lfi tl.~"e ':.u(h p.l\ d-e~e l~ ,!:t\'tll 'IC,i'oj,t th~Jty ~ ti}, <br />J..,,~ l'OOf.w pf~y~f>t <br /> <br />.~.. TIa,", ,,.tl!ti "'11ft, llnll tnii<ldlU"n tit. IIll:; "l(llllblt ""~m,,nt" "~I pnncll'al af',J Illlel.'l p")I,bit UIl<k, It\< '.n", "~I Ih< <br />l\(ltc~lUf;.UWtth.t,I!\(~" \0'1111''''' I" lM. M,\f~c,nn Ilw Ilnl<bl, .:>1 each ",,,mh unlilthe '''JllIMe'' fully paid, !h" <br />t~''''''MI'''~' " <br /> <br />tiJ-) ^u~uw;tt ~n~~~-tH to pi.\)~lf.k theJh;i.w:r hen~of wHh fUt'tth t!\ Pil);' \!l>:;; !}c:\t m~.Htgagt:. Ut,'Jl-Vf"H1~t; ~l~nham IJ !h!~ <br />U!l.~11l~U~i ~d'. rt~<: n(}-k ~{:U.t~fJ ht:"Htb~r ."Il! .if\.~tt-4-! ~n:~ m{~.nthh' diat~.~ [in ltt~u_ (!la m~'Jr1~il,,~{' Jtn~uann_:' pr( <br />~J,rlli"J')wl",.h!~. the ~.;r~!J;!Q"! H!J\.l!ii~lll~nJ ;;Ill",,, O"ve!('ji'menl, :;" (..,,1u"',. <br /> <br />III jil.J "'..j li;'l'l$ ",,",u Ihll" "i'e~"" ;,\,;.,. ami. ,i).", tn,l'lt,nfl''' "'" "H",d ." ,('a,,~,d ,,,,,k, ,1;(' iil" <br />'<.,f ~'hit. ~'i;':lftf;t! .UtRX~ni .At:L iti ~n!.-mn~ ~uf!l~;,kH~ ~~,1 j'<.:,,-~lnn,d-4k' il' i.h-tf h,Uhh ~h-f: l,ddt;( "",-' <br /> <br />~.."'4f1 J'HA,,~}"'-1M-, .h~J; ~ ~ ~ ~,}n1'-; ~~,~ ~.1 ii'1(,I\,*i;l."H~J <br /> <br />!:H\ n or 1'<1;11"''''$11.... <br />HtI;) 0:7"H)iM ,~ft i<Sll <br />; ~"1i: cr!,~ ~~f'iO <br />