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<br />83-004242 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. Payment of PrlndpallHld Inlerest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nnte. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />;2, Funds for 'fUllS and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to . written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Under on lhe day monthly installments of principal and inlerest are payable under the Nole, until the NOle is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one.lwelfth of the yearly taxes and a,sessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one.twelflh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />p/u$ one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and front' <br />time to time by Lender on the hasis of assessments and bills "nd reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay said taxes. assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground lents. Lender may nol charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said a..,c.'sments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lcnder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Fund. shall be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shaH not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />sltall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />plll'pOSe ior which each, debit to the Funds was made. 'The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If tbe amount of the Funds ~Id by' Lender, together wlIh lhe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and gn.)und rents., shall e'Xcced the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fail due, such exces.s. shall be. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to B<>rrower on mumhly "1Stallments "f Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. assessmenr~, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shaU pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defiCiency Wlthm 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower roquesllng payment thereot <br />Upon payment m full of aU sums secured by tb" Mortgage. I.cnder ,hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender, If under paragraph !I! hereof ,he Property IS ,old "l the Propeny IS otherwise acqlured by Lender, Lender <br />shaU apply~ no later than tmmediatdy prIor h) the ...ale \~i lhc Proper1Y l..1r Its. acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the lime of application ~tS a credit agaInst the sum... ",e..::urcd by Ihts Mortgage. <br />3. Application of PaymeDts.. Unlc\$ apphcablc law prn\ Ides (1fhcrwis-c. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and :! here:of shaH be rtpphcd by I.cndcf n~t in payment l~f amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then 10 lOtercst payable llll tht: Ntll\.". then ~n the prlI1l::ipal (It the: Note. and then tQ interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br /> <br />4.. C.......; Liens. Borrower ...hall pay .tlt l~n.c". .,1...~c'\\mcnts and IHhcr ;..harg......s. fines and lmp()siuons. attributable to <br />the Property which may attain a pnority over tlu'i Mortga!!c, ~nd lca..,dH,Jd p;:tyments ~\r ground rcnts, if any. in the manner <br />provlded under paragraph 2. hereof or. !f nut P;:lH..i III such manner. [11" H~'rrflw~r maklllg paymenl, when due. directly to the <br />payee the.reoL Borrower shall promptiy lurmsh h' Lender aU l_ll..'!K-....:-. \It .Hn(~unt~ duc under thiS p.ara~raph. and ill (he event <br />Borrower shaH make payment dlfCl,;"tfy. BOrrn\Nt:f ..hall prl..'mplj~ !UfflJ_"h hi 1.I.'mkr {"f\:cipts cvidl~lh;jng sut.:h payments. <br />Borrower $haIl promptly dj~harge an)' lieu \\hl~h ha). pnOrlty I'\t'r thl" \1i.lrtgi-lgl'~ pnwlJeu. that BOrrftWer shaH not be <br />requi,red to dncharge any such hen -5-(l long a~ Borroowc-r ' ,~pc(' In 1,,, nilfig. hI the payment \)1 Ihl~ obhgation secured hy <br />such lien in i1 manner acc-c:ptabk to Lender. (if ...h.all m g(l\.x.l faith (\,.lHh.....t "tl~h IU."n h~. (If JetenJ enforcement ot such lien in. <br />legal pfQCeedintls whkh operat~ to pre-vent the CnfHfl:Cmcni ,,'l :hl' l;i,.'!i ~)f t\lftcHurc ~\f the Property Of any p~lrt thereof. <br /> <br />S. Huard Ift1A1nlbtt~ 8orro~eE walt keep the Irnpr\.y\-t'nh:nb Ol"-4 ~'''J'I,.tltlg or hereafter crc....:lcd l'O the Prnpcny lIlsured <br />ag.a.inst los$ by tire. hazard~ mcluded ~'fthlH the term O>\:.':\lenJni ;,,~-'''n..1.gc'' .md \tKh Llther hazard\ as l, may require <br />and in ~Ut:h amounts and hJr !!.u~h pcrllmS ;:... IxnJer Old) n:qu1t'\.', i'-h_h uJed, fh~lt Lender \hall not r~\.fUlrc that the amount of <br />such coverage ex~eed that ,amount of -,.__thcragc f(,'Qwrcd IQ pit.) the ..-urn... ";l,."...:urcu h-y IfH~ !\to-ngagc: <br />The tnsutance ..:-ar-ri-er prO\"ldJ:ilg the H'l:')Uf..'H)l."C ~haH be dh~~cn hy Bonuwcr ~tlbje~t to J.ppnJVal by Lender: provided. <br />that such appro\'al shall nut be unreasonably \.\'ilhhdd. AU pfcnuum"'- r:~-n mSW.1I1C.; iX)ll\:ies s.haU be paid ill the manner <br />provJded under paragraph 2 hereof Of. It n,-'tt p.lid 10 SUl.."h m-ann~L b)' lklfr!.J"~r makmg payment. when due. dlredly to the <br />lns-U~"'e carrier. <br />."-u insurance pu-lic;~ and reoewal'lO rh-cn::,--,t ...hail !):: m h-Hfll .i"':I..'cpt,t!)k h~ 1 coder ,tnJ ~haU mdudc- ,t ....lanJard mortgage <br />chu.l$c to favor of and tfl h.1nn dQ...-eplahk h' LewJeI Ll'lhj(,l ....tuB h.nt.. till,.' fight h' hold The JXlih.:ies .tnl! r~nC',,^~lls lherct,)f, <br />and Borrower shalt promptly furm~h iO Lender dB r~nl'"4d nultl..'t'" ,mJ .l:il n:~eip-b oi paid. pre-rniufll"\ In i:he event ot toss. <br />Borrowcl' Sohal! give pn.\mpt tu.Hh':C h,) the Hl,)UI.lfk~ ..:aHu,'f dnd l,cllder l cnJ~r In-J.) m"th' pn10l of lo~s It not made promptly <br />by Bouower. <br />Unlea Lender and Borro....c-r olhcrv.I~C agn.'-' lI\ i\ rltll\~, llhu! .Hh,:t: pi t,c~t.h shaH be applied w re'tl.lrali-on t)f rcpair of <br />the Propert)' danul,ed. Pf\')\'lded sut.:h rC!Iltur-aw.m pi IcpaH I.... 1;\"\'lh,}iHh.;,,iHy !~.hlhk .mu ttw ~c~urity of this Mortgage 1"1 <br />not tbereb)' impJured, H such re!i.(orallon Of is thH ~..:~\nt.)-nH(all~' h:aslhl~ 01 d lhe sc\:uril} of Ihfs l\1.ortgagc would <br />be Impaired, tbe mwrlUlcc proceed> '<h..1I be ~ppiied te) the >Ulns 'C~llre,j h; Ih., Murtgage. With the ",~e"', if any, pard <br />to, Borrower. 1t the Property is. abanJoo~ h~ lJorn)\\cr. l'f :1 l!(Hh~Wer Lab t~} rC~.)(.lUd to wlthm 30 day~ from the <br />date notice JS mailed by l..ender to Iklfrt...l\\'t:f thai tbe insurant.:c ":-drrJt:r ctfen. w Io1;Hlc a claim ftX in~uran..:c benefits, Lender <br />i$ authorized t-O collect and .\tpply the Insurance p;ocee\b .1t LenJc(~ optlun either to r~lor ..illOn or repair of the Propert}' <br />or to the _ """!lred by thIS MOrlpge <br />U-nlc-s6 Lender and Ikl-rro\\'.cr ~Hherwi,M: <.lgrt.'\: m \\ntlug, an~ "lH.:h appli...:auon of rn.)~t;ed.~ to pnnclpal shall nol c;\.{cnd <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments fd'(;~rred to 1!1 paragraph... 1 .tnJ 2 her~.)t or ~hange the amount of <br />such install_nt>, Ii under ~lIrapb lIS hereof the I'r,'peny IS a''iUlreJ h~ Lenuer. ..II nght, .itle and mterest "f Borrower <br />in and to an}' itUUrance poHcies and in aud t;:. t~ pn:..ceed.s thcrc-\H H:~u1ting from dan'age to the Propert! priur to the ~.1le <br />Qr .acqt..liJUtion s.baU pass. h.' Lender to the c,\t-ent \}1 the sum~ se-cured hy th!':> \h_Htg-.\gc immediately PfI\.)f to such :"aie t.lf <br />acquisit.ion. <br /> <br />'" ~.. ud MaiDt_e uf Property; l.easeholds; Condominiums; Planned linit De,..topment... Borrower <br />sball ~ the propertY in &oud rep<<ir and ,ball not ,ommit ";).Ste "I' permit 'mpalflllent 01' deterioration of lhe Property <br />~ $ball -compL)' with the pnwiStozu. of an}' te~ if thi-~ .\tongagc I" ,-10 ;i kas-~h\.,lid~ If this :\1ortgagc is on a unit in J <br />coodomioiWb L')f a planned utltt dc\rc.1vpmc.nL Borh.lWer \haH pcrhH m all 01 llocf()\o\'er's. obhg;.itIOBS undl.~[ the dedaratH,,1U <br />or w'V~ ~rcatiAl or ,JOvernm8 the cond{'tmlmum t..1f pfann-t;;u 1Hul dc\'dopment. the by. laws ..Uh.l reKul~tloHS u( the <br />c_~wn OJ' ~ unit do-~'e.}()pment~ ane <;,;ou}.1ituem \h..l\::ument-s.. If.t ..:onJ-OminiuUl or pl.J.nncd unit d~".d\)pmcnt <br />rid<< .. CKlll:uted by 8onower and rtl\,'(>rdi!d .ogether ",th ,h", the ""endnls "n<l agreelllent> "t 'u,h mlcr <br />-sbalt-,-be -il'~Otp(lra.tcd: ~ and shall amend an~ :\upplemem the I:_ovcnanl~ ..anJ agreement.s !'.If ,hI:" M_t)rtgag~ as If the rider <br />.._ a pan ltiIlwf, <br /> <br />1. ~- of 1AA4tr~ 5ec:-.....,~ If Borrower f~uh- to pe,rfoffil [he C(ivenant~ and ~i-grc~,m-ent'S (ot1tained in thiS <br />..~ or if all)' illl.tion Ql'prOC<<dIt1l .. ':<""lI!C,,,,,,J whi.:b materially aITe.:I,\ Lender, 'Illerest in the Property. <br />itl!;~ wt _limilCd t1>, _nent~in. if\<;{'lv':l1l:j. n1de "..IOrtemeIfe. Of ",r'U\lIcment$ ,>r pru".....'<iinll' I",'olvmg a <br />~Of ~t, tbofi l.cndll.. at Llltl<kr', option. u/l'lll\ m'ti~e to B"rww~r, "'''y ",ake ,u~h apj>Caratx""'. di,hurse su,'b <br />SWU-: ami: tat. IUdl aClion a..s tl nocc;.~..-ry It' pnH<<.t L-cn\k.r'l U1\I:rc"t. l:H-\;.hu.hng.r btH not hmite-d to. di~buNc-mc-nt nt <br />-.w.atlOnle)'" ~ 11.00 '"'If)' UP<!" !be Prvpo:rty to milkc repalr>, It L"n<ler,j l1lmtl!!lJ." m,ur""c" n' " <br /><:~~ of ~ I~ /Qr)/IIO.:Uf'lld by t!ti~ M,ma"'ie, 1J<.'IT""c' ~haH pal the premiulll" ".qwred It) n..<inta'" >tIC" <br />-~~ in d1'cct untit Ju(h tUne ,\i~ 1~ rt1GUtf~-ut, (or ~\..~h !A!.unU)(:(i t-cnniH~~C:1J m ~'l;t'.;."ntafh:'e With 8(~f!,Y\;\CT'\ an-J <br />