<br />83-~)04239
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />10: Th<he Mortgagor will keepl.be buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neilher commil nor permit wasIl'
<br />upon saidlalld, nor sulfer tbe said premises lObe used for any unlawful purpose:
<br />Jl, Thaf if theptemlses. or any parr lhereOf. be condemned underthe power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />UlIe,dIe~lIwarded; the prOCH4s for lbe taking of. or the consideration for suchacquisitlon, 10lheextent of the full
<br />lIInountof indebtednes uflM fhis mortl!l1lle slid the nore which it is given 10 secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by lbe
<br />M~totbe~e~ and shall be paid Corthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by thelatler on account of the next
<br />l1llItuMJ~ntsof web ii!debtedness.
<br />11,'~M~furtbe1 alJl'us. tllal sboold this mortgage and the note secured bereby not be eligible Corin-
<br />SUrall\lellJlller theNatioolllHoosJllf Act Within lr>:Utty daya. from lI1e date hereof (written statement of anYl,lffl(er
<br />of the.I>ilPa~ of Housing an4 Urban o."velopment or aurlrorized agent of the. Secretary of Housin$. and Urban
<br />De"e~date4su~t to ItIe s:Utt y days time from the dateoftbis mortgage, declinlngtoinSUfesaid
<br />nilte,andtiJl$~, being deemed cOndlf.~ve proof of such ill<lligibilityl, the Mortgag<< or holder of the note
<br />may. at its opfloo.df1tlare ai SlIIIIS sectm'ed htrebyimmediately due and payable.
<br />tJ. 'T'batif the .MMgqoT fails to make lIfty payments of money when the same become due. odails to conform to and
<br />comply with any of the coodiriQns or aareements I;t)nrmnetfin lhis moogage. or the note which il secures. thenthe enrireprlncj,.
<br />paI~ and_ruM interest slWtar once become due and payable. at the election of the M~~ andlhis mottgQemay
<br />lhereupon ~C()reclose.d immedlatrly for the wllole of said m<mey. interest, monthly payments, costs. ground rents. taJ<;esaml
<br />!he c6lil of e~lI4l!he.~ of titk from the date of tltis kNIn 10 rhe rime of conunenclnll such fmclosute.suikaml area.
<br />~1lil:OI"IIeY~s fct, ilIl of which dtall be induded in the decree of !foredosure; and the CORmct embodied inthismort~
<br />and theool(; ~ llereby. shall in all re~ts he governed, construed and adjudged hy rhe laws of Nebraska. wheretlll:
<br />~.isl1lll.:
<br />'rhe~ve_lSherein contlliMd shall mnd. .nd the beneilh and advantages s!tall in.'Ure 10. the respective heirs, eJlecutors.
<br />;uI~. S_f<'lfS and UMps of the parties bemo, Whenever u~. lhe singular numher shall include the plural, the
<br />plutal the siqular. and the use of any g.ender shall be lIpplical* to all genders.
<br />11Ie foresointt C(JnditlonS. all and ,iRgtlbr. being performed ~Ctlfding to theIr natural and legal import. this conveyance
<br />sllallbe void and ~ premise.: relell,~ at the upeme llf the MMP#Of; orherwi,<, to be and remain in full force and effeer,
<br />
<br />I.N wtTNES.<; WHEREOF, tbe Mor~tsl ha ve hereunto set
<br />above wfltrl!fl.
<br />
<br />their
<br />
<br />hand(sl Ihe day and year first
<br />
<br />
<br />1l1preerICC of'
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<br />Steven D.'
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<br />["'Dna J, :U'tsner
<br />
<br />&,1\11': Of' N€BRI\SkA,
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF iW.1.
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<br />{)Q.. 1 nth day of
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<br />
<br />A!.4l..u.t ' A.O, 19 83. beWf,,_.
<br />'nMdf'lI'~C_t,~y~
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<br />Steven n. johnSOD, Ii
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<br />&1.ll&le pe1:S01l, and Donna J. :ieisnu, a ;;1''''1'1.. p"r~n
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<br /><<)M.~pet_ ~_
<br />...~~~,_ the:r hay"
<br />I!~~roblt thelf
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<br />, PI!.r5omllly to me known
<br />are allin4 to lhe aoovc and for...
<br />a;:k_ledpd lbeiaid iMtnmlent and the
<br />-olurw.ry..t and oiHd, klf IIIe: P\lfpoloCa therein e!\Pl'emd,
<br />
<br />III ~y ...~,lIlaW..~sel..yllalMhndailiudby notarial ~'" Grand Island, Nebraska
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