<br />
<br />.,2
<br />
<br />,'. ~~~- c:"=co"~='=83::iJU42~=='~"~C"-"~~-I;~~~C~~~'~.;;O~~~~~;I~n. Ne, 68461 ._..~..
<br />
<br />Steven D. Johnson,Single Person and Donna J. Neisner, Single Person
<br />
<br />. Grantees,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />S'I'tPHAN Ie WOODMAN andMARCERY WOODMAN, , Granto!", whether one or more,
<br />HUsband and Wife, Each the Spouse of the Other
<br />inconsideration of Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($26,000.00)
<br />
<br />. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. convey-sto
<br />
<br />as joint tenants and ,not as tenants in common. the following described real estate.( as defined
<br />
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. 8 76- 201) in
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8), Block Twenty (20), Packer and Barr's Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />AUG 1 0 1983
<br />$~l~y~
<br />
<br />Grantor covenanta (jomtly and severally. if more than one) with the Grantees that'Grantor:
<br />
<br />( 1) lS lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances
<br />
<br />(2) has legal power and lawful authonty to convey the same;
<br />
<br />(:.I) W"'Tants and wlil defend the tllle 10 lhe real eslale agamsl the law!ul cJa,ms of aU persons.
<br />
<br />Executed;- ........ A\I&Uo\'It:...LO.........., ........ 19..83.
<br />
<br />.~~~~~.....................
<br />
<br />l'-y': J, Jf/ /l'j ~)
<br />./ oL./\....t. ,~/. '-~~7A Crt -,
<br />.........f......... ..\.. .... ".'''' . .n:,:,:,:..--.. ..... .....
<br />Stephan K. Woodman
<br />
<br />
<br />Stllte.of NebraaQ
<br />CO\,lnty of ..,... ~;l.L. ...... .....
<br />
<br />[J:~: GI~!flA' ~UrAJh - ;:-'~-~._-
<br />~~t ' .;lhtt III tfU1U..... ;
<br />:L.",. ~,~ \.f _ J?HN j. ~kGOWAN !
<br />~::'" ,- , ,t{)",m fq "'''' '0 ,"",: I
<br />',.. . ''''~:J
<br />
<br />.,
<br />, . , ,,r7/J'C\o< -1-. ''/J /9,:I::?
<br />'l'*tpl',e.Q~~c:\ns\rument was a~kp.Qwledged before me on o'.'7~........"...../.":t..I"""''''''''''''''''''''
<br />
<br />..b,..1.........;~t~n~.K,.,\((Xl41Jl.lm.awl.liax&~Y..lInOtlman,. J:l~d,and. Wi. Le........ ';Y;'. ..:. ~"""""'."''''''''
<br />......... .. r." '# ....~7#?p-L~-...
<br />'y, . .... .%"'~~~:r.A".<?'...r.d. .~~.........
<br />
<br />.'__ "r-
<br />
<br />lndflx on. ...................... ........................
<br />
<br />....~,.... andrecontl19 in Del\l!;lR.corQ.......... ...... .......,.Pqti! ........ ...........
<br />
<br />By.: .,........,...... ,..... ................... ........ ................
<br />qcmn~.Y or~~ty Count)' Clerk
<br />1'\.f:liBler {)f. Dee(lfJ or Depi.lt J !tel iat er of iftl~s
<br />