<br />83_004236
<br />
<br />9. Condt'mnarion. The rrt)ceed~ ()f any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or otMr taking of the Proper1y. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In Ihe eve!1l of a tol.1 taking (If the Property. ,he proceed, shall he applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess. If any, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial iaking of the Property. unles.-" Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in weiling. there sh.n be applied !n the sums secured hy this Deed of Tmst such proportion of Ihe proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the r'lmount of the ~um:'j. secured by {hi!': Deed of Tru!;t immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking Oe-a-rs to the fair nurtet value (')f the Properly Immediately prior ff' the da.te of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid 10 Borrower
<br />If the Property j<; abandoned by BDffOWC'f, (If if, after notice l1y Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor ofIer\ to make
<br />an award or settJe- a claim for damage;" Borrower fail~ In rc~pt.")mJ H1 Lender within :10 days aft~r the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is auth{lflU.d to coHee! and apply the pr('cecd~. a! J.('ode-r'." option, eIther to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the ,um~ \crured hy this Deed of Trus.t
<br />UnJess I el1der and R0rf"Ow-er (:;.ther.vi",,:- ,'lgree in wrilm,!!, ..10\ ~urh appliCatl0n of Jll'ol'eeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poNtpone the tine datc of the monthly trlst;_l!lme-ms fcferrt"d tl"} In p,Hagraph\ 1 and 2 hereof ('If change the amount of
<br />\uch installme""
<br />10. Barn:t~.t"r l't.,Jo--t Rtff-awd. E~h;n"inn f)-I lht,~ In'llf !,If p;JYmcnt or ffii1thfh.:a!fon 0f amort'7ati(m or the sum~ secured
<br />hy thr"i Det"d c.f Tru~~ granted hy [en<1("r !n an\' \tJCP:"tr'f l!l ::l:('rc';t (",r R(\1T0WN ,haD n\"\t openHe to relca.1;c, In any manner,
<br />the Iiahility ,~f ihe f'rigma! Born"'>we-r :UH) Borrnwer\" "HCCt~"\.(U-o,; ;n ll;t,~;e"t I r-n-der ",hall nOl b.e re-quired to commence
<br />procecdwgx ,.jg-am~f o;uch ~,UCt;t"S<;()f or ~ dU'-t' Ii' e"\tend f~ml" t,\[ p:t\'mefH or ,;therwlo;t~ m0dlfy amortf1.ahon of the sums
<br />~-cured U\' thi~ Dee.d {)f TrU\I h\' reaS(Hl \.1t ,Hi\. demand InJth: h\' (he lIf1~maj BornY'A<er and RO-rfower's 'S.uccess,ors. in interest.
<br />11. 'r-'Mbntr$.ft("t' by t-t'IU:te.f" 'oC .3 "';ajv~r, ,.\f1\ forbearaf\...'C- fw t e--ndcr 1tl e;;;ero-.;!Og any fight (lr remedy hereunder, or
<br />0th(:rWI~ ~iff(lt'de-d hv ap-phcahie law ~,hall m\! be ;j W;HVn ,.t t" preciud-t' lhe exerci,.e of any such right or remedy
<br />rhe- p-rocuremt"nt t); \w.ur;mce Of the fHlym-cnl of 1.,-,,(~,> i\r ,',!h~r ht.~n'" (If charges hv I end("T 'Shall !w% he a waiver of Lender's
<br />nghr to acrd-ef3le !J'lC matunt\' <if the 1I1fkhlCdne-\"- "t"',~ul'(~d h. {hl\ t ked of Tn.!,,'
<br />12.- Re~ Cutnubthc-, \11 fcmi'-t1H~" p-rt~\-!lkd H"i t!H~ [)t'(,-d tit TnJ'ir .-Ire l.:ll<;lmct nn.:.1 cllmufali\'c to any t1ther right
<br />or remedy under ~h~'i. Deed ~\f Tnt\\ Afoqjed h, !~iW (~r cqull\ ,md l1lJ\ he e'lercl~ed c0ncurrf'ntfv, independently or
<br />\iu""':(;6l1.tveh- .
<br />Ll. Sut'c-ea.o,", and ,\<<it:~ Bound: Jain. and ~'vt'nd l.iabilit~~; {'aptioM, fhe t'l1"Tnant~ and agreement~ here-in
<br />\.~ontamed shal! nHitL ;md the- fq,~ht\ hereunder ',han ;lime k l~e !(~"rx:{:n'.t" \lh.'-'::~'lo.~(~n :md a:ssH~n\ or I.ender and Borrower,
<br />\ubre-ct In the pni-'n:'ifOnS 01 n:Jragrap-h -: here-nr "q i..,-'\t:n,Jll!1I, ,.nd a",-"fCCl'nem\ ('of Bmrov..-~r "haf! he joint and several
<br />The C.a.pt:HJf1\ 2nd hcaotnfi\ ut fhe pa:ra~raphs C-f 1h. o-ce-~! .,~ ! ~-11\1 <:ift;- fl.'l >,.'\"'\{1\'cmence .'HI\- .and are npt 10 lx. used to
<br />,nterpret nr define the pr()V~~If';-nS here-at
<br />I"~ ~o-tkr. f.:ucpt 1I-.,r ;:an,;, not,(C' l"!~qUlr~~d UHti('~ ~prhca~i-e j,:\l.' l'~ he ~:I..'e-n III ;:'mOther manner, t<.il any o,,'tlce to
<br />f:l()rrn'oli'~_f prnv;ded for to irHs. Dee-d at I rust ~h~1H t~ l~,\-cn hy H,;i;!lng !o>uch nMl~'C by I.'Cltlhed mall addressed to Borrower at
<br />[he P'ropc-ftv -\ddrc'\.\ ,)1 JI Hh.;h Fthcr .'Hh.irc,!; J'" UOfnt""-t"1 "t;;lV \..ks.~fUU1C hy nO-Hce _ t.p ~ c-ndcr as provIded herein, and
<br />~ h) an)' !"HJtH:C If' t ,c-nder ~haH he !tPtC':f! p~ n:-rtlttc-d mall. return ff'<.:etp-! retp,te.sl~. t{t i emkr 'S add~ stated herem or to
<br />..uch other ,H.idreu :.'f:) Lende-r may doq~:naic b, 11-l11!CC fp k--otro~cr a_os pft.l\-'Hicd herem An)' notice provided for to this
<br />Ik-eJ (}f 1ru~t "half f.-e d~crnt"{j fi' have heen r\",en tl' U,H"fiJ\li.-Cf (,r ! t-,!-t.h.'f when !.tivt"n l~l !ht.' manuer deSI~nated herein
<br />tS. l:niform I_~ of "nMt: GO~t"r-"'nl , ,vw; St<t~nbiUt~. I ~H"; ',lrm \~! ,h,'elf ",I lrU'\1 nlmbme-~ lln\fp-rm n'Vc-nnnt~ (('or
<br />HatH)nal u",' ..~tt! i.n-n '--.wd.(lrm (L-'VemiHl~ W;!h !!!llltni '\.",lrla!~on"\ h... Hlltidu..t,(!(, !'_' (Un~fltute- J iHH{orm 5l~l..:Ur:tV lnstrumenl
<br />\,o"t""rmg n.',,! pH1ll('f!V nw!: Deed r!! 1 ,H\t \ha.i! b(" 1{o....t"'fn~ti t.) the raw "t the }un'-o..ho.:HDn In \10 hu;;h th-r pf{~fI(:rty 1'> t-tx:ated
<br />In fhe :tVt.~nJ Htd' :l.l,.' rfl.Y'~'''Hm pJ ,.'i~HlK pi !hit. rh."CtJ pi l I'tf\t PI lhe !\.Oh: i.t'nli!Ch \\.:th ~pr"c~lr.lc law, -such t,'untlll:t shall
<br />nt'll altt"t.t t>thn r'rc\--f~fO"'" ,,: lht~ lJ~c,! d I 'H'-! ,'" lhr- 'nt" 'l'hH,,:h ~.in !-"-r ~',"\"'n cOeu ""lthnut the- I..:nntllctlng pfo"i~mn,
<br />antJ to Iht" t"!'hJ d1~ pr()VI\Ii.'a~ .,{ tht' Ot~"'~ \.)1 ! ilJ'\l and the '\lh" <1;((,' \h,"..:iared Ii' he ~ve-{ab!~,
<br />16, Bouo-.<<", rop)" ~rnJ~'Cr ,h;i!l ~_~ i.lfPI~ht'J <l U'i'H-vnOt'd. 1.1)P-~" t~; lhc 1':nH,~ .liM.i of lhl\ [ked ~it I tU"-t ,it tht.~ time
<br />,~t e~~'Uft(m t'l ,jf!Ct tt.-(~,-'rd.-stU:)fl h~l~,l!
<br />17, T.,...sfl' O'f f1t,e rf"O:Pft1~~ AfIiI!i#tltphoo. it l&H ,~~1. p.ul "i !he Pi'P1)I\CH~ ,'q an l!l~"t'fe"{ ihelelfl j'l. "\lIJ Of transiern:d
<br />~)- &fH1W('_f Wlto';JHI Ll.'uue-r ~ p-fh.H ~r:HCH ~.pn\Knl, l-,-...!U-J!!)g .' t Ut(' ","'H..4P~"U ni <Ii h~'H \'t eOi,:umhnHlI.:e .,.ubtUlhnatc to
<br />lh" L~ ,-,[ -I fine ! ~ t the \.ft;ahnn ~~l a pUh.;h~ IfN,'I~) ,'ioC"'-U11tt lntctht h\i h,~u.'\<h..lJd apphJ;!l\,.-e;\, I,\" 1 ,I Ifal"l')ter hy devUtt,
<br />~ent Or h)' upe-ij;tHOU (,t la-v.- uft(_m lhe Je..lh of .it fI.'Ill! h'~l"Hl f'l i.J ~ tht" gHl:fH ,-Y! Any Jea)t:}h,iJ lmct~t \\[ three )("au, or in)
<br />no! t.:\.ont..unms an (l~~)t1 hI pUf(hak, i t::OO-er mOl\', .!t i e~kf-.. nj}~K\f~, dcd4H.~ ~i;i ~h-e _';.uq~ ~\-:Uft;'d hi- !tH". ("k("u l;t TrU:i.1 tu he
<br />lfH-n~i3h:-J) due ~.tHJ fM~Ahk t erRkr ...h.i;H h;.n~ .... il!\ot:tl ~u-!.h ,_,{liWI; f\.' A;.:...d-.;r-;dt: _d _ pH'tH 1,-' \h~~ "dit: (\f Hans.fer, l.enucr
<br />,tm11nt: pcnv-n h.'" ~ifiHlJ _!"he Pro-pen) u h.:> ht' ~.olu ~>f (.d!l,-kfH;d rt".h..tl agtC'--<llk'JH !ll 't\-Hh01f .thai the fJeOH_ of 'S.u~h person
<br />'\ S.>ahstKh),r'r tn I CfKkr ;>!kl thlJt (be- .iHC'fC~i p,J~4t.1k ~'n !fa," 'HHln- ...:-....Ufc;J h.. l}W, (}t"cJ pt Tnhl ..hdU he at su~h rale a~
<br />Lender shAll requc..t. It I Cf~f h.u ~.ilP.t:'J: tftc HiH,"H .i...-...d~t~tr pt~hHjc-"J it) lh.'\, p';!l...gl~.ph !., ;ind if Honytw-er\ su\:cess.or
<br />111 mtCi~t h,"(,;u;~Uicd", ,"-,oU-t;n ~ITfi){h)n .iig.t:'(:HJIl:Hi .....\--q:>>.<<i!l1 ",,-..hog Ii", L!."'fhiei, i tnJer "hall rdca\C' UmH1wc-r from
<br />;,d~ Oh1i,g;thon..\ undc-t tfti~ t~.J;.'i f ru.).-: 411\; fhe 'H;~
<br />h Lendtf ,~~Cli.,,~,- ,.:u(h UrHh.J-H ,;:1 .,:-..,'('"kLd..: ll:'fh_kl ,:u;; '}\<.I.l h{)n~'''''-l;i noh~,-< ,)i aL(.:i('ratlufI ill <fu,':uruanct wtlh
<br />paf&gr.ph 14 herc"'l StKh {Wht;-(.': ~th.;l prn.."h,; ,l t~'lh"j: ,-~ -','i ;,.,,,, ih.ll. <'0 JoiH ;rOHl Ihe ..fait: ttH,' i10tlC4; 1\ mailed wtthm
<br />Vil'nk,;h lk~n.y~u:f ~\l0i.} p.., ..hoe ,.unu. Jed.Jl(:",J. Jtie It t\t.Hhh..-;,.;: ;'.,j,i... h' p..i'jo hh_h "Hm~ pflvi' h, the t.\.p.r~lIon \)f \ui.:h penod.
<br />Lender m",~. "'lhm,H J:unhc.'f n\~~h,e ..\1 Jeljj"'~lJ dli Ut.JIf,hilt-':. ~i\-;'i.;: "W) n:mcJlI.~'.s. pcltli-Htet.i n\' p.;.tr,jlj,raph I H hereof
<br />
<br />NON<l'NU\.\ltM (lH.. -""'^-Nr~, Korh.l"""t .JiiJ 1 cnJo t\uthc; t..,Y"Cihlnt O'lnd a:gf\~(: 4" ftl1l0W\
<br />18. "...,<,lctalioa; ll.w>edlc1.. ..ucjM'" pro. ideO in ,"''''11191> 11 ~.....I. u...... lIo<r.....u.. bCClKb "f .ll) "..........1 "r
<br />..-eal.., IIor...".r in Ib", l)eed "I Inw, ind..dltl& t~ "U'._ lu 1>>') "h.n due ....) .u..... ....ur.d b) Ibii D<<d
<br />ul T.-. LflICltr pn..r I" "".".1."'....... .luoII mail _i.. lu BOt.u".. .. pru.icIrd In par...... 14 b<!....ul ....dlyl..., III lb.
<br />........,b; (2) 1100: .,I!wI 'fljuired to n... '!K1t "",..It; (,\) . d.... ..... '- I""" 30 day. fro... lbe date Ib<! noli.. Is mailed Iu
<br />............. .., ...laK:b ,uch b<cad. m.... be cu.ed, and 141 lhat Ind.... 10 ,.Ult SIKh b<ucb "" o. b<!lor. lb. dal~ .pedlled
<br />lalhe 1lUtk. ""'y r",uIl in .cc.leration of I.... "".... ..-cured by tllk ()eed of 1""" aGd ..... 01 lbe Proptr1y. Th. outk.
<br />shalt luulrc:r I..t....m JIorr"...r ul lhe riclrl .u rc~ af.", ..'.lct:ali.... "od I~ rigbl 10 b...... a wurt KI...n lu _.rt
<br />..... _.ulotcft('. ..I " del...... ... ..ft. u1b<!r deh....., of 1Ior.....cr ,u ""el~ntioB and ..a.. If lhe brtad. is nul curtd
<br />.... or hcf.... lbe daU spcdlied in lhe ;..,Ik~. (-<<ad<< ., I...ndu". upl..... 'nay tleda<< all 01 !be .u.... ,.,'..",d by tbis D<<d
<br />ul 1'....1... be l_dlately tIue ....d pa)ahIc ...11"'uI f..rt..... d-...d ...d fWiy in,oIl. lbe po"cr ..I "'"" and...) oIb.. remc4ic$
<br />pe....lt~ by apJJlkahIc la... t...... <hall be Clltlllerllo colleCI all .......nabIt cOOlS ...d nptftlltll hreo"..d in putlJui... tb.
<br />rt~ P<<J.ioIttIla I" ~ 18. irKlwtioo&. but ..... limlled lu, r~aablc !lit.......)". 1_.
<br />ff "'" powu ul .. is la.....td. Tnaslft shill _on! . noli<< of dclallfl in cadr cOUlfly In ..hlcb the p.......rty or some
<br />part 1lrtn:..1 Is lonRd ..d ..... .... ......... .., __& noli<< in the m....ner p~ribed by a~ablc law 1u 8..no..... and t" lb.
<br />01'" ............ pft'loCriIoM by ~ la.., Af'et I.... lapw u, "",'h li_ .. may be rcquind by applkable Ia... Tr....~ .t".1I
<br />11<< ....... nolkc ofule 10 lIoc .....-. l&RtI in I~ nil'''''''' p......ribed by applicable I.... Trust... ..llII<>ul d.matt<\ un
<br />Borro...r. shalt ...U lltc ".."1 .t pvI>Ik ....,1..... 10 the hicbc., bi<lcWr ., lbe tlme .nd plan ...d u..tler Ih. lum. dt$/&oaled
<br />I.. ,Ite notk. ..I .. ... .... ... ...,... pa.uls ..... in ....& urdu... Troster ....y determine. T....."'" may postpone We 01 1II1
<br />... ...y ",eel of lltc Propt:rt)' .., publk _nee_... at lhe Ii..... and pl"". of ...) pre......sl) ...hcduled ...1.. hader or
<br />Lt..,., ,,"ipcc ..ay p"",,,- lite Propoert) at ....) ....."
<br />Upo.. tt'<<'ipl of ,.,,_... or (!wi pti<'t bid. Tnnlcr maH tleJh.. lu lb. porcb....r 1'r""I""', deed co....)lng Ih. P.operty
<br />....w. T1Mi _itah in lbc T........,'. cIft'd <hall trc prima r",,'k' ..idenc. of the lrulh or doc >t"l<'m~nts made IIr.....ln. Trvst.~
<br />........., lbc pnlCffOh ul doc .... Ie lbc folio...... o.der: I.) 10 aft ..,,,,,,,n,,1Ik t....s ...01 ....._. ur lbe saI.. IIl,",ud11tC. but
<br />lIuI u...ltM.... T_'. f_ ulllulMO<< ~ )\" of 1'" of lbe II.-..Ie pri<<. r~_bIc """,,-y', I..,. a..d tMk 01
<br />dlJt ~ (bt 10 ....._ _~ hy ttds PftlI of 'fnm; and It! I.... ~ll~.. if .IIY. 10 lh. ........n o. pc,,,,,,,,, '.latly (ntllled
<br />~
<br />1-.~ Ion~......... tQ It~.h~, Notwlthstandtng 1 ~fH.tef'\ a-l\:clt-r.:slKl-1l (11 the "Hm'i "('\.'Uf<:-d h); thl'o; Deed l'.}f Tru-sl.
<br />Borr~r 01....11 h..ve the "aht '0 have .n)' 1'''''''''''''''1:' bl,g\ln hy ltod.r In enforce this o.ecd of Tru" ,II,wntllh,..d af
<br />any h.me 'pn<"'- !o1hc f,'~rt_i(:'f to tjI(~~ur ,)f (ll the fifth dJ~ N-'for'c: the \alc Df the P-f'(\fX'I1)' rli.ff"~l=*nt tn ~he ~~'~'n of ~...k contam!"d
<br />in !tu~ f)el"d-p-f Trust Of tt~_) entry \'If a judJ1llent ef1ff\rtltlg Ihi'!;,: tA.~t'd of Tnt\~ Jf' (a) BOff{l~er ray... 1 ('n,dtl JU iUm!i. ...d'1ii:'h \\.-.ouhf
<br />be tben due Undc_f t!U'.i f)tt.f;.f ~,.r Trwn, fhe Note and t'M1ft'" "cCH~H1g Futun: ^d\'lH\t,~e-'i;, If iHI'...., h.;!:-d 00' ~(;,:dt'fafH)n (x-rurn"tf:
<br />('h) 8orrf~wr:f' c;urr-1:. mU hrca'd't("t {)f afiY nlh-c-r cuvt'O-lU1h or artr't"~nh t)f 8-{'rrowrr c~mtltnt'd if: thl" r~d 1..'" 1'ru..-.t
<br />tel Rt.rf'tj,*ef p..t'~ ~U rt-JJ\.(1f\4bk: t'~fW'n~ ~oc\t~r~...t ~y t _,Nldf-r- un{f .tn-l~f-t'l: _ tn -c-nfo-rC!f\g !~ ':'ftv~fliin.!". t\nd $grcemenl\ f'lf
<br />1l()11O*ff nmt-Itftc-d in tnn: ~d ttf 'fttrf-t i8'nd Ui t't'lfon:mB '-.t:ndcr'~ ;sod 'fru\I',€_<,\ H/rnt'dN;~ .,~'l> t:',f(;nnd("d it1 p~tragf;lph i M.
<br />bttfn'jt, irk':Jud-l'flg, t:UJ m~ hm-lte-d t(~< tt"~'''H."l~ ano-rney\_ ftt'\~ <l"nrl fd! &n"liwr-r tt~~~t 'l<t.N:h t."{h'H'; a-s {(:'nder n1l\)-' J\'":t'\{.,.ru~ty
<br />r-t:-q:t#ft" t,n IU~U-fe tf'}i;ltl t+<<.' hcon -r~f 1hf! thd of Tn.Kt, ! tmirf~~< m~r~e>i~ m f-~'I" P-r'.!r~r'!\' v1d H,-'H'.'W"{"}''\, t\t-.ht.Htt!f"~fl hl" r~t~,
<br />