<br />
<br />83-0(,4238
<br />
<br />--
<br />
<br />THISDEEDOFTRUST is made this. .. .. .fI.cA... ... .dayof .a.~~""."",
<br />19,~ among the Trustor" . .Robert f.., .CarJ.gr.en ,'P)Q. P!W),Ul? J. ,'. ,G~ngr~p,( ,t!~f;l9?!1<1; ,~ ,If~f~, ,
<br />
<br />", ,'..,. .. "'. .' " '" , ....' . . ,(herein "Borrower").. . . . . , . . . . ' , . . . , " .. ,.",
<br />
<br />J.ohn .ll., ~r.Qwnell,. at,tQtT.l~Y, /l.t. .la'f .
<br />CO$mercial,savin~.,Qo~paoY, or ,Grand A~~aQQ.
<br />existing under the law, of. . ,N,eorfJl?kli " . .
<br />2121 N. We.bbRd" PPBQl\. 97.1,. ,G,~a,l')q ,1:sJ.!iod, NE 68.802
<br />
<br />. (herein "Trustee"), and thc Beneficiary,
<br />. . ,. ., a corporation organized and
<br />. whose addrcss is. , . , , , . , . . . , . , _ _
<br />. (herein "Lender"),
<br />
<br />BoRROWER. in consideration of the indebledn"" herem reCitcd and the trust herein created. irrevocably grants
<br />and wnve)', to Trustee, in trusI, with power of sale. the followmg dc,cribed propert)' localed in thc County of
<br />!:faH. , State of Nebra,ka;
<br />
<br />The East Two-Thirds (21]) of Lot Six (6), in Block Sixty-Five (05) tn the"orlg1nal
<br />
<br />Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall CDunt.y, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />WhKOh !la. the address u! 21 bW 2mj. Gra,nd Island. Nt: 68801
<br />
<br />;....t(..li
<br />
<br />lc..!ty}
<br />
<br />(herem "Propo:lty Ade"",," f,
<br />
<br />!Sl-at* ~ ltp -C~'-l
<br />r(){,l~ IlU-k \\tth .Ill th, qnphY~'lr;'nlr.;nh HHu' or :h:[,,'~lfh:f dl.:...h,,-0 PI1 tlh.' prOJX:fty, ~nti ~liI l'~,hcn'h.:nt~~ rlghh~
<br />appUttcllllnce~. !cnl~ (sublect howC'\'er to the fl/;hh ,HHl ,lUlh(lfllll'~ g,,<:n herem to Lcnder w colkct itnd nppl) such
<br />r~-rihl. rv}a,thc\. nU~f'aJ.. ,,)d and g.a\ r:&hh and p,ofit~~ lAoi,tc-c \\'.jtCf Tlghh" ~Hld \\'4kr \tock~ anu aU thtun:~ now ()r
<br />!l\:K..lh:r ;1II41c"':<I to the property. all of whICh. mcluJing repia,c'menl;, and addll,Qns therelo. ,hall be decllled to lx-
<br />al\d n,mam ,1 pan d tlx prnp..'r\y emer,d t>)' Ih.. [A'eel ,'I Tru,t. .lnd all "r the iorcgol!lg. together with "",1 proper!\
<br />(or II\.. lea..h"kJ ntatc .f th,~ 0.....'<1 of T lust" on a leasdlOlJ J "re herem referred 10 as the" Propl:rt)".
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />To SH lilU to Le,tuer !" I the rcpa)ftlenl ,.f Ihe inJdll(:Jnc" C'l<ktKcd by BOffow.;r" not, datl'd, 8/5 riB
<br />(h.;mn "1>Wt,,"L In lit.; pfl/Klpal sum 01 Thlrty Tl'..o.llsaod. TwO Jbeut'eli. J,';;eQty:-f.iv~ .
<br />allQ. -"Q/l00,.._~~--_($3A,.225.00.) Dollat\. w,lh mIen"! thereon. provl,hnC for monlhly inslallmcllh
<br />rtf PJirn::.iplll and ilH\.:reS! wilh tit.; balance of the: mdebtcdncs>, if nOi woner pa.d. due alld payable on,
<br />AU&J.!:st.5, t988. th,' pajffiCnl of all othel wm.. ...,Ih ..l!l.',,',{ th,<rcon. ad"wenl
<br />m1tl:.((lfI~11l1t'i: hcr,with 10 pm!ect !IK .....euril) 01 Ih" o..'l'lI of Tru'\t, <ind the perfnfmanee of the' e,'wn;mls ,md
<br />~(!:t"l!1Cnt~ tit ~lVW<'r herem cnnl<liflro; alld (blthe Il'p;ty"y:nl of allY future advamcc' w,lh .nkf"'! thereon, ",,,de
<br />to~"t"'J l,etwkr pun.WlfIt to pan/graph 21 hctl'of (h..'rl'HI "Futulc t\d\'anee~"l
<br />
<br />
<br />8tJtt\'wcr!:~~'nllllh tbat iklrr"wcr ;, lawfully ~I",d or the Nate I>\:rdl)c ,onveyed and ha, Ihc IIghl to gIant ,md
<br />~xmVI.'Y 1M Pt(.~..ly. th;rt tit.; f'ofl)j>l;rly i'\ unencumo..'le,1, ,HId that Bom.w,r will "'urranl "rid defend gcncr<llly II>\:
<br />ti'l~l(ll~ P~rt)'al\iliw>t..n claim' ;11jO demarl,k \"hj\.'d I" an) ,kd"fill!,,,,, t'ii,cmcnl_ 01 fl'*KlIo", Itst",1 ,n a
<br />~Wl>kol eJl,:eptiotl~ to qwcrag<' in "ny NIl' 'l1~\lran,'.' /X'h"l "''''IIll& 1..,..,,,,:1<:(, ,nttre,t m tll.: PruPCflj,
<br />
<br />.... 'IQ 4 1"""" ! .16 fl!lfJtffl!l,JIl(: lIlIlflllll<l lIl1f!llll!!llf
<br />