<br />.nd, wtthO\Jl demand. Sharf ho. immt'adlal@ly {jut' ~nd pa'iabt~ by T',,").:~~ 11"d ,.l1a~j
<br />beeT i"~.rest tt the Mulrni./m alkiwable !eg8! rll~e- ;)r.,..:d;~d ...(IWfl'....H thaI 31 tliO
<br />oOUon Or 5tfne-flelary Of Trtl-!Hee ~ltrf"! l5'Jm1> \'nay 09" addM 1(, th!i' D'I'1Clp,<'1l hala:n(;e
<br />0' ."y Indebtoonen HC\Jr~-.-1 hereby Ilin-d ~n.aH Mt'l-t tl'1e- 53-me- \nj,&re;;t <l!'> Sllch
<br />Inaebtedn.MS and shaH be pil',at>!e f!itaoty Dy~r t~m '(!:ffl~~!"I''''q fer..,.. tneroo'
<br />
<br />1(1 Aa~ of Rents. 8e'f16(1Ci4ry SNIl! l'IaNC HIll ~j9ht pcwef a~d avthonly
<br />Oufln(flM eol"ltlnuatT~ jtlf th!! Ttu~l ~ tl~ C'ollI'!C! mE' f~nt'S, i:;!H,~nlll't,."d Dro;i\~ ot
<br />the ~rty anet of al'ly per!lo~l P!opl'tfty locall!d fhert'l'O<'l wit!' ~r w'l~out 1;1.ld"0;I
<br />~Qn Qf tM: propt'rty a'f!-ectM ~'e\';iy. ar-d T'tustot ~reb~ atMi~!'lltrr!)' il;n-d
<br />~Ify &S$iOnc: all sut:l't rent!:, !~5Wt'!!!: ~n.d pi'ofttl} ~o B"M~~t:Ia-r,!
<br />~.ry, how~ef. tle!'eby C~Sttnts to lhe Tn.l$H.'f'-S t'oH~!lor: !I:"!rt f'@Ie:Mto., of
<br />SUCh fents:, i~ aM !)fOrot$' .., tntfY ;1CO\W ;)rtC ~O~ DavBb!@ so tli\
<br />Trutttot i., !'tot iH $U{!t; H~ in .;e.!eu!! "''l_lt) r~~:,l1?Ct ~~ pa-'{~M 1M"';
<br />~~. t.ee~lred ~ or l!'l the ~ricm'i-1l.N;;e n' lif\y agr1l'f!~I':! h!:)r~J"d;e->'
<br />\JpOtJ.ny ~ueh dtt'bJut't 8@Mtidary n1l!'{ ilt My th~e. mtf'!'1 .." ~r$oO'i, by-~! '0.( b';
<br />. tttOe~ to be -*;ttmfnt<<f by l! ~el)rt ,,,It,",O;1' ~('>~<tl'J AM ~Ht\c')'lt ''Sgard to l"e
<br />~ 01 8:")' MeV-my lor me .....~bt~!'!!'~:s !'wHl!-hr Vl.elf'-"''; fi!'l~ ~l"".!f!'f J.Jpo(', !!in"
<br />taft ~mn tl'f ti":-e ~Of)'\!I'I'ty Vf Jiny;tilft l~nw', ~"';; 11' if", 'Y-#-'" "(-I,m-f! 511~ '('>r {'!f
<br />~ ~ $li<-1l rmts, ~~fP.liMI IlM ~ro!"t1l- 'f\ChldJ-p{; 17JMP pa~t f.i'jft :l"-.1
<br />unpafff. al'ld ~P9fy th;, $A~< ~.'!} !'O!!tll jl,m1 e".~"'l9'e~ "r OP<;(!ih-,,:<" an1 i:"oll~\":t~r)n
<br />lrlefud'inq re-.~ 1l1'f!Jl'~Y f~. tlpQl'\ an., ir~bl..-t~..~ ~i!!(,"f!i<:' ~I!!!n,y" an{! ,n
<br />sool'o ~ ll~ ~tk'!ary m.\tY dE'!t~ml~ iN ~!f~!~ft "-u":r' <let" ",f 1"\'Pil!l' f~'
<br />~tH'Jt.t(m &S l'!'9l!V Dol NJe~~Qf)' (W p-r~ to. CI~~~"''!- !h~ "~H;Hi (',i tn_ p'!~~~~": ie"
<br />_M the tlal'fMt- Of any part t~:f~ f!"t-f !lJ..\cn ftw!liI}. lE!'n'n. 't,"<;'j ",ro{~" -;u-r.-h CP1<!I~;f:1!'"!"
<br />At- ffs ~t ~ay dlct41~t!< UI";iO'i~'tl Tr-u"'to:)r ."'~ ~F.~tfU;ffY "jh~i~,€- ''1
<br />W1IVnQ. any liIJX'I'fb:'.tkJ.fi l.,t '>l'r!~ '-'Sfil~ t)f t), ot,~-t it~'V ~B><'ir-f'.d
<br />hfH'tIby~."",-'"It "1~ <:>l" p~t~ t!w! dJJ1l' "'ati'! "l-' ~h~ r"'!\;<ti!~t r~\,!"Y;h'11~ ;\'?
<br />
<br />== ;;~:=:~~;::~~;,~l:;~ ~~:~~'~:~ ,,_:;~;;,L:':~,~~!~~'~~::~,:;;
<br />
<br />)S!iUtIf. am! ~Qt~$, aoo1he ~~t:.,:HiQ<i t~t~ ifS ~.J-nrl'J~jd "..'c,jj-J! ....111'0''''' Of p,r",
<br />j;f't.y ~ <!'I ?!O!ic. ct -tl~\Jq ~r~,J~IIlV, '.l' ""_""~'t1lVeo ~'""I' a.;l ,:~~t~ P'/l><i1\"j !"
<br />5QCh- 1'\Qt~ '!'""'.,ISJ{)l!" a~ ~~l!fM fa- B4Mti<;:;,Q;f"", >lip. h.'-fV'---!'l~ ~M~m,!, k-' \!'~
<br />~nGI! {;-f t~ W~Ho"'~ $fY:,J~;:vJ N;>l~.. ai, t~',,"rill'~ '''',1.~ ilf"_l ..~; m-!Y\.l~_l'l
<br />~~~~ Of 1nlII'f h~1J.aH~f ~ ~~~~'-'l;.~,!.,1...-dt", ',;i;,;d t. ",,:>~O! t>.. i3:"'~ I,-,,~
<br />o-t t~ ~ tt' ~~~ff l~ c;a'f!'T4!.,-" ,}1 il",> :"'''H ",,";;1 .~",'au!' ". !!",'t
<br />~Ct-mM't. ci .fl.... -0' W~ p<i}'rI,!>jlJ.~l!. 1'\#'",,;' 1"",<:10< ~~;,*"Il !,' {!w..,,~< ".J!'; ,,,,,10:
<br />ilJ'l(t ~i1~ f,) rt-.. f'M'r'\('11cr$..... ~"<!-,O!...~')' d ~(!f'~" ,~..., R...~jj..,.^,,,.,.. ~~
<br /><<_..-etM ~....,. f'Qh11f ~'"r;'tM r-'.;lo~9if'~ 1\: -\tP,.. '''''''';;1;''1 " :''':'-'-''''" """"I f'.';II"""tll~ ,!\t';,JI-'
<br />!)It ~fle:lt!A~ 10. {'li!o0~I~. "WI !....I)-k-n! ~'C l:M~ ~'i.'-'1 n-;.'" ~,.: t..,f' ~anC"$.r~' ' ~~....~;
<br />flOt'If"A_
<br />
<br />t t L....c~, WtlNn- vJ tt"~$ .~t... ~l4r>d '\ r\.'~l{Y l\Ci"'qll'l tuml'!{tc 1.--:- f .;-st'!il!.<
<br />. ~ ~ h: t"" l".i*. WfUft\} ~f,.ryr. lip ;-{I;.ll101; ,-,I \I.;,"''' ", H'-.. t".,!I-!
<br />~ t~ If'! .l'tiIiCl, !,'"'(;...d)~ ~ '.'_a-_, '~i!! f'--'!-'l,* ,"-If I~.";a::~,", ~"oj
<br />~ts.. .~~it>>rn th1r~iY,;~~~tI).- 'li-.'l:,t;l'lli':4l>!'H ilFC (,'("~",c:.,',l 't-Ii
<br />~ ~ tQf .~ ,,~ ~~"J4 )';K:"" ;:;-f!"l+t ,-,.,j(;t;'n"t~ .:t,-", ~:)(:,-,":'..n:fl, ..,t~.
<br />~W~___~ ~l'1d" a!ttN, tF'Jl;.;"~"~ ~~,,*M
<br />
<br />W'ft:hcu-l ~~ p.1'IQt ..~;rt., (...;.tl.."., OJ T",rlt~. '""'MOl !I"'.': "''-,~. ;)"IJ(:!'. ("
<br />;~, ~ ~t tv..~ ....... o~ ~ if> f~,. U<!tn~;ooo (y~!-M"$, ",""'lIl'!.t!'tO<
<br />.uctI .... I., lJoO:,.. Of ~~ H' .:tit-t~,e. ,,t} .K'Ctll:.1 c.." ~f1'<'! '1;.,1' ;Yq(l4'f-..-,."'t
<br />~:;r ~ ~t ~.~~ ~fW~r, It'! <:a.-,~*\ (V ~","m+J;.t8 ~~ U~ 0'
<br />~ *flY t:~tO'<. t$'~1'iG{l OJ' ~;lr~f iN!\"oo~_ "" ~~"",~ 4~'" "''''IO'''i ~J;'
<br />~ ~~."ffU, the flt.... ~.,.t-..\(...r ~0 ~\l't'<'n'-"1at. Oi ;:'~X.,i ~~"'" ~~-e' ,e"
<br />~ (l:< !'l'KJditv '~Hmtt' &1,} U t!.::i ,-~ t-l"j!l ~~ !f_*,,,f ~~ ~l-f'j P....1Hlt"e-
<br />~,Ui t<-' ('~ IiVtf ~., t."{''''!~''C;'f''Jt ~Ntr!!tm '-~'>r.'t~'lol(lItl_ ie!' ....f.~~.. ."'i'
<br />~ ~no.t t.~ ~'f; t,~~_ ,I'!-' ~,,,,. "~'Y ';"-:"""",.1. .....11'.... ." ~.:~'-a.if'
<br />~ CM t.. .."t" (!'tr.- to;:Unt> (1"_' -P<JIt~:t;<;;l.f': !r<<~ln! ,,~ .,.tt'1 11 .....~
<br />~. ..t\k:1l1llo'Ot.,'i4~tM.l'J-ec;-j;;:;l 'Itf'fo*-'Il-I\Q tl'<lt .,ti'hte {Jf ;_.~. $ '''\~f
<br />~..onN~~' '''''''''0, 0-1 t:X ;~~lIl.'ttnQ 1-ft1t#tlOrt~"m.';If !""'l~"l
<br />of tht T~ Oi a..t~fy, ~. If: Wl, u,,,,fP'. ,,~ ~'Q&g. <"'" "tr....-.~
<br />~ o( "",.~. ;1, !n~...-l: '" .;~'!' ",-",h -'4AM ;;.! ."'f !"'''~. '~~"'''I!'1f 'fi p-i',~H-"
<br />~~Ot .'l4l!i"C'lt>F....~
<br />
<br />~l_ ('1.1. llt~!! 1'1_1.Q~'!J' .....n~1' 1~,"l ~H)~_ry v'.-,; C-"Ii \."'.,.",
<br />~~)- ~ ~~~ tl'~.,.., ,~. lI--'<"'~~.o:;' II-':,t,,-~(' ~"..~,__" t... ~'rf; lrV~
<br />~ trl e~ft<>.'l_ "'-', a._~, c.'.'''''~ 'P{J ~",,~JtI ~'. ...,.~tl', I!;~"',"V~~
<br />~ .,..,. ~ f*CJ- ~ h~Ot;'*l .~ ~, ~y .-KJ'l ~>t. ~i",,'~ lit".!'
<br />~ .(dif.-...m&~__U, {'Nt r~ DMod. ...~t" f"'>f!l.'AA,~, ,v ""---'1, ~ h~ I~
<br />t~_ frv.-.t"" .-m ~fy. ih~ .,.iU, 4..>010 .;i.'~.;;... f.~'-!, ;t-:~~ ..."~ '~to!Qf'" i:_~
<br />~ ~l Qf thf, it~! j1O'~_if W ,{% 1.::~~. (,'''J\'';<J'~~ .'!-.;-t;lli~1:I>lilI\'T \cJ ~~..
<br />~ ~ i""~~ .._~~ I!J'>C," '" i\-, V.:."""'-"'!i!>.tU!" ':<'_"",,''''l~ *"lil ",Il~
<br />.....
<br />
<br />or).,.............. ~ f~...11 h"lJ.~ &~l<;''''.. .; ~t-~""~1 11 -4(,-{>;:]<';
<br />~ ~#~~~f ~"'* ~!4>!1!, ['i.'!~ '!q.,;.lv 'f"", S"~_& ',"1.-\.i'~ .-J".I....::n ;~,
<br />_T~ ~!-",~~~~ ~;",,", ;fe,,,,,,", ,~, ;jf'..,,; W ~~ iE! 1.0";,*
<br />T~ o..a *~ .\t~~ t:-~ ."Of~..'f ,-,.,'i_ l>-LIH~ :'''.' !<o#"f,J ":--ill'" ",'~
<br />~~. ~~ :r..l it-' ,~.' ._.""",* ~r,"",,' If""" ~"..~ p"""~.,,,..,
<br />~ ~ ,~ .",11ljO '*'l.....l(~ k .~..~llk-' t:f_-tl ~>.;-';[~ "'''-L...u _,','Ii'
<br />~-M~tlHlI)+Sl!Jffn"'ij;''V'I~; ;:;n<",",~;..,:"-",-,,qill< ~..,e.s ,~~-,
<br />
<br />UI.~~A";(ol'fJ'ill\~;_.i.>-'G'o-.~,..:h. :'",J,I,:....,.; ""."".1,:"""""",
<br />~M k\ an, 0''* ,~Ot 1"W4'l~ ..I~ tf1,~ -; ~1 G..u: ~'" Jti~\...,.~ :~, '.'W
<br />....,,~tbiQ.c.~~\,lt,<<tI;-t l-i'~~i..''r-;:''''' ......"'......'_'1
<br />
<br />l-fa.. ~ --........... Upwt "*'~l! t>'!-. T.~.~<}< {i';fo ;:,,,.,.m.t.n{ ..;0' ~j""
<br />............ a.K~ ~ /WO! !l-'l fn., ~t:;.,,-rr-~ ",J ~,- *V>~t ~~!~
<br />.......".~ ~ ~ ~ tlIk~.u ~ti:')I ~~k;1", ~ "-~iC ~"J""'" t!t'
<br />~ tQ. f~ o-f *fl~ ~.t~. \,.1 ~~t r~ [1\4t.. ~.,.., ~~ ,h.
<br />lIJlQlIIIiIIf ~,..-ot tAl ~,'f.fOd it..,..~ ~~ ltl$ ~~ ~~ ~ k~. 11
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<br />~ ~WM aKurarG hli.f~', .~ "".1' Q4rl!"-ftlr" tt1' T-rorst.... li ..;<!~,
<br />~of~~~:tkill\t~~~~~l} ~~~S>,l, ..-'";J-tN i~.tM ,t:
<br />tuftl~~. ~ Not~ ",", ttwt ''I.Ym !~...ir~ t>1 ~-..> ...-I'\i{;f', :F.~lW, o.t ~i~
<br />. _",_..1_
<br />
<br />ttJ ......... ~ ~~ t.>m<Il:.-:I ~f :;. l~HII,,1 ~ :.-. !<;lfWwit'-;j. tr. <'~-Q-'.j.
<br />
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<br />"':'t ~ hoCtlOn to v,.. ~ ~, tn. ~-W:~ ~->"~ ~~~ ,~.
<br />~ ~ o!:tM.~ St-.f.l ~~~ ~ t1\tl; ~-Jls)ti c~oaYC~J<'\l
<br />t,. ....... klr ~ ~-ta~ ..~.-..,~_. pG44-~!~~" t'~l~ 1m"",
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<br />~~ tMl ~ ~cr It-.~, ~'~", t~ ~ i~ ~~.~C 10'
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<br />~~~ ~~ ~~ OW ~'t~t,.~.~ (i!' i.l'Nilt-%t!d n.
<br />~ 5t-tbt ~;)f~,~,. or f~. ~ " ~:.4-"'. ~oo~..n ~he
<br />~~'Y"i ~./'!. ,.....~~ ~t'~~.;;ry. m.a)l W",,:,,~~ ill tf",.
<br />-
<br />
<br />.. ~'~_"'~~",~_~.~> ~"'-T~l,"~..i~iJ' tr~
<br />^. ttalt Mfa fOp, iMJ'n-_t of ~ -:;~ ~~ ~... r.,'-'l .....,-t"...aihi fl'o$
<br />~ :JI n-.. 1"",-.-, f...
<br />"'" OJ t~ ~-. ~-;.'t"~..,, .~ t* !C'
<br />.t-t.*
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<br />~ :;:r.::=':r:=~~~)~t~::i;~;:;~~~
<br />lft~~'!iNJI~~-~~~IW~~$#"''r!_~o,,~$t.\ilO<j
<br />.."""-""
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<br />00jt--
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<br />-M ~~,iiJ.~ M-~~~""'"i"'''''l''E'''1;!t~f;!;'''''~_{,
<br />
<br />
<br />83_004230
<br />
<br />11\ Dut'e. .nd Obflg-_tton& 01 Trvete4t, (a: Th~ (jut/tis aM obllgallons 01 Truetee
<br />shall be d-aTf;'rm!"'I~d ~o!lC'oty ty tl">~ (Iii<PH<'~S prn-\'~sion$ 01 t"te Trust Deed and Trustee
<br />"hafl nOl be Hatl!(t !tllcnp! tor l~", penormance of such dulle! and obligations as are
<br />~pecmcalty M1 for10, hl';'01-1. (I~d IW implIed covenants or obligations shall be
<br />jmpo$~ UDOt" ffvstl'H'!': (b' No pr,-,v!ston 0' tl1l3- Trus-t OoRed $".11 r&qulre Trustee to
<br />e.o;pend cr fIst>: his OW>1 fund~ Of O'h13fW!S-e Incur any fInancial obligation in the
<br />performAn.ce o! any 01 ils dlll!\'t$ heroundc-r, or 11'\ the e~erell'Je of any 0' Its right ~
<br />\XIWfm!, If It Sh!!lf! t\\\\I~ 'ijfOlJn<ls for ~He-vlng tf1~f the repayment of Stich funds Of
<br />ad&Qll.tlte '~dmnnlty agatnsl s\Jch risk; or !lability !8 not re:alSOmlbty- "'lured to it; (e)
<br />Trustee niftY C(J>f1S!,llt with cOU!'"i3e-i 0' hi~ own cnoo-!lf'lQ aM lhe advtce of such
<br />oounsel shall toe fu!! and complete authorlzaUon and protection In ~ fespect of
<br />any l!Ictlan tak&f'l "f ti-t!H~fl\lC b-v it here-1.JrIder In gOOd faith end reliance thereon; Cd)
<br />Tru3:tee :shall nol b-& fifible Mr tiny l'I(;tlon takfW'l by hIm In good faith and
<br />be!!fMKI hy him to !}e 9otho:'!-tl.ted Of within 1~ dISer1!!ltlof' or rtghts of powers
<br />Ci.lflffi'l"tOO UpQr1 if by thi,- Tru!:t O~~
<br />
<br />17 AddtHonat Stteurlty fM11'Umttnts, Tp-..lstor. at It' eXplIIns6. wm 8xeeute and deUver
<br />10 fl1# 'fn,.gfee. Plomptiy lJoon Ijematl<l; such $&evrity 1Mtrument. .$ -may be
<br />rMjtrif"96 by Trt!$fii!t't, IrI ~OI>'Ti linn S-tiM!an-ce tuitlefactory to Trustee, e<werlng an, of
<br />t\'le Pmpen'r' ~\1n.y9Y~ by thi$ r-lilst Otw,d, whfch security Instrument. shan be
<br />AddHlornd 51!IlC1..'!lt'f' 101 frUi!h:H'$ faithful p-ttfformance at aU of the terms, covenlnt.
<br />IlM OOMltkm-~ (}-1 t!'ll-!t r".S'sl ~, 1he- s:H'Ofnls$Ol')' note. seeured hefebr, and an)'
<br />nIt\@( M<:"Ufity ~MVl;~fll e:.:ec!./te4 in COft!'\getlon with thJs trann.etfon. Such
<br />~r'!!It'u!'t>@r!1S l'J-i"l-Il!1 t>>'; ~l)f~d m !ilq,ct ~"KJ rfHK01ded and f6flled, at Trustorl
<br />18:>'~~
<br />
<br />lfl"~f><<JY'
<br />
<br />a! ;" ,I)" tho'",":'! ~-f11' ,)nj!\- or 'TO'"oIl< of tf:<e pro\fJl!l<lol'Ul oont;tlO$d in thfli TfVst Deed-or
<br />,~~(>,"'d~,o'..,. r-O!ff Of "r,t' ml'Mr HWrlty InS1NlTWmt given In t>>n,*,lonwllh
<br />,';;$ tr!O:r,ucHor:. S!Ht.1' 1;-y fitfly fe.tson be ~Id to be lov.rid,. Illegal Of
<br />V,;~10fc"_fl;~i<< lr> iiJ';'!," ~~p*ct such Inil.Hdlty, IIl&gltUty, Of ut'Ittnfotceal:liUt)r
<br />~~i\'1i <It Hi.. (:lNi.on 01 8Qnefh:r~:y_ ;lot .ff~1 eny OthM ptovtstoo of Inl. TruM
<br />O~j bd fh;-t;l -r'uM ~ 'I1'!s.1I bI!r oon.ttued &tI If s.uc1'1 lnvaltd, Illegal. or
<br />'~""9f'\f(l'C4at>fi; .m';nri!!:w\t-'; hft:11'olh-~ ~ confakHld h8f't;fn,Qr ttJer.ln.
<br />
<br />'v . "';i" ;'v5' ~i ~NH t* c~"'!.'Itn.~ aceOfolng: to the ta..... of th-f State of
<br />l-..;*"a.iIlii,li
<br />
<br />~"",1! T,v!il Dbe<! lP\afl ""\lfl'l tn .;It<Q: b!11d ~N ru,-trs, legatees, df,Wt....,
<br />.h1~H".l~~ratOt~ $->::l;CutCi.!t .!;j.'-o.:c~..na a~afOr's ot the Dart!es Mnd.o.
<br />
<br />~'_l!;tor :t;-Ojlil r:.,'I;. Ai, '..Hill!! ,~\'t+d UDC\1 this lN3t o.&d Of the debt aecuted
<br />'~f6t>)' 'OQ-IiI!hot:; ....)I~ -li"~ c-j~ '.,;M Ql iI!l~(S WhiCh may tHI I.vled
<br />"'Qam$.f ~t-", 1'..'-5!~!:>{ 8-I--~f>c,a;"v 0< fto..$ ~., "O~f Of S.i<, Ofllmlssoty 0018
<br />," A'~",-~",",' c., ;N. '>>!i~~nalis e,>-~c~cn~y
<br />
<br />\{,ih.....,""Vi\. ,'~~ ~f1!><r> !,,<! ~'.-,'ClJ;llr tl,,"lt:ffl;t $!'lall tnctude the ph.!!al, tho
<br />~'--{)'~ili' ~""E 'i5.!} {,1 ..if-" iJ>l!-OO-fl': :!l~.j, Nil app-hcaoH!i to all Q6odeta. and the '-fm
<br />€tt'n#lf.<;-'""y ",".:' ""'o,Ji'~ JW-", ';1.lt,," (l~ \~ i~teonellt hereof seeurea Of
<br />,"'-;; "~,,1\;!l!l" ~"~r'""'t -... "e-T~' 1:>'1 Q.....~~lIrK,f'! 0' 'jlWor otf\erwlH
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