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<br />83-004220 <br /> <br />U"'lfOttM COVE"'ANTS, Borrower and l.ender covenanl and agree as follows: <br />I. ~ 01 Priadp81 .... .ltterat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by Ihe Note. prepay,,",nt and lale charges as provided in the Note, and Ihe principal of and interesl <br />on any Fulure Advances secured by Ihis Deed of Trust <br />2. ....,... T_ .... 1_,,- Subjecl 10 appHca"le law or 10 a writlen waiver by lender, Borrower shall pay <br />10 lender on Ihe day monthly inslallmenls of principal and interesl are payable under Ihe Note, un Iii Ihe NOlc is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-Iwelfth of Ihe yearly laxes and assessments which may allain pnority over thos <br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on lhe Property, if any. plu, one-lwelflh o( yearly premium installmenls (or hazard insurance, <br />plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premium instal/menlS for morlgage insurance. if any, all .s reasonably esllmatcd in'l,ally and from <br />lime 10 time by Lender on lhe basis of ........menls and bills and reasonable estimales thereof <br />The Fund., shan be held in an institution the deposit,s (Jr accounts of which an.~ Insur~d or guaranteed oy ...I Federal Of <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lendt.'f i. such an inshllll,,,n) lender shall apply Ihe Funds 10 pay said la..", ;ossessmcnts. <br />insurance premiums and ground renls, Lender may nol charge for so holdmg and applying the Funds, analY/lng sa,,1 account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessmenls and bills, lInl"" Lender pays Borrower ,ntcrest on Ihe Fun,ls ami applKable law <br />permits Lender to make such u charge:. Born)wer and Lender may <.igrec to wflting <It the tunc of e)(c\"ulj(~n ll( this <br />Deed of Tr.m Ihal interest on the Funds shall be paod 10 Borrower. and unless ,ueh ;I~reemenl " made or .pplocable law <br />requires $tlClI inletallo be paid, Lender shall not be reqUired 10 pay Borrower ;ll'}' lOtere't or e.rnlOlIs Oil the Fund" Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, withoul charge, an annual accounllng of the Funds show 109 cred,t. and deh,ts 10 the Funds and Ihc <br />purpose for which eadl debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional security for lhe sums secured <br />by Ihis Deed of TrU&t, <br />If the amounl of the Funds held by Lender, to!.",lher w,lh the fUlUre monthly in't"lIments "j F"nd, payable pr"'r to <br />the d~' dates of t...x~+ aue1t-smentlJ) insurance premium... and ground rcob, s.hall clii{'ccd (he amount fcq-uncd It) pay .saltJ t.IXC~, <br />aueumt'nlS. insurance premiums- and ground rent.!. a'-' the> jaB due, ~uch c\('f"\ ,-hall DC. at BtlHflwer\ optjon. eIther <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly tAstatlmcm.. of Flllld'i. If the amount of the FlInd~ <br />held by Lentkr shall not be luf6cient W pay taxes. a5\o.C""...ments, lI1surnr:cc prcmwms and gnwod rents a"\. Ihey ,fail due. <br />Borrower shalf pay to Lender any amount net--eSUfY 10 make- up the defiCiency Within 10 day'\; from the date nnrit.c IS mailed <br />by Leader 10 Il<:Irrower requesti"ll paymenl lhereof <br />Upon payment in fun of ali 5Ums secured h)' thIS Deed 01 Tn.,,- l.ender sh;ili pronlpily rcfUfld 10 Borrower any Fund" <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof th. Pmf'<'ny " ,,,Id or ,he Prnperty " olherwlse .1\O'IUlred by lender, Lender <br />shan apply. no faler than imJ'1:ledt41eJy pffOf 10 the ..ale (It the PropeflV or IH .H,:qW\.lt1iH, b~' Lender. ;1l1)' Funds held hy <br />Lender at the ume of application 31 a credit alainsf the ~ums liCCUred hy th~~ f)e(.~d of 1 HIS.! <br />1. AppHc:aden of Pa-yJlkmIL Unle:~..~ apph'~abte laM; },'fIlVldc'i tHhe-rwtse. all p-aymcflh re_ccl\'~d hy t<~ndcr under the <br />Note and paraaraphs 1 and 2. hereof shaH he applied hy f coder first H! payment ()f amOUOf\ pay<ihk tl1 t Crider hy Borrower <br />under parag,raph 2 hereof, theo to interest payable on the Nott'. lhcn to. the prlne.pal of lh{,' Note. Mut fhen ttl Interest and <br />principal on any Future ,<\dvaocel <br />.(. Darta; f...kftl,. Borrower ~haH pay aH ta.\.(~\. a'i.&e\5mCnh ,tnd (;fhef tlnc"- and lmp{)~ltt{)m. .!!friO-tltanlc to <br />the Property -which may auain a pri-oflty over lhlS Deed o( Tnnl, and kas-ehoid payments or ground rc'nlS, if any. in the <br />- prov1ded under paOlgf1lph 2 hereor or, if nol patd in ,,,cn manner. ny Borrower maklftg payment. when due, dor~'Clly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnn.h h) Lender "U nOHI.;C" ot ~ttnOtif!ts dtlt' under rtll:~ paragraph. and in the <br />evenf Borrower shaU make payment dlrecdy, Borrowcf \-hail prompll~' fHrnah tn fender rrcclpts cVfdcnl"lng \llCh p.1yments <br />Borrower shaU pc-ompth dUcharF any Hen whl:-Ch ha$ pnonf} o\-t..'"f th~"i Decd pf rrll~t; prlYdd(tL {hal 'h~npwer xhaJl !1nt he <br />requued to dbchaI'fc an}' ~U\.-h hen ~ ~un8 a\ Bott"Ow('J \hal! i.lgrce !!l ....(HIn!! 1;i the pa\'~ent p.t the nhlf~.:ltll.)!l 'lcnJl'cd by <br />!iuch lien tft a manner acceptable to Lender. or shaH In good f.ulh cOnlesl 'w,..-h hen hy. Of defend e!1f0fCcmcnt of Sitch hen In. <br />Ieplr.~~ whj:ctt operate lo pre\'cnt the enforcement 'Ill rhe lien c.f fndclhHt: PI rhc PrnpcHy lH any pan thereof. <br />. H l~. Borrower :.haii ke-cp the :mprnvcmcnh. now C\I'\tlfU; Of hl.'fe-:lfter crn:tt'd nft the PrPflCrty lHMlrCo. <br />apintt J{)U by fire. indudcd wfthm the term "c~tended l,.i..werag(''' and "lh:h other natAf<,!" ;j';, ~ <.'ndt~r may reqlllr(' <br />and in such amount, and {or \u(:h penods as f _cndc-f flla~' rcqwfC. rfnvfl.1ctJ, ltUl f J::n.Jti '.n;J}j fhH f1.."'-IU1ft: !haf rh<..' amount 01 <br />such ,..--over. CM~U.d that amounl of \,QVef~g-e l't,"qwred 10 pEn the ~Hm1;. ~~uted hv tb~\ Det'd: of J !j1~1 <br />The in$-urance carner provtdlog the In~uLmce ,,-haB he I. hown hy Hl.HflllAo-t"t \-ohlt\.! {.' ilpprov.d h) I i'ndtT plnvl!,!t'd <br />tbalstldt apprtWal $ball no-t_he uore.itwutlhJy ""'tthhcJd AH pfemit.ul\~ r.n IlI'UI;;HKC po!I(',.c~ ~haiJ t>~. fl,iH.i !II tht~ manner <br />providod Wider piUaarapb 2 oowt Of, !t n()( J}lud Hl )-ul,-h tnanner. h~ Borrower makmg -P'<s.yrnellt. when due. lhret.:tly to the <br />i~ catritlr. <br />AU Insurance pohcleli: -ind renewals lhen:of ",naU he In !no'i:l i:l-\...;qHahk in I t:rhier ,Hld ....hdH ~ll...-liH..k ,I s:lafulMd mong;tgc <br />d.auu in favor of and in Co-rrn acceptahie hJ tender t ,l~fHjef '\hilH {he ngh{ (i'J: hold iilc potlcic<:> <.inu H':newah there-ol. <br />aod Borrower shall prompt,ly furni$h hl I t:nder ;lH n:nf:w.tJ lItHt~t....\ .wi! J-H fC\.t'lPh ,_~r p..t1d pn:mltlm... In Ihc event of !0.... <br />BornJwet shall jtVC JWt1'm-pt .notice to i~ Hu,utan'i.:t' \',.ttner ,tOl.i t~":HdcJ i ,t:J'h.k*t Ind} H\a;"c fUt.l't.)f of illS... d ::1..)t made pn}mpll)' <br />by Borrower, <br />Unle5s un.T 3~--d Bo-rrower ~)thefw~~ agH~-\' ~n \%nhn~, ,fi-\.unUh';;:; PJ'..l\.tX-.-d,. "ha!J n-.: ,jr'pticd to re"i-Wf.-ttlilf) Hr It~p;t!\" pI <br />the- Property damaged, pro'\"'lded such n:~h)f<tH(iH ill' l-tp;_W !, c...tln(~-fnH.:aUj' kJ'"lhh: .100 ffW '\",:pn!y of nt!'. D1.~t.:d pf .r rH~1 j, <br />not thereby impaired. It 'ouch !estor-iiJ-on l,)f r-c:paH h not (',;\m\)lm!..:<tn~ h'3~jbh:.H It the- "';-';'lfll;- ni ttw, 1ked Ill' ((ll.;,l wuuld <br />be un.pajred. the: ~nWf4fR'e proceeds $haU be applied !t.} the ~um"l 3-l':C\H~d b) !tw. Lkf..'d of 'ru~t, wH!J !th' (.''-..!,''"'''. 11 any. p;wl <br />to Borrower- If the Property ~~ abando-t-'leAi ill' BorHl"'.Cf, ~'f ,f H-orru\Orc{' L'ilh 1.0 fC-'P-i.Hld fn Lt:Ht.icr V\-ltlHn -'0 dit)'" I rom the <br />date n(}h~-e is mailed by Le:ndc'X to Borrower that the HlsuraO;,:e ..;:afHer 1i)fkf\ W ~cui~ it ...I;-Hfn {Of 1H\Hiam..'i.' tx+ocfi,"", Lcudcr <br />tS authorized to collect and apPly the jn~!Jr.j\rn:-t.; pt(",ct',h ~Il Lem.k(; {}puon either In fC-.-iufafll)H Hi ree-p.ur jlf the Property <br /><>r 1<> the $1m" secu.-.,d by Ih.. Deed ,,( 1 rusl <br />UnJeg Lender and Bor.towel olhet'Vfl&e lt8fee if' \\'fllmg. ;H"t~ '\lh.:h JpphCaH-(m .Jf PhKt.'CU:-' 10 pnnup,ilJ ..,hall (WI C~lcnd <br />Of poitpoM the duc date (..11 tbe nw.mthl,.. Jn~iaHmenh [defroed tp in p4fagraph, j and ~ hereof Of (.hallgc du: amn\Jnl 01 <br />~uch jnstaUme~lh. If under paragraph is MCC-l.)J lht' Propen~- ,\ ,l'...'.4wrcd b~ 1 n'H,kL .!li f1ght. Hlk i-lod :ntt.-n;,-.r tit B(,rh1W('f <br />In and to aD}f Hls-urj\nCt po}~ies and fU and h) the pnJ~cecl:~ thCI.:ot rc:<>uhlOg lrorn dam-agt.~ h) the Prnpt.'J!;- P'll.'ff l(\ Ihe \;lIc <br />or acqwsitum s.haU PAS4. h:) I..~nder to the C.\tcm of the ~um~ ).e?,;:Wt;lU h\ Ihu,. Dec-J nt rru~t HtHnedlah:ij p1H_lf h,\ "w.:h ;,~Ilc Of <br />aequisilioo, <br />6. "'-0'ati08 aad ~e of Pr.....rl'; b......ho..; Condominiums: Pbon""d (jnit OnelUflm'''b. 130"""'.' <br />'\-hall keep the- Pr~)~ny m g1Ji.hJ repair ,tnd ',J)~H lh,1: ";NUfU.! Vr;1"_h: .ft r\-"nlT inlp-.JlnllCf,~ df ,_li.:kn,'f,H,,'n ~,t th(: l'f~lr-eftv <br />and shaU comply wIth the pr.:wi-s.fOn,) of <th}" lease if thfS Deed (it Tru!>! l~ un ;j !l~.i:1~(.'hold 11 ~hl'\' Deed ni Tru~i ,\., ~}H i' unit in ~t <br />~"m:don\i-nlum Of a ;>tanned u-nH devei.o-po'!en!. Borrower :shall p<.:dDtm ;}II of BOrJ(h\'Cr-S (lhhgaJH_"'-f~~ !int1-er the lh:daLHlon <br />or cov-e~nts CfUUO,g (\r govermng the l.:ooJ-onumum Of rtwHcd um! lk:\.eh.JfHHCm, the hj !~(w~ .1lld re.guhtH;H\ c1-! Hw <br /> Of plan~d umt -development, .:md l:onshlUem do...::t,mC!1h_ if a I..-om.lpminlum or planned lHHt'pnu:nf <br />ndel 15 executed h, Borrower and recQrded lOgether ",.jth lhi'~ On"t! of I ru~t, :he L,()Ven,iH~) ,.md ~grl,.'~:il!Cnh (1( 'wd'i l!{jt:t <br />shall be- J~p:<)fated into- and shaH amend and ~upplemetH the t.('">""eoJ,nh and agrt'e:nenh- ot th1:\i- f)e(.'-d ~)l Tr\1\l ;j'\ If the ruler <br />wete a parI bereof <br />7... ~ of t.eaclff"s Security. If Borrower fatl~ to pc:rhHm the l'o'\;cnant\ and ag.rcemcnh ~ <.mLUf1ed In !hi... <br />~ ~ Trust, or ~f ~y achou,of prQCCed~ng _JS l:Ommt'fh:ed ~'hi.::h mateflaIl)"t&\. llHeti:,'Jt w fh~ Ph'\.pcrl}. <br />tntlucJin&. but not h-mlted to, emHl~nI do-matn. InsolvenC)_, code enfl..Hl,;:emeflt. lit" ,Mrangt'mem:-. or p-rol.::ceJmg... 1H\.~)h-qlg ,,_ <br />bankrupt_or de.;-edent, then Lender at l-end-ef'~ option. upon n(}tj~e 10 Borrower, rrt..1Y mate 'Omen ;i.ppc.lf.lIh.._C\'_ di...hH"" ...Uf,:h <br />-5-l.HllS and lake, sU(.;b i4c'ion <:lS !S necessaty 10 pn:.nect Lender-s Hl!~fesl, jfh,.:ludmg, hut rw! jllnitcd I..<d)(H";-Cnwnt .)1 <br />rQ$O~bJe auor"7-Y'~ fees and en-try upon the. Pro-pcrtr to m.ahe rc-p..I.!h_ If Lendu r("'4U~i(J mOHgA!}C ,rhUral'H.':I..~ ,l~. :J <br />-coodW-o-n of maktn. the loan secured b-)~ tbt-s Deed of Trust. Borrower shaH pa\' the pn:nHUlli'i rcquifl'd In ni~mLnn \u.,:h <br />i~, ia_ dJ~1: utlfil such time as the requirenlent for :m~h insurance tCiIn'ina!C's in ~.l:;('ordancc wirh Uilrwwer'\ <Hld <br />~.. .. ,_,~~ written a*tCCtnegl Of aP9l._, ka-bit: Ja\lr, &rro\\'er shall pit\-' lht: arn-l:runt of ail mortsa~c i!1Sun.uh.:C p--tCliUU-ftl\ 10 tht; <br />_pI'\J\Ill:\ed ul'Jder paraatap!i 2 hereor, ' <br />"_ L .~1 atnQunb ~ by Lc:nckf pursuant to tbis paragraph 7 wllh \fltCft:'St there-PH. <;.h.:iH ht't:-Drne i\dJlh,_H1<d <br />~- of Borrower secured b)' th-i5 _r:>ecd of Tl'U-St. {.inics~ Do-rn.)vrer a-nd Lendtf i1~tn:e to Olhl..'r (tnt)" ~,;-t p-aymtznt. ..u~h <br />~,~~~paya.blllllpuntl{llk. lrom Lender to Borrower r"'1\l"~,,ng paym<", thereut and ,hall be;" ""ere>! I,COtu 'no <br />_()t~ at the tale payable ffO"llUne WhOle on ('"Istanding p.inat"'! ""der fhe No,.. "n!", r~Yfl1<!1t ,,! irucr." <br />at$Ulib, r~W<<IkI be, <:otIlrary tQ appllfable law, in wl'H1;n eveJH 'Hch omo"n". sha!1 he.. '''Ier"" ;It the !Hgh." rate <br />~ ~t applK!able Illw, Noth",!! Ct'llI"llled ill tlm Nagraph 7 ~hall rC<l"".' tend", I" ''''''f ,un "'I",nse or ,ah <br />""l' ao::IkitI bereumler, <br />.. .~ Let>del m.)' malo" ur ,,,,,"" 10 be made re",,,nabl. <nHie. "l'On 3nd 01 ,hr l'r"pen}, 1",>, "leu <br />~tMtt ,i~' -shaft l:fv~ 1k>ff(tWef no.tkt ~rinf tQ any 4-\it;b lft$pe--ctH.:~n ~ptt'ff)"lng reawnaNe (~ij.J"-C :\~j.111;'d i1,'i t \.n..!z'f <br />."tIll1*! fA tbe PrQPU'lV <br />