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<br />~.A <br />((rg~~~) <br />FEDa4.l <br />ur~OLN <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />SHORT FORM <br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT <br />Fo.... No, 211 IRr:v. 12180. <br /> <br />Loan Number ,. __ .5.4.?-?~ _. _:-:: _ ~ _ _ __-=-_ .6J__ <br />"..tlt" 1"tJM" <br /> <br />REAL ESTATE <br /> <br />83-004218 <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS <br /> <br />JalI1i!$.. Lee Schulz aM SUzan C. CoIIolik SChulz, H1.1SbaOO and Wife <br />'T1IAT_,._.~._;...._._.._o_,.,.__o.......:....._......_......,............_.... .........- ......m'O.........h.. h.' h"""'" . .... ............'.... ................. <br /> <br />~teinafter CAlJe.d .Mortgagors, in consideration of the ~um of .w.......h........................m.....................'..'......h.... <br />_.~~~~~.~.~.~~~~~~..~~..~.~..~~~_..~..??l.1.~O*.~.*.~,~*.*.*.*.*,*,.*,.~.*,*."..........m.'............m.. <br /> <br />($ .. ) DOLLARS, 1M receipt of ",'hieb is hereby ackno....ledged, do hereby MORTCAGE <br />and CONVEY an abs.olute title, including all the rights of homestead and inheritance; unto. FlRST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, 1\'''EBRASKA, h"r~inaIter('.alled <br />Mortgalltilits successors and assi,ns, the following descrihed real estate, situated in.. ......~.......,.......... <br />Coun~'. StaU! m NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br /> <br />lot: Nine (9), A1'Ie1ded Block Six (61, Cootinental <br />Ga:rdens, an Jlddit:i.a'l to the City of Grarrl Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real ~lAte above described, ",5th all appurienances thereunto <br />beJonsinl unto the: said .Mortgagee, f(>rlwe~, pt~)'\;ided alwa:rs, and. t~is maritage is. upon the express con. <br />dition that if the aIornaidMmtg.~ors, fuel!" hetTS, executo~ lIdIlllmstral(lrs or assIgns shall payor ('auS!" <br />to be paid to th~said Mortgagee. its fitlCCe$sors or all5igns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all <br />ll;:)(';Otdin( to thtumor.and di'ect of It ('.ert.aininlrtJillm~nt note of ~d Morl.$,sgQrs bearing ewm date with <br />thillmot'tface. and .shlUl. pay Well and 3Me!llm:H!Dts leVIed upon SlUe real estate, lind all other tnes, h\1e!l <br />andJi~smentslevmi upon this mortpp o't the !'lOU! whicl1 fhis mortf,age is given tc secure, beiore the <br />p~ or lID)' ins~t tM.reof ~ delinqul.'.llt, then this mortgage t.o be: void, othel"';lle to remain <br />in full fon:e. <br />1'1' lS FURTHk:R AC:REED (1) That if the ~,,;d Mortgagor rhall fail W pay l'uch lale5. the <br />Mortl,'iil" may JIlIy the lY.II#:Ie and tht.I;UW !lQ ..dv&nt:ed with inlert'$tEhallbe paid by said Mort<;agors, <br />Ilnd thismm'tj!ltge ;;."nilll;t;wd Itl k'(;\.Inty fpr the l'JWJe. (2) That Mortgagors eti\t'nant "ith the Morll;agee <br />I.nlitthlh- IU<f la<<'fulh' g~f!d (>f !<aid T"sJ ",iita.t~ aDd euv"mmt t.o \\amwl and defend the said real c~t.ate <br />i>J:<linil'1 the l",,,'hl.l ,{ailn!> of all ~,'h1)n'5<'e"er, (3) That i.n ease Qf a !Ofecl(lsure of this mprl,~ge, <br />Ule ph.inHtI in",,~hpffl(~lJgli $hllil "* entitled }Dt..;j~." l...'!~es;,'on of. the ptemJ~. prol-"Ct the &ar~ and <br />('(>l}tect t~ lents, 1S;Ut>\t ami profits thtrrof- (4) n...t a . lllHU" to pay any of I>a,o mon"y or 311YUistall- <br />ment tMrllOl wnw the s,;;n'" bftq_ due, or II fllllure 10 COl1,.,Jy with lln)' of the foregoing J!lgleements, <br />"hall ~ tlw .dll.ik stUll of tOOTle)' he.teiD l\t;CIHed to bt'<:OIDe due Mid collectible at once at the optioll of <br />dw MGTtfl!~ <br />Tftl\NSI-"6R OFTH.B PROPFdiTY; ASSU}.iPTJON. If all or any part of the Property or lil.ll <br />inlet. Uwrt!1n il; l'OJd, Of tran$fel'1't!'d by Mortg;l;:or "ithQutM"rtrllgtre's prior'\ riU<e1l ~Qn~ellt. e:\.duding <br />(a) tM ct~1l of a lien or en(;ulDbl-..nal~Ilhl:"dinatll to thl." MfJrtt;lIl:e, (b) the ,,,,atum of a purchallll <br />m9IllI.y ~ty inl~ fOl bmt.Hhold appliances, (c) /I IrJUlsit-t bY_de\,j~(', dt~enl or by opt-ration of law <br />~n u.d<<atL of. JOUlt tlmant or (d) tMliir;u:lt of any ]eafleholrl mldest of thrl"<:' \"MS or less not ('on. <br />La. i.,"". g .... ~.". . w... W. .,<<:lwie. ,MorlI.' aa. may. at Mortgagee'} option, d.-dare all the -$UI1',$ H-<:Wed by this <br />M~tohe ~tMly d~ a.n6 P'i:able. . <br />JfMorllltJ. ~trdses ~h c~pHon to .llcnrle:at.e, M(,r1ragw shall m~l Mortgagor notk.e of <br />M.~ta~ lUUl~n()tjc(! .shaDpro\,de a ptriOO ol not It'ots than 30 da\'! trou, the daw the notice is <br />~~.w~MWii(Or mll)'''''), t~ ~ums ~edajed due. If Mortgagor fails If) pay .weh $lUIlSpnor <br />~~C1I4l.pI~~ol!'ldipll.riod, Mon~ag:ee ~y, WIthout t~rthej notice or dt'lnilJld on Mortgagor, invoke <br />~'P'>""etO!l~ l!I)(I ul'oUrel' ~ pHnut'.t>d by applrcable !<I.w. <br /> <br />,~L <br /> <br />I'\.i.H,jl;. <br />