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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83--004209 <br /> <br />This Mortgage is entered into between <br /> <br />DAVIS BIn:;. CDNSTRUCfION CD. AI.ISO KOOWN AS <br /> <br />DAVIS BIVIHERS CDN5TRUCTION COdPANY (herein "Mortgagor") and <br /> <br />'lliE 0muAND NATICNAL BANK OF GRAND ISlLAND, Grand Island, Nebraska _(herein "Mortgagee"). <br /> <br />, :' . Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 55, CXXl. 00 . evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br /> <br />l1"..,-~./,"".;,.. .... t 8, .1983 . (herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and interest. with tbe balance of the <br />;". IfJ,.......--. <br />(.. ~~:If~.~er paid, due and payable on MarCh 1. 1984 , <br />"""_"-';"._~'ftl"-"r': ~ -~-r,.::_."<. ,;3 ~."'f""'" <br />.' Tooecure the payment of the Note, wltb interest as provided tberein. tbe payment of all otber sums. witb interest. <br />advanced by 'Mortgagee. to protect the security or this Mortgage. and the performance or tbe covenants and agreements or <br />the Mortgagor contained herein. Mortgagor does bereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee tbe Co/lowing d_rilled <br /> <br />property located In ~L-_._ County. Nebraska: <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />SEE AITAOIED <br /> <br />Transfer of Property. If all or any pa.rt of th~, Property or any interest of <br />Mortgagor therein is sold. transferred or further encumbered without the express <br />written ronsent of the I.brtgagee, MJrtgagee may. at its sole option. declare all <br />SlJIlS secured by this Mortgage to be imrediately clue ,mcl payable. <br /> <br />TOlI"ther with aU butldin/lS. Ilnprove""'nts. fixtures. stre,,\S. alleys. passageways. "asements. nghLs. privileges and <br />appurtenances located thereon or ltl anywui"t> p(l'rt.aintng tht>fE"lO. and tht> n'nt~ 1~~U\'"S i:Uld profits, ft"vt'l"5jons and remainders <br />thereof; including, but not limited to. he.ung and coolmg ~qulpm~n( and such p..sonal property that is attacbed to the <br />improvements so as to consOtute a fixtu...; all of which. ,ncludmg ....p(a...,m~nl.s and additions thereto, is hereby declared <br />t:o be a part of the real eslate """,ured by the lien oi this Mortgage and aU of the [oregving being referred to ben!in as the <br />"Property" . <br /> <br />Mortgagor further l:Ot1venanl.'l and ag"""', \/nth Mvrtgall"', a> ["II",,, <br /> <br />l. raymeBt. '\'0 pay the md<1bwdn_ and the Inu.""t the",,,n "' pro"d~d HI tlus Morl.gagt' and tbe Now, <br /> <br />2.. 11-Ue. ~ton,C"Qr I~ tb-e o~nel of ttlt' rrofA"rty. h~, rlRht and authonty to mGrt~ge the Property. and <br />wamants tbat the hen cr...wd hl'fl!by IS a [mit and prior 1..0 "n the I'ruper(~. .xc.!" '" may utherwise be set Corth berein. <br /> <br />o 'f'I\e Prope.ty IS subJed to a Mortga~ WIW'~lll <br /> <br />..the M~, n-rorded aL !look ..', . l'agt' ." II.... Mortgajte Kt>{:v'ds v[ <br />NelHuQ, wbicb Mortp&" is" lie'll prror 10 lh. lien ('wa,ed hen'b) <br /> <br />___'__County, <br /> <br />o otlIrr prior hflU ur en.'Umbran...., <br /> <br />3, T... ~l4. 1'0 plIy wlwo due ali tax..., .pt'C"ll a~Ill'nl.S .nd all other dlarg.. against the Property <br />&lid. upon wri~en demand by Mm:f.&alW. to add '0 the plIYIII........ '''QuIl.d und.. the Note ..currod hereby. such amouot as <br />,*,y b<l5llfflciellt t:o enabW th.. MortPC"" 10 pay such lAx.... "'.....MtK'flll> or vth", I'harees as they become due. <br /> <br />4. 1__. To ke.p the impmve"...n", now or iOUlt~d on the r~al t'SIllL~ ikscnbed berein lluured <br />~ ~ by lite and sucb other blLUllU lIS MUl'tga.get' lIlay fl',!u"e. in atnoullLs and WIth l:Ompalll." acrepllllrle to the <br />~, and with h)fili payal>>.. w tbe Mor'll.... in "..... of I"", und.. .och polte'... Ih~ Mortgag"!' is autholized to <br />lKl~ ooI"""t and oompruml..,. ill its d...."'.....n. all clallllS th~reun<le' at its sole vptiOIl, authoriZt'd tn .ither apply the <br />~ to the _t:ora.l.ion ollb.. Pruil"ny 01 UpOll the llldebtedn..". ...ured h~reby. but payment.; hl',,'unikr lilla/I CO". <br />~ IUIW tbe_"""weG beNby are paid in full. <br /> <br />Ii. 0 Eaetow FOf T_ and lDlil1r_, Nolwithsuwding anythini l'Onllllll"d m paragraphs 3 alld 4 h....or to tbe <br />~. ~O< .ohalI pay to Ur;, Mor~ at l:h" time Qf paylflj\ th. "umthly lll'IllHroents of pnnclpal and inle_t, <br />OlttI4_naof tbe yMriy lax,,",, lulurd imullll>ce !'fl'miuffi>. a"d ground rent;; {If allY I Which may .ttam a <br />pliulUy ....." thil. Mortpp, all "" ,...oo-.bIy estimated from ti"K' to hme by the Mor41~, 'f'I\e amounts 50 paid shall be <br />'-ld IlJ .iAMI. ~ wtlJwlit inll>.....t and appf~d 10 th. payment or tho items in resf><'Ct 10 which such amounts <br />~',""' I!lIDi$. plli4 t:o ~ hervwulet ate ploHI,.c liS additional ."""rily fot Ul. inikbt...al1OS.\ .~cured by tbis <br />........Mort.IOUI~all..)' t:o ~ the _nt of Illy ikficie"cy bEot.....,n th" aduall"""". ......~ffl<!nLs, InsUlant" <br />~ lID4 ,,_II Hila and tlut ~ta IleWUlldttt with!tl 10 days .Cl.f;r de/llillld i5 lIlade "pOll MUlt...,,,, requKtin& <br />-~~~ <br />, <br />$". .......~an4u.. 1'0 promptly l'Ilpalr, lO'str>re Or l'I'build allY bulldmCS or'n", now (ir <br />~.QIt.!tIlI "'rty, 19 u.:p IJw I'l'<liWrtJf in tlwd ro.nd!tiOll and re1)air, wilhwt wtit.. and r_ from lIl""hMI!<,'S 0' <br />.....~OOlnJN!!lli!ly .~Io!d to tile lI<Ill b'.R<Of; O(lt to mal:i...ll(frJ or J!l'rmit any nUi>llllCl' to ~""l, llor!O d'IfIiIl <br />. ot .~ Ill<< ,,_ rd !till ~y b)' allY Ael Of OfntWon t:oild; and to comply "lth all JeQWreul<'ut.> ..flaw Wilh <br />~",~~y, <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />'I <br />