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<br />
<br />83-U04204
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<br />10, ThaI tbe Mortgagor will keep Ihe building., upon said premise, in good repair. and neilher commit nor permit wasle
<br />upon said land. nor sulfer the .aid premises to he u.ed for any unlawful purpose,
<br />II, That if the premise.. or any parlthereof. l'< condemned under Ihe power of eminent domain, ur acquired for a public
<br />use. lhedamages awarded, the proceed. for the ta1<ing of. or Ihe consideration for sucb acqui.ition, to Ihe e,lenl of the full
<br />lIl1tOOnt ot indebted.... up0n this morlgage and the note which it is given to .ecure remaining unpaid. are bereby assigned by tbe
<br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, and shall he paid forlhwith 10 said Mortgagee to be applied by tbe laller on account of the next
<br />nmturiag installments of such indebtedness,
<br />12. The Mortgqor further agrees tbatshould thi. mortgage anti the note secured bereby nol be eligible for in.
<br />surance lInder the National Housing Act within Sixty days from Ibe date hereof (wollen statement of any officer
<br />of the Departmelll of HOllsing and Urban Development or authorized agenl of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />De\fetopmeatoated sub.equent 10 the Sixty days time from the date of tbis morlgage, declining to insure .aid
<br />note and tm. mortg:age. beiag deemed conclusive proof of such ineli~bilitYJ. tbe Mortgagee or bolder of Ibe nole
<br />may. at ils option. dttlare all .urns .ecurred hereby immedialely due and payable,
<br />13. Tbatif the Mortgngur fail. 10 lIlake aoy payment. of money when the same become due. or fails to Conform 10 and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agreement. contained in tbi. mortgage. or tbe nole which il secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued intere.t shall al once hecome due and payable. at Ihe eleclion of tbe Mortgagee; and Ibis mortgage may
<br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, intere<t. monlhly paymenl.. costs, ground rents, ta"es and
<br />the coSI of exlendingthe abstract of title from the date of this loan to Ihe time of commencing sllch foreclosure suil, and a rea.
<br />...nalde aftornty'. fee. all of which ,hall be included in the decree of !foredosure; and the contract embodied in this m('rlg-dge
<br />and the nOle secured hereby, sball in all re'pects be ll<lVerned. construed and adjUdged by tbe law, of Nebraska. where the
<br />same i, made.
<br />The covenants berein contained ,hall bind, and the benents and advanlage, shall insure to, Ihe respecti\'e heirs. e"ecutors.
<br />administrator.. .ucce's<lrS and a..igns of the partie. hereto. Wbenever u.ed, the ,ingular number shall include the plural. the
<br />p!urlllthe sinflUlar. and Ihe use 01 any gend.., shall be applicable 10 all genders,
<br />The foregoing condition.. all and singular. b.:iOj! performed according 10 t""ir natural and leg:t1 import, this conveyance
<br />.hall be void and said premises rele~~d at the e"pense of the Mortgagor: otherwise to he and remain in full force and effect.
<br />
<br />fN WITNESS WHEREOF. the MortgagOllsl ha ve
<br />above wrinen,
<br />
<br />hereunto set
<br />
<br />their
<br />
<br />handhl the day and year fint
<br />
<br />In prnen<:e of:
<br />
<br />-;f~~d~:;~~t~7"'~-
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />, /).}'. .n'7<J~.-' ,~-:;--
<br />l?(.~"'.l?/ //. V~"f~
<br />to:u M. McInturf P
<br />
<br />ISEAL]
<br />{SEAL)
<br />lSEALl
<br />[SEAL}
<br />{SEAL]
<br />
<br />
<br />HALL
<br />
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<br />
<br />W. I':o.-:=-=--I
<br />....--.-
<br />
<br />
<br />On 1m, 29th dayul
<br />a Notary Public
<br />
<br />June-\,P, 19 83, helore me,
<br />;/1 and ft)! ,;otd ('ounty. pen<,(laIiy came
<br />
<br />Riclwu:d W. McInturf and Lois M. McInturf, husband and wife
<br />
<br />wile the ideatiul per_ ....oose name
<br />.-noaituuvmetlt as M~, and
<br />eucutiott t~t to be
<br />
<br />lire
<br />they
<br />the.Lr
<br />
<br />. pel's<'nally 10 me known
<br />alJi~ed to the above and lore.
<br />ackl\()....le~d the said in$trument a.nd lbe
<br />'oluntary ae! and deed, /01' the purposestberein upreSlied.
<br />
<br />. tn 1<"$_)' wM.re..r. lltave ben;tmlo.et illY ltaAd afllI allhcd by notaL'ial .
<br />Illl U. day W date lul ab.we ....ritk.o. L
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<br />FiW f~ r_d 1M
<br />lIol o'clock
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<br />Reaister of O<<d$
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<br />]
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />A.D. 19 ,
<br />M,. and entered in Numericllllndn. and
<br />of MottP&es. 00
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