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<br /> <br />... <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />---, <br /> <br />83.-004204 <br /> <br />This torm Ie used in connection <br />with ll1Ortll"llfll1nOU,ed _ the <br />one- 10 10.....1....111' provltlcns of <br />tho National Hou1li19i\ct. <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />01 the Coontyof <br />theMortgacor. and <br /> <br /> <br />.with deferred interest and increas- <br />ing monthly installments. <br /> <br />nns MORTGAGE. made anti execuled this 29th day of June .A.D. <br />I? 83.byandbetween RichaJ:d W. McInturf and LoiaN. McInturf, husband and wife <br /> <br />Hall . and Slate of Nebraska. party of the first pan, herejnaft~calrell' <br />Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />a corporatioo organized anti existing untfer the laws of <br />panyoftlle secood patl, hereinafter calred the MOrlgagce. <br /> <br />wrrNESSETH,Th..~tthe said Mort8ll8or. for and in consideration of the sum of Forty, Five. Thousand, Three <br />Ht.1ndl;ed and No/lOOths ------------ Do!lars($45,300.00 , J. paid by the Mort, <br />f!llget; the receipt of which is hereby acknowledlled. has Granted and Sold and by these presentsdod. Granl..~r. <br />pin. Sell. Conwy and Con1irm unl<l the Mortga~e. Its succes,sors and assigns; forever; tbe follllwlttg'.oescnbed <br />real ~Iale,silllllted in the CounlY of Hall .. and State <br />of Nebraska, to wil: <br /> <br />The Westerly Forty Four (44) feet of <br />LOts Twelve (12) and Fourteen (14) in <br />Block Twenty eight (28) in Gilbert's <br />Third Addition to the city of Grand <br />Island, ImIl County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />.l[ tile Sixlll PrilXlp,li Merulllltt, ,oMaUllng m all <br />menl survey' <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO 1I0LD the I'ft'lf.i",~ a~"''', d,,,,,"",-,d, Will> ..Ulhe appu"emm,,,, .hereunto belongong and including <br />all heatin{!, i' and l.gltlinllfixUlfe. and eqllllllllenlllOw or hereaftel atta.;hcd I" or used in cUlIIle1;tion wilb ~aid real eSlate <br />unlOtlle MorlllllSt'e. and to its ~ucce"'OIS MJ a'Mga.,, The ~h}f(I/i1I1'" repre.ents 10, and covenants wilb. Ihe M'lflga, <br />g~.. lhat the Mortga&tlr has ~ light to ",II and convey ",id prembe,; lbal lhey are lree from encumbrance; and tbal the <br />MOI'IJli&Of willwlImllll and defend the "'Ole .pill<l the lawful ;;!aHn, "I all penu", whum,,,,,veI; and the ""id M'lI1l.l<lll<lf her.. <br />b'YrelinquiW~ ;tIJ (i!lbt. 01 homr.ta<l, anJ all martlltl rights, euher in l.w 01 10 equit)', and all othel contmgelll intere~t' of the <br />~lf in and to the preuu,e., the inlention being iU ':"""tV hereby an ahM,hllt utle, in lee ,im"le. includ. <br />i"ll all righls of bomeitea<i, and ...tllef flghtS.OO inlllr"''' a, alore,at.!, <br /> <br />i'H.:res acc""ding to Govern. <br /> <br />I'RQVIOED ALWAYS, lIn.llhe...."fe.en" or. ..e<:uled anJ dehwred upon the h,Uowinj; ,onditiol". to wit: <br /> <br />The MQ!1111lll''f llgIe<:, III pay 10 the MOflg.'lgee, (If order.. lhe p"".:ip"l '''ill <.1 Forty Five Thousand Three <br />.nu.1!d and No/10.oths ----------- DoUafS\~ 45,300.00 I, <br /> <br />""tll in~~mllromdate at tile "lle 01 Twelve and One-QuaLter pet ".IIIUm ( 12.25 9" J "el annum on <br />tlleu/lfllOid b!llam:;!: U.tlW paid, 'fbc, said prim;ipal and inleresl ,halt be p"yable al the ollkt' of Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />in (iraw Il!lla.llli f,jehrl'1aka ' OJ at ,,,<:h other place as lhe holder of <br />lbr,notemlly~eltlWnt1lli.ltlm<lllt~)'tn1>iallment,of (According to Schedule A on said Note) <br />~ I, colluneUclllg On tIle fir,t day of <br />l\Itgust . f'l &3 . and <>II Ihtlllst Oll;' of tadl monlh th('J,."ftel "nul the principal and in. <br />~ lIfe,f..lly paid. .l<~pt that the final j>iIo.ment of principal and interest. if not sooner paid. ,lulU be due and <br />~)'_Mllle6r.~daYof J'l1lY, 2013 , . aU a".:urding to 1M terms of a certain promis, <br />'Wy.l!(e.enda~lm:ewilhe"ecule" by the SlIid MOftl!llillL (deferred interest shall be added to thil <br />pr~pal b!tlMCelllOnthly and shall increase. the principal balance to not more than <br />$<Jf!"$..j).O."'~inuttiu _ fully to protecl the se<:-urity of thIS Murlgage. agrees: <br /> <br />i.'~.will pay the inck/) lIefeUlbe/O{epfl,.Ww. Privilege i, reserved t.o pay the debt in whole. Of in an <br />~~to QliI:.OflllOl'fnloothlypa)"menls 011 ,the "rincip;tl that arc ne~1 due un tbe uote, on the lim day of any month <br />~~"}f}~,.~~idN. oowftvu,l1w written rnl!i<<..<I an intention to ue.rdse ~".:b privile~ is given lit fea'lt thirty UUl <br />~~t"f\l'II,.}'ltlClll. <br /> <br /> <br />[ <br /> <br />f~""iUl...ltfll1 inm:JditWnlo, the Il)OIlI!llypaymell!S of princjpal aru.l iUlerc't "",able under the tonn, of fire <br />~~. thc~!ll' willpa)' to lhe MOItgaJee.. 00 the first dllY (>> ell<:h moodl unul tlleMlill !><,te I;; lully paid. the <br /> <br /> <br />~~llUf~ttfJl)fl>ViOe the,hol~hereflf with hHld. to p:iy the ""xt mQII!1l'~ ill""'\I','" j>,,,mlUttr If Ihi. <br />It'l~f ~'. Ihc.>llf;Jt'se(\1jfC4hetellyaretlll;Jred; m a m<li'llhl)' +lm!f (i'l It.". ,rJ'lI ffkl1:/K/18,e l1I,.m",'i;' I""" <br />~;lf'~ ani ~ bythe~tary of~llttd.Umllfl,Oevt>!,opm"llI. 0$ loUows <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />II)llltllll>~1llI~~4 ,,( eV<t/l date..n;ltililo imltUillilnt al~ inMcd "r aI''' ,,,,nsured ml<lel lhe ;'P" <br />~.#the<WlI'lwolllt> Nt.tfl <t<llO\lnl""Ilk:iertllo il<:mmulat" 11111", haulh 0/ the l",l.k. ,~w <br />~ <br /> <br />~1'ttA<;21~. m""." """ $irt_ v..>'l~y "Ii._,,,,, <br /> <br />S1... n, {H NttlRAS!<'" <br />HHCHU14l'" f9~l~J <br />114 en, :100 1 WI <br />