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<br />1 DEED OF TRUST I <br /> <br />83_\104199 <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this, , , , , , , , ,~~~ . , . . . . , . .. . , . , . ,day of , , , , MJj3P,S,T. , , , , . , . . . . . . ., <br />1~3.. arnot!&thHriJslor. ..~.l\ .~, $ft.Im.,..... ~P,l.5. .~q~IL~~I<;..............,...... <br />GR:Mib' ISIAHD, NEBRASKA .. .........,.... (herein "Borrower").. , . . . .. ' , , , . , . . , . ., . .. . . . , . , . . <br />. . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . (herein "Trustee"). and the Beneliciary. <br />. " ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ . .-. . .. . . . . , -. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />. ...~~, ~~.9~P.I:r: .lM:j:~...,....,..........,..,........,..,.. .arorporatlonorganited"and <br /> <br />eltisting uRderthe laW1l of , . ~~4 ,I?N'W!'-. , . , .. .. . . . , . . , , . . , .. . ' . .. , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . .. , <br />wnO!eaddressis". .~2.Q~":f}r~. ?:1'.~~ ,~QV'rli...,.,. .l?~~ro" NQIfl'ij,DAKOTA, .58013.".. ,......... <br /> <br />. . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . ' , . . , , . , . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . (herein "Lender"), <br /> <br />BORROWFR. in <:tm'liderat1t>t1 of the indebtedness herein recited and the lrust herein created, irrevocablygrattt". <br />and conveys to Trustee. in trust. with power of sale. the following described property located intheCoullty of <br />.. '.,. . . ~~. ............... .... ,.,...., Stat.eofNebraska: <br /> <br />S. d3 1 ~ Yd (p <br />t6~~ I -3 {A/.ild <br /> <br />77. -371 <br />Pcu4- <br /> <br />11 of'~ <br /> <br />7/ <br /> <br />~t..etf' <br /> <br />whieb h.... thuU4n:ss oj . 101.5. NORTH H.I\NCC>Ci( <br /> <br />t;j'-A.ND ! S LJI..NLl <br /> <br />I~~1 <br /> <br />lt4l:JI <br /> <br />NeW....." . . . .l?li!iO,l. . . ' (hereIn "Prop,my Addre"'''!: <br />11.._1 <br />TO(;EHIIiH "jtb all the impt'o...mcmt, 110" "~I hereallce ......""I~.J Oil th.. pw!,,,"y, ,lIld ail ell.emenl\. rlghl>. <br /><lppurte~~ltlld tents l:.ub:j.i:d Mwev!:l' 10 tlM: righlS alld aUllwritit.'S given hetcilllo l.ender tll cQjk-ct and apply such <br />I'lilnl.Sl, all of ..bkh$h1l11 be ~nled \() be and retlllun a part uf the property cuvcred by this Deed of Trust: and all of <br />IhI: .fetc~. t~ber wllb wi4 p<<lpeny tor the lcasehuld estate if Ihis De<<! of Trusl i, on 1I leasehuld! are <br />hereinaf'iet.' rt/letrc4lo Mtlk: "Property" i <br />TUSa.1.JIUi il} U&der the repayment Qf the indebledl~ ~""idenred by &nQwer', oote daled, . ~u911;; t, ,5" , 1983 <br />., , . , ., , ... . , . , , . . . . . , , .. ...".., and cli'lc:usiUlIS and n:ncwals ill...!'"ol tller"in "Notc"). in the principal wm of <br />U.S~$, ~(999:99. , . . . . " ..",., .... witb iulerestlhcn:oo. providing for monlhly installments of principal alld <br />lll;tl';felit. with tbe baWwc ofthl,dndebtedn<:ss. if nul >OOUi:r paid. due and !,ayable 011 ,All'J\lsF, ,1,:;" .1't"?9, , . '.. . . <br />fbe payt>>enl Qt. a.lloUlCf "titUS, with interest thercoc, adnll~'ed in acl.'Urdallce her.:wilh to prole.:t lhe ,",curity of thi. <br />PoledO(T~;,andl..heptrl(>rma.llce (>fllle \:.on:nants and agreement" of 8o<'.-owcr herein contained. <br />~~r~'m:'CnaDl1Itltoll Bon_eri, tllWll.llly lieised of the estate hereby conveyed au4 has Ihe righl to grallt and <br />,,~~the.~ly.;W.q IhiOt Ib~ f'ropcrty is \lll~n;:umb<;:rcd. e:u:ept for ell~\lIllbrafl<:e~ of record. flofrflWer .o'cnant> <br />t~J)~"~t'W:llfrjlft~andwjlldeU:1ld gener,u!y the litle 10 Ibe Pro~rty ag<lillSl all claims alld d"'lIland~. ,ubj"'~'1 10 <br />~~~.of~. <br />~.l~~(''U''S(~f!l, a.,'l':tUwer and teud<:r roY~lIlU1t and Jliln:e a~ 1~~IlO"1i: <br />h"~.,~,t" "*1tmI.. ... I__t, Bonower sball PrullllJtly I,ay wben due Ihe principal and internl <br />~eY~~"!:l.lbytbt!Nol# ~ lab: ehlltgJ:'$Mpro.idedill Ihe NOle. <br />~.~l~~ SlIbjeetto Jlppl~.blelaw or a wrillell waive. by Lend"r. B,>rrow(,r shall pay to <br />. 9f pri~lpltlltnd iIHer\$t are pa.yable under till: NOll.'. until the Note i, paid <br />l~J.l'th ....ithe ~.l\tll' faxes lllldllt\$l:,'>$llumls ~in;:ludill-ll e,mdomillium and <br />~~~, iflUl1:lwllkh lllllyilltaiJipriurily O~'et IM~ ~ of Tru~t. and gruun!! rrlllS Oil <br />~~'t~lt9f}'l:#flY pt'efJIi1Jl'llUlstalm.enISfol' hll2lU'djnsul'lII"~, plu~ m,,,,,,dhh 01 Ilia/I) <br />,.Jut~lf1U~~urlll\~~,.lfatly. ..Illls l1:iI$t)/I.!<bly estimated ilJiti..Uy ;Iud from lim.: <"time hy <br />i .,.. ..... ..: ....... ... .' ..... ...... ....... .........l!!f~.lUIdbUJlI. lltl4reiJ$j;}uiibitestj'm.;ues IhI;rlO'of. B.n-"-l101:'nhallllo{ he \>hli:ple" 10 mak... <br />~pI!~ili l.lfFi, tbat Bon_~:r trIJ1!c;1,$ "IIt'llpd}'ftl<'nb tu t~ <11' lipdt,.. lIlortg"!!" j)r <br />~i(~~~_~ iuu l.lmltutmnlll k.ll4et. <br /> <br /> <br />~-.~.".1~~~~1WIt~..~1 <br /> <br /> <br />] <br /> <br />J <br />