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<br />83-')()4197 <br /> <br /> <br />MOR1'GAGl! <br /> <br />MORTGAGELQAN NO. HI-766 (FHA) <br />ICNOWALLMEN 8Ynlf.SEPlU1SEN1'S: That Jerry A. Rajewich and Pamela K. Rajewich, each inhi.$ <br /> <br />and her own ri9ht and as 9IXJUoo of each other, Mmtpgor. wMther OM or Rlore.1n considention Df'the sum Of <br />R'9Pt-""".n .TUnt~'t <br />"*-"I '" lIIi6 _..... by The f.qultablo> 8lliIoIlo<< ......""'" ASIIlcilItioft of <:m1d (ValId, Nebruh, MOl1pgeco, upon 185 shiIrft.tltttodc. of <br />aid A5S(X1ATlON, Ccrtiflalte No. I.. HI-766 (FHA}. do hereby pam, <:onVcy ..... _pee Wlto tM tUtASSOClA1l0N thefollcnrini <br />descriIIW. rnI _..., situated ilIlld C,>IlJJty. Nebnrtta: <br /> <br />Lot Une (1) in Block 'I'wo (2) in Brentwood <br /> <br />Second :;ubdivision, Ci ty of Grand Island, <br /> <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />,~ wttl> .11 tM. '._It. l~. "*' >:ppwl.......,.. 11""'-0 ....~, !Uclud.... a'lQtcd llooJ cowriap, all wiAdow _ <br />.... ..... blirIdl, ItoIm ~ IWIIiIlp. ~.... ","""'~lUld plmubooc Ind wal<< equipment ami ~ thctelo.plIJIlpl,_. <br />J1lfr~. ad ollm C"._ and ...~ _.... hemll.. .nlldll!<! 10 or "'" It! ctml'JtJt1loo with ",ill ..,oJ cstale. <br />AMI """"'- rhe uill ~ l>ao ~ ..... d"". ltcroby....... Ih". the """lPl'" >hall and "ill pay all lalla lUld _I' levied or <br />---.1Ip<IO ... ~ lAd UplIft 11ul_1pIe'" ~ bQnd _ed l~ bolw<" lhe ....... ~ ~ delinqumf.; lr:J furJllSh aJlPffl'l'l'd <br />--- .....rn.. ~.... _~1Iir0llted '" IM._uI 116. :;43,(,0 !'"yoN< III ..ill ~'tlCtATlON and 10 d.Iiw, 10 sairI <br />A.SIl(X;t....l1ON'lW~ 1m.... w-_:..... _In <_ Of,..."", lltJy "llIIe .... '" "bout Olbd pn_; <br />I" caw uI dftnll .... the ,.,i.._ uI """ uI,hc ,...... * .......w...... of 'iI.. _I..., 0' Ihe bond _"" Mr""y. lbe 100".... thall, <br />UIl ~ " _le4 ,.. "-"- ~ of '" "'"'r'~ ~ ..HI lite """,_ he.",,)' .......... Uluui... *"" ..I. ...... It, ,he <br />~. all ,..., _la, '_*"" ~ \U I>e dot...... t'..... ilw _~ P'- d"'fflI wdt time ...11m murt,. "tdeblc.b_ thall remain <br />~; ...... I"" _~ otWIltow. ,Ito,.._ ... ~ "'Y _,,,, ....,r. .1 -r <1<_ I". lhe ""'''''''"' uf ,.."'""..... aid p'..........nd renting <br />1M -...... .~.....lbe _','_"0''''' _. *"" II ".." poy"uI 0' ...'" ...._ >I, ..""_ "r ........itIg =id p'''m- IfId _y <br />u ,..' . "'" and c~ _.ed. it, '''1>tIol!lt. .""'" ~ ,1>0 _. ."" .., <1</1<<1",& ....Uk '....d_; ,he ""IAS<< Ie. -..nlIl&.." if auy. 10 be <br />~ 1_4.the ~ of sM. _~ ~~....... 'JlIAU of ,... ..-,..... may ""...ci004 '" .IIfl) I..... dwitlg the e~ uI suc:b <br />~. ir"""f'l'lil""'" ...y ...........tIfY _ of the _. <br />UItM"'-I>, '--. ue "l""I .b< C............. ThaI.. lhe..... Nur..." .tl.a!! "',"')' ...,.J I.."" .... '" bot.... ,,'" malwll)' of ..... slw.. by <br />~; I"IY -My ,-.. ..... i\SSOC'M.llON ,>f lltr _ ~lcd If> the Ik>nd .,.,....ed Itc'''''y ... JnI..<<I and P'~ OIl =id k_.l>o "I ImCwe <br />!Jot T_i<</I;4QI 0( .ad! ....tno>): ~.....ui .... top .. fully poW; ~ all ~ MIll __.Icwl4......... _ ~ and on lhidlotlpge <br />-' Jill! 80tld ....~ l""'obr.~.~)', r",...... "pp'vm.t...........,. """" the ~ the....... '" the _ 01 I Ui 1543.60 payiible <br />,.. ... ASliOCIATIOH;...,." 10 .....ASS()(cIA nON......... d<-1Wml all....-y by" ",..<I t.... _II uus. _u "OOlm<or_ with lDle'<<II' <br />tt. ...........liIplfat" 1""- b_ u...r ~ .Ii of ..Iudt .......1pjlQr OW_I" pay; p'nm 00 ..IOU on Mid pnmites; keep and <OIUjJly <br />.....w. d tlot ~.,.g ~t_ of the 0-11<" J .HI 1:.>43.w I".. """&1- by u.. "<If""'" ." ..... i\SS(X"A lION. and eomply <br />WItIt..u...~...rlheC_II~M4IJy..u-Q\SlndASS(.lt:l^nON; 11_ ,,- p'_I' ~ ~ AWl and wid.OIMrwite lhey <br />.. ..\lIIliIl . r.... I_OII:.and -, bt ~ It I. upll<'" ,,11M _ i\SS(l(:I.AnON .rle. lllllrlfc (01 lInco _,lit 10 ollU ""y of Aid <br />........... bot Ibm. -u.. III "'_.. __ SInd~)' ~.,. '0 bel> lfnd ~ with"'" ._fl,aand t:tlI\diIioolol lIlid Ilond. <br />_...........-19............. ~lhc~.......... fur~ ~ <br />If. .... .M!)I.... .. ~..... _,,",,, _ -tM;od -..... ~ .. ... "tbtrw., rJwa u", .,:ntitc .cfllllWDl _bI.e4Uea bet"">' <br />~~.titupt_~nc~""_LoM~""Gaad WamI,Nebrub.,bowme ~IY dlIeM4pt1)'.we lrilhout <br />r.. ~.lIIl!f. the ___ ~..,. .... _ boait. _...,.llt. IIooarl for lIIl)' ~ ad_JDlIoItc lhetewdor.alWI. f'\JlDlbe <br />_.._..of.. _..... ... ~..r_opliol!._.. ~.. at the.. ____iepl_,_,............ _y tloeio lie fimdclsed. . to AliIiythe_tdlIeQAaid <br />h:!!Ml,;...., o.tlt!!N boatl foe aoWtt....--..~ willi. _ paid"" _ The liquil.ablc ~ _.Wm ~ ~ GWlllllland. <br />~fac ~,IuA_ [llll,.",hb"~ c~....... "'itA loI.etal me.-, (,om diat. ~ ptIymellt at lbe ~ <br />..-. <br />.AII.~ iD ."" toAd_w heicby'.whilc Ihir. _....,.... '" cfI4t tho ......~ fAIl)' hctW,." ~ addttiooal_ to 1M <br />......0{ tIi!l......tI\eiI~.... ~iD IIIlCrClil. ~-tJtalll>o within tho _..ot)' uf 1M ~ "'" _ u lbe fWldsooislltalJy <br />.~......" u.. ..~ ........Of priacipd 40bt _ lu~..,..hl Ull' Umc ""'...... _I ~ tRiuoortpp. <br />.~... 7\ <tayuf June .\.0..1983 <br />( '" <br /> <br />] <br /> <br /> <br />.~~~::::l'" o...1bit 7t.h day~ JUlle I\lSJ .bef_.... <br /> <br />u",lI:Ad;aJit;ttcd.1l Nmwy ....,.. ... !lmlIQc aid CWI!IY, per--.IIY_ <br />~~"R4jw1d1 <1Wd ~.K. Ril.jew.l.(Jh. each in his and her 0\'t1) ~ht and a~ <br />~.....~...~~-} . ".tn. . . l<l <br />...-....~pIMlJ,& .....- S ..\U'e ~ to tll<toll<M ..._ol.. ~s lfnd UIilY -..ur <br />.l!Il~lJ"A_....~",. tbej.r. ~"' <br />~".~lIIIil"'''k!iI._ dale If....... <br />.., <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />--. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(;://' -~::':j >,' <- <br />IC. . 4__~LN.;.,ry ~ ... <br /> <br />r <br />