<br />
<br />~04192
<br />
<br />[,OWER O~~ AT'fORNEY
<br />
<br />I, lUlaE. Stelk, of 1104 West Fourth Street, Grand ISland,
<br />Nebral'>ka 6fH.lOl, make, constitute and appoint my son, Maynard J. Stelk,
<br />of' Route 2, Box 106, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska 68801, my
<br />true and lawful l!ttorney in fact for me and in my name, place and
<br />stead, on my behalf, and for my use and benefit:
<br />
<br />1. To depoeit in my name and ror my account with any bank, trust
<br />cOOIpany, or other financial institution all rnoneys payable. or belong-
<br />ing tpM, including checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange and all
<br />other cOmmercial J.nstruments, and for that purpose to sign my name and
<br />endorse all documents for deposit or collection or any other purpose
<br />deemed necossaryby my attorney in fact.
<br />
<br />2. '1'0 wi. thdraw all moneys deposi teed wi th dOY bank, trust compilny, and
<br />other financial ~nstitutions having moneys belonging to me and for
<br />that purpose to draw checks in my name, sign wi thdrawal slips and
<br />execute any other instruments necessary for withdrawing moneys belongj;ng
<br />to me.
<br />
<br />,3. To sell, transfer, l:,xchange, mortgage, encumber by security agree-
<br />ment, ltlClrtgage or any other form of encumbrance, or otherwise dispose
<br />of o.r encumber any of my property, including real estate and personal
<br />l:>roperty, and to execute and. deliver deeds, including deeds of war-
<br />ranty, contracts, lulls of sale, mortgages, security ~gre.ements and
<br />othor documents necessary to <<ct in carr}'J.ng out these powers.
<br />
<br />4, To rent, repair:, mountain and insure real estate and personal
<br />property.
<br />
<br />5. To collect, su~, comprom~se or otherwise dispose of any claim or
<br />debt duo or payao Ie to I:lO, and to pi'l}", C'ompromi se or oche rwise di scha rge
<br />0.11(1 secure relth!ISel:l fnJr:! .?,uy obligations or claims owed to me.
<br />
<br />tl. 1'0 Ilold, rnan3ge, lnvest, :Cl.nnvest, tradQ, cxchang'!l, buy and sell
<br />Ll1vesClllent socuritl",s now owned by me or dcqu~red later by my attorney
<br />Ul fact for me,
<br />
<br />
<br />7-.-. To lea.$-Q, rent" ffH:lfH.i-\Jt:-1: tenninat:,:e lea~.)(,;:ti, contract a~ to, and
<br />g~m{H:ally deal in <.nu \.l5e all (,t my real estate and interests. in real
<br />estate, npon .;:oveu<wts, conai tions, terms and provisions my attorney
<br />in f~ct ",hall determine, in the sole dlcscret;ion of illY attorney in fact
<br />fo.( my bea.!: int.er.nits, receive and collect all tents and all o'wer
<br />illllOl.m.ts due me &8 security for the faithful f'(~rfoxmance of leases and
<br />4.11 rents d.ue and payable to me, and execute all necessary documents,
<br />tlQtic~~, receipts and other paper:.> pertaining to ny real estate.
<br />
<br />a. 'i'9 ffit~H::cise or perfotlll any aqt;, poweJ.', duty, right or obligation
<br />wnatSQever that.! now have, or may hereafter acquire the legal rignt,
<br />pow~r, or capacity to exercise or perform, in connection with, arising
<br />fr~1 OJ:: relating to any person, item, transaction, thing, business
<br />pI:'bpe~ty, n~~l or personal, tangiblo or int<<ngible, or matter whatsoever.
<br />
<br />PQ~J::' of. Attorney shall not 00 affected by my disability as
<br />l' re~crvetbe right to revoke. this Power of Attorney in
<br />
<br />of this Power of Attorney has tht-~ same force and
<br />si9ned and acknowledged by me.
<br />
<br />GJ;and lalan<i, Nebz:Aska, on ~!(~".._ ,/ I
<br />
<br />, 198:1.
<br />
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<br />19&.3 .b}'SHa $. Stelk.
<br />
<br />
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<br />