<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />DateJ a.n_l. ~L_}.~~!,_
<br />
<br />83-004191
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />,.~.,__,____COUNTY, NEBRASKA
<br />
<br />This is 10 certify that there is pending in the Cuunly COlIrl o!_____'_,_,~,~l_ ____._.,___,___County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />
<br />In the Matter of the__1:.$j:;ilte...9J'_Jo_~_fLB:i,g_k~r:t~_.Pg.geg:,;~_(L
<br />
<br />No;38_314
<br />
<br />Doc.._______ Pagc____. __
<br />
<br />which is a proceeding involving__
<br />
<br />-----------. .~-- .-.-------.-------
<br />
<br />(probate 0/ will, adminislration of (s!a!~. determinafioTl oj heirs, dtltrminalion
<br />
<br />of inheritanct IllX. guardilJnship. or fCnSUl'OIOnhip
<br />
<br />_".__. In which proceeding Ihe following described real
<br />
<br />estate is involved, to-wit:
<br />
<br />North Half of theSoutheast Quarter (N%SE~) except 1.79 acres of Highway
<br />in Section Twelve,(12), Township ten (10) ;]orth, Range Twelve (12),
<br />West of the 6th P.H., and
<br />
<br />South Half oi' the Southeast Quarter (S.~SE;~), Except
<br />in Sectl.on Twelve (12 ,Township Ten (1U) north,
<br />West of the 6th P.M, in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />1.79 acres of Highway
<br />Flange 'rwelve (12),
<br />
<br />james A. Kelly
<br />
<br />".
<br />/-";" "''''~''''..''-~, ~""<
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<br />Seqif!f~ .Z....,;i/H/. '''In .allY prl1cudill~ it~ lhe counly f-f)Ulllrr!>{JI.J.'(JJI1 i I) the flfobale of wiU, UhJU !1u~ jlt(wisifnH v,f Cltru#a JO-. tutide
<br />2.. (2).tiit fI.-dm.ip-i.stfaltrtn 0./ t.$/iJJu umitt lire jI!Q!lis.imu oj CJtUj).(.ef 30, ar{ic}(~ S. ~:f} th~ d.tif1.rmmfJfi~.i, oj heir$. undtr tht.pr(;jli$ifmS ~,l
<br />Ch4pl-<f 3J1... l.lriwe r;; (41 the dtlttm~naliaJl 0/ i}fr~liJfUH-:t !fJ,;A under !h( prtJl'I$.i(J.ru. (;f C/tttpta 77. attide ro, QuardidJi$.n.ip...
<br />~ t~'.p~ir.~.~.ns. qf C~plU Ja. {It/leil! t, 2. S. at. -I, Of (6} (o!1sefl!ulO:/~biV5 $.1mlu {ift pri"M.)isi~rni tJ-/ CbfA.{Jl.f-l urlidf. g, when-
<br />>r~~'t4llf, il..an1l. JUli't;;J fht u;i;'<,($ oj fh€ f:$1alr VT {lff)n:i!diFill. (h~ r,.oun!v jthige Pef{)(~ WhO'/'r;llhe ~.~ 1'f.Hi,liftl1 shuN i:HtJt i1
<br />te/ti/i,-fJolf: ~'idt. :shall.be jii<<f. <<'ttit Uu: Hgt$lu fl.;- qc~dt; {If tI~t County in ,~.'hidt !hf' tf;'a! fsj(J~e iunltr.a wdbin [Ut tlfJ/J.s alltl tht
<br />du~ri",iil" "1141:t",,1 .$lat. !.jilt<! ,,,II>< WMrtdu'i/,""
<br />
<br />Coul/ly Judy" vf swd rulln/y
<br />
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<br />, I /' j' 1/ P{' ,:
<br />I-t---~'--, "c~~,,-1,,~_"-~___.
<br />Clerk oj Ihe C<1lwty CQurl
<br />