<br />~
<br />
<br />Loan No. 53053-1-18
<br />
<br />
<br />83-004174
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />.~~.OF'11W$T.~tbis.....,... :>tJl...... ...." . day of ,..~t;......., ,. .......
<br />t'f1.?~!~'tIlO1'tuIuw.w.ur.l..1l" .?l~PlrAt;t; .4". JUA1.4tGe. JC... .Uov.bt.t.., .bl:J8band. aM ;wt.fe...
<br />"... . ,!.1l.tll9t~..o;tCIt.dlllf;... . (bereln "Borrower"),. ,................. '.' .... ..........
<br />.~~, ... ,.;,;, '.'" ,........... .... ......... ....... . (herein "Trustee"). and the Benefielary.
<br />~. .t.,.. .......... .... ." '~.A~.. .~. LIX<:QUi . . . . . . . . .. a corpora. .. lion ...o...rgatI..... ..i%ed......... .and
<br />,. , .. .... , .... ..... ... rica . 'c. 1 .'.' ..
<br />~",Ja....of ................. ....... ..... ... ................., whose address IS. ..A3S.:tt......
<br />fi.. ~h..~,,*.685D8.............................. . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~~ incousiderattOll of the indel:.ltedness heTein recited and. the trust be~in created, irrevocably grants
<br />_~ to Trust.Clt, intrust, with power of sale, the following described property located. in theCouflty . of
<br />l1lAl: .. . . . . '" . . . , .. , . . .. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . '. Stllre of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />tot Fifteen US}. EaglEM:xld J\cres SUbdivision, Hall COUrtty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />~ _tbe~of.. illi1A ,Sroouridp .~atb. , . . , . . . . . . . .GuQll.llll_ . , . . . . ,. . .
<br />l~ leftyj
<br />..)~.. . , . .6~1... . <..."Proptny Mdress"'};
<br />t~_.llp.~..
<br />~tll:.. wjtb. aD.tbe ,~t$ _ Of hereafter erll'<;i.ed on the property, and lilt ea5emtnts. rights.
<br />~t'1tl~,~(~~to IheriJhl$lInd 1I11thofitieli stven bere.in 10 Lender tO~lIndllpply such
<br />~)~~~...ojt ud .Pl. riF a.n4.proilts. Wllttt1', water ~ and water uo<:k, and 1I1l.lilltures now or
<br />~~.to_~)'..not ~.~ repn.~ IlndlldQilKms tlteteto, shan be deellled to be
<br />~~jll'~_Ule.~.. ~b)'1biI! De<<l of Tnm~llnd ail of~Jor~, toaether wilhsald property
<br />{"'....~~it.l>eo\iofTMti5ona ~l a~ herein re!e:rted Iou ttw .,Property";
<br />
<br />'. .~~ (a) 'tIlOrepa,.... oflhc ~~ev~ by ~.!; IKlte da.<<:4. .~1; ,~(
<br />.. ,(~""~),iftJhc~ ~of$1~." ~ .~~l104 .'tIn;... ~~l''', .an4- . . . . .
<br />.f,: ?'.....,. " "..". . P.".. p .~,1iritlt ifltet$l~, ~for monUI!y in&t4lhmn\s
<br />~~~",,~"~of m.~, if not ~ paid, du;: alldpayab!eoo. ' . .
<br />'.'.,',.''''H.'' .,.". ...;lh\!,.,~t (If all,oth<<s\llI'iS.wltb intcres,t lher~,adva~
<br />. .~it)' .o(~~ofT~;IUld the .~~ of tbot ooYel1aJ1b, IInd
<br />(bJlll4~~19hllyMllnl.Il;;J:..nce&. with il'\te~llhereQll.madr
<br />. ~(~in"FlltUtllAdv.~").
<br />
<br />jj~ua1~:(lt~..t4l~ .veJ'tdMd hastk rilbno j,\I'1U1t and
<br />f~;~,.'"l4...~...~ will ~t land defe>>4~raJly fM
<br />....;~tI)_~.-.~~ Ot~_li!;lM ill II
<br />,m.~..~~.~.4ntkt's ~ in.tM ~lty,
<br />
<br />'O'hl 14'
<br />